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EteSync - Secure Data Sync

Secure, end-to-end encrypted, and privacy respecting sync for your contacts, calendars and tasks (Android client).

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Please see the EteSync website for more information.

EteSync is licensed under the GPLv3 License.


EteSync uses git-submodules, so cloning the code requires slightly different commands.

  1. Clone the repo: git clone --recurse-submodules etesync-android
  2. Change to the directory cd etesync-android
  3. Open with Android studio or build with gradle:
  4. Android studio (easier): android-studio .
  5. Gradle: ./gradlew assembleDebug

To update the code to the latest version, run: git pull --rebase --recurse-submodules

Third Party Code

EteSync's source code was originally based on DAVdroid but the codebases has since diverged quite significantly.

This project relies on many great third party libraries. Please take a look at the app's about menu for more information about them and their licenses.