# docker build -t my/zeronet . # docker run -d --name zeronet -v ~/.zeronetdata:/data -p 43110:43110 my/zeronet FROM alpine:3.3 MAINTAINER Andrey Arapov <andrey.arapov@nixaid.com> RUN echo '@testing http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing' >> /etc/apk/repositories \ && apk update \ && apk add py-gevent@testing py-msgpack@testing wget ca-certificates ENV USER zeronet ENV UID 7000 ENV HOME /home/$USER # ENV PROJECT_VER v0.3.5 # ENV PROJECT ZeroNet-0.3.5 ENV PROJECT_VER master ENV PROJECT ZeroNet-master ENV DATA /data RUN adduser -D -u $UID -h $HOME -s /bin/true $USER # Optionall you may want to enable Tor in order to anonymize the traffic RUN apk add tor@testing RUN echo -e "ControlPort 9051\nSocksListenAddress" > /etc/tor/torrc # RUN echo -e "ControlPort 9051" > /etc/tor/torrc # RUN echo -e "ControlPort 9051\nCookieAuthentication 1" > /etc/tor/torrc # RUN adduser $USER tor USER $USER VOLUME [ "$DATA" ] WORKDIR $HOME RUN wget -q https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet/archive/${PROJECT_VER}.tar.gz \ && tar xpzf ${PROJECT_VER}.tar.gz \ && rm -f ${PROJECT_VER}.tar.gz \ && cd $PROJECT \ && mkdir log \ && touch log/error.log \ && ln -sv $DATA ./data # the launch script needs to chown the /data in case when $UID does not match # the UID of the host USER root COPY launch ./$PROJECT/ CMD ./$PROJECT/launch