/* @flow */ 'use strict'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import raf from 'raf'; import { findSelectedDevice } from '../../reducers/TrezorConnectReducer'; import type { Props } from './index'; type State = { deviceLabel: string; singleInput: boolean; passphrase: string; passphraseRevision: string; passphraseFocused: boolean; passphraseRevisionFocused: boolean; passphraseRevisionTouched: boolean; match: boolean; visible: boolean; } export default class PinModal extends Component { keyboardHandler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; state: State; passphraseInput: ?HTMLInputElement; passphraseRevisionInput: ?HTMLInputElement; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); const device = props.modal.opened ? props.modal.device : null; if (!device) return; // check if this device is already known // const isSavedDevice = props.devices.find(d => d.path === props.modal.device.path && d.remember); const selected = findSelectedDevice(props.connect); let deviceLabel =device.label; let singleInput = false; if (selected && selected.path === device.path) { deviceLabel = selected.instanceLabel; singleInput = selected.remember; } this.state = { deviceLabel, singleInput, passphrase: '', passphraseRevision: '', passphraseFocused: false, passphraseRevisionFocused: false, passphraseRevisionTouched: false, match: true, visible: false } } keyboardHandler(event: KeyboardEvent): void { if (event.keyCode === 13) { event.preventDefault(); //this.passphraseInput.blur(); //this.passphraseRevisionInput.blur(); //this.passphraseInput.type = 'text'; //this.passphraseRevisionInput.type = 'text'; this.submit(); // TODO: set timeout, or wait for blur event //onPassphraseSubmit(passphrase, passphraseCached); //raf(() => onPassphraseSubmit(passphrase)); } } componentDidMount(): void { // one time autofocus if (this.passphraseInput) this.passphraseInput.focus(); this.keyboardHandler = this.keyboardHandler.bind(this); window.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyboardHandler, false); // document.oncontextmenu = (event) => { // const el = window.event.srcElement || event.target; // const type = el.tagName.toLowerCase() || ''; // if (type === 'input') { // return false; // } // }; } componentWillUnmount(): void { window.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keyboardHandler, false); // this.passphraseInput.type = 'text'; // this.passphraseInput.style.display = 'none'; // this.passphraseRevisionInput.type = 'text'; // this.passphraseRevisionInput.style.display = 'none'; } // we don't want to keep password inside "value" attribute, // so we need to replace it thru javascript componentDidUpdate() { const { passphrase, passphraseRevision, passphraseFocused, passphraseRevisionFocused, visible } = this.state; // } = this.props.modal; let passphraseInputValue: string = passphrase; let passphraseRevisionInputValue: string = passphraseRevision; if (!visible && !passphraseFocused) { passphraseInputValue = passphrase.replace(/./g, '•'); } if (!visible && !passphraseRevisionFocused) { passphraseRevisionInputValue = passphraseRevision.replace(/./g, '•'); } if (this.passphraseInput) { this.passphraseInput.value = passphraseInputValue; this.passphraseInput.setAttribute("type", visible ? "text" : "password"); } if (this.passphraseRevisionInput) { this.passphraseRevisionInput.value = passphraseRevisionInputValue; this.passphraseRevisionInput.setAttribute("type", visible ? "text" : "password"); } } onPassphraseChange = (input: string, value: string): void => { // https://codepen.io/MiDri/pen/PGqvrO // or // https://github.com/zakangelle/react-password-mask/blob/master/src/index.js if (input === 'passphrase') { this.setState({ match: this.state.singleInput || this.state.passphraseRevision === value, passphrase: value }); } else { this.setState({ match: this.state.passphrase === value, passphraseRevision: value, passphraseRevisionTouched: true }); } } onPassphraseFocus = (input: string): void => { if (input === 'passphrase') { this.setState({ passphraseFocused: true }); } else { this.setState({ passphraseRevisionFocused: true }); } } onPassphraseBlur = (input: string): void => { if (input === 'passphrase') { this.setState({ passphraseFocused: false }); } else { this.setState({ passphraseRevisionFocused: false }); } } onPassphraseShow = (): void => { this.setState({ visible: true }); } onPassphraseHide = (): void => { this.setState({ visible: false }); } submit = (empty: boolean = false): void => { const { onPassphraseSubmit } = this.props.modalActions; const { passphrase } = this.state; //this.passphraseInput.type = 'text'; // this.passphraseInput.style.display = 'none'; //this.passphraseInput.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly'); // this.passphraseRevisionInput.type = 'text'; //this.passphraseRevisionInput.style.display = 'none'; //this.passphraseRevisionInput.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly'); const p = passphrase; this.setState({ passphrase: '', passphraseRevision: '', passphraseFocused: false, passphraseRevisionFocused: false, visible: false }) raf(() => onPassphraseSubmit(empty ? '' : passphrase)); } render(): any { if (!this.props.modal.opened) return null; const { device, } = this.props.modal; const { deviceLabel, singleInput, passphrase, passphraseRevision, passphraseFocused, passphraseRevisionFocused, visible, match, passphraseRevisionTouched, } = this.state; let passphraseInputType: string = visible || (!visible && !passphraseFocused) ? "text" : "password"; let passphraseRevisionInputType: string = visible || (!visible && !passphraseRevisionFocused) ? "text" : "password"; passphraseInputType = passphraseRevisionInputType = "text"; //let passphraseInputType: string = visible || passphraseFocused ? "text" : "password"; //let passphraseRevisionInputType: string = visible || passphraseRevisionFocused ? "text" : "password"; const showPassphraseCheckboxFn: Function = visible ? this.onPassphraseHide : this.onPassphraseShow; return (
{/* */}

Enter { deviceLabel } passphrase

Note that passphrase is case-sensitive.

{ this.passphraseInput = element; } } onChange={ event => this.onPassphraseChange('passphrase', event.currentTarget.value) } type={ passphraseInputType } autoComplete="off" autoCorrect="off" autoCapitalize="off" spellCheck="false" data-lpignore="true" onFocus={ event => this.onPassphraseFocus('passphrase') } onBlur={ event => this.onPassphraseBlur('passphrase') } tabIndex="1" />
{ singleInput ? null : (
{ this.passphraseRevisionInput = element; } } onChange={ event => this.onPassphraseChange('revision', event.currentTarget.value) } type={ passphraseRevisionInputType } autoComplete="off" autoCorrect="off" autoCapitalize="off" spellCheck="false" data-lpignore="true" onFocus={ event => this.onPassphraseFocus('revision') } onBlur={ event => this.onPassphraseBlur('revision') } tabIndex="2" /> { !match && passphraseRevisionTouched ? Passphrases do not match : null }
) }
{/* */}

If you want to access your default account

this.submit(true) }>Leave passphrase blank

); } }