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/* @flow */
'use strict';
import { TRANSPORT, DEVICE } from 'trezor-connect';
import * as CONNECT from '../actions/constants/TrezorConnect';
import type { Action, TrezorDevice } from '../flowtype';
import type { Device } from 'trezor-connect';
export type SelectedDevice = {
id: string; // could be device path if unacquired or features.device_id
instance: ?number;
export type State = {
devices: Array<TrezorDevice>;
selectedDevice: ?SelectedDevice;
discoveryComplete: boolean;
error: ?string;
transport: ?{
type: string;
version: string;
// browserState: {
// name: string;
// osname: string;
// supported: boolean;
// outdated: boolean;
// mobile: boolean;
// } | {};
browserState: any;
const initialState: State = {
devices: [],
selectedDevice: null,
discoveryComplete: false,
error: null,
transport: null,
browserState: {}
export const findSelectedDevice = (state: State): ?TrezorDevice => {
const selected: ?SelectedDevice = state.selectedDevice;
if (!selected) return null;
return state.devices.find(d => {
if (d.unacquired && d.path === {
return true;
} else if (d.features && d.features.device_id === && d.instance === selected.instance){
return true;
return false;
export const findDevice = (devices: Array<TrezorDevice>, deviceId: string, deviceState: string, instance: ?number): ?TrezorDevice => {
return devices.find(d => {
// TODO: && (instance && d.instance === instance)
if (d.features && d.features.device_id === deviceId && d.state === deviceState) {
return true;
return false;
export const isSavedDevice = (state: State, device: any): ?Array<TrezorDevice> => {
const selected: ?SelectedDevice = state.selectedDevice;
if (!selected) return null;
if (!device || !device.features) return null;
return state.devices.filter(d => {
if (d.features && d.features.device_id === device.features.device_id){
return d;
return null;
export const getNewInstance = (devices: Array<TrezorDevice>, device: Device | TrezorDevice): number => {
const affectedDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = devices.filter(d => d.features && device.features && d.features.device_id === device.features.device_id)
.sort((a, b) => {
if (!a.instance) {
return -1;
} else {
return !b.instance || a.instance > b.instance ? 1 : -1;
const instance: number = affectedDevices.reduce((inst, dev) => {
return dev.instance ? dev.instance + 1 : inst + 1;
}, 0);
return instance;
const mergeDevices = (current: TrezorDevice, upcoming: Object): TrezorDevice => {
// do not merge if passphrase protection was changed
// if (upcoming.features && current.features) {
// if (upcoming.features.passphrase_protection !== current.features.passphrase_protection) {
// // device settings has been changed, reset state
// // dev.state = null;
// }
// }
let instanceLabel = current.instanceLabel;
if (upcoming.label !== current.label) {
instanceLabel = upcoming.label
if (typeof current.instance === 'number') {
instanceLabel += ` (${current.instanceName || current.instance})`;
const dev: TrezorDevice = {
// ...current,
// make sure that instance specific variables will not be overridden
connected: typeof upcoming.connected === 'boolean' ? upcoming.connected : current.connected,
available: typeof upcoming.available === 'boolean' ? upcoming.available : current.available,
remember: typeof upcoming.remember === 'boolean' ? upcoming.remember : current.remember,
instance: current.instance,
instanceName: typeof upcoming.instanceName === 'string' ? upcoming.instanceName : current.instanceName,
state: current.state,
acquiring: typeof upcoming.acquiring === 'boolean' ? upcoming.acquiring : current.acquiring,
ts: typeof upcoming.ts === 'number' ? upcoming.ts : current.ts,
// corner-case: trying to merge unacquired device with acquired
// make sure that sensitive fields will not be changed and device will remain acquired
if (upcoming.unacquired && current.state) {
dev.unacquired = false;
dev.features = current.features;
dev.label = current.label;
return dev;
const addDevice = (state: State, device: Device): State => {
const newState: State = { ...state };
let affectedDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = [];
let otherDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = [];
if (device.unacquired) {
// check if connected device is unacquired, but it was already merged with saved device(s) after DEVICE.CHANGE action
affectedDevices = newState.devices.filter(d => d.path === device.path);
const diff: Array<TrezorDevice> = newState.devices.filter(d => affectedDevices.indexOf(d) === -1);
// if so, ignore this action
if (affectedDevices.length > 0) {
return state;
} else {
affectedDevices = newState.devices.filter(d => d.features && d.features.device_id === device.features.device_id);
otherDevices = newState.devices.filter(d => d.features && d.features.device_id !== device.features.device_id);
if (affectedDevices.length > 0 ) {
// check if freshly added device has different "passphrase_protection" settings
let cloneInstance: number = 1;
let hasDifferentPassphraseSettings: boolean = false;
let hasInstancesWithPassphraseSettings: boolean = false;
const changedDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = => {
if (d.features && d.features.passphrase_protection === device.features.passphrase_protection) {
cloneInstance = 0;
hasInstancesWithPassphraseSettings = true;
return mergeDevices(d, { ...device, connected: true, available: true } );
} else {
hasDifferentPassphraseSettings = true;
if (d.instance && cloneInstance > 0) {
cloneInstance = d.instance + 1;
return mergeDevices(d, { ...d, connected: true, available: false } );
// return d;
// edge case: freshly connected device has different "passphrase_protection" than saved instances
// need to automatically create another instance with default instance name
if (hasDifferentPassphraseSettings && !hasInstancesWithPassphraseSettings) {
// TODO: instance should be calculated form affectedDevice
// const instance = cloneInstance; //new Date().getTime();
const instance = getNewInstance(affectedDevices, device);
const newDevice: TrezorDevice = {
acquiring: false,
remember: false,
connected: true,
available: true,
path: device.path,
label: device.label,
state: null,
instanceLabel: `${device.label} (${instance})`,
instanceName: null,
ts: new Date().getTime(),
newState.devices = otherDevices.concat(changedDevices);
} else {
const newDevice: TrezorDevice = {
acquiring: false,
remember: false,
connected: true,
available: true,
path: device.path,
label: device.label,
state: null,
instanceLabel: device.label,
instanceName: null,
ts: new Date().getTime(),
return newState;
const setDeviceState = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const newState: State = { ...state };
//const affectedDevice: ?TrezorDevice = state.devices.find(d => d.path === action.device.path && d.instance === action.device.instance);
const index: number = state.devices.findIndex(d => d.path === action.device.path && d.instance === action.device.instance);
if (index > -1) {
// device could already have own state from firmware, do not override it
if (!newState.devices[index].state) {
const changedDevice: TrezorDevice = {
state: action.state
newState.devices[index] = changedDevice;
return newState;
const changeDevice = (state: State, device: Object): State => {
const newState: State = { ...state };
let affectedDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = [];
let otherDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = [];
if (device.features) {
affectedDevices = state.devices.filter(d =>
(d.features && d.features.device_id === device.features.device_id && d.features.passphrase_protection === device.features.passphrase_protection) ||
(d.path.length > 0 && d.path === device.path)
otherDevices = state.devices.filter(d => affectedDevices.indexOf(d) === -1);
} else {
affectedDevices = state.devices.filter(d => !d.features && d.path === device.path);
otherDevices = state.devices.filter(d => affectedDevices.indexOf(d) === -1);
// otherDevices = state.devices.filter(d => d.path !== device.path);
if (affectedDevices.length > 0) {
const isAffectedUnacquired: number = affectedDevices.findIndex(d => d.unacquired);
// if (isAffectedUnacquired >= 0 && affectedDevices.length > 1){
if (isAffectedUnacquired >= 0){
// TODO: should unacquired device be removed? or merged?
//affectedDevices.splice(isAffectedUnacquired, 1);
} else {
// replace existing values
const changedDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = => mergeDevices(d, device));
newState.devices = otherDevices.concat(changedDevices);
// else if (isAffectedUnacquired >= 0 && !device.unacquired && affectedDevices.length > 1) {
// affectedDevices.splice(isAffectedUnacquired, 1);
// }
// acquiring selected device. remove unnecessary (not acquired) device from list
// after this action selectedDevice needs to be updated (in TrezorConnectService)
if (state.selectedDevice && device.path === && affectedDevices.length > 1) {
// affectedDevices = affectedDevices.filter(d => d.path !== && d.features);
return newState;
const disconnectDevice = (state: State, device: Device): State => {
const newState: State = { ...state };
const affectedDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = state.devices.filter(d => d.path === device.path || (d.features && device.features && d.features.device_id === device.features.device_id));
const otherDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = state.devices.filter(d => affectedDevices.indexOf(d) === -1);
if (affectedDevices.length > 0) {
const acquiredDevices = affectedDevices.filter(d => !d.unacquired && d.state);
newState.devices = otherDevices.concat( => {
d.connected = false;
d.available = false;
d.isUsedElsewhere = false;
d.featuresNeedsReload = false;
d.acquiring = false;
//if (d.remember)
d.path = '';
return d;
// selected device was removed and forgotten
// clear this field
const selected = findSelectedDevice(newState);
if (!selected) {
newState.selectedDevice = null;
return newState;
const forgetDevice = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const newState: State = { ...state };
if (action.type === CONNECT.FORGET_SINGLE) {
// remove only one instance (called from Aside button)
newState.devices.splice(newState.devices.indexOf(action.device), 1);
} else {
// remove all instances after disconnect (remember request declined)
//newState.devices = state.devices.filter(d => d.path !== action.device.path);
newState.devices = state.devices.filter(d => d.remember || (d.features && d.features.device_id !== action.device.features.device_id) || (!d.features && d.path !== action.device.path));
return newState;
const devicesFromLocalStorage = (devices: Array<any>): Array<TrezorDevice> => {
return => {
return {
connected: false,
available: false,
path: '',
acquiring: false,
featuresNeedsReload: false,
isUsedElsewhere: false
const duplicate = (state: State, device: TrezorDevice): State => {
const newState: State = { ...state };
// const affectedDevices: Array<TrezorDevice> = state.devices.filter(d => d.features && device.features && d.features.device_id === device.features.device_id)
// .sort((a, b) => {
// if (!a.instance) {
// return -1;
// } else {
// return !b.instance || a.instance > b.instance ? 1 : -1;
// }
// });
// const instance: number = affectedDevices.reduce((inst, dev) => {
// return dev.instance ? dev.instance + 1 : inst + 1;
// }, 0);
const instance: number = getNewInstance(state.devices, device);
const newDevice: TrezorDevice = {
// acquiring: false,
remember: false,
// connected: device.connected,
// available: device.available,
// path: device.path,
// label: device.label,
state: null,
// instanceLabel: `${device.label} (${instance})`,
instanceLabel: `${device.label} (${ device.instanceName || instance })`,
ts: new Date().getTime(),
newState.selectedDevice = {
id: newDevice.features ? newDevice.features.device_id : '-empty-',
return newState;
const onSelectDevice = (state: State, action: any): State => {
const newState: State = { ...state };
newState.selectedDevice = action.payload;
const selected = findSelectedDevice(newState);
if (selected) {
selected.ts = new Date().getTime();
return newState;
export default function connect(state: State = initialState, action: Action): State {
switch (action.type) {
// TODO: change it to UiMessgae from trezor-connect
case 'iframe_handshake' :
return {
browserState: action.payload.browser
return duplicate(state, action.device);
return onSelectDevice(state, action);
// return {
// ...state,
// selectedDevice: action.payload
// }
return {
error: action.error
return {
transport: action.payload,
error: null
return {
// error: action.payload, // message is wrapped in "device" field. It's dispatched from TrezorConnect.on(DEVICE_EVENT...) in TrezorConnectService
error: "Transport is missing",
transport: null,
return {
devices: devicesFromLocalStorage(action.payload),
return setDeviceState(state, action);
return changeDevice(state, { ...action.device, acquiring: action.type === CONNECT.START_ACQUIRING } );
return changeDevice(state, { ...action.device, path: '', remember: true } );
return forgetDevice(state, action);
return addDevice(state, action.device);
return changeDevice(state, { ...action.device, connected: true, available: true }); // TODO: check if available will propagate to unavailable
return disconnectDevice(state, action.device);
return state;