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30 lines
992 B

export const ProxyReader = {
address: '0x7ea9Ee21077F84339eDa9C80048ec6db678642B1',
abi: [
constant: true,
inputs: [
{ internalType: 'string', name: 'key', type: 'string' },
{ internalType: 'uint256', name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' },
name: 'get',
outputs: [{ internalType: 'string', name: '', type: 'string' }],
payable: false,
stateMutability: 'view',
type: 'function',
constant: true,
inputs: [
{ internalType: 'string[]', name: 'keys', type: 'string[]' },
{ internalType: 'uint256', name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' },
name: 'getMany',
outputs: [{ internalType: 'string[]', name: '', type: 'string[]' }],
payable: false,
stateMutability: 'view',
type: 'function',