* HttpClient: authentication that is limited to a host name is never preemptive
* DavResourceFinder: service configuration == null means that this service is not available
* new SQLite database for CalDAV/CardDAV services
* added AccountDetailsFragment, which asks for account name and then finishes account creation
* updated AccountListFragment
* ContactsSyncManager: gracefully handle photo URLs without host name
* MainActivity: cache installer package name
* dav4android: use java.util.ServiceLoader to load DAV property factories
* ical4android: treat empty-string task location and URL as null values
* vcard4android: ignore raw contact data without MIMETYPE
* gracefully ignore when server doesn't sent Content-Type in GET responses
* merge translations from Transifex
* Contacts sync: if REPORT addressbook-query doesn't work, don't ignore other exceptions than HTTP 40x errors
* dav4android: Digest auth improvements (e.g. for OS X Calendar Server)
* vcard4android: better support for exotic IMPP handles and names
* use ExternalFileLogger to log synchronization, if enabled in Settings
* new settings: log to external file / log verbose
* DavResource: check for well-known even if service type of user-given URL can't be determined
* remove oblsete testing assets
* allow cancellation of synchronization within appropriate time
* sync error notification: use loader, show all accounts, show whether JB Workaround is installed, reorder
* move address book settings from account user data to ContactsContract.SyncState
* remove "VCard4 capable?" setting (as it's detected at every sync)
* show user notification when updating settings version or when Android version was increased
* improve stack trace in DebugInfoActivity
* get rid of Guava (use Commons again)