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// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`eth utils calcGasPrice 1`] = `"89090990901"`;
exports[`eth utils decimalToHex 1`] = `"0"`;
exports[`eth utils decimalToHex 2`] = `"1"`;
exports[`eth utils decimalToHex 3`] = `"2"`;
exports[`eth utils decimalToHex 4`] = `"64"`;
exports[`eth utils decimalToHex 5`] = `"2540be3ff"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 1`] = `"9999999999"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 2`] = `"100"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 3`] = `"2"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 4`] = `"1"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 5`] = `"0"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 6`] = `"null"`;
exports[`eth utils padLeftEven 1`] = `"02540be3ff"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 1`] = `"0x02540be3ff"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 2`] = `"0x01"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 3`] = `"0x02"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 4`] = `"0x0100"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 5`] = `"0x0999"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 6`] = `""`;
exports[`eth utils strip 1`] = `""`;
exports[`eth utils strip 2`] = `"02540be3ff"`;
exports[`eth utils strip 3`] = `"02540be3ff"`;