
AnacondaDiskOverview — A widget that displays basic information about a disk


struct              AnacondaDiskOverview;
struct              AnacondaDiskOverviewClass;
gboolean            anaconda_disk_overview_get_chosen   (AnacondaDiskOverview *widget);
GtkWidget *         anaconda_disk_overview_new          ();
void                anaconda_disk_overview_set_chosen   (AnacondaDiskOverview *widget,
                                                         gboolean is_chosen);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

AnacondaDiskOverview implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.


  "capacity"                 gchar*                : Read / Write
  "description"              gchar*                : Read / Write
  "kind"                     gchar*                : Read / Write
  "os"                       gchar*                : Read / Write
  "popup-info"               gchar*                : Read / Write


A AnacondaDiskOverview is a potentially selectable widget that displays a disk device's size, kind, and a prominant icon based on the kind of device. This widget can come in different sizes, depending on where it needs to be used.

As a AnacondaDiskOverview is a subclass of a GtkEventBox, any signals may be caught. The "button-press-event" signal is already handled internally to change the background color, but may also be handled by user code in order to take some action based on the disk clicked upon.


struct AnacondaDiskOverview

struct AnacondaDiskOverview;

The AnacondaDiskOverview struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed.

struct AnacondaDiskOverviewClass

struct AnacondaDiskOverviewClass {
    GtkEventBoxClass parent_class;

GtkEventBoxClass parent_class;

The object class structure needs to be the first element in the widget class structure in order for the class mechanism to work correctly. This allows a AnacondaDiskOverviewClass pointer to be cast to a GtkEventBox pointer.

anaconda_disk_overview_get_chosen ()

gboolean            anaconda_disk_overview_get_chosen   (AnacondaDiskOverview *widget);

Returns whether or not this disk has been chosen by the user.

widget :

a AnacondaDiskOverview

Returns :

Whether widget has been chosen.

Since 1.0

anaconda_disk_overview_new ()

GtkWidget *         anaconda_disk_overview_new          ();

Creates a new AnacondaDiskOverview, which is a potentially selectable widget that displays basic information about a single storage device, be that a regular disk or a more complicated network device.

Returns :

A new AnacondaDiskOverview.

anaconda_disk_overview_set_chosen ()

void                anaconda_disk_overview_set_chosen   (AnacondaDiskOverview *widget,
                                                         gboolean is_chosen);

Specifies whether the disk shown by this overview has been chosen by the user for inclusion in installation. If so, a special background will be set as a visual indicator.

widget :

a AnacondaDiskOverview

is_chosen :

TRUE if this disk is chosen.

Since 1.0

Property Details

The "capacity" property

  "capacity"                 gchar*                : Read / Write

The :capacity string is the total size of the disk, plus units.

Default value: "0 MB"

Since 1.0

The "description" property

  "description"              gchar*                : Read / Write

The :description string is a very basic description of the device and is displayed in bold letters under the icon.

Default value: "New Device"

Since 1.0

The "kind" property

  "kind"                     gchar*                : Read / Write

The :kind string specifies what type of disk device this is, used to figure out what icon to be displayed. This should be something like "drive-harddisk", "drive-removable-media", etc.

Default value: "drive-harddisk"

Since 1.0

The "os" property

  "os"                       gchar*                : Read / Write

The :os string describes any operating system found on this device.

Default value: ""

Since 1.0

The "popup-info" property

  "popup-info"               gchar*                : Read / Write

The :popup-info string is text that should appear in a tooltip when the AnacondaDiskOverview is hovered over. For normal disk devices, this could be available space information. For more complex devics, this could be WWID, LUN, and so forth.

Default value: ""

Since 1.0