
Interface Summary
InputNode The InputNode object represents an iterator for the elements within an element.
NamespaceMap The NamespaceMap object is used store the namespaces for an element.
Node The Node is used to represent a name value pair and acts as the base form of data used within the framework.
NodeMap<T extends Node> The NodeMap object represents a map of nodes that can be set as name value pairs.
OutputNode The OutputNode object is used to represent a cursor which can be used to write XML elements and attributes.
Position The Position object is used to acquire the position of the read cursor within the XML file.
Style The Style interface is used to represent an XML style that can be applied to a serialized object.

Class Summary
CamelCaseStyle The CamelCaseStyle is used to represent an XML style that can be applied to a serialized object.
Format The Format object is used to provide information on how a generated XML document should be structured.
HyphenStyle The HyphenStyle is used to represent an XML style that can be applied to a serialized object.
NodeBuilder The NodeBuilder object is used to create either an input node or an output node for a given source or destination.

Enum Summary
Mode The Mode enumeration is used to specify the output mode for XML text.
Verbosity The Verbosity enumeration is used to specify a verbosity preference for the resulting XML.

Exception Summary
NodeException The NodeException is thrown to indicate the state of either the input node or output node being invalid.