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The Clair developers only support the Clair API.
They do not support or operate any third party client (e.g. clairctl, klar, harbor).
If you are using a third party client, please create issues on their respective repositories.
Are you using a development build of Clair (e.g.
Your problem might be solved by switching to a stable release (e.g.
Issues that do not contain the Environment section will be automatically closed.
If you're making a feature request, please specify "N/A" under the environment section.
Nobody can help you without context.
### Description of Problem / Feature Request
<!--- your content here --->
### Expected Outcome
<!--- your content here --->
### Actual Outcome
<!--- your content here --->
### Environment
- Clair version/image:
- Clair client name/version:
- Host OS:
- Kernel (e.g. `uname -a`):
- Kubernetes version (use `kubectl version`):
- Helm version (use `helm version`):
- Network/Firewall setup: