clean db interface and comment model

Martin Zimmermann 11 years ago
parent c7ee35423b
commit 5cad8fb8b5

@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ import sys
import io
import os
import json
import locale
import traceback
from os.path import dirname, join
from argparse import ArgumentParser
@ -48,7 +46,7 @@ from werkzeug.serving import run_simple
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from isso import db, utils, migrate
from isso import db, utils, migrate, views
from isso.views import comment, admin
url_map = Map([

@ -122,29 +122,29 @@ class SQLite(Abstract):
def add(self, path, c, remote_addr):
def add(self, uri, c, remote_addr):
voters = buffer(Bloomfilter(iterable=[remote_addr]).array)
with sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath) as con:
keys = ','.join(self.fields)
values = ','.join('?' * len(self.fields))
con.execute('INSERT INTO comments (%s) VALUES (%s);' % (keys, values), (
path, 0, c.created, c.modified, c.text,, c.hash,,
c.parent, self.mode, voters)
uri, 0, time.time(), None, c["text"], c["author"], c["hash"], c["website"],
c["parent"], self.mode, voters)
with sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath) as con:
return self.query2comment(
con.execute('SELECT *, MAX(id) FROM comments WHERE path=?;', (path, )).fetchone())
con.execute('SELECT *, MAX(id) FROM comments WHERE path=?;', (uri, )).fetchone())
def activate(self, path, id):
with sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath) as con:
con.execute("UPDATE comments SET mode=1 WHERE path=? AND id=? AND mode=2", (path, id))
return self.get(path, id)
def update(self, path, id, comment):
def update(self, path, id, values):
with sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath) as con:
for field, value in comment.iteritems(False):
con.execute('UPDATE comments SET %s=? WHERE path=? AND id=?;' % field,
for key, value in values.iteritems():
con.execute('UPDATE comments SET %s=? WHERE path=? AND id=?;' % key,
(value, path, id))
with sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath) as con:
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class SQLite(Abstract):
con.execute('UPDATE comments SET text=? WHERE path=? AND id=?', ('', path, id))
con.execute('UPDATE comments SET mode=? WHERE path=? AND id=?', (4, path, id))
for field in set(Comment.fields) - set(['text', 'parent']):
for field in ('text', 'author', 'website'):
con.execute('UPDATE comments SET %s=? WHERE path=? AND id=?' % field,
(None, path, id))
return self.get(path, id)

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from __future__ import division
import sys
import os
from time import mktime, strptime, sleep
from time import mktime, strptime
from urlparse import urlparse
from collections import defaultdict

@ -3,11 +3,9 @@
# Copyright 2012, Martin Zimmermann <>. All rights reserved.
# License: BSD Style, 2 clauses. see isso/
import json
import time
import hashlib
from __future__ import unicode_literals
aluhut = lambda ip: hashlib.sha1(ip + '\x082@t9*\x17\xad\xc1\x1c\xa5\x98').hexdigest()
import hashlib
class Comment(object):
@ -25,50 +23,41 @@ class Comment(object):
normal and queued using MODE=3.
protected = ['path', 'id', 'mode', 'created', 'modified', 'hash', 'votes']
fields = ['text', 'author', 'website', 'parent']
def __init__(self, **kw):
fields = ["text", "author", "website", "votes", "hash", "parent", "mode", "id",
"created", "modified"]
for field in self.protected + self.fields:
setattr(self, field, kw.get(field))
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def iteritems(self, protected=True):
for field in self.fields:
yield field, getattr(self, field)
if protected:
for field in self.protected:
yield field, getattr(self, field)
self.values = {}
def fromjson(self, data, ip=''):
for key in Comment.fields:
self.values[key] = kwargs.get(key, None)
if '.' in ip:
ip = ip.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.0'
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.values[key]
data = json.loads(data)
comment = Comment(
hash=hashlib.md5(data.get('email', aluhut(ip))).hexdigest())
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.values[key] = value
for field in self.fields:
if field == 'text' and field not in data:
raise ValueError('Comment needs at least text, but no text was provided.')
setattr(comment, field, data.get(field))
return comment
def iteritems(self):
for key in Comment.fields:
yield key, self.values[key]
def pending(self):
return self.mode == 2
return self.values["mode"] == 2
def deleted(self):
return self.mode == 4
return self.values["mode"] == 4
def md5(self):
hv = hashlib.md5()
for key in set(self.fields) - set(['parent', ]):
hv.update((getattr(self, key) or u"").encode('utf-8', errors="replace"))
for key, value in self.iteritems():
if key == "parent" or value is None:
hv.update(unicode(self.values.get(key, "")).encode("utf-8", "replace")) # XXX
return hv.hexdigest()

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import json
import socket
import httplib
import ipaddress
import math
import random
import hashlib
import contextlib
@ -48,6 +48,17 @@ def normalize(host):
return (rv.netloc + ':443') if rv.scheme == 'https' else rv.netloc
def anonymize(remote_addr):
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(remote_addr)
if ip.version == "4":
return ''.join(ip.exploded.rsplit('.', 1)[0]) + '.' + '0'
return ip.exploded.rsplit(':', 4)[0]
def salt(value, s=u'\x082@t9*\x17\xad\xc1\x1c\xa5\x98'):
return hashlib.sha1((value + s).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
def mksecret(length):
return ''.join(random.choice(ascii_letters + digits) for x in range(length))

@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
# License: BSD Style, 2 clauses. see isso/
import cgi
import urllib
import json
import hashlib
import sqlite3
import logging
from itsdangerous import SignatureExpired, BadSignature
@ -43,28 +46,40 @@ def create(app, environ, request, uri):
return Response('URI does not exist', 400)
comment = models.Comment.fromjson(, ip=request.remote_addr)
except ValueError as e:
return Response(unicode(e), 400)
data = json.loads(
except ValueError:
return Response("No JSON object could be decoded", 400)
for attr in 'author', 'website':
if getattr(comment, attr) is not None:
setattr(comment, attr, cgi.escape(getattr(comment, attr)))
except AttributeError:
Response('', 400)
if not data.get("text"):
return Response("No text given.", 400)
if "id" in data and not isinstance(data["id"], int):
return Response("Parent ID must be an integer.")
if "email" in data:
hash = data["email"]
hash = utils.salt(utils.anonymize(request.remote_addr))
comment = models.Comment(
text=data["text"], parent=data.get("parent"),
author=data.get("author") and cgi.escape(data.get("author")),
website=data.get("website") and cgi.escape(data.get("website")),
rv = app.db.add(uri, comment, request.remote_addr)
except ValueError:
abort(400) # FIXME: custom exception class, error descr
rv = app.db.add(uri, comment, utils.anonymize(request.remote_addr))
except sqlite3.Error:
logging.exception('uncaught SQLite3 exception')
md5 = rv.md5
rv.text = app.markdown(rv.text)
rv["text"] = app.markdown(rv["text"])
resp = Response(app.dumps(rv), 202 if rv.pending else 201,
resp.set_cookie('%s-%s' % (uri,, app.sign([uri,, md5]),
resp.set_cookie('%s-%s' % (uri, rv["id"]), app.sign([uri, rv["id"], rv.md5]),
max_age=app.MAX_AGE, path='/')
return resp
@ -94,7 +109,7 @@ def modify(app, environ, request, uri, id):
rv = app.unsign(request.cookies.get('%s-%s' % (uri, id), ''))
except (SignatureExpired, BadSignature) as e:
except (SignatureExpired, BadSignature):
rv = app.unsign(request.cookies.get('admin', ''))
except (SignatureExpired, BadSignature):
@ -106,11 +121,25 @@ def modify(app, environ, request, uri, id):
if request.method == 'PUT':
rv = app.db.update(uri, id, models.Comment.fromjson(
rv.text = app.markdown(rv.text)
return Response(app.dumps(rv), 200, content_type='application/json')
except ValueError as e:
return Response(unicode(e), 400) # FIXME: custom exception and error descr
data = json.loads(
except ValueError:
return Response("No JSON object could be decoded", 400)
if not data.get("text"):
return Response("No text given.", 400)
for key in data.keys():
if key not in ("text", "author", "website"):
rv = app.db.update(uri, id, data)
except sqlite3.Error:
logging.exception('uncaught SQLite3 exception')
rv["text"] = app.markdown(rv["text"])
return Response(app.dumps(rv), 200, content_type='application/json')
if request.method == 'DELETE':
rv = app.db.delete(uri, id)

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import json
import urllib
@ -57,11 +59,10 @@ class TestComments(unittest.TestCase):
assert rv.status_code == 201
assert len(filter(lambda header: header[0] == 'Set-Cookie', rv.headers)) == 1
c = Comment.fromjson(
rv = json.loads(
assert not c.pending
assert not c.deleted
assert c.text == '<p>Lorem ipsum ...</p>\n'
assert rv["mode"] == 1
assert rv["text"] == '<p>Lorem ipsum ...</p>\n'
def testCreateAndGetMultiple(self):
@ -154,3 +155,16 @@ class TestComments(unittest.TestCase):
assert a['hash'] != ''
assert a['hash'] == b['hash']
assert a['hash'] != c['hash']
def testVisibleFields(self):
rv ='/new?uri=%2Fpath%2F', data=json.dumps({"text": "..."}))
assert rv.status_code == 201
rv = json.loads(
for key in Comment.fields:
assert rv.keys() == []

@ -1,19 +1,13 @@
import os
import json
import time
import tempfile
import unittest
import isso
from isso.models import Comment
from isso.db import SQLite
def comment(**kw):
return Comment.fromjson(json.dumps(kw))
class TestSQLite(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
@ -23,61 +17,59 @@ class TestSQLite(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get(self):
rv = self.db.add('/', comment(text='Spam'), '')
c = self.db.get('/',
rv = self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Spam'), '')
c = self.db.get('/', rv["id"])
assert == 1
assert c.text == 'Spam'
assert c["id"] == 1
assert c["text"] == 'Spam'
def test_add(self):
self.db.add('/', comment(text='Foo'), '')
self.db.add('/', comment(text='Bar'), '')
self.db.add('/path/', comment(text='Baz'), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Foo'), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Bar'), '')
self.db.add('/path/', Comment(text='Baz'), '')
rv = list(self.db.retrieve('/'))
assert rv[0].id == 1
assert rv[0].path == '/'
assert rv[0].text == 'Foo'
assert rv[0]["id"] == 1
assert rv[0]["text"] == 'Foo'
assert rv[1].id == 2
assert rv[1].text == 'Bar'
assert rv[1]["id"] == 2
assert rv[1]["text"] == 'Bar'
rv = list(self.db.retrieve('/path/'))
assert rv[0].id == 1
assert rv[0].path == '/path/'
assert rv[0].text == 'Baz'
assert rv[0]["id"] == 1
assert rv[0]["text"] == 'Baz'
def test_add_return(self):
self.db.add('/', comment(text='1'), '')
self.db.add('/', comment(text='2'), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='1'), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='2'), '')
assert self.db.add('/path/', comment(text='1'), '').id == 1
assert self.db.add('/path/', Comment(text='1'), '')["id"] == 1
def test_update(self):
rv = self.db.add('/', comment(text='Foo'), '')
rv = self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Foo'), '')
rv = self.db.update('/',, comment(text='Bla'))
c = self.db.get('/',
rv = self.db.update('/', rv["id"], {"text": "Bla"})
c = self.db.get('/', rv["id"])
assert == 1
assert c.text == 'Bla'
assert c.created < c.modified
assert c["id"] == 1
assert c["text"] == 'Bla'
assert c["created"] < c["modified"]
def test_delete(self):
rv = self.db.add('/', comment(
rv = self.db.add('/', Comment(
text='F**CK', author='P*NIS', website=''), '')
assert self.db.delete('/', == None
assert self.db.delete('/', rv["id"]) == None
def test_recent(self):
self.db.add('/path/', comment(text='2'), '')
self.db.add('/path/', Comment(text='2'), '')
for x in range(5):
self.db.add('/', comment(text='%i' % (x+1)), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='%i' % (x+1)), '')
assert len(list(self.db.recent(mode=7))) == 6
assert len(list(self.db.recent(mode=7, limit=5))) == 5
@ -95,13 +87,13 @@ class TestSQLitePending(unittest.TestCase):
def test_retrieve(self):
self.db.add('/', comment(text='Foo'), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Foo'), '')
assert len(list(self.db.retrieve('/'))) == 0
def test_activate(self):
self.db.add('/', comment(text='Foo'), '')
self.db.add('/', comment(text='Bar'), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Foo'), '')
self.db.add('/', Comment(text='Bar'), '')
self.db.activate('/', 2)
assert len(list(self.db.retrieve('/'))) == 1

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import json
import tempfile
