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import uuid
from tornado.testing import AsyncTestCase
from tornado.escape import json_encode, json_decode
from ws4py.client.tornadoclient import TornadoWebSocketClient
import gns3server.jsonrpc as jsonrpc
Tests for JSON-RPC protocol over Websockets
class JSONRPC(AsyncTestCase):
URL = "ws://"
def test_request(self):
params = {"echo": "test"}
request = jsonrpc.JSONRPCRequest("dynamips.echo", params)
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, str(request))
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["jsonrpc"] == 2.0
assert json_response["id"] ==
assert json_response["result"] == params
def test_request_with_invalid_method(self):
message = {"echo": "test"}
request = jsonrpc.JSONRPCRequest("dynamips.non_existent", message)
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, str(request))
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["error"].get("code") == -32601
assert json_response["id"] ==
def test_request_with_invalid_version(self):
request = {"jsonrpc": 1.0, "method": "dynamips.echo", "id": 1}
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, json_encode(request))
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["id"] is None
assert json_response["error"].get("code") == -32600
def test_request_with_invalid_json(self):
request = "my non JSON request"
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, request)
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["id"] is None
assert json_response["error"].get("code") == -32700
def test_request_with_invalid_jsonrpc_field(self):
request = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method_bogus": "dynamips.echo", "id": 1}
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, json_encode(request))
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["id"] is None
assert json_response["error"].get("code") == -32700
def test_request_with_no_params(self):
request = jsonrpc.JSONRPCRequest("dynamips.echo")
AsyncWSRequest(self.URL, self.io_loop, self.stop, str(request))
response = self.wait()
json_response = json_decode(response)
assert json_response["id"] ==
assert json_response["error"].get("code") == -32602
class AsyncWSRequest(TornadoWebSocketClient):
Very basic Websocket client for tests
def __init__(self, url, io_loop, callback, message):
TornadoWebSocketClient.__init__(self, url, io_loop=io_loop)
self._callback = callback
self._message = message
def opened(self):
self.send(self._message, binary=False)
def received_message(self, message):
if self._callback: