{ "TR_TERMS": "Podmínky", "TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}", "TR_MENU": "Menu", "TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Zavřít", "TR_TREZOR": "Trezor", "TR_WIKI": "Wiki", "TR_BLOG": "Blog", "TR_SUPPORT": "Zákaznická Podpora", "TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Varování: Tento log může obsahovat Váš XPUB. Pokud jej předáte třetí straně, umožňujete jí vidět celou Vaši transakční historii.", "TR_LOG": "Log", "TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Potvrďte akci na Vašem Trezoru", "TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor", "TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow", "TR_CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ON": "Confirm transaction on {deviceLabel} device", "TR_DETAILS_ARE_SHOWN_ON": "Details are shown on display", "TR_TO_LABEL": "Na", "TR_SEND_LABEL": "Odeslat", "TR_FEE_LABEL": "Poplatek", "TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "{deviceLabel} is not connected", "TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "{deviceLabel} is unavailable", "TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process", "TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process", "TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process", "TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Zobrazit neověřenou adresu", "TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Zkusit znovu", "TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}", "TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?", "TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Zapomenout zařízení", "TR_DONT_FORGET": "Zapamatovat", "TR_FORGETTING_ONLY_REMOVES_THE_DEVICE_FROM": "Zapomenutí pouze odstraní Vaše zařízení z levého seznamu, Vaše bitcoiny jsou stále v bezpečí a můžete k nim přistupovat po opětovném připojení Trezoru.", "TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?", "TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Zapamatovat zařízení", "TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}", "TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}", "TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet", "TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet", "TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.", "TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_OPTIONAL_FEATURE": "Passphrase is an optional feature of the Trezor device that is recommended for advanced users only. It is a word or a sentence of your choice. Its main purpose is to access a hidden wallet.", "TR_ASKED_ENTER_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_TO_UNLOCK": "You will be asked to enter your passphrase to unlock your hidden wallet.", "TR_CARDANO_WALLET": "Cardano wallet", "TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED_TO_EXTERNAL": "You will be redirected to external wallet", "TR_GO_TO_EXTERNAL_WALLET": "Go to external wallet", "TR_NEM_WALLET": "NEM peněženka", "TR_WE_HAVE_PARTNERED_UP_WITH_THE_NEM": "Spolupracujeme s NEM foundation, abychom Vám poskytli plnohodnotnou peněženku pro NEM.", "TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Ujistěte se, že stahujete univerzálního klienta pro podporu Trezoru.", "TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Pokračujte na nem.io", "TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet", "TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase", "TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Poznámka: Přístupová fráze rozlišuje velká/malá písmena.", "TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Pokud zapomenete přístupovou frázi, Vaše peněženka je navždy ztracena. Neexistuje žádný způsob, jak obnovit Vaše finanční prostředky.", "TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Potvrdit přístupovou frázi", "TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Přístupové fráze se neshodují!", "TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Zobrazit přístupovou frázi", "TR_ENTER": "Potvrdit", "TR_PASSPHRASE": "Přístupová fráze", "TR_CHANGED_YOUR_MIND": "Changed your mind? {TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET}", "TR_ENTERED_PIN_NOT_CORRECT": "Entered PIN for {deviceLabel} is not correct", "TR_RETRYING_DOT_DOT": "Retrying...", "TR_THE_PIN_LAYOUT_IS_DISPLAYED_ON": "Rozmístění tlačítek je zobrazeno na Vašem zařízení.", "TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PIN": "Enter {deviceLabel} PIN", "TR_ENTER_PIN": "Zadejte PIN", "TR_NOT_SURE_HOW_PIN_WORKS": "Nejste si jisti, jak funguje zadávání PINu? {TR_LEARN_MORE}", "TR_SCAN_QR_CODE": "Naskenovat QR kód", "TR_WAITING_FOR_CAMERA": "Čekám na kameru...", "TR_OOPS_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Oops! Something went wrong!", "TR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED": "Permission to access the camera was denied.", "TR_CAMERA_NOT_RECOGNIZED": "The camera was not recognized.", "TR_UNKOWN_ERROR_SEE_CONSOLE": "Unknown error. See console logs for details.", "TR_YOU_WERE_DISCONNECTED_DOT": "Byl jste odpojen.", "TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Zkontrolujte prosím svoje přípojení k internetu a obnovte stránku.", "TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.", "TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "K dispozici je nový Trezor firmware.", "TR_CONNECT_TO_BACKEND": "Connect", "TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required", "TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}", "TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings", "TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}", "TR_CLEAR": "Vymazat", "TR_ADDRESS": "Adresa", "TR_LOADING_DOT_DOT_DOT": "Načítání…", "TR_TAKE_ME_TO_BITCOIN_WALLET": "Take me to the Bitcoin wallet", "TR_I_WILL_DO_THAT_LATER": "I’ll do that later.", "TR_SHOW_DETAILS": "Zobrazit detaily", "TR_UPGRADE_FOR_THE_NEWEST_FEATURES_DOT": "Upgrade for the newest features.", "TR_LEARN_MORE": "Přečtěte si více", "TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet", "TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet", "TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Otevíráte beta verzi Trezor Wallet", "TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.", "TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.", "TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR": "Please note that the {TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} might be collecting anonymized usage data, especially error logs, for development purposes. The {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} does not log any data.", "TR_OK_COMMA_I_UNDERSTAND": "Rozumím", "TR_TREZOR_WALLET": "Trezor Wallet", "TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Trezor Beta Wallet", "TR_YOUR_BROWSER_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED": "Váš prohlížeč není podporován", "TR_PLEASE_CHOOSE_ONE_OF_THE_SUPPORTED": "Vyberte si prosím jeden z podporovaných prohlížečů", "TR_GET_CHROME": "Stáhnout Chrome", "TR_GET_FIREFOX": "Stáhnout Firefox", "TR_TREZOR_WALLET_IS_AN_EASY_DASH": "Trezor Wallet je komfortní rozhraní pro Vaše zařízení Trezor. Z rozhraní Wallet můžete snadno spravovat své účty, přijímat a odesílat platby.", "TR_THE_PRIVATE_BANK_IN_YOUR_HANDS": "Soukromá banka ve Vašich rukou.", "TR_CONNECT_TREZOR_TO_CONTINUE": "Pro pokračování připojte Trezor", "TR_AND": "a", "TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Zařízení nebylo rozpoznáno? Zkuste nainstalovat {link}.", "TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Ještě nemáte Trezor? {getOne}", "TR_GET_ONE": "Get one", "TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "Nový nástroj pro usnadnění komunikace mezi vaším Trezorem a internetovým prohlížečem.", "TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}", "TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.", "TR_CHANGELOG": "Changelog", "TR_CHECK_PGP_SIGNATURE": "Check PGP signature", "TR_DONT_UPGRADE_BRIDGE": "No, I don't want to upgrade Bridge now", "TR_TAKE_ME_BACK_TO_WALLET": "Take me back to the wallet", "TR_FIND_OUT_MORE_INFO": "Find out more info", "TR_MODEL_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_COIN": "Kryptoměna {coin} není podporována tímto modelem Trezoru.", "TR_INITIALIZING_ACCOUNTS": "Initializing accounts", "TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.", "TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Pro přidání účtů se ujistěte, že je Trezor připojen.", "TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Přidat účet", "TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins", "TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)", "TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type", "TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session", "TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.", "TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_WALLET": "You are in your hidden wallet.", "TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_HIDDEN": "Click here to access your hidden wallet.", "TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_STANDARD": "Click here to access your standard or another hidden wallet.", "TR_TO_ACCESS_OTHER_WALLETS": "To access other wallets please connect your device.", "TR_NEED_HELP": "Potřebujete poradit?", "TR_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES": "Number of devices", "TR_NAV_SUMMARY": "Summary", "TR_NAV_RECEIVE": "Přijmout", "TR_NAV_SEND": "Odeslat", "TR_NAV_SIGN_AND_VERIFY": "Podepsat & ověřit", "TR_AMOUNT": "Částka", "TR_SET_MAX": "Set max", "TR_FEE": "Poplatek", "TR_RECOMMENDED_FEES_UPDATED": "Recommended fees updated.", "TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_USE_THEM": "Click here to use them", "TR_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Advanced settings", "TR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device is not connected", "TR_DEVICE_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device is unavailable", "TR_LOADING_ACCOUNTS": "Načítám účty…", "TR_SEND": "Send {amount}", "TR_CHECK_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Zkontrolujte adresu na Trezoru", "TR_SHOW_FULL_ADDRESS": "Ukázat celou adresu", "TR_QR_CODE": "QR Code", "TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_CONNECT": "Unverified address, connect your Trezor to verify it", "TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_SHOW": "Unverified address, show on Trezor.", "TR_SHOW_ON_TREZOR": "Zobrazit na Trezoru", "TR_CONNECT_YOUR_TREZOR_TO_CHECK": "Connect your Trezor to verify this address", "TR_RECEIVE_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Receive Ethereum or tokens", "TR_RECEIVE_RIPPLE": "Receive Ripple", "TR_GAS_LIMIT": "Gas limit", "TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO": "Gas limit refers to the maximum amount of gas user is willing to spendon a particular transaction. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas limit will not get the transaction confirmed sooner. Default value for sending {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} is {gasLimitTooltipValue}.", "TR_GAS_QUOTATION": "Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price", "TR_SET_DEFAULT": "Set default", "TR_CALCULATING_DOT_DOT": "Calculating...", "TR_GAS_PRICE": "Gas price", "TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO": "Gas price refers to the amount of ether you are willing to pay for every unit of gas, and is usually measured in “Gwei”. {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas price will get the transaction confirmed sooner but makes it more expensive. The recommended gas price is {recommendedGasPrice} GWEI.", "TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION": "Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price", "TR_DATA": "Data", "TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED": "Data is usually used when you send transactions to contracts.", "TR_SEND_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Send Ethereum or tokens", "YOU_HAVE_TOKEN_BALANCE": "You have: {tokenBalance}", "TR_XRP_TRANSFER_COST": "Transfer cost in XRP drops", "TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG": "Destination tag", "TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.", "TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}", "TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple", "TR_MESSAGE": "Zpráva", "TR_SIGNATURE": "Podpis", "TR_SIGN": "Podepsat", "TR_VERIFY": "Ověřit", "TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE": "Ověřit zprávu", "TR_SIGN_MESSAGE": "Podepsat zprávu", "TR_SEE_FULL_TRANSACTION_HISTORY": "See full transaction history", "TR_TOKENS": "Tokens", "TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.", "TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.", "TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found", "TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used", "TR_HISTORY": "History", "TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens", "TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.", "TR_BALANCE": "Zůstatek", "TR_RATE": "Kurz", "TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window", "TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?", "TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device", "TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_IN_FIRMWARE": "Your device is in firmware update mode", "TR_PLEASE_RECONNECT_IT": "Please re-connect it", "TR_PLEASE_SELECT_YOUR": "Please select your coin", "TR_YOU_WILL_GAIN_ACCESS": "You will gain access to receiving & sending selected coin", "TR_ITS_TIME_TO_UPDATE_FIRMWARE": "It’s time to update your firmware", "TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.", "TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized", "TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process", "TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet", "TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode", "TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device", "TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge" }