mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 12:21:17 +00:00
New Dynamips integration part 3
This commit is contained in:
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class Config(object):
Singleton to return only on instance of Config.
:params files: Array of configuration files (optionnal)
:params files: Array of configuration files (optional)
:returns: instance of Config
@ -15,10 +15,12 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import asyncio
from ..web.route import Route
from ..schemas.dynamips import ROUTER_CREATE_SCHEMA
from ..schemas.dynamips import ROUTER_OBJECT_SCHEMA
from ..schemas.dynamips import VM_CREATE_SCHEMA
from ..schemas.dynamips import VM_UPDATE_SCHEMA
from ..schemas.dynamips import VM_OBJECT_SCHEMA
from ..modules.dynamips import Dynamips
from ..modules.project_manager import ProjectManager
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ class DynamipsHandler:
"project_id": "UUID for the project"
@ -40,20 +42,194 @@ class DynamipsHandler:
400: "Invalid request",
409: "Conflict"
description="Create a new Dynamips router instance",
description="Create a new Dynamips VM instance",
def create(request, response):
dynamips_manager = Dynamips.instance()
vm = yield from dynamips_manager.create_vm(request.json.pop("name"),
#for name, value in request.json.items():
# if hasattr(vm, name) and getattr(vm, name) != value:
# setattr(vm, name, value)
# set VM options
for name, value in request.json.items():
if hasattr(vm, name) and getattr(vm, name) != value:
setter = getattr(vm, "set_{}".format(name))
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(vm.close):
yield from setter(value)
"project_id": "UUID for the project",
"vm_id": "UUID for the instance"
200: "Success",
400: "Invalid request",
404: "Instance doesn't exist"
description="Get a Dynamips VM instance",
def show(request, response):
dynamips_manager = Dynamips.instance()
vm = dynamips_manager.get_vm(request.match_info["vm_id"], project_id=request.match_info["project_id"])
"project_id": "UUID for the project",
"vm_id": "UUID for the instance"
200: "Instance updated",
400: "Invalid request",
404: "Instance doesn't exist",
409: "Conflict"
description="Update a Dynamips VM instance",
def update(request, response):
dynamips_manager = Dynamips.instance()
vm = dynamips_manager.get_vm(request.match_info["vm_id"], project_id=request.match_info["project_id"])
# FIXME: set options
#for name, value in request.json.items():
# if hasattr(vm, name) and getattr(vm, name) != value:
# setattr(vm, name, value)
"project_id": "UUID for the project",
"vm_id": "UUID for the instance"
204: "Instance deleted",
400: "Invalid request",
404: "Instance doesn't exist"
description="Delete a Dynamips VM instance")
def delete(request, response):
# check the project_id exists
yield from Dynamips.instance().delete_vm(request.match_info["vm_id"])
"project_id": "UUID for the project",
"vm_id": "UUID for the instance"
204: "Instance started",
400: "Invalid request",
404: "Instance doesn't exist"
description="Start a Dynamips VM instance")
def start(request, response):
dynamips_manager = Dynamips.instance()
vm = dynamips_manager.get_vm(request.match_info["vm_id"], project_id=request.match_info["project_id"])
yield from vm.start()
"project_id": "UUID for the project",
"vm_id": "UUID for the instance"
204: "Instance stopped",
400: "Invalid request",
404: "Instance doesn't exist"
description="Stop a Dynamips VM instance")
def stop(request, response):
dynamips_manager = Dynamips.instance()
vm = dynamips_manager.get_vm(request.match_info["vm_id"], project_id=request.match_info["project_id"])
yield from vm.stop()
"project_id": "UUID for the project",
"vm_id": "UUID for the instance"
204: "Instance suspended",
400: "Invalid request",
404: "Instance doesn't exist"
description="Suspend a Dynamips VM instance")
def suspend(request, response):
dynamips_manager = Dynamips.instance()
vm = dynamips_manager.get_vm(request.match_info["vm_id"], project_id=request.match_info["project_id"])
yield from vm.suspend()
"project_id": "UUID for the project",
"vm_id": "UUID for the instance"
204: "Instance resumed",
400: "Invalid request",
404: "Instance doesn't exist"
description="Resume a suspended Dynamips VM instance")
def suspend(request, response):
dynamips_manager = Dynamips.instance()
vm = dynamips_manager.get_vm(request.match_info["vm_id"], project_id=request.match_info["project_id"])
yield from vm.resume()
"project_id": "UUID for the project",
"vm_id": "UUID for the instance"
204: "Instance reloaded",
400: "Invalid request",
404: "Instance doesn't exist"
description="Reload a Dynamips VM instance")
def reload(request, response):
dynamips_manager = Dynamips.instance()
vm = dynamips_manager.get_vm(request.match_info["vm_id"], project_id=request.match_info["project_id"])
yield from vm.reload()
@ -19,81 +19,18 @@
Dynamips server module.
import aiohttp
import sys
import os
import base64
import tempfile
import shutil
import glob
import socket
from gns3server.config import Config
# from .hypervisor import Hypervisor
# from .hypervisor_manager import HypervisorManager
# from .dynamips_error import DynamipsError
# # Nodes
# from .nodes.router import Router
# from .nodes.c1700 import C1700
# from .nodes.c2600 import C2600
# from .nodes.c2691 import C2691
# from .nodes.c3600 import C3600
# from .nodes.c3725 import C3725
# from .nodes.c3745 import C3745
# from .nodes.c7200 import C7200
# from .nodes.bridge import Bridge
# from .nodes.ethernet_switch import EthernetSwitch
# from .nodes.atm_switch import ATMSwitch
# from .nodes.atm_bridge import ATMBridge
# from .nodes.frame_relay_switch import FrameRelaySwitch
# from .nodes.hub import Hub
# # Adapters
# from .adapters.c7200_io_2fe import C7200_IO_2FE
# from .adapters.c7200_io_fe import C7200_IO_FE
# from .adapters.c7200_io_ge_e import C7200_IO_GE_E
# from .adapters.nm_16esw import NM_16ESW
# from .adapters.nm_1e import NM_1E
# from .adapters.nm_1fe_tx import NM_1FE_TX
# from .adapters.nm_4e import NM_4E
# from .adapters.nm_4t import NM_4T
# from .adapters.pa_2fe_tx import PA_2FE_TX
# from .adapters.pa_4e import PA_4E
# from .adapters.pa_4t import PA_4T
# from .adapters.pa_8e import PA_8E
# from .adapters.pa_8t import PA_8T
# from .adapters.pa_a1 import PA_A1
# from .adapters.pa_fe_tx import PA_FE_TX
# from .adapters.pa_ge import PA_GE
# from .adapters.pa_pos_oc3 import PA_POS_OC3
# from .adapters.wic_1t import WIC_1T
# from .adapters.wic_2t import WIC_2T
# from .adapters.wic_1enet import WIC_1ENET
# # NIOs
# from .nios.nio_udp import NIO_UDP
# from .nios.nio_udp_auto import NIO_UDP_auto
# from .nios.nio_unix import NIO_UNIX
# from .nios.nio_vde import NIO_VDE
# from .nios.nio_tap import NIO_TAP
# from .nios.nio_generic_ethernet import NIO_GenericEthernet
# from .nios.nio_linux_ethernet import NIO_LinuxEthernet
# from .nios.nio_fifo import NIO_FIFO
# from .nios.nio_mcast import NIO_Mcast
# from .nios.nio_null import NIO_Null
# from .backends import vm
# from .backends import ethsw
# from .backends import ethhub
# from .backends import frsw
# from .backends import atmsw
import time
import asyncio
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from gns3server.utils.interfaces import get_windows_interfaces
from pkg_resources import parse_version
from ..base_manager import BaseManager
from .dynamips_error import DynamipsError
@ -101,6 +38,18 @@ from .hypervisor import Hypervisor
from .nodes.router import Router
from .dynamips_vm import DynamipsVM
# NIOs
from .nios.nio_udp import NIOUDP
from .nios.nio_udp_auto import NIOUDPAuto
from .nios.nio_unix import NIOUNIX
from .nios.nio_vde import NIOVDE
from .nios.nio_tap import NIOTAP
from .nios.nio_generic_ethernet import NIOGenericEthernet
from .nios.nio_linux_ethernet import NIOLinuxEthernet
from .nios.nio_fifo import NIOFIFO
from .nios.nio_mcast import NIOMcast
from .nios.nio_null import NIONull
class Dynamips(BaseManager):
@ -113,7 +62,35 @@ class Dynamips(BaseManager):
# FIXME: temporary
self._working_dir = "/tmp"
self._dynamips_path = "/usr/bin/dynamips"
def unload(self):
yield from BaseManager.unload(self)
# files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips", "*.ghost"))
# files += glob.glob(os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips", "*_lock"))
# files += glob.glob(os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips", "ilt_*"))
# files += glob.glob(os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips", "c[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_*_rommon_vars"))
# files += glob.glob(os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips", "c[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_*_ssa"))
# for file in files:
# try:
# log.debug("deleting file {}".format(file))
# os.remove(file)
# except OSError as e:
# log.warn("could not delete file {}: {}".format(file, e))
# continue
def dynamips_path(self):
Returns the path to Dynamips.
:returns: path
return self._dynamips_path
def find_dynamips(self):
@ -168,6 +145,9 @@ class Dynamips(BaseManager):
:returns: the new hypervisor instance
if not self._dynamips_path:
# let the OS find an unused port for the Dynamips hypervisor
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock:
@ -190,323 +170,97 @@ class Dynamips(BaseManager):
return hypervisor
def create_nio(self, executable, nio_settings):
Creates a new NIO.
:param nio_settings: information to create the NIO
:returns: a NIO object
nio = None
if nio_settings["type"] == "nio_udp":
lport = nio_settings["lport"]
rhost = nio_settings["rhost"]
rport = nio_settings["rport"]
# TODO: handle IPv6
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as sock:
sock.connect((rhost, rport))
except OSError as e:
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPInternalServerError(text="Could not create an UDP connection to {}:{}: {}".format(rhost, rport, e))
nio = NIOUDP(lport, rhost, rport)
elif nio_settings["type"] == "nio_tap":
tap_device = nio_settings["tap_device"]
if not self._has_privileged_access(executable):
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPForbidden(text="{} has no privileged access to {}.".format(executable, tap_device))
nio = NIOTAP(tap_device)
assert nio is not None
return nio
def create_nio(self, node, nio_settings):
Creates a new NIO.
:param node: Dynamips node instance
:param nio_settings: information to create the NIO
:returns: a NIO object
nio = None
if nio_settings["type"] == "nio_udp":
lport = nio_settings["lport"]
rhost = nio_settings["rhost"]
rport = nio_settings["rport"]
#TODO: handle IPv6
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as sock:
sock.connect((rhost, rport))
except OSError as e:
raise DynamipsError("Could not create an UDP connection to {}:{}: {}".format(rhost, rport, e))
# check if we have an allocated NIO UDP auto
nio = node.hypervisor.get_nio_udp_auto(lport)
if not nio:
# otherwise create an NIO UDP
nio = NIOUDP(node.hypervisor, lport, rhost, rport)
nio.connect(rhost, rport)
elif nio_settings["type"] == "nio_generic_ethernet":
ethernet_device = nio_settings["ethernet_device"]
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
# replace the interface name by the GUID on Windows
interfaces = get_windows_interfaces()
npf_interface = None
for interface in interfaces:
if interface["name"] == ethernet_device:
npf_interface = interface["id"]
if not npf_interface:
raise DynamipsError("Could not find interface {} on this host".format(ethernet_device))
ethernet_device = npf_interface
nio = NIOGenericEthernet(node.hypervisor, ethernet_device)
elif nio_settings["type"] == "nio_linux_ethernet":
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
raise DynamipsError("This NIO type is not supported on Windows")
ethernet_device = nio_settings["ethernet_device"]
nio = NIOLinuxEthernet(node.hypervisor, ethernet_device)
elif nio_settings["type"] == "nio_tap":
tap_device = nio_settings["tap_device"]
nio = NIOTAP(node.hypervisor, tap_device)
elif nio_settings["type"] == "nio_unix":
local_file = nio_settings["local_file"]
remote_file = nio_settings["remote_file"]
nio = NIOUNIX(node.hypervisor, local_file, remote_file)
elif nio_settings["type"] == "nio_vde":
control_file = nio_settings["control_file"]
local_file = nio_settings["local_file"]
nio = NIOVDE(node.hypervisor, control_file, local_file)
elif nio_settings["type"] == "nio_null":
nio = NIONull(node.hypervisor)
return nio
# class Dynamips(IModule):
# """
# Dynamips module.
# :param name: module name
# :param args: arguments for the module
# :param kwargs: named arguments for the module
# """
# def stop(self, signum=None):
# """
# Properly stops the module.
# :param signum: signal number (if called by the signal handler)
# """
# if not sys.platform.startswith("win32"):
# self._callback.stop()
# # automatically save configs for all router instances
# for router_id in self._routers:
# router = self._routers[router_id]
# try:
# router.save_configs()
# except DynamipsError:
# continue
# # stop all Dynamips hypervisors
# if self._hypervisor_manager:
# self._hypervisor_manager.stop_all_hypervisors()
# self.delete_dynamips_files()
# IModule.stop(self, signum) # this will stop the I/O loop
# def get_device_instance(self, device_id, instance_dict):
# """
# Returns a device instance.
# :param device_id: device identifier
# :param instance_dict: dictionary containing the instances
# :returns: device instance
# """
# if device_id not in instance_dict:
# log.debug("device ID {} doesn't exist".format(device_id), exc_info=1)
# self.send_custom_error("Device ID {} doesn't exist".format(device_id))
# return None
# return instance_dict[device_id]
# def delete_dynamips_files(self):
# """
# Deletes useless Dynamips files from the working directory
# """
# files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips", "*.ghost"))
# files += glob.glob(os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips", "*_lock"))
# files += glob.glob(os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips", "ilt_*"))
# files += glob.glob(os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips", "c[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_*_rommon_vars"))
# files += glob.glob(os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips", "c[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_*_ssa"))
# for file in files:
# try:
# log.debug("deleting file {}".format(file))
# os.remove(file)
# except OSError as e:
# log.warn("could not delete file {}: {}".format(file, e))
# continue
# @IModule.route("dynamips.reset")
# def reset(self, request=None):
# """
# Resets the module (JSON-RPC notification).
# :param request: JSON request (not used)
# """
# # automatically save configs for all router instances
# for router_id in self._routers:
# router = self._routers[router_id]
# try:
# router.save_configs()
# except DynamipsError:
# continue
# # stop all Dynamips hypervisors
# if self._hypervisor_manager:
# self._hypervisor_manager.stop_all_hypervisors()
# # resets the instance counters
# Router.reset()
# EthernetSwitch.reset()
# Hub.reset()
# FrameRelaySwitch.reset()
# ATMSwitch.reset()
# NIO_UDP.reset()
# NIO_UDP_auto.reset()
# NIO_UNIX.reset()
# NIO_VDE.reset()
# NIO_TAP.reset()
# NIO_GenericEthernet.reset()
# NIO_LinuxEthernet.reset()
# NIO_FIFO.reset()
# NIO_Mcast.reset()
# NIO_Null.reset()
# self._routers.clear()
# self._ethernet_switches.clear()
# self._frame_relay_switches.clear()
# self._atm_switches.clear()
# self.delete_dynamips_files()
# self._hypervisor_manager = None
# self._working_dir = self._projects_dir
# log.info("dynamips module has been reset")
# def start_hypervisor_manager(self):
# """
# Starts the hypervisor manager.
# """
# # check if Dynamips path exists
# if not os.path.isfile(self._dynamips):
# raise DynamipsError("Dynamips executable {} doesn't exist".format(self._dynamips))
# # check if Dynamips is executable
# if not os.access(self._dynamips, os.X_OK):
# raise DynamipsError("Dynamips {} is not executable".format(self._dynamips))
# workdir = os.path.join(self._working_dir, "dynamips")
# try:
# os.makedirs(workdir)
# except FileExistsError:
# pass
# except OSError as e:
# raise DynamipsError("Could not create working directory {}".format(e))
# # check if the working directory is writable
# if not os.access(workdir, os.W_OK):
# raise DynamipsError("Cannot write to working directory {}".format(workdir))
# log.info("starting the hypervisor manager with Dynamips working directory set to '{}'".format(workdir))
# self._hypervisor_manager = HypervisorManager(self._dynamips, workdir, self._host, self._console_host)
# for name, value in self._hypervisor_manager_settings.items():
# if hasattr(self._hypervisor_manager, name) and getattr(self._hypervisor_manager, name) != value:
# setattr(self._hypervisor_manager, name, value)
# @IModule.route("dynamips.settings")
# def settings(self, request):
# """
# Set or update settings.
# Optional request parameters:
# - path (path to the Dynamips executable)
# - working_dir (path to a working directory)
# - project_name
# :param request: JSON request
# """
# if request is None:
# self.send_param_error()
# return
# log.debug("received request {}".format(request))
# #TODO: JSON schema validation
# if not self._hypervisor_manager:
# if "path" in request:
# self._dynamips = request.pop("path")
# if "working_dir" in request:
# self._working_dir = request.pop("working_dir")
# log.info("this server is local")
# else:
# self._working_dir = os.path.join(self._projects_dir, request["project_name"])
# log.info("this server is remote with working directory path to {}".format(self._working_dir))
# self._hypervisor_manager_settings = request
# else:
# if "project_name" in request:
# # for remote server
# new_working_dir = os.path.join(self._projects_dir, request["project_name"])
# if self._projects_dir != self._working_dir != new_working_dir:
# # trick to avoid file locks by Dynamips on Windows
# if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
# self._hypervisor_manager.working_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
# if not os.path.isdir(new_working_dir):
# try:
# self.delete_dynamips_files()
# shutil.move(self._working_dir, new_working_dir)
# except OSError as e:
# log.error("could not move working directory from {} to {}: {}".format(self._working_dir,
# new_working_dir,
# e))
# return
# elif "working_dir" in request:
# # for local server
# new_working_dir = request.pop("working_dir")
# try:
# self._hypervisor_manager.working_dir = new_working_dir
# except DynamipsError as e:
# log.error("could not change working directory: {}".format(e))
# return
# self._working_dir = new_working_dir
# # apply settings to the hypervisor manager
# for name, value in request.items():
# if hasattr(self._hypervisor_manager, name) and getattr(self._hypervisor_manager, name) != value:
# setattr(self._hypervisor_manager, name, value)
# @IModule.route("dynamips.echo")
# def echo(self, request):
# """
# Echo end point for testing purposes.
# :param request: JSON request
# """
# if request is None:
# self.send_param_error()
# else:
# log.debug("received request {}".format(request))
# self.send_response(request)
# def create_nio(self, node, request):
# """
# Creates a new NIO.
# :param node: node requesting the NIO
# :param request: the original request with the
# necessary information to create the NIO
# :returns: a NIO object
# """
# nio = None
# if request["nio"]["type"] == "nio_udp":
# lport = request["nio"]["lport"]
# rhost = request["nio"]["rhost"]
# rport = request["nio"]["rport"]
# try:
# #TODO: handle IPv6
# with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as sock:
# sock.connect((rhost, rport))
# except OSError as e:
# raise DynamipsError("Could not create an UDP connection to {}:{}: {}".format(rhost, rport, e))
# # check if we have an allocated NIO UDP auto
# nio = node.hypervisor.get_nio_udp_auto(lport)
# if not nio:
# # otherwise create an NIO UDP
# nio = NIO_UDP(node.hypervisor, lport, rhost, rport)
# else:
# nio.connect(rhost, rport)
# elif request["nio"]["type"] == "nio_generic_ethernet":
# ethernet_device = request["nio"]["ethernet_device"]
# if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
# # replace the interface name by the GUID on Windows
# interfaces = get_windows_interfaces()
# npf_interface = None
# for interface in interfaces:
# if interface["name"] == ethernet_device:
# npf_interface = interface["id"]
# if not npf_interface:
# raise DynamipsError("Could not find interface {} on this host".format(ethernet_device))
# else:
# ethernet_device = npf_interface
# nio = NIO_GenericEthernet(node.hypervisor, ethernet_device)
# elif request["nio"]["type"] == "nio_linux_ethernet":
# if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
# raise DynamipsError("This NIO type is not supported on Windows")
# ethernet_device = request["nio"]["ethernet_device"]
# nio = NIO_LinuxEthernet(node.hypervisor, ethernet_device)
# elif request["nio"]["type"] == "nio_tap":
# tap_device = request["nio"]["tap_device"]
# nio = NIO_TAP(node.hypervisor, tap_device)
# elif request["nio"]["type"] == "nio_unix":
# local_file = request["nio"]["local_file"]
# remote_file = request["nio"]["remote_file"]
# nio = NIO_UNIX(node.hypervisor, local_file, remote_file)
# elif request["nio"]["type"] == "nio_vde":
# control_file = request["nio"]["control_file"]
# local_file = request["nio"]["local_file"]
# nio = NIO_VDE(node.hypervisor, control_file, local_file)
# elif request["nio"]["type"] == "nio_null":
# nio = NIO_Null(node.hypervisor)
# return nio
# def allocate_udp_port(self, node):
# """
# Allocates a UDP port in order to create an UDP NIO.
# :param node: the node that needs to allocate an UDP port
# :returns: dictionary with the allocated host/port info
# """
# port = node.hypervisor.allocate_udp_port()
# host = node.hypervisor.host
# log.info("{} [id={}] has allocated UDP port {} with host {}".format(node.name,
# node.id,
# port,
# host))
# response = {"lport": port}
# return response
# def set_ghost_ios(self, router):
# """
# Manages Ghost IOS support.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import logging
import asyncio
from .dynamips_error import DynamipsError
from .nios.nio_udp_auto import NIO_UDP_auto
from .nios.nio_udp_auto import NIOUDPAuto
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ class DynamipsHypervisor:
# use Dynamips's NIO UDP auto back-end.
nio = NIO_UDP_auto(self, self._host, self._udp_start_port_range, self._udp_end_port_range)
nio = NIOUDPAuto(self, self._host, self._udp_start_port_range, self._udp_end_port_range)
self._nio_udp_auto_instances[nio.lport] = nio
allocated_port = nio.lport
return allocated_port
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ class DynamipsVM:
Factory to create an Router object based on the correct platform.
def __new__(cls, name, vm_id, project, manager, platform, **kwargs):
def __new__(cls, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, platform, **kwargs):
if platform not in PLATFORMS:
raise DynamipsError("Unknown router platform: {}".format(platform))
return PLATFORMS[platform](name, vm_id, project, manager, **kwargs)
return PLATFORMS[platform](name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, **kwargs)
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIO_FIFO(NIO):
Dynamips FIFO NIO.
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ class NIO_FIFO(NIO):
NIO.__init__(self, hypervisor)
# create an unique ID
self._id = NIO_FIFO._instance_count
NIO_FIFO._instance_count += 1
self._id = NIOFIFO._instance_count
NIOFIFO._instance_count += 1
self._name = 'nio_fifo' + str(self._id)
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIO_GenericEthernet(NIO):
class NIOGenericEthernet(NIO):
Dynamips generic Ethernet NIO.
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ class NIO_GenericEthernet(NIO):
NIO.__init__(self, hypervisor)
# create an unique ID
self._id = NIO_GenericEthernet._instance_count
NIO_GenericEthernet._instance_count += 1
self._id = NIOGenericEthernet._instance_count
NIOGenericEthernet._instance_count += 1
self._name = 'nio_gen_eth' + str(self._id)
self._ethernet_device = ethernet_device
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIO_LinuxEthernet(NIO):
class NIOLinuxEthernet(NIO):
Dynamips Linux Ethernet NIO.
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ class NIO_LinuxEthernet(NIO):
NIO.__init__(self, hypervisor)
# create an unique ID
self._id = NIO_LinuxEthernet._instance_count
NIO_LinuxEthernet._instance_count += 1
self._id = NIOLinuxEthernet._instance_count
NIOLinuxEthernet._instance_count += 1
self._name = 'nio_linux_eth' + str(self._id)
self._ethernet_device = ethernet_device
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIO_Mcast(NIO):
class NIOMcast(NIO):
Dynamips Linux Ethernet NIO.
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ class NIO_Mcast(NIO):
NIO.__init__(self, hypervisor)
# create an unique ID
self._id = NIO_Mcast._instance_count
NIO_Mcast._instance_count += 1
self._id = NIOMcast._instance_count
NIOMcast._instance_count += 1
self._name = 'nio_mcast' + str(self._id)
self._group = group
self._port = port
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIO_Null(NIO):
class NIONull(NIO):
Dynamips NULL NIO.
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ class NIO_Null(NIO):
NIO.__init__(self, hypervisor)
# create an unique ID
self._id = NIO_Null._instance_count
NIO_Null._instance_count += 1
self._id = NIONull._instance_count
NIONull._instance_count += 1
self._name = 'nio_null' + str(self._id)
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIO_TAP(NIO):
class NIOTAP(NIO):
Dynamips TAP NIO.
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ class NIO_TAP(NIO):
NIO.__init__(self, hypervisor)
# create an unique ID
self._id = NIO_TAP._instance_count
NIO_TAP._instance_count += 1
self._id = NIOTAP._instance_count
NIOTAP._instance_count += 1
self._name = 'nio_tap' + str(self._id)
self._tap_device = tap_device
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIO_UDP(NIO):
class NIOUDP(NIO):
Dynamips UDP NIO.
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ class NIO_UDP(NIO):
NIO.__init__(self, hypervisor)
# create an unique ID
self._id = NIO_UDP._instance_count
NIO_UDP._instance_count += 1
self._id = NIOUDP._instance_count
NIOUDP._instance_count += 1
self._name = 'nio_udp' + str(self._id)
self._lport = lport
self._rhost = rhost
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIO_UDP_auto(NIO):
class NIOUDPAuto(NIO):
Dynamips auto UDP NIO.
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ class NIO_UDP_auto(NIO):
NIO.__init__(self, hypervisor)
# create an unique ID
self._id = NIO_UDP_auto._instance_count
NIO_UDP_auto._instance_count += 1
self._id = NIOUDPAuto._instance_count
NIOUDPAuto._instance_count += 1
self._name = 'nio_udp_auto' + str(self._id)
self._laddr = laddr
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIO_UNIX(NIO):
Dynamips UNIX NIO.
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ class NIO_UNIX(NIO):
NIO.__init__(self, hypervisor)
# create an unique ID
self._id = NIO_UNIX._instance_count
NIO_UNIX._instance_count += 1
self._id = NIOUNIX._instance_count
NIOUNIX._instance_count += 1
self._name = 'nio_unix' + str(self._id)
self._local_file = local_file
self._remote_file = remote_file
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIO_VDE(NIO):
class NIOVDE(NIO):
Dynamips VDE NIO.
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ class NIO_VDE(NIO):
NIO.__init__(self, hypervisor)
# create an unique ID
self._id = NIO_VDE._instance_count
NIO_VDE._instance_count += 1
self._id = NIOVDE._instance_count
NIOVDE._instance_count += 1
self._name = 'nio_vde' + str(self._id)
self._control_file = control_file
self._local_file = local_file
@ -37,13 +37,14 @@ class C1700(Router):
:param vm_id: Router instance identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: Parent VM Manager
:param dynamips_id: ID to use with Dynamips
:param chassis: chassis for this router:
1720, 1721, 1750, 1751 or 1760 (default = 1720).
1710 is not supported.
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, chassis="1720"):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, platform="c1700")
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, chassis="1720"):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, platform="c1700")
# Set default values for this platform
self._ram = 128
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class C2600(Router):
:param vm_id: Router instance identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: Parent VM Manager
:param dynamips_id: ID to use with Dynamips
:param chassis: chassis for this router:
2610, 2611, 2620, 2621, 2610XM, 2611XM
2620XM, 2621XM, 2650XM or 2651XM (default = 2610).
@ -57,8 +58,8 @@ class C2600(Router):
"2650XM": C2600_MB_1FE,
"2651XM": C2600_MB_2FE}
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, chassis="2610"):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, platform="c2600")
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, chassis="2610"):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, platform="c2600")
# Set default values for this platform
self._ram = 128
@ -36,10 +36,11 @@ class C2691(Router):
:param vm_id: Router instance identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: Parent VM Manager
:param dynamips_id: ID to use with Dynamips
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, platform="c2691")
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, platform="c2691")
# Set default values for this platform
self._ram = 192
@ -36,12 +36,13 @@ class C3600(Router):
:param vm_id: Router instance identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: Parent VM Manager
:param dynamips_id: ID to use with Dynamips
:param chassis: chassis for this router:
3620, 3640 or 3660 (default = 3640).
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, chassis="3640"):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, platform="c3600")
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, chassis="3640"):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, platform="c3600")
# Set default values for this platform
self._ram = 192
@ -36,10 +36,11 @@ class C3725(Router):
:param vm_id: Router instance identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: Parent VM Manager
:param dynamips_id: ID to use with Dynamips
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, platform="c3725")
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, platform="c3725")
# Set default values for this platform
self._ram = 128
@ -36,10 +36,11 @@ class C3745(Router):
:param vm_id: Router instance identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: Parent VM Manager
:param dynamips_id: ID to use with Dynamips
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, platform="c3745")
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, platform="c3745")
# Set default values for this platform
self._ram = 256
@ -39,11 +39,12 @@ class C7200(Router):
:param vm_id: Router instance identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: Parent VM Manager
:param dynamips_id: ID to use with Dynamips
:param npe: Default NPE
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, npe="npe-400"):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, platform="c7200")
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, npe="npe-400"):
Router.__init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id, platform="c7200")
# Set default values for this platform
self._ram = 512
@ -42,20 +42,22 @@ class Router(BaseVM):
:param vm_id: Router instance identifier
:param project: Project instance
:param manager: Parent VM Manager
:param dynamips_id: ID to use with Dynamips
:param platform: Platform of this router
_instances = []
_dynamips_ids = {}
_status = {0: "inactive",
1: "shutting down",
2: "running",
3: "suspended"}
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, platform="c7200", ghost_flag=False):
def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, dynamips_id=None, platform="c7200", ghost_flag=False):
super().__init__(name, vm_id, project, manager)
self._hypervisor = None
self._dynamips_id = dynamips_id
self._closed = False
self._name = name
self._platform = platform
@ -81,12 +83,26 @@ class Router(BaseVM):
self._confreg = "0x2102"
self._console = None
self._aux = None
self._mac_addr = None
self._mac_addr = ""
self._system_id = "FTX0945W0MY" # processor board ID in IOS
self._slots = []
self._ghost_flag = ghost_flag
if not ghost_flag:
self._dynamips_ids.setdefault(project.id, list())
if not dynamips_id:
# find a Dynamips ID if none is provided (0 < id <= 4096)
self._dynamips_id = 0
for identifier in range(1, 4097):
if identifier not in self._dynamips_ids[project.id]:
self._dynamips_id = identifier
if self._dynamips_id == 0:
raise DynamipsError("Maximum number of Dynamips instances reached")
if dynamips_id in self._dynamips_ids[project.id]:
raise DynamipsError("Dynamips identifier {} is already used by another router".format(dynamips_id))
if self._console is not None:
self._console = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_console_port(self._console)
@ -97,12 +113,17 @@ class Router(BaseVM):
self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_console_port(self._aux)
self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_console_port()
log.info("creating a new ghost IOS file")
self._dynamips_id = 0
self._name = "Ghost"
def __json__(self):
router_info = {"name": self.name,
"vm_id": self.id,
"project_id": self.project.id,
"dynamips_id": self._dynamips_id,
"platform": self._platform,
"image": self._image,
"startup_config": self._startup_config,
@ -138,14 +159,21 @@ class Router(BaseVM):
return router_info
def reset(cls):
Resets the instance count and the allocated instances list.
def create(self):
self._hypervisor = yield from self.manager.start_new_hypervisor()
print("{} {} {}".format(self._name, self._id, self._platform))
yield from self._hypervisor.send('vm create "{name}" {id} {platform}'.format(name=self._name,
id=1, #FIXME: instance ID!
if not self._ghost_flag:
@ -270,6 +298,9 @@ class Router(BaseVM):
self._aux = None
if self._dynamips_id in self._dynamips_ids[self._project.id]:
self._closed = True
@ -16,41 +16,102 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
"description": "Request validation to create a new Dynamips router instance",
"description": "Request validation to create a new Dynamips VM instance",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"vm_id": {
"description": "Dynamips VM instance identifier",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string",
"minLength": 36,
"maxLength": 36,
"pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"},
{"type": "integer"} # for legacy projects
"dynamips_id": {
"description": "ID to use with Dynamips",
"type": "integer"
"name": {
"description": "Router name",
"description": "Dynamips VM instance name",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"router_id": {
"description": "VM/router instance ID",
"type": "integer"
"platform": {
"description": "router platform",
"description": "platform",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"pattern": "^c[0-9]{4}$"
"chassis": {
"description": "router chassis model",
"image": {
"description": "path to the IOS image",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"pattern": "^[0-9]{4}(XM)?$"
"image": {
"description": "path to the IOS image file",
"startup_config": {
"description": "path to the IOS startup configuration file",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1
"minLength": 1,
"private_config": {
"description": "path to the IOS private configuration file",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"ram": {
"description": "amount of RAM in MB",
"type": "integer"
"nvram": {
"description": "amount of NVRAM in KB",
"type": "integer"
"mmap": {
"description": "MMAP feature",
"type": "boolean"
"sparsemem": {
"description": "sparse memory feature",
"type": "boolean"
"clock_divisor": {
"description": "clock divisor",
"type": "integer"
"idlepc": {
"description": "Idle-PC value",
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)?$"
"idlemax": {
"description": "idlemax value",
"type": "integer",
"idlesleep": {
"description": "idlesleep value",
"type": "integer",
"exec_area": {
"description": "exec area value",
"type": "integer",
"disk0": {
"description": "disk0 size in MB",
"type": "integer"
"disk1": {
"description": "disk1 size in MB",
"type": "integer"
"confreg": {
"description": "configuration register",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"pattern": "^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$"
"console": {
"description": "console TCP port",
"type": "integer",
@ -69,25 +130,352 @@ ROUTER_CREATE_SCHEMA = {
"minLength": 1,
"pattern": "^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\.){2}[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$"
"cloud_path": {
"description": "Path to the image in the cloud object store",
"system_id": {
"description": "system ID",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"slot0": {
"description": "Network module slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot1": {
"description": "Network module slot 1",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot2": {
"description": "Network module slot 2",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot3": {
"description": "Network module slot 3",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot4": {
"description": "Network module slot 4",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot5": {
"description": "Network module slot 5",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot6": {
"description": "Network module slot 6",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"wic0": {
"description": "Network module WIC slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"wic1": {
"description": "Network module WIC slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"wic2": {
"description": "Network module WIC slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"startup_config_base64": {
"description": "startup configuration base64 encoded",
"type": "string"
"private_config_base64": {
"description": "private configuration base64 encoded",
"type": "string"
# C7200 properties
"npe": {
"description": "NPE model",
"enum": ["npe-100",
"midplane": {
"description": "Midplane model",
"enum": ["std", "vxr"]
"sensors": {
"description": "Temperature sensors",
"type": "array"
"power_supplies": {
"description": "Power supplies status",
"type": "array"
# I/O memory property for all platforms but C7200
"iomem": {
"description": "I/O memory percentage",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 100
"additionalProperties": False,
"required": ["name", "platform", "image", "ram"]
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
"description": "Dynamips router instance",
"description": "Request validation to update a Dynamips VM instance",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"description": "Dynamips router instance name",
"description": "Dynamips VM instance name",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"platform": {
"description": "platform",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"pattern": "^c[0-9]{4}$"
"image": {
"description": "path to the IOS image",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"startup_config": {
"description": "path to the IOS startup configuration file",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"private_config": {
"description": "path to the IOS private configuration file",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"ram": {
"description": "amount of RAM in MB",
"type": "integer"
"nvram": {
"description": "amount of NVRAM in KB",
"type": "integer"
"mmap": {
"description": "MMAP feature",
"type": "boolean"
"sparsemem": {
"description": "sparse memory feature",
"type": "boolean"
"clock_divisor": {
"description": "clock divisor",
"type": "integer"
"idlepc": {
"description": "Idle-PC value",
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)?$"
"idlemax": {
"description": "idlemax value",
"type": "integer",
"idlesleep": {
"description": "idlesleep value",
"type": "integer",
"exec_area": {
"description": "exec area value",
"type": "integer",
"disk0": {
"description": "disk0 size in MB",
"type": "integer"
"disk1": {
"description": "disk1 size in MB",
"type": "integer"
"confreg": {
"description": "configuration register",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"pattern": "^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$"
"console": {
"description": "console TCP port",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1,
"maximum": 65535
"aux": {
"description": "auxiliary console TCP port",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1,
"maximum": 65535
"mac_addr": {
"description": "base MAC address",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"pattern": "^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\.){2}[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$"
"system_id": {
"description": "system ID",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"slot0": {
"description": "Network module slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot1": {
"description": "Network module slot 1",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot2": {
"description": "Network module slot 2",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot3": {
"description": "Network module slot 3",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot4": {
"description": "Network module slot 4",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot5": {
"description": "Network module slot 5",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot6": {
"description": "Network module slot 6",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"wic0": {
"description": "Network module WIC slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"wic1": {
"description": "Network module WIC slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"wic2": {
"description": "Network module WIC slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"startup_config_base64": {
"description": "startup configuration base64 encoded",
"type": "string"
"private_config_base64": {
"description": "private configuration base64 encoded",
"type": "string"
# C7200 properties
"npe": {
"description": "NPE model",
"enum": ["npe-100",
"midplane": {
"description": "Midplane model",
"enum": ["std", "vxr"]
"sensors": {
"description": "Temperature sensors",
"type": "array"
"power_supplies": {
"description": "Power supplies status",
"type": "array"
# I/O memory property for all platforms but C7200
"iomem": {
"description": "I/O memory percentage",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 100
"additionalProperties": False,
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
"description": "Dynamips VM instance",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dynamips_id": {
"description": "ID to use with Dynamips",
"type": "integer"
"vm_id": {
"description": "Dynamips router instance UUID",
"type": "string",
@ -102,7 +490,214 @@ ROUTER_OBJECT_SCHEMA = {
"maxLength": 36,
"pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"
"name": {
"description": "Dynamips VM instance name",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"platform": {
"description": "platform",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"pattern": "^c[0-9]{4}$"
"image": {
"description": "path to the IOS image",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"startup_config": {
"description": "path to the IOS startup configuration file",
"type": "string",
"private_config": {
"description": "path to the IOS private configuration file",
"type": "string",
"ram": {
"description": "amount of RAM in MB",
"type": "integer"
"nvram": {
"description": "amount of NVRAM in KB",
"type": "integer"
"mmap": {
"description": "MMAP feature",
"type": "boolean"
"sparsemem": {
"description": "sparse memory feature",
"type": "boolean"
"clock_divisor": {
"description": "clock divisor",
"type": "integer"
"idlepc": {
"description": "Idle-PC value",
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)?$"
"idlemax": {
"description": "idlemax value",
"type": "integer",
"idlesleep": {
"description": "idlesleep value",
"type": "integer",
"exec_area": {
"description": "exec area value",
"type": "integer",
"disk0": {
"description": "disk0 size in MB",
"type": "integer"
"disk1": {
"description": "disk1 size in MB",
"type": "integer"
"confreg": {
"description": "configuration register",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"pattern": "^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$"
"console": {
"description": "console TCP port",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1,
"maximum": 65535
"aux": {
"description": "auxiliary console TCP port",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1,
"maximum": 65535
"mac_addr": {
"description": "base MAC address",
"type": "string",
#"minLength": 1,
#"pattern": "^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\.){2}[0-9a-fA-F]{4}$"
"system_id": {
"description": "system ID",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"slot0": {
"description": "Network module slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot1": {
"description": "Network module slot 1",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot2": {
"description": "Network module slot 2",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot3": {
"description": "Network module slot 3",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot4": {
"description": "Network module slot 4",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot5": {
"description": "Network module slot 5",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"slot6": {
"description": "Network module slot 6",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"wic0": {
"description": "Network module WIC slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"wic1": {
"description": "Network module WIC slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"wic2": {
"description": "Network module WIC slot 0",
"oneOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "null"}
"startup_config_base64": {
"description": "startup configuration base64 encoded",
"type": "string"
"private_config_base64": {
"description": "private configuration base64 encoded",
"type": "string"
# C7200 properties
"npe": {
"description": "NPE model",
"enum": ["npe-100",
"midplane": {
"description": "Midplane model",
"enum": ["std", "vxr"]
"sensors": {
"description": "Temperature sensors",
"type": "array"
"power_supplies": {
"description": "Power supplies status",
"type": "array"
# I/O memory property for all platforms but C7200
"iomem": {
"description": "I/O memory percentage",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 100
"additionalProperties": False,
"required": ["name", "vm_id", "project_id"]
"required": ["name", "vm_id", "project_id", "dynamips_id"]
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def _get_windows_interfaces_from_registry():
return interfaces
def _get_windows_interfaces():
def get_windows_interfaces():
Get Windows interfaces.
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def interfaces():
results = _get_windows_interfaces()
results = get_windows_interfaces()
except ImportError:
message = "pywin32 module is not installed, please install it on the server to get the available interface names"
raise aiohttp.web.HTTPInternalServerError(text=message)
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import HypervisorManager
import pytest
import os
def hypervisor(request):
dynamips_path = '/usr/bin/dynamips'
print("\nStarting Dynamips Hypervisor: {}".format(dynamips_path))
manager = HypervisorManager(dynamips_path, "/tmp", "")
hypervisor = manager.start_new_hypervisor()
def stop():
print("\nStopping Dynamips Hypervisor")
return hypervisor
def image(request):
cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
image_path = os.path.join(cwd, "c3725.image")
if not os.path.isfile(image_path):
return None
return image_path
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import ATMBridge
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
import pytest
def atm_bridge(request, hypervisor):
atm_bridge = ATMBridge(hypervisor, "ATM bridge")
return atm_bridge
def test_atm_bridge_exists(atm_bridge):
assert atm_bridge.list()
def test_rename_atm_bridge(atm_bridge):
atm_bridge.name = "new ATM bridge"
assert atm_bridge.name == "new ATM bridge"
def test_add_remove_nio(atm_bridge):
nio = NIO_Null(atm_bridge.hypervisor)
atm_bridge.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
assert atm_bridge.nios
atm_bridge.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_add_nio_already_allocated_port(atm_bridge):
nio = NIO_Null(atm_bridge.hypervisor)
atm_bridge.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
atm_bridge.add_nio(nio, 0)
def test_remove_nio_non_allocated_port(atm_bridge):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
atm_bridge.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_bridge(atm_bridge):
nio1 = NIO_Null(atm_bridge.hypervisor)
atm_bridge.add_nio(nio1, 0) # add NIO on port 0 (Ethernet NIO)
nio2 = NIO_Null(atm_bridge.hypervisor)
atm_bridge.add_nio(nio1, 1) # add NIO on port 1 (ATM NIO)
atm_bridge.configure(0, 1, 10, 10) # configure Ethernet port 0 -> ATM port 1 with VC 10:10
assert atm_bridge.mapping[0] == (1, 10, 10)
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import ATMSwitch
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
import pytest
def atmsw(request, hypervisor):
atmsw = ATMSwitch(hypervisor, "ATM switch")
return atmsw
def test_atmsw_exists(atmsw):
assert atmsw.list()
def test_rename_atmsw(atmsw):
atmsw.name = "new ATM switch"
assert atmsw.name == "new ATM switch"
def test_add_remove_nio(atmsw):
nio = NIO_Null(atmsw.hypervisor)
atmsw.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
assert atmsw.nios
atmsw.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_add_nio_already_allocated_port(atmsw):
nio = NIO_Null(atmsw.hypervisor)
atmsw.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
atmsw.add_nio(nio, 0)
def test_remove_nio_non_allocated_port(atmsw):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
atmsw.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_vp(atmsw):
nio1 = NIO_Null(atmsw.hypervisor)
atmsw.add_nio(nio1, 0) # add NIO on port 0
nio2 = NIO_Null(atmsw.hypervisor)
atmsw.add_nio(nio1, 1) # add NIO on port 1
atmsw.map_vp(0, 10, 1, 20) # port 0 VP 10 to port 1 VP 20 (unidirectional)
atmsw.map_vp(1, 20, 0, 10) # port 1 VP 20 to port 0 VP 10 (unidirectional)
assert atmsw.mapping[(0, 10)] == (1, 20)
assert atmsw.mapping[(1, 20)] == (0, 10)
atmsw.unmap_vp(0, 10, 1, 20) # port 0 VP 10 to port 1 VP 20 (unidirectional)
atmsw.unmap_vp(1, 20, 0, 10) # port 1 VP 20 to port 0 VP 10 (unidirectional)
def test_pvc(atmsw):
nio1 = NIO_Null(atmsw.hypervisor)
atmsw.add_nio(nio1, 0) # add NIO on port 0
nio2 = NIO_Null(atmsw.hypervisor)
atmsw.add_nio(nio1, 1) # add NIO on port 1
atmsw.map_pvc(0, 10, 10, 1, 20, 20) # port 0 VC 10:10 to port 1 VP 20:20 (unidirectional)
atmsw.map_pvc(1, 20, 20, 0, 10, 10) # port 1 VC 20:20 to port 0 VC 10:10 (unidirectional)
assert atmsw.mapping[(0, 10, 10)] == (1, 20, 20)
assert atmsw.mapping[(1, 20, 20)] == (0, 10, 10)
atmsw.unmap_pvc(0, 10, 10, 1, 20, 20) # port 0 VC 10:10 to port 1 VP 20:20 (unidirectional)
atmsw.unmap_pvc(1, 20, 20, 0, 10, 10) # port 1 VC 20:20 to port 0 VC 10:10 (unidirectional)
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import Bridge
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null
import pytest
def bridge(request, hypervisor):
bridge = Bridge(hypervisor, "bridge")
return bridge
def test_bridge_exists(bridge):
assert bridge.list()
def test_rename_bridge(bridge):
bridge.name = "new bridge"
assert bridge.name == "new bridge"
def test_add_remove_nio(bridge):
nio = NIO_Null(bridge.hypervisor)
assert bridge.nios
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import C1700
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import WIC_2T
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import WIC_1ENET
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null
import pytest
def router_c1700(request, hypervisor):
router = C1700(hypervisor, "c1700 router")
return router
def test_router_exists(router_c1700):
assert router_c1700.platform == "c1700"
assert router_c1700.list()
def test_chassis_1721(hypervisor):
router = C1700(hypervisor, "1721 chassis", chassis="1721")
assert router.chassis == "1721"
assert str(router.slots[0]) == "C1700-MB-1FE"
def test_chassis_change_to_1721(router_c1700):
assert router_c1700.chassis == "1720" # default chassis
router_c1700.chassis = "1721"
assert router_c1700.chassis == "1721"
def test_chassis_1750(hypervisor):
router = C1700(hypervisor, "1750 chassis", chassis="1750")
assert router.chassis == "1750"
assert str(router.slots[0]) == "C1700-MB-1FE"
def test_chassis_change_to_1750(router_c1700):
assert router_c1700.chassis == "1720" # default chassis
router_c1700.chassis = "1750"
assert router_c1700.chassis == "1750"
def test_chassis_1751(hypervisor):
router = C1700(hypervisor, "1751 chassis", chassis="1751")
assert router.chassis == "1751"
assert str(router.slots[0]) == "C1700-MB-1FE"
def test_chassis_change_to_1751(router_c1700):
assert router_c1700.chassis == "1720" # default chassis
router_c1700.chassis = "1751"
assert router_c1700.chassis == "1751"
def test_chassis_1760(hypervisor):
router = C1700(hypervisor, "1760 chassis", chassis="1760")
assert router.chassis == "1760"
assert str(router.slots[0]) == "C1700-MB-1FE"
def test_chassis_change_to_1760(router_c1700):
assert router_c1700.chassis == "1720" # default chassis
router_c1700.chassis = "1760"
assert router_c1700.chassis == "1760"
def test_iomem(router_c1700):
assert router_c1700.iomem == 15 # default value
router_c1700.iomem = 20
assert router_c1700.iomem == 20
def test_mac_addr(router_c1700):
assert router_c1700.mac_addr is not None
router_c1700.mac_addr = "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
assert router_c1700.mac_addr == "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
def test_bogus_mac_addr(router_c1700):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c1700.mac_addr = "zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz"
def test_system_id(router_c1700):
assert router_c1700.system_id == "FTX0945W0MY" # default value
router_c1700.system_id = "FTX0945W0MO"
assert router_c1700.system_id == "FTX0945W0MO"
def test_get_hardware_info(router_c1700):
router_c1700.get_hardware_info() # FIXME: Dynamips doesn't return anything
def test_install_remove_wic(router_c1700):
wic = WIC_2T()
router_c1700.install_wic(0, wic) # install in WIC slot 0
assert router_c1700.slots[0].wics[0]
wic = WIC_1ENET()
router_c1700.install_wic(1, wic) # install in WIC slot 1
assert router_c1700.slots[0].wics[1]
router_c1700.uninstall_wic(0) # uninstall WIC from slot 0
assert not router_c1700.slots[0].wics[0]
def test_install_wic_into_wrong_slot(router_c1700):
wic = WIC_2T()
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c1700.install_wic(2, wic) # install in WIC slot 2
def test_install_wic_into_already_occupied_slot(router_c1700):
wic = WIC_2T()
router_c1700.install_wic(0, wic) # install in WIC slot 0
wic = WIC_1ENET()
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c1700.install_wic(0, wic) # install in WIC slot 0
def test_wic_add_remove_nio_binding(router_c1700):
nio = NIO_Null(router_c1700.hypervisor)
wic = WIC_2T()
router_c1700.install_wic(0, wic) # install WIC in slot 0
router_c1700.slot_add_nio_binding(0, 17, nio) # slot 0/17 (slot 0, wic 0, port 1)
assert router_c1700.slots[0].ports[17] == nio
assert router_c1700.get_slot_nio_bindings(slot_id=0)
router_c1700.slot_remove_nio_binding(0, 17) # slot 0/17 (slot 0, wic 0, port 1)
assert not router_c1700.get_slot_nio_bindings(slot_id=0)
assert not router_c1700.slots[0].ports[17] == nio
def test_wic_add_remove_nio_binding_for_chassis_1760(hypervisor):
router = C1700(hypervisor, "1760 chassis", chassis="1760")
nio = NIO_Null(router.hypervisor)
wic = WIC_2T()
router.install_wic(1, wic) # install WIC in slot 1
router.slot_add_nio_binding(0, 32, nio) # slot 0/17 (slot 0, wic 1, port 0)
router.slot_remove_nio_binding(0, 32)
assert not router.get_slot_nio_bindings(slot_id=0)
@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import C2600
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_1E
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_4E
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_1FE_TX
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_16ESW
import pytest
def router_c2600(request, hypervisor):
router = C2600(hypervisor, "c2600 router")
return router
def test_router_exists(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.platform == "c2600"
assert router_c2600.list()
def test_chassis_2611(hypervisor):
router = C2600(hypervisor, "2611 chassis", chassis="2611")
assert router.chassis == "2611"
assert isinstance(router.slots[0], router.integrated_adapters["2611"])
def test_chassis_change_to_2611(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2610" # default chassis
router_c2600.chassis = "2611"
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2611"
def test_chassis_2620(hypervisor):
router = C2600(hypervisor, "2620 chassis", chassis="2620")
assert router.chassis == "2620"
assert isinstance(router.slots[0], router.integrated_adapters["2620"])
def test_chassis_change_to_2620(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2610" # default chassis
router_c2600.chassis = "2620"
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2620"
def test_chassis_2621(hypervisor):
router = C2600(hypervisor, "2621 chassis", chassis="2621")
assert router.chassis == "2621"
assert isinstance(router.slots[0], router.integrated_adapters["2621"])
def test_chassis_change_to_2621(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2610" # default chassis
router_c2600.chassis = "2621"
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2621"
def test_chassis_2610XM(hypervisor):
router = C2600(hypervisor, "2610XM chassis", chassis="2610XM")
assert router.chassis == "2610XM"
assert isinstance(router.slots[0], router.integrated_adapters["2610XM"])
def test_chassis_change_to_2610XM(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2610" # default chassis
router_c2600.chassis = "2610XM"
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2610XM"
def test_chassis_2611XM(hypervisor):
router = C2600(hypervisor, "2611XM chassis", chassis="2611XM")
assert router.chassis == "2611XM"
assert isinstance(router.slots[0], router.integrated_adapters["2611XM"])
def test_chassis_change_to_2611XM(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2610" # default chassis
router_c2600.chassis = "2611XM"
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2611XM"
def test_chassis_2620XM(hypervisor):
router = C2600(hypervisor, "2620XM chassis", chassis="2620XM")
assert router.chassis == "2620XM"
assert isinstance(router.slots[0], router.integrated_adapters["2620XM"])
def test_chassis_change_to_2620XM(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2610" # default chassis
router_c2600.chassis = "2620XM"
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2620XM"
def test_chassis_2621XM(hypervisor):
router = C2600(hypervisor, "2621XM chassis", chassis="2621XM")
assert router.chassis == "2621XM"
assert isinstance(router.slots[0], router.integrated_adapters["2621XM"])
def test_chassis_change_to_2621XM(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2610" # default chassis
router_c2600.chassis = "2621XM"
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2621XM"
def test_chassis_2650XM(hypervisor):
router = C2600(hypervisor, "2650XM chassis", chassis="2650XM")
assert router.chassis == "2650XM"
assert isinstance(router.slots[0], router.integrated_adapters["2650XM"])
def test_chassis_change_to_2650XM(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2610" # default chassis
router_c2600.chassis = "2650XM"
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2650XM"
def test_chassis_2651XM(hypervisor):
router = C2600(hypervisor, "2651XM chassis", chassis="2651XM")
assert router.chassis == "2651XM"
assert isinstance(router.slots[0], router.integrated_adapters["2651XM"])
def test_chassis_change_to_2651XM(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2610" # default chassis
router_c2600.chassis = "2651XM"
assert router_c2600.chassis == "2651XM"
def test_iomem(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.iomem == 15 # default value
router_c2600.iomem = 20
assert router_c2600.iomem == 20
def test_mac_addr(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.mac_addr is not None
router_c2600.mac_addr = "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
assert router_c2600.mac_addr == "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
def test_bogus_mac_addr(router_c2600):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c2600.mac_addr = "zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz"
def test_system_id(router_c2600):
assert router_c2600.system_id == "FTX0945W0MY" # default value
router_c2600.system_id = "FTX0945W0MO"
assert router_c2600.system_id == "FTX0945W0MO"
def test_get_hardware_info(router_c2600):
router_c2600.get_hardware_info() # FIXME: Dynamips doesn't return anything
def test_slot_add_NM_1E(router_c2600):
adapter = NM_1E()
router_c2600.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c2600.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_4E(router_c2600):
adapter = NM_4E()
router_c2600.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c2600.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_1FE_TX(router_c2600):
adapter = NM_1FE_TX()
router_c2600.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c2600.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_16ESW(router_c2600):
adapter = NM_16ESW()
router_c2600.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c2600.slots[1] == adapter
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import C2691
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_1FE_TX
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_4T
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_16ESW
import pytest
def router_c2691(request, hypervisor):
router = C2691(hypervisor, "c2691 router")
return router
def test_router_exists(router_c2691):
assert router_c2691.platform == "c2691"
assert router_c2691.list()
def test_iomem(router_c2691):
assert router_c2691.iomem == 5 # default value
router_c2691.iomem = 10
assert router_c2691.iomem == 10
def test_mac_addr(router_c2691):
assert router_c2691.mac_addr is not None
router_c2691.mac_addr = "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
assert router_c2691.mac_addr == "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
def test_bogus_mac_addr(router_c2691):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c2691.mac_addr = "zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz"
def test_system_id(router_c2691):
assert router_c2691.system_id == "FTX0945W0MY" # default value
router_c2691.system_id = "FTX0945W0MO"
assert router_c2691.system_id == "FTX0945W0MO"
def test_get_hardware_info(router_c2691):
router_c2691.get_hardware_info() # FIXME: Dynamips doesn't return anything
def test_slot_add_NM_1FE_TX(router_c2691):
adapter = NM_1FE_TX()
router_c2691.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c2691.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_4T(router_c2691):
adapter = NM_4T()
router_c2691.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c2691.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_16ESW(router_c2691):
adapter = NM_16ESW()
router_c2691.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c2691.slots[1] == adapter
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import C3600
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_1E
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_4E
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_1FE_TX
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_16ESW
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_4T
import pytest
def router_c3600(request, hypervisor):
router = C3600(hypervisor, "c3600 router")
return router
def test_router_exist(router_c3600):
assert router_c3600.platform == "c3600"
assert router_c3600.list()
def test_chassis_3620(hypervisor):
router = C3600(hypervisor, "3620 chassis", chassis="3620")
assert router.chassis == "3620"
def test_chassis_change_to_3620(router_c3600):
assert router_c3600.chassis == "3640" # default chassis
router_c3600.chassis = "3620"
assert router_c3600.chassis == "3620"
def test_chassis_3660(hypervisor):
router = C3600(hypervisor, "3660 chassis", chassis="3660")
assert router.chassis == "3660"
assert str(router.slots[0]) == "Leopard-2FE"
def test_chassis_change_to_3660(router_c3600):
assert router_c3600.chassis == "3640" # default chassis
router_c3600.chassis = "3660"
assert router_c3600.chassis == "3660"
def test_iomem(router_c3600):
assert router_c3600.iomem == 5 # default value
router_c3600.iomem = 10
assert router_c3600.iomem == 10
def test_mac_addr(router_c3600):
assert router_c3600.mac_addr is not None
router_c3600.mac_addr = "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
assert router_c3600.mac_addr == "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
def test_bogus_mac_addr(router_c3600):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c3600.mac_addr = "zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz"
def test_system_id(router_c3600):
assert router_c3600.system_id == "FTX0945W0MY" # default value
router_c3600.system_id = "FTX0945W0MO"
assert router_c3600.system_id == "FTX0945W0MO"
def test_get_hardware_info(router_c3600):
router_c3600.get_hardware_info() # FIXME: Dynamips doesn't return anything
def test_slot_add_NM_1E(router_c3600):
adapter = NM_1E()
router_c3600.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3600.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_4E(router_c3600):
adapter = NM_4E()
router_c3600.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3600.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_1FE_TX(router_c3600):
adapter = NM_1FE_TX()
router_c3600.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3600.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_16ESW(router_c3600):
adapter = NM_16ESW()
router_c3600.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3600.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_4T(router_c3600):
adapter = NM_4T()
router_c3600.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3600.slots[1] == adapter
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import C3725
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_1FE_TX
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_4T
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_16ESW
import pytest
def router_c3725(request, hypervisor):
router = C3725(hypervisor, "c3725 router")
return router
def test_router_exists(router_c3725):
assert router_c3725.platform == "c3725"
assert router_c3725.list()
def test_iomem(router_c3725):
assert router_c3725.iomem == 5 # default value
router_c3725.iomem = 10
assert router_c3725.iomem == 10
def test_mac_addr(router_c3725):
assert router_c3725.mac_addr is not None
router_c3725.mac_addr = "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
assert router_c3725.mac_addr == "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
def test_bogus_mac_addr(router_c3725):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c3725.mac_addr = "zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz"
def test_system_id(router_c3725):
assert router_c3725.system_id == "FTX0945W0MY" # default value
router_c3725.system_id = "FTX0945W0MO"
assert router_c3725.system_id == "FTX0945W0MO"
def test_get_hardware_info(router_c3725):
router_c3725.get_hardware_info() # FIXME: Dynamips doesn't return anything
def test_slot_add_NM_1FE_TX(router_c3725):
adapter = NM_1FE_TX()
router_c3725.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3725.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_4T(router_c3725):
adapter = NM_4T()
router_c3725.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3725.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_16ESW(router_c3725):
adapter = NM_16ESW()
router_c3725.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3725.slots[1] == adapter
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import C3745
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_1FE_TX
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_4T
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NM_16ESW
import pytest
def router_c3745(request, hypervisor):
router = C3745(hypervisor, "c3745 router")
return router
def test_router_exists(router_c3745):
assert router_c3745.platform == "c3745"
assert router_c3745.list()
def test_iomem(router_c3745):
assert router_c3745.iomem == 5 # default value
router_c3745.iomem = 10
assert router_c3745.iomem == 10
def test_mac_addr(router_c3745):
assert router_c3745.mac_addr is not None
router_c3745.mac_addr = "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
assert router_c3745.mac_addr == "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
def test_bogus_mac_addr(router_c3745):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c3745.mac_addr = "zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz"
def test_system_id(router_c3745):
assert router_c3745.system_id == "FTX0945W0MY" # default value
router_c3745.system_id = "FTX0945W0MO"
assert router_c3745.system_id == "FTX0945W0MO"
def test_get_hardware_info(router_c3745):
router_c3745.get_hardware_info() # FIXME: Dynamips doesn't return anything
def test_slot_add_NM_1FE_TX(router_c3745):
adapter = NM_1FE_TX()
router_c3745.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3745.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_4T(router_c3745):
adapter = NM_4T()
router_c3745.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3745.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_NM_16ESW(router_c3745):
adapter = NM_16ESW()
router_c3745.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c3745.slots[1] == adapter
@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import C7200
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import PA_2FE_TX
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import PA_4E
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import PA_4T
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import PA_8E
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import PA_8T
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import PA_A1
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import PA_FE_TX
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import PA_GE
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import PA_POS_OC3
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null
import pytest
def router_c7200(request, hypervisor):
router = C7200(hypervisor, "c7200 router")
return router
def test_router_exists(router_c7200):
assert router_c7200.platform == "c7200"
assert router_c7200.list()
def test_npe(router_c7200):
assert router_c7200.npe == "npe-400" # default value
router_c7200.npe = "npe-200"
assert router_c7200.npe == "npe-200"
def test_midplane(router_c7200):
assert router_c7200.midplane == "vxr" # default value
router_c7200.midplane = "std"
assert router_c7200.midplane == "std"
def test_sensors(router_c7200):
assert router_c7200.sensors == [22, 22, 22, 22] # default values (everything at 22C)
router_c7200.sensors = [25, 25, 25, 25]
assert router_c7200.sensors == [25, 25, 25, 25]
def test_power_supplies(router_c7200):
assert router_c7200.power_supplies == [1, 1] # default values (1 = powered on)
router_c7200.power_supplies = [0, 0]
assert router_c7200.power_supplies == [0, 0]
def test_mac_addr(router_c7200):
assert router_c7200.mac_addr is not None
router_c7200.mac_addr = "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
assert router_c7200.mac_addr == "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
def test_bogus_mac_addr(router_c7200):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c7200.mac_addr = "zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz"
def test_system_id(router_c7200):
assert router_c7200.system_id == "FTX0945W0MY" # default value
router_c7200.system_id = "FTX0945W0MO"
assert router_c7200.system_id == "FTX0945W0MO"
def test_get_hardware_info(router_c7200):
router_c7200.get_hardware_info() # FIXME: Dynamips doesn't return anything
def test_slot_add_PA_2FE_TX(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_2FE_TX()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c7200.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_PA_4E(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_4E()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(2, adapter)
assert router_c7200.slots[2] == adapter
def test_slot_add_PA_4T(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_4T()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(3, adapter)
assert router_c7200.slots[3] == adapter
def test_slot_add_PA_8E(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_8E()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(4, adapter)
assert router_c7200.slots[4] == adapter
def test_slot_add_PA_8T(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_8T()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(5, adapter)
assert router_c7200.slots[5] == adapter
def test_slot_add_PA_A1(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_A1()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c7200.slots[1] == adapter
def test_slot_add_PA_FE_TX(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_FE_TX()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(2, adapter)
assert router_c7200.slots[2] == adapter
def test_slot_add_PA_GE(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_GE()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(3, adapter)
assert router_c7200.slots[3] == adapter
def test_slot_add_PA_POS_OC3(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_POS_OC3()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(4, adapter)
assert router_c7200.slots[4] == adapter
def test_slot_add_into_already_occupied_slot(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_FE_TX()
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(0, adapter)
def test_slot_add_into_wrong_slot(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_FE_TX()
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(10, adapter)
def test_slot_remove_adapter(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_FE_TX()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
assert router_c7200.slots[1] is None
def test_slot_add_remove_nio_binding(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_FE_TX()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
nio = NIO_Null(router_c7200.hypervisor)
router_c7200.slot_add_nio_binding(1, 0, nio) # slot 1/0
assert router_c7200.get_slot_nio_bindings(slot_id=1)
assert router_c7200.slots[1].ports[0] == nio
router_c7200.slot_remove_nio_binding(1, 0) # slot 1/0
assert not router_c7200.get_slot_nio_bindings(slot_id=0)
def test_slot_add_nio_to_wrong_port(router_c7200):
adapter = PA_FE_TX()
router_c7200.slot_add_binding(1, adapter)
nio = NIO_Null(router_c7200.hypervisor)
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router_c7200.slot_add_nio_binding(1, 1, nio) # slot 1/1
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import EthernetSwitch
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
import pytest
def ethsw(request, hypervisor):
ethsw = EthernetSwitch(hypervisor, "Ethernet switch")
return ethsw
def test_ethsw_exists(ethsw):
assert ethsw.list()
def test_rename_ethsw(ethsw):
ethsw.name = "new Ethernet switch"
assert ethsw.name == "new Ethernet switch"
def test_add_remove_nio(ethsw):
nio = NIO_Null(ethsw.hypervisor)
ethsw.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
assert ethsw.nios
ethsw.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_add_nio_already_allocated_port(ethsw):
nio = NIO_Null(ethsw.hypervisor)
ethsw.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
ethsw.add_nio(nio, 0)
def test_remove_nio_non_allocated_port(ethsw):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
ethsw.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_set_access_port(ethsw):
nio = NIO_Null(ethsw.hypervisor)
ethsw.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
ethsw.set_access_port(0, 10) # set port 0 as access in VLAN 10
assert ethsw.mapping[0] == ("access", 10)
ethsw.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_set_dot1q_port(ethsw):
nio = NIO_Null(ethsw.hypervisor)
ethsw.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
ethsw.set_dot1q_port(0, 1) # set port 0 as 802.1Q trunk with native VLAN 1
assert ethsw.mapping[0] == ("dot1q", 1)
ethsw.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_set_qinq_port(ethsw):
nio = NIO_Null(ethsw.hypervisor)
ethsw.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
ethsw.set_qinq_port(0, 100) # set port 0 as QinQ trunk with outer VLAN 100
assert ethsw.mapping[0] == ("qinq", 100)
ethsw.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_get_mac_addr_table(ethsw):
assert not ethsw.get_mac_addr_table() # MAC address table should be empty
def test_clear_mac_addr_table(ethsw):
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import FrameRelaySwitch
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
import pytest
def frsw(request, hypervisor):
frsw = FrameRelaySwitch(hypervisor, "Frane Relay switch")
return frsw
def test_frsw_exists(frsw):
assert frsw.list()
def test_rename_frsw(frsw):
frsw.name = "new Frame Relay switch"
assert frsw.name == "new Frame Relay switch"
def test_add_remove_nio(frsw):
nio = NIO_Null(frsw.hypervisor)
frsw.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
assert frsw.nios
frsw.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_add_nio_already_allocated_port(frsw):
nio = NIO_Null(frsw.hypervisor)
frsw.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO on port 0
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
frsw.add_nio(nio, 0)
def test_remove_nio_non_allocated_port(frsw):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
frsw.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
def test_vc(frsw):
nio1 = NIO_Null(frsw.hypervisor)
frsw.add_nio(nio1, 0) # add NIO on port 0
nio2 = NIO_Null(frsw.hypervisor)
frsw.add_nio(nio1, 1) # add NIO on port 1
frsw.map_vc(0, 10, 1, 20) # port 0 DLCI 10 to port 1 DLCI 20 (unidirectional)
frsw.map_vc(1, 20, 0, 10) # port 1 DLCI 20 to port 0 DLCI 10 (unidirectional)
assert frsw.mapping[(0, 10)] == (1, 20)
assert frsw.mapping[(1, 20)] == (0, 10)
frsw.unmap_vc(0, 10, 1, 20) # port 0 DLCI 10 to port 1 DLCI 20 (unidirectional)
frsw.unmap_vc(1, 20, 0, 10) # port 1 DLCI 20 to port 0 DLCI 10 (unidirectional)
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import Hub
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null
import pytest
def hub(request, hypervisor):
hub = Hub(hypervisor, "hub")
return hub
def test_hub_exists(hub):
assert hub.list()
def test_add_remove_nio(hub):
nio = NIO_Null(hub.hypervisor)
hub.add_nio(nio, 0) # add NIO to port 0
assert hub.mapping[0] == nio
hub.remove_nio(0) # remove NIO from port 0
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import Hypervisor
import time
def test_is_started(hypervisor):
assert hypervisor.is_running()
def test_port(hypervisor):
assert hypervisor.port == 7200
def test_host(hypervisor):
assert hypervisor.host == ""
def test_working_dir(hypervisor):
assert hypervisor.working_dir == "/tmp"
def test_path(hypervisor):
dynamips_path = '/usr/bin/dynamips'
assert hypervisor.path == dynamips_path
def test_stdout():
# try to launch Dynamips on the same port
# this will fail so that we can read its stdout/stderr
dynamips_path = '/usr/bin/dynamips'
hypervisor = Hypervisor(dynamips_path, "/tmp", "", 7200)
# give some time for Dynamips to start
output = hypervisor.read_stdout()
assert output
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import Router
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import HypervisorManager
import pytest
import os
def hypervisor_manager(request):
dynamips_path = '/usr/bin/dynamips'
print("\nStarting Dynamips Hypervisor: {}".format(dynamips_path))
manager = HypervisorManager(dynamips_path, "/tmp", "")
# manager.start_new_hypervisor()
def stop():
print("\nStopping Dynamips Hypervisor")
return manager
def test_allocate_hypervisor_for_router(hypervisor_manager):
hypervisor_manager.allocate_hypervisor_per_device = False
# default of 1GB of RAM per hypervisor instance
assert hypervisor_manager.memory_usage_limit_per_hypervisor == 1024
hypervisor = hypervisor_manager.allocate_hypervisor_for_router("c3725.image", 512)
assert hypervisor.is_running()
hypervisor = hypervisor_manager.allocate_hypervisor_for_router("c3725.image", 256)
assert hypervisor.memory_load == 768
hypervisor = hypervisor_manager.allocate_hypervisor_for_router("c3725.image", 512)
assert hypervisor.memory_load == 512
assert len(hypervisor_manager.hypervisors) == 2
def test_unallocate_hypervisor_for_router(hypervisor_manager):
assert len(hypervisor_manager.hypervisors) == 2
hypervisor = hypervisor_manager.hypervisors[0]
assert hypervisor.memory_load == 768
router = Router(hypervisor, "router", "c3725") # default is 128MB of RAM
assert hypervisor.memory_load == 640
hypervisor.decrease_memory_load(512) # forces memory load down to 128
assert hypervisor.memory_load == 128
# router is deleted and memory load to 0 now, one hypervisor must
# have been shutdown
assert len(hypervisor_manager.hypervisors) == 1
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_UDP
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_UDP_auto
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_FIFO
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Mcast
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import NIO_Null
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
import pytest
# TODO: test UNIX, TAP, VDE, generic Ethernet and Linux Ethernet NIOs
def test_nio_udp(hypervisor):
nio1 = NIO_UDP(hypervisor, 10001, "", 10002)
assert nio1.lport == 10001
nio2 = NIO_UDP(hypervisor, 10002, "", 10001)
assert nio2.lport == 10002
def test_nio_udp_auto(hypervisor):
nio1 = NIO_UDP_auto(hypervisor, "", 10001, 10010)
assert nio1.lport == 10001
nio2 = NIO_UDP_auto(hypervisor, "", 10001, 10010)
assert nio2.lport == 10002
nio1.connect("", nio2.lport)
nio2.connect("", nio1.lport)
def test_nio_fifo(hypervisor):
nio1 = NIO_FIFO(hypervisor)
nio2 = NIO_FIFO(hypervisor)
assert nio1.list()
def test_nio_mcast(hypervisor):
nio1 = NIO_Mcast(hypervisor, "", 10001)
assert nio1.group == ""
assert nio1.port == 10001
nio1.ttl = 254
assert nio1.ttl == 254
nio2 = NIO_UDP(hypervisor, 10002, "", 10001)
def test_nio_null(hypervisor):
nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor)
assert nio.list()
def test_rename_nio(hypervisor):
nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor)
assert nio.name.startswith("nio_null")
assert nio.name == "test"
def test_debug_nio(hypervisor):
nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor)
def test_bind_unbind_filter(hypervisor):
nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor)
nio.bind_filter("both", "freq_drop")
assert nio.input_filter == ("freq_drop", None)
assert nio.output_filter == ("freq_drop", None)
nio.bind_filter("in", "capture")
assert nio.input_filter == ("capture", None)
def test_bind_unknown_filter(hypervisor):
nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor)
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
nio.bind_filter("both", "my_filter")
def test_unbind_with_no_filter_applied(hypervisor):
nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor)
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
def test_setup_filter(hypervisor):
nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor)
nio.bind_filter("in", "freq_drop")
nio.setup_filter("in", "5") # drop every 5th packet
assert nio.input_filter == ("freq_drop", "5")
def test_get_stats(hypervisor):
nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor)
assert nio.get_stats() == "0 0 0 0" # nothing has been transmitted or received
def test_reset_stats(hypervisor):
nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor)
def test_set_bandwidth(hypervisor):
nio = NIO_Null(hypervisor)
assert nio.bandwidth is None # no constraint by default
nio.set_bandwidth(1000) # bandwidth = 1000 Kb/s
assert nio.bandwidth == 1000
@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import Router
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import DynamipsError
import sys
import pytest
import tempfile
import base64
def router(request, hypervisor):
router = Router(hypervisor, "router", platform="c3725")
return router
def test_hypervisor_is_started(hypervisor):
assert hypervisor.is_running()
def test_create_and_delete_router(hypervisor):
router = Router(hypervisor, "test my router")
assert router.id >= 0
assert router.name == "test my router"
assert router.platform == "c7200" # default platform
assert not router.is_running()
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
def test_rename_router(hypervisor):
router = Router(hypervisor, "my router to rename")
assert router.name == "my router to rename"
router.name = "my_router"
assert router.name == "my_router"
def test_image(router):
# let's pretend this file is an IOS image
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as ios_image:
router.image = ios_image.name
assert router.image == ios_image.name
def test_set_config(router):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as startup_config:
startup_config.write(b"hostname test_config\n")
def test_push_config(router):
startup_config = base64.b64encode(b"hostname test_config\n").decode("utf-8")
private_config = base64.b64encode(b"private config\n").decode("utf-8")
router.push_config(startup_config, private_config)
router_startup_config, router_private_config = router.extract_config()
assert startup_config == router_startup_config
assert private_config == router_private_config
def test_status(router, image):
# don't test if we have no IOS image
if not image:
assert router.get_status() == "inactive"
router.ram = 256
router.image = image
assert router.is_running()
assert router.get_status() == "suspended"
assert router.is_running()
assert router.get_status() == "inactive"
def test_ram(router):
assert router.ram == 128 # default ram
router.ram = 256
assert router.ram == 256
def test_nvram(router):
assert router.nvram == 128 # default nvram
router.nvram = 256
assert router.nvram == 256
def test_mmap(router):
assert router.mmap # default value
router.mmap = False
assert router.mmap == False
def test_sparsemem(router):
assert router.sparsemem # default value
router.sparsemem = False
assert router.sparsemem == False
def test_clock_divisor(router):
assert router.clock_divisor == 8 # default value
router.clock_divisor = 4
assert router.clock_divisor == 4
def test_idlepc(router):
assert router.idlepc == "" # no default value
router.idlepc = "0x60c086a8"
assert router.idlepc == "0x60c086a8"
def test_idlemax(router):
assert router.idlemax == 500 # default value
router.idlemax = 1500
assert router.idlemax == 1500
def test_idlesleep(router):
assert router.idlesleep == 30 # default value
router.idlesleep = 15
assert router.idlesleep == 15
def test_exec_area(router):
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
assert router.exec_area == 16 # default value
assert router.exec_area == 64 # default value
router.exec_area = 48
assert router.exec_area == 48
def test_disk0(router):
assert router.disk0 == 0 # default value
router.disk0 = 16
assert router.disk0 == 16
def test_disk1(router):
assert router.disk1 == 0 # default value
router.disk1 = 16
assert router.disk1 == 16
def test_confreg(router):
assert router.confreg == "0x2102" # default value
router.confreg = "0x2142"
assert router.confreg == "0x2142"
def test_console(router):
assert router.console == 2001
new_console_port = router.console + 100
router.console = new_console_port
assert router.console == new_console_port
def test_aux(router):
assert router.aux == 2501
new_aux_port = router.aux + 100
router.aux = new_aux_port
assert router.aux == new_aux_port
def test_cpu_info(router):
router.get_cpu_info() # nothing is returned by the hypervisor, cannot test?
def test_cpu_usage(router):
usage = router.get_cpu_usage()
assert usage == 0 # router isn't running, so usage must be 0
def test_get_slot_bindings(router):
assert router.get_slot_bindings()[0] == "0/0: GT96100-FE"
def test_get_slot_nio_bindings(router):
def test_mac_addr(router):
assert router.mac_addr is not None
router.mac_addr = "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
assert router.mac_addr == "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
def test_bogus_mac_addr(router):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router.mac_addr = "zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz"
def test_system_id(router):
assert router.system_id == "FTX0945W0MY" # default value
router.system_id = "FTX0945W0MO"
assert router.system_id == "FTX0945W0MO"
def test_get_hardware_info(router):
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
from tornado.testing import AsyncHTTPTestCase
#from gns3server.plugins.dynamips import Dynamips
#from gns3server._compat import urlencode
from functools import partial
import tornado.web
import json
import tempfile
# class TestVMHandler(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
# def setUp(self):
# AsyncHTTPTestCase.setUp(self)
# self.post_request = partial(self.http_client.fetch,
# self.get_url("/api/vms/dynamips"),
# self.stop,
# method="POST")
# def get_app(self):
# return tornado.web.Application(Dynamips().handlers())
# def test_endpoint(self):
# self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url("/api/vms/dynamips"), self.stop)
# response = self.wait()
# assert response.code == 200
# def test_upload(self):
# try:
# from poster.encode import multipart_encode
# except ImportError:
# # poster isn't available for Python 3, let's just ignore the test
# return
# file_to_upload = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
# data, headers = multipart_encode({"file1": file_to_upload})
# body = ""
# for d in data:
# body += d
# response = self.fetch('/api/vms/dynamips/storage/upload',
# headers=headers,
# body=body,
# method='POST')
# assert response.code == 200
# def get_new_ioloop(self):
# return tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
# def test_create_vm(self):
# post_data = {"name": "R1",
# "platform": "c3725",
# "console": 2000,
# "aux": 3000,
# "image": "c3725.bin",
# "ram": 128}
# self.post_request(body=json.dumps(post_data))
# response = self.wait()
# assert(response.headers['Content-Type'].startswith('application/json'))
# expected = {"success": True}
# assert response.body.decode("utf-8") == json.dumps(expected)
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
import uuid
from tornado.testing import AsyncTestCase
from tornado.escape import json_encode, json_decode
from ws4py.client.tornadoclient import TornadoWebSocketClient
import gns3server.jsonrpc as jsonrpc
Tests for JSON-RPC protocol over Websockets
class JSONRPC(AsyncTestCase):
URL = "ws://"
def test_request(self):
params = {"echo": "test"}
request = jsonrpc.JSONRPCRequest("dynamips.echo", params)
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, str(request))
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["jsonrpc"] == 2.0
assert json_response["id"] == request.id
assert json_response["result"] == params
def test_request_with_invalid_method(self):
message = {"echo": "test"}
request = jsonrpc.JSONRPCRequest("dynamips.non_existent", message)
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, str(request))
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["error"].get("code") == -32601
assert json_response["id"] == request.id
def test_request_with_invalid_version(self):
request = {"jsonrpc": 1.0, "method": "dynamips.echo", "id": 1}
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, json_encode(request))
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["id"] is None
assert json_response["error"].get("code") == -32600
def test_request_with_invalid_json(self):
request = "my non JSON request"
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, request)
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["id"] is None
assert json_response["error"].get("code") == -32700
def test_request_with_invalid_jsonrpc_field(self):
request = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method_bogus": "dynamips.echo", "id": 1}
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, json_encode(request))
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["id"] is None
assert json_response["error"].get("code") == -32700
def test_request_with_no_params(self):
request = jsonrpc.JSONRPCRequest("dynamips.echo")
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, str(request))
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["id"] == request.id
assert json_response["error"].get("code") == -32602
class AsyncWSRequest(TornadoWebSocketClient):
Very basic Websocket client for tests
def __init__(self, url, io_loop, callback, message):
TornadoWebSocketClient.__init__(self, url, io_loop=io_loop)
self._callback = callback
self._message = message
def opened(self):
self.send(self._message, binary=False)
def received_message(self, message):
if self._callback:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import pytest
from tests.utils import asyncio_patch
# @pytest.yield_fixture(scope="module")
# def vm(server, project):
# dynamips_path = "/fake/dynamips"
# with asyncio_patch("gns3server.modules.dynamips.nodes.router.Router.create", return_value=True) as mock:
# response = server.post("/projects/{project_id}/dynamips/vms".format(project_id=project.id), {"name": "My router",
# "platform": "c3745",
# "image": "somewhere",
# "ram": 128})
# assert mock.called
# assert response.status == 201
# with asyncio_patch("gns3server.modules.dynamips.Dynamips.find_dynamips", return_value=dynamips_path):
# yield response.json
# def test_dynamips_vm_create(server, project):
# with asyncio_patch("gns3server.modules.dynamips.nodes.router.Router.create", return_value=True):
# response = server.post("/projects/{project_id}/dynamips/vms".format(project_id=project.id), {"name": "My router",
# "platform": "c3745",
# "image": "somewhere",
# "ram": 128},
# example=True)
# assert response.status == 201
# assert response.json["name"] == "My router"
# assert response.json["project_id"] == project.id
# assert response.json["dynamips_id"]
# def test_dynamips_vm_get(server, project, vm):
# response = server.get("/projects/{project_id}/dynamips/vms/{vm_id}".format(project_id=vm["project_id"], vm_id=vm["vm_id"]), example=True)
# assert response.status == 200
# assert response.route == "/projects/{project_id}/dynamips/vms/{vm_id}"
# assert response.json["name"] == "My router"
# assert response.json["project_id"] == project.id
# def test_dynamips_vm_start(server, vm):
# with asyncio_patch("gns3server.modules.dynamips.nodes.router.Router.start", return_value=True) as mock:
# response = server.post("/projects/{project_id}/dynamips/vms/{vm_id}/start".format(project_id=vm["project_id"], vm_id=vm["vm_id"]))
# assert mock.called
# assert response.status == 204
# def test_dynamips_vm_stop(server, vm):
# with asyncio_patch("gns3server.modules.dynamips.nodes.router.Router.stop", return_value=True) as mock:
# response = server.post("/projects/{project_id}/dynamips/vms/{vm_id}/stop".format(project_id=vm["project_id"], vm_id=vm["vm_id"]))
# assert mock.called
# assert response.status == 204
# def test_dynamips_vm_suspend(server, vm):
# with asyncio_patch("gns3server.modules.dynamips.nodes.router.Router.suspend", return_value=True) as mock:
# response = server.post("/projects/{project_id}/dynamips/vms/{vm_id}/suspend".format(project_id=vm["project_id"], vm_id=vm["vm_id"]))
# assert mock.called
# assert response.status == 204
# def test_dynamips_vm_resume(server, vm):
# with asyncio_patch("gns3server.modules.dynamips.nodes.router.Router.resume", return_value=True) as mock:
# response = server.post("/projects/{project_id}/dynamips/vms/{vm_id}/resume".format(project_id=vm["project_id"], vm_id=vm["vm_id"]))
# assert mock.called
# assert response.status == 204
# def test_vbox_nio_create_udp(server, vm):
# with asyncio_patch('gns3server.modules.virtualbox.virtualbox_vm.VirtualBoxVM.adapter_add_nio_binding') as mock:
# response = server.post("/projects/{project_id}/virtualbox/vms/{vm_id}/adapters/0/nio".format(project_id=vm["project_id"],
# vm_id=vm["vm_id"]), {"type": "nio_udp",
# "lport": 4242,
# "rport": 4343,
# "rhost": ""},
# example=True)
# assert mock.called
# args, kwgars = mock.call_args
# assert args[0] == 0
# assert response.status == 201
# assert response.route == "/projects/{project_id}/virtualbox/vms/{vm_id}/adapters/{adapter_id:\d+}/nio"
# assert response.json["type"] == "nio_udp"
# def test_vbox_delete_nio(server, vm):
# with asyncio_patch('gns3server.modules.virtualbox.virtualbox_vm.VirtualBoxVM.adapter_remove_nio_binding') as mock:
# response = server.delete("/projects/{project_id}/virtualbox/vms/{vm_id}/adapters/0/nio".format(project_id=vm["project_id"], vm_id=vm["vm_id"]), example=True)
# assert mock.called
# args, kwgars = mock.call_args
# assert args[0] == 0
# assert response.status == 204
# assert response.route == "/projects/{project_id}/virtualbox/vms/{vm_id}/adapters/{adapter_id:\d+}/nio"
# def test_vbox_update(server, vm, free_console_port):
# response = server.put("/projects/{project_id}/virtualbox/vms/{vm_id}".format(project_id=vm["project_id"], vm_id=vm["vm_id"]), {"name": "test",
# "console": free_console_port})
# assert response.status == 200
# assert response.json["name"] == "test"
# assert response.json["console"] == free_console_port
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import pytest
import tempfile
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import Dynamips
from gns3server.modules.dynamips.dynamips_error import DynamipsError
from unittest.mock import patch
def manager(port_manager):
m = Dynamips.instance()
m.port_manager = port_manager
return m
def test_vm_invalid_dynamips_path(manager):
with patch("gns3server.config.Config.get_section_config", return_value={"dynamips_path": "/bin/test_fake"}):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
def test_vm_non_executable_dynamips_path(manager):
tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
with patch("gns3server.config.Config.get_section_config", return_value={"dynamips_path": tmpfile.name}):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import pytest
import asyncio
from unittest.mock import patch
from gns3server.modules.dynamips.nodes.router import Router
from gns3server.modules.dynamips.dynamips_error import DynamipsError
from gns3server.modules.dynamips import Dynamips
def manager(port_manager):
m = Dynamips.instance()
m.port_manager = port_manager
return m
def router(project, manager):
return Router("test", "00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f", project, manager)
def test_router(project, manager):
router = Router("test", "00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f", project, manager)
assert router.name == "test"
assert router.id == "00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f"
def test_router_invalid_dynamips_path(project, manager, loop):
with patch("gns3server.config.Config.get_section_config", return_value={"dynamips_path": "/bin/test_fake"}):
with pytest.raises(DynamipsError):
router = Router("test", "00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0e", project, manager)
assert router.name == "test"
assert router.id == "00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0e"
@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ def manager(port_manager):
return m
@patch("gns3server.config.Config.get_section_config", return_value={"vboxmanage_path": "/bin/test_fake"})
def test_vm_invalid_vboxmanage_path(project, manager):
with pytest.raises(VirtualBoxError):
def test_vm_invalid_vboxmanage_path(manager):
with patch("gns3server.config.Config.get_section_config", return_value={"vboxmanage_path": "/bin/test_fake"}):
with pytest.raises(VirtualBoxError):
def test_vm_non_executable_vboxmanage_path(project, manager):
def test_vm_non_executable_vboxmanage_path(manager):
tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
with patch("gns3server.config.Config.get_section_config", return_value={"vboxmanage_path": tmpfile.name}):
with pytest.raises(VirtualBoxError):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user