
AnacondaStandaloneWindow — Window for displaying standalone spokes


struct              AnacondaStandaloneWindow;
struct              AnacondaStandaloneWindowClass;
gboolean            anaconda_standalone_window_get_may_continue
                                                        (AnacondaStandaloneWindow *win);
GtkWidget *         anaconda_standalone_window_new      ();
void                anaconda_standalone_window_retranslate
                                                        (AnacondaStandaloneWindow *win,
                                                         const char *lang);
void                anaconda_standalone_window_set_may_continue
                                                        (AnacondaStandaloneWindow *win,
                                                         gboolean may_continue);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

AnacondaStandaloneWindow implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.


  "continue-clicked"                               : Action
  "quit-clicked"                                   : Action


A AnacondaStandaloneWindow is a top-level window that displays a standalone spoke. A standalone spoke is like a normal spoke, but is not entered via a hub. Instead, it is displayed by itself. Examples include the welcome and network configuration screens at the beginning of installation.

The window consist of three areas:

  • A button box at the bottom of the screen, with Quit and Continue buttons. The Continue button may not be enabled until required information is entered by the user.

  • An action area in the middle of the screen, taking up a majority of the space. This is where widgets will be added and the user will do things.


struct AnacondaStandaloneWindow

struct AnacondaStandaloneWindow;

The AnacondaStandaloneWindow struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed.

struct AnacondaStandaloneWindowClass

struct AnacondaStandaloneWindowClass {
    AnacondaBaseWindowClass parent_class;

    void (* quit_clicked)     (AnacondaStandaloneWindow *window);
    void (* continue_clicked) (AnacondaStandaloneWindow *window);

AnacondaBaseWindowClass parent_class;

The object class structure needs to be the first element in the widget class structure in order for the class mechanism to work correctly. This allows an AnacondaStandaloneWindowClass pointer to be cast to an AnacondaBaseWindow pointer.

quit_clicked ()

Function pointer called when the "quit-clicked" signal is emitted.

continue_clicked ()

Function pointer called when the "continue-clicked" signal is emitted.

anaconda_standalone_window_get_may_continue ()

gboolean            anaconda_standalone_window_get_may_continue
                                                        (AnacondaStandaloneWindow *win);

Returns whether or not the continue button is sensitive (thus, whether the user may continue forward from this window).

win :

a AnacondaStandaloneWindow

Returns :

Whether the continue button on win is sensitive.

Since 1.0

anaconda_standalone_window_new ()

GtkWidget *         anaconda_standalone_window_new      ();

Creates a new AnacondaStandaloneWindow, which is a window designed for displaying a standalone spoke, such as the welcome screen or network configuration.

Returns :

A new AnacondaStandaloneWindow.

anaconda_standalone_window_retranslate ()

void                anaconda_standalone_window_retranslate
                                                        (AnacondaStandaloneWindow *win,
                                                         const char *lang);

Reload translations for this widget as needed. Generally, this is not needed. However when changing the language during installation, we need to be able to make sure the screen gets retranslated. This function is kind of ugly but avoids having to destroy and reload the screen.

win :

a AnacondaStaldaloneWindow

Since 1.0

anaconda_standalone_window_set_may_continue ()

void                anaconda_standalone_window_set_may_continue
                                                        (AnacondaStandaloneWindow *win,
                                                         gboolean may_continue);

Specifies whether the user may continue forward from this window. If so, the continue button will be made sensitive. Windows default to continuable so you must set it as false if you want. The reason the user may not be able to continue is if there is required information the user must enter when no reasonable default may be given.

win :

a AnacondaStandaloneWindow

may_continue :

TRUE if this window's continue button should be sensitive.

Since 1.0

Signal Details

The "continue-clicked" signal

void                user_function                      (AnacondaStandaloneWindow *window,
                                                        gpointer                  user_data)      : Action

Emitted when the continue button has been activated (pressed and released).

window :

the window that received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 1.0

The "quit-clicked" signal

void                user_function                      (AnacondaStandaloneWindow *window,
                                                        gpointer                  user_data)      : Action

Emitted when the quit button has been activated (pressed and released).

window :

the window that received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 1.0