
AnacondaBaseWindow — Top-level, non-resizeable window


struct              AnacondaBaseWindow;
struct              AnacondaBaseWindowClass;
void                anaconda_base_window_clear_info     (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);
GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_get_action_area
                                                        (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);
GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_get_alignment  (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);
gboolean            anaconda_base_window_get_beta       (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);
GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_get_main_box   (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);
GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_get_nav_area   (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);
GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_get_nav_area_background_window
                                                        (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);
GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_new            ();
void                anaconda_base_window_retranslate    (AnacondaBaseWindow *win,
                                                         const char *lang);
void                anaconda_base_window_set_beta       (AnacondaBaseWindow *win,
                                                         gboolean is_beta);
void                anaconda_base_window_set_error      (AnacondaBaseWindow *win,
                                                         const char *msg);
void                anaconda_base_window_set_info       (AnacondaBaseWindow *win,
                                                         const char *msg);
void                anaconda_base_window_set_warning    (AnacondaBaseWindow *win,
                                                         const char *msg);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

AnacondaBaseWindow implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.


  "distribution"             gchar*                : Read / Write
  "window-name"              gchar*                : Read / Write


  "info-bar-clicked"                               : Action


A AnacondaBaseWindow is a top-level, non-resizeable window that contains other widgets and serves as the base class from which all other specialized Anaconda windows are derived. It is undecorated.

The window consists of two areas:

  • A navigation area in the top of the screen, consisting of some basic information about what is being displayed and what is being installed.

  • An action area in the majority of the screen. This area is where subclasses should add their particular widgets.

AnacondaBaseWindow as GtkBuildable

The AnacondaBaseWindow implementation of the GtkBuildable interface exposes the action_area as an internal child with the name "action_area".

Example 1. A AnacondaBaseWindow UI definition fragment.

<object class="AnacondaBaseWindow" id="window1">
    <child internal-child="action_area">
        <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox1">
                <object class="GtkLabel" id="label1">
                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">THIS IS ONE LABEL</property>
                <object class="GtkLabel" id="label2">
                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">THIS IS ANOTHER LABEL</property>


struct AnacondaBaseWindow

struct AnacondaBaseWindow;

The AnacondaBaseWindow struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed.

struct AnacondaBaseWindowClass

struct AnacondaBaseWindowClass {
    GtkWindowClass parent_class;

    void (* info_bar_clicked) (AnacondaBaseWindow *window);

GtkWindowClass parent_class;

The object class structure needs to be the first element in the widget class structure in order for the class mechanism to work correctly. This allows a AnacondaBaseWindowClass pointer to be cast to a GtkWindow pointer.

info_bar_clicked ()

Function pointer called when the "info-bar-clicked" signal is emitted.

anaconda_base_window_clear_info ()

void                anaconda_base_window_clear_info     (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);

Clear and hide any info bar being shown at the bottom of the screen. This must be called before a second call to anaconda_base_window_set_info takes effect.

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_get_action_area ()

GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_get_action_area
                                                        (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);

Returns the action area of win.

win :

a AnacondaBaseWindow

Returns :

The action area. [transfer none]

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_get_alignment ()

GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_get_alignment  (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);

Returns the internal alignment widget of win.

win :

a AnacondaBaseWindow

Returns :

The alignment widget. [transfer none]

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_get_beta ()

gboolean            anaconda_base_window_get_beta       (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);

Returns whether or not this window is set to display the betanag warning.

win :

a AnacondaBaseWindow

Returns :

Whether win is set to display the betanag warning

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_get_main_box ()

GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_get_main_box   (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);

Returns the main content area of win.

win :

a AnacondaBaseWindow

Returns :

The main content area. [transfer none]

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_get_nav_area ()

GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_get_nav_area   (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);

Returns the navigation area of win.

win :

a AnacondaBaseWindow

Returns :

The navigation area. [transfer none]

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_get_nav_area_background_window ()

GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_get_nav_area_background_window
                                                        (AnacondaBaseWindow *win);

Returns the event box that houses background window of the navigation area of win.

win :

a AnacondaBaseWindow

Returns :

The event box. [transfer none]

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_new ()

GtkWidget *         anaconda_base_window_new            ();

Creates a new AnacondaBaseWindow, which is a toplevel, non-resizeable window that contains other widgets. This is the base class for all other Anaconda windows and creates the window style that all windows will share.

Returns :

A new AnacondaBaseWindow.

anaconda_base_window_retranslate ()

void                anaconda_base_window_retranslate    (AnacondaBaseWindow *win,
                                                         const char *lang);

Reload translations for this widget as needed. Generally, this is not needed. However when changing the language during installation, we need to be able to make sure the screen gets retranslated. This function is kind of ugly but avoids having to destroy and reload the screen.

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_set_beta ()

void                anaconda_base_window_set_beta       (AnacondaBaseWindow *win,
                                                         gboolean is_beta);

Sets up the window to display the betanag warning in red along the top of the screen.

win :

a AnacondaBaseWindow

is_beta :

TRUE to display the betanag warning

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_set_error ()

void                anaconda_base_window_set_error      (AnacondaBaseWindow *win,
                                                         const char *msg);

Causes an info bar to be shown at the bottom of the screen with the provided message. Only one message may be shown at a time. In order to show a second message, anaconda_base_window_clear_info must first be called.

win :

a AnacondaBaseWindow

msg :

a message

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_set_info ()

void                anaconda_base_window_set_info       (AnacondaBaseWindow *win,
                                                         const char *msg);

Causes an info bar to be shown at the bottom of the screen with the provided message. Only one message may be shown at a time. In order to show a second message, anaconda_base_window_clear_info must first be called.

win :

a AnacondaBaseWindow

msg :

a message

Since 1.0

anaconda_base_window_set_warning ()

void                anaconda_base_window_set_warning    (AnacondaBaseWindow *win,
                                                         const char *msg);

Causes an info bar to be shown at the bottom of the screen with the provided message. Only one message may be shown at a time. In order to show a second message, anaconda_base_window_clear_info must first be called.

win :

a AnacondaBaseWindow

msg :

a message

Since 1.0

Property Details

The "distribution" property

  "distribution"             gchar*                : Read / Write

The :distribution string is displayed in the upper right corner of all windows throughout installation.


Since 1.0

The "window-name" property

  "window-name"              gchar*                : Read / Write

The name of the currently displayed window, displayed in the upper left corner of all windows with a title throughout installation.

Default value: "SPOKE NAME"

Since 1.0

Signal Details

The "info-bar-clicked" signal

void                user_function                      (AnacondaBaseWindow *window,
                                                        gpointer            user_data)      : Action

Emitted when a visible info bar at the bottom of the window has been clicked (pressed and released).

window :

the window that received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 1.0