/* @flow */ import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import type { Messages } from 'flowtype'; const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({ TR_GAS_LIMIT: { id: 'TR_GAS_LIMIT', defaultMessage: 'Gas limit', }, TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO: { id: 'TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO', defaultMessage: 'Gas limit refers to the maximum amount of gas user is willing to spendon a particular transaction. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas limit will not get the transaction confirmed sooner. Default value for sending {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} is {gasLimitTooltipValue}.', }, TR_GAS_QUOTATION: { id: 'TR_GAS_QUOTATION', defaultMessage: 'Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price', }, TR_SET_DEFAULT: { id: 'TR_SET_DEFAULT', defaultMessage: 'Set default', }, TR_CALCULATING_DOT_DOT: { id: 'TR_CALCULATING_DOT_DOT', defaultMessage: 'Calculating...', description: 'Used when calculating gas limit based on data input in ethereum advanced send form', }, TR_GAS_PRICE: { id: 'TR_GAS_PRICE', defaultMessage: 'Gas price', }, TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO: { id: 'TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO', defaultMessage: 'Gas price refers to the amount of ether you are willing to pay for every unit of gas, and is usually measured in “Gwei”. {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas price will get the transaction confirmed sooner but makes it more expensive. The recommended gas price is {recommendedGasPrice} GWEI.', }, TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION: { id: 'TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION', defaultMessage: 'Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price', }, TR_DATA: { id: 'TR_DATA', defaultMessage: 'Data', }, TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED: { id: 'TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED', defaultMessage: 'Data is usually used when you send transactions to contracts.', }, }); export default definedMessages;