You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
3.7 KiB

// flow-typed signature: 59b0c4be0e1408f21e2446be96c79804
// flow-typed version: 9092387fd2/react-redux_v5.x.x/flow_>=v0.54.x
import type { Dispatch, Store } from 'redux';
declare module 'react-redux' {
S = State
A = Action
D = Dispatch
OP = OwnProps
SP = StateProps
DP = DispatchProps
declare type MapStateToProps<S, OP: Object, SP: Object> = (
state: S,
ownProps: OP
) => ((state: S, ownProps: OP) => SP) | SP;
declare type MapDispatchToProps<D, OP: Object, DP: Object> =
| ((dispatch: D, ownProps: OP) => DP)
| DP;
declare type MergeProps<SP, DP: Object, OP: Object, P: Object> = (
stateProps: SP,
dispatchProps: DP,
ownProps: OP
) => P;
declare type Context = { store: Store<*, *> };
declare type ComponentWithDefaultProps<DP: {}, P: {}, CP: P> = Class<React$Component<CP>> & { defaultProps: DP };
declare class ConnectedComponentWithDefaultProps<
> extends React$Component<OP> {
static defaultProps: DP, // <= workaround for
static WrappedComponent: Class<React$Component<CP>>,
getWrappedInstance(): React$Component<CP>,
props: OP,
state: void
declare class ConnectedComponent<OP, P> extends React$Component<OP> {
static WrappedComponent: Class<React$Component<P>>,
getWrappedInstance(): React$Component<P>,
props: OP,
state: void
declare type ConnectedComponentWithDefaultPropsClass<OP, DP, CP> = Class<ConnectedComponentWithDefaultProps<OP, DP, CP>>;
declare type ConnectedComponentClass<OP, P> = Class<ConnectedComponent<OP, P>>;
declare type Connector<OP, P> = (<DP: {}, CP: {}>(
component: ComponentWithDefaultProps<DP, P, CP>
) => ConnectedComponentWithDefaultPropsClass<OP, DP, CP>) &
((component: React$ComponentType<P>) => ConnectedComponentClass<OP, P>);
declare class Provider<S, A> extends React$Component<{
store: Store<S, A>,
children?: any
}> {}
declare function createProvider(
storeKey?: string,
subKey?: string
): Provider<*, *>;
declare type ConnectOptions = {
pure?: boolean,
withRef?: boolean
declare type Null = null | void;
declare function connect<A, OP>( Array<void> // <= workaround for
): Connector<OP, $Supertype<{ dispatch: Dispatch<A> } & OP>>;
declare function connect<A, OP>(
mapStateToProps: Null,
mapDispatchToProps: Null,
mergeProps: Null,
options: ConnectOptions
): Connector<OP, $Supertype<{ dispatch: Dispatch<A> } & OP>>;
declare function connect<S, A, OP, SP>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToProps<S, OP, SP>,
mapDispatchToProps: Null,
mergeProps: Null,
options?: ConnectOptions
): Connector<OP, $Supertype<SP & { dispatch: Dispatch<A> } & OP>>;
declare function connect<A, OP, DP>(
mapStateToProps: Null,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToProps<A, OP, DP>,
mergeProps: Null,
options?: ConnectOptions
): Connector<OP, $Supertype<DP & OP>>;
declare function connect<S, A, OP, SP, DP>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToProps<S, OP, SP>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToProps<A, OP, DP>,
mergeProps: Null,
options?: ConnectOptions
): Connector<OP, $Supertype<SP & DP & OP>>;
declare function connect<S, A, OP, SP, DP, P>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToProps<S, OP, SP>,
mapDispatchToProps: Null,
mergeProps: MergeProps<SP, DP, OP, P>,
options?: ConnectOptions
): Connector<OP, P>;
declare function connect<S, A, OP, SP, DP, P>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToProps<S, OP, SP>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToProps<A, OP, DP>,
mergeProps: MergeProps<SP, DP, OP, P>,
options?: ConnectOptions
): Connector<OP, P>;