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Driver Update Disks Developer Documentation

v1.0, Mon Feb 15 2016

This document describes implementation details of how Driver Update Disks (usually abbreviated DUD or DD) are loaded and used by the installer, as a reference for developers working on the code.

NOTE: This is not a specification. Filenames, paths, and procedures may change without warning. Avoid contact with eyes and skin and avoid inhaling fumes. Keep out of reach of children and customers. Any resemblance to real code, living or dead is purely coincidental.

Most of the important code is in, which uses the utilities from utils/dd to actually handle driver RPMs. There's also support code sprinkled through this directory and in the installer itself, which will be described below. But first...

A Quick Overview

What is a DUD?

A DUD (Driver Update Disk) is a disk (or disk image - typically a .iso file) that contains some metadata and one or more repos which contain driver RPMs and/or installer enhancement RPMs.

What are they for?

These are used to add kernel modules and/or userspace programs to the installer before the installer's second stage is loaded. This is most commonly needed when trying to install onto a system whose disk (or network) controllers are not supported by the existing installer.

How does it work?

Here's a short summary; please see below for important technical details of each part of the process.

  1. Boot argument: inst.dd=<driverdisk> specifies where to look for driver disks.
  2. Automatic DUD handling: If a disk partition labeled OEMDRV is found during startup (before udev settles) it's assumed to be a driver disk.
  3. Interactive DUD selection: The user may pass the argument inst.dd by itself to request interactive driver disk selection via a text menu. The user can choose a device to examine, pick an .iso image to load from (if multiple images are present), and choose individual drivers to load.
  4. Driver RPM selection: dd_list is used to list the contents of a DUD repo; it will only list RPMs that have one of these headers, matching the current kernel/installer version:
    • Provides: kernel-modules <version-expr>
    • Provides: installer-enhancement <version-expr>
  5. Driver extraction: For all matching RPMs, dd_extract extracts kernel modules and firmware (if the kernel-modules header was present) and binaries and libraries (if installer-enhancement was present) into the initrd and installer environment.
  6. Driver loading: After processing each DUD, runs depmod and tries to manually modprobe all extracted drivers.
  7. Repo copying and package listing: saves a list of the extracted package names and a copy of each DUD repo used into the installer environment. When anaconda runs, it enables any DUD repos it finds and adds all the named packages to the install transaction.

Overall design notes

Here are a few things to keep in mind about the overall design of the DUD code.

  1. The real action happens in the dracut initqueue

    We need both udev and dracut to be processing events so that other dependent events are handled as usual.

    It's tempting to think that we should just handle DUDs before the initqueue mainloop so that the devices will magically already be present when we start the initqueue, as if we had started with them loaded. Except then you need to start running udevadm trigger and udevadm settle yourself to make the DUD devices appear, and then handle them manually, and now you've gone and re-written the dracut mainloop.

    Too clever is stupid. Just use initqueue.

    Any long-running action that's going to be performed inside one of the dracut scriptlets should be using /sbin/initqueue to add items to the initqueue instead of executing the code itself in-place.

    (See, for example, the way handles DUDs that are already present inside the initramfs.)

  2. Let dracut handle devices and downloads

    dracut's main purpose in life is to bring up and initialize the devices needed to start the system (or, in this case, the installer image).

    Dracut's far better at handling disks and image mounting than Python is, and in general we want upstream dracut to be responsible for handling as much as possible of the bootup process. (That's kind of its job, after all.)

    Anything that directly handles probing devices, downloading images, calling udev, etc. should be done in dracut scriptlets, not

    (The current invocation of udevadm that's in there should be moved to a dracut scriptlet as soon as we can get away with changing it.)

  3. Let dd_list/dd_extract handle driver RPMs

    Neither dracut nor should be messing with RPM headers, unpacking individual RPMs, etc.

    Use dd_list to list the driver RPMs that are available in a repo, and use dd_extract to extract their contents. Don't mess with RPMs directly.

  4. Use as little Python as possible in initrd

    If you know Python better than dracut or C, it might be tempting to solve problems by hacking on the Python parts of the DUD code. This leads to redundant code - and more code for us to maintain.'s purpose is basically just to mount disks or disk images and find valid DUD repos therein (either automatically or interactively), and to save needed data to places where the installer can find it later.

    Any other tasks should be handled in dracut scriptlets, the C utilities, or the main installer program.

    (If you must add Python code, avoid pulling in new libraries. It makes building images much more fragile and bloats the initramfs.)

Boot arguments

The inst.dd (or dd) boot argument is used to specify the location of a DUD to use, or to start interactive mode. It has three forms:

  1. Network URLs
  • example: inst.dd=http://host.fake.domain/path/to/dd.iso
  • Target should be a .iso (or other disk image) or driver .rpm
  • Target will be downloaded and then handled appropriately
  1. Block devices
  • examples: inst.dd=cdrom:/dev/cdrom, inst.dd=hd:LABEL=DRIVERZ
  • The hd: or cdrom: prefix is stripped
  • TAG=VALUE pairs are looked up using blkid
  1. Interactive mode
  • inst.dd (or dd)
  • Brings up text-based menu:
    1. Choose from a list of disk devices
    2. (if device contains multiple .iso images) Choose an .iso
    3. Choose from a list of drivers found in the DUD

If one (or more) of these are specified, dracut will wait until all specified inst.dd items have been handled before starting the main installer image.

Automatic DUD handling (OEMDRV)

If no inst.dd boot argument is specified, dracut watches for a readable disk partition labeled OEMDRV. If one appears before dracut finishes waiting for required devices, it is automatically handled like a normal DUD.

NOTE: device autodetection limitations

Once the kernel's device probing finishes, udev waits for and processes responses from devices. Once every response has been handled and no more new responses arrive for a short period of time (no less than 500ms), dracut assumes all devices have been found and declares the system "settled".

If there's no response from any OEMDRV device by then, the installer starts normally.

If the OEMDRV device is present but too slow to be autodetected, the user can boot with an argument like inst.dd=hd:LABEL=OEMDRV to indicate that dracut should expect an OEMDRV device and not start the installer until it appears.

DUD filesystem layout

A driver updates disk may contain one or more driver repos, which are usually laid out as follows:

|rhdd3   - DD marker, contains the DD's description string
  |  /i686 - contains RPMs for this arch and acts as package repo
  |  /x86_64
  |  /ppc64
  |  /...  - any other architecture the DD provides drivers for

In other words, a DUD is a directory containing:

  1. a file named rhdd3 (which contains the description for that DUD), and
  2. a directory named rpms/, under which there is at least one directory which matches the output of uname -m. Under there are RPMs that contain the special DUD headers (see the next section for more info).

By convention, the "repos" under rpms/ usually have yum metadata, but this is not required or enforced by the tools. If there's no metadata present, anaconda will run createrepo (or whatever the backend requires to make that directory usable).

Driver Updates RPM Headers

When dd_list examines a driver disk, it checks the Provides: headers of each RPM to see if it provides either kernel-modules or installer-enhancement. RPMs that contain kernel modules or firmware must provide kernel-modules, and RPMs that contain libraries or binaries must provide installer-enhancement.

RPM header version matching

Usually the packages will have a header like one of these:

Provides: kernel-modules >= 3.6.9
Provides: installer-enhancement >= 19

The given version comparison expression is compared against either the running kernel or the installer version; if the kernel or installer matches the expression, then the RPM is considered valid for use inside this installer environment, and it will be listed by dd_list. Otherwise, dd_list (and, therefore, the rest of the DUD code) will ignore that RPM.

Note that RPM operations are handled entirely by dd_list and dd_extract.

installer-enhancement versioning

The DUD code does not use the actual running installer version; instead it hardcodes the value 19. I think (at some point) there were DUDs in the wild that required this fact, and so it's just been left as-is.

If the Anaconda Add-on API changes, this version should definitely be changed.

dracut component details

This section describes all the various bits of driver update support code that live in dracut and how they get called or call each other.


If any inst.dd=... (or dd=...) arguments are found, this scriptlet parses their values and writes appropriate values to /tmp/dd_disk, /tmp/dd_net, or /tmp/dd_interactive, as follows:

  1. Values that start with http:, https:, ftp:, or nfs: are assumed to be network URLs and get written to /tmp/dd_net.
  2. Values of the form hd:<dev>, cdrom:<dev>, file:<path>, or path:<path> will have the <dev> or <path> part written to /tmp/dd_disk.
  3. Any other value is assumed to be a disk device, and therefore also gets written to /tmp/dd_disk.
  4. If a plain dd or inst.dd boot argument (without a value) is found, the word "menu" is written to /tmp/dd_interactive.

Finally, the contents of all three files are combined to create /tmp/dd_todo.


This sets up the udev rules and dracut scriptlets that will handle any DUDs that appear. Specifically:

  1. If /tmp/dd_todo exists, call so that dracut will not start the installer until /tmp/dd.done exists.
  2. If /tmp/dd_interactive exists, add an initqueue item to start driver-updates@.service once the initqueue starts.
  3. If /tmp/dd_interactive does not exist, add a udev rule to automatically handle any OEMDRV devices that appear.
  4. For each item specified in /tmp/dd_disk, either:
    • create a udev rule that will execute driver-updates --disk when that disk appears, or
    • if the item is a DUD image that already exists in the initrd: add an initqueue item to run driver-updates --disk once the initqueue starts.
  5. Set up a initqueue/finished scriptlet to force dracut to stay in the initqueue until initqueue/settled runs at least once.


This script runs every time a network device comes online and tries to handle each image URL listed in in /tmp/dd_net, as follows:

  1. If the URL is listed in /tmp/dd_net.done, it is skipped
  2. The URL is fetched using dracut's fetch_url function
  3. If the image is successfully downloaded:
    • append URL to /tmp/dd_net.done
    • run driver-updates --net URL IMAGE
  4. Otherwise: if the fetch failed, warn the user and exit


When parse-kickstart handles a driverdisk command it emits the appropriate inst.dd= argument, which will then get parsed and handled as usual when the run_kickstart function does its thing (see for details on how run_kickstart works).

There's two valid forms for the driverdisk command - here's how those get handled by parse-kickstart:

kickstart command parse-kickstart output
driverdisk <partition> inst.dd=hd:<partition>
driverdisk --source=<url> inst.dd=<url>

Check the kickstart documentation for more info.

initqueue: driver-updates@.service

This service launches the interactive driver update menu. It handles hiding the plymouth splash screen, quieting kernel messages, and connecting the menu to the tty so that the user can select drivers.

This gets started from the initqueue by, if interactive mode was requested.


Handles a single DUD request: extract and load drivers, save the DUD repo(s) for later use, and keep track of which requests have been handled. (Also handles the interactive mode - more on that below.)

NOTE: inside the initrd environment this file is named /bin/driver-updates. (See if you want to know more about what files get put where inside the initrd.)


For disk devices, sets up a udev rule that will run /sbin/initqueue to add an initqueue job which will run driver-updates.

For initrd-embedded images, skips udev and runs /sbin/initqueue itself to add the job to the initqueue.

For network images, (in the initqueue/online hook) runs driver-updates itself.


  • driver-updates --disk PART DEVNODE
  • driver-updates --net URL LOCALFILE

In both cases, the first argument is the string provided by the user - either the partition specifier (like LABEL=DRIVERS) or the URL. This string will also be in /tmp/dd_net or /tmp/dd_disk, and /tmp/dd_todo.

The second argument is the actual image or device node to be mounted and processed. Dracut is responsible for downloading images or finding the disk device and passing that to driver-updates here.

In the case of inst.dd=file:/dd.img, both items will be /dd.img.

Driver Updates Disk Handling

Here, roughly, is how driver-updates handles a DUD:

  1. Mount the disk (the DEVNODE or LOCALFILE argument above)
  2. For all valid rhdd3 repos found, list the RPMs using dd_list
    • A valid repo is a directory containing a file named rhdd3 and a subdirectory named rpms/$ARCH. (See DUD filesystem layout, above)
  3. For all matching RPMs found, dd_extract the RPM into /updates
    • /updates is overlaid onto the installer image when we switch there
  4. If the package contains drivers, write the name of the package to /run/install/dd_packages
  5. If the current repo had any driver RPMs, copy it to /run/install/DD-1 (DD-2, DD-3, etc.)
  6. Load all the drivers that were extracted:
    1. Copy the drivers and firmware to the updates/ dirs:
      • /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/
      • /lib/firmware/updates/
    2. Run depmod -a and then modprobe -a <module names>
  7. Append the PART or URL argument string to /tmp/dd_finished
  8. If every item in /tmp/dd_todo is now also in /tmp/dd_finished, create /tmp/dd.done so dracut knows it can exit the initqueue.

Bash helper scripts called from

  • anaconda-ifdown

    • This script sets the interface down and removes all flags in dracut for future re-setting. This is useful for replacing existing network drivers.
  • find-net-intfs-by-driver

    • Find all network interfaces which depend on the given driver (command line argument), then return a list of the network interfaces.


If any drivers were installed or downloaded, run depmod on $NEWROOT so we can load the drivers later, if needed.

(To determine whether drivers were installed it simply checks to see if /run/install/DD-1 exists.)


Testing the DUD code is a little tricky, since it's pretty hardware dependent. Here are some tools and resources that should help if you're trying to test the DUD code.

Integration tests & unit tests

There are unit tests for in tests/dracut_tests/ Please do add test cases for any bugs that are found or new methods that get added.

There are also some tests for dd_list and dd_extract, in tests/dd_tests/ These tests ensure that the utilities behave the way that expects them to.

(These tests run as part of the normal suite of tests that run during make check.)

Finally, the kickstart-tests repo has at least one functional/integration test for the driverdisk command. It also contains a helper program,, which can be used to generate (fake) DUD images for test purposes.

Real-world DUD images

Here's a Red Hat Knowledgebase article that links to some Red Hat-provided images: (Sadly, you have to log in to download them)


Old driverdisc docs from the RHEL7 anaconda source: