/* @flow */ 'use strict'; import { LOCATION_CHANGE, push } from 'react-router-redux'; import TrezorConnect, { TRANSPORT, DEVICE_EVENT, UI_EVENT, UI, DEVICE } from 'trezor-connect'; import * as TrezorConnectActions from '../actions/TrezorConnectActions'; import * as ModalActions from '../actions/ModalActions'; import { init as initWeb3 } from '../actions/Web3Actions'; import * as WEB3 from '../actions/constants/Web3'; import * as STORAGE from '../actions/constants/LocalStorage'; import * as CONNECT from '../actions/constants/TrezorConnect'; import * as ACTIONS from '../actions'; const TrezorConnectService = (store: any) => (next: any) => (action: any) => { const prevState = store.getState().connect; const prevModalState = store.getState().connect; next(action); if (action.type === STORAGE.READY) { store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.init() ); } else if (action.type === TRANSPORT.ERROR) { store.dispatch( push('/') ); } else if (action.type === WEB3.READY) { store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.postInit() ); } else if (action.type === DEVICE.DISCONNECT) { store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.deviceDisconnect(action.device) ); } else if (action.type === CONNECT.FORGET) { //store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.forgetDevice(action.device) ); store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.switchToFirstAvailableDevice() ); } else if (action.type === CONNECT.FORGET_SINGLE) { //store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.forgetDevice(action.device) ); if (store.getState().connect.devices.length < 1 && action.device.connected) { // prompt disconnect device modal store.dispatch({ type: CONNECT.DISCONNECT_REQUEST, device: action.device }); } else { store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.switchToFirstAvailableDevice() ); } } else if (action.type === DEVICE.CHANGED) { // selected device was previously unacquired, but now it's acquired // we need to change route if (prevState.selectedDevice) { if (!action.device.unacquired && action.device.path === prevState.selectedDevice.id) { store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.onSelectDevice(action.device) ); } } } else if (action.type === DEVICE.CONNECT || action.type === DEVICE.CONNECT_UNACQUIRED) { store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.restoreDiscovery() ); // interrupt process of remembering device (force forget) // TODO: the same for disconnect more than 1 device at once const { modal } = store.getState(); if (modal.opened && modal.windowType === CONNECT.REMEMBER_REQUEST) { if (action.device.features && modal.device.features.device_id === action.device.features.device_id) { store.dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CLOSE_MODAL, }); } else { store.dispatch({ type: CONNECT.FORGET, device: modal.device }); } } } else if (action.type === CONNECT.AUTH_DEVICE) { store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.checkDiscoveryStatus() ); } else if (action.type === CONNECT.DUPLICATE) { store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.onDuplicateDevice() ); } else if (action.type === DEVICE.ACQUIRED || action.type === CONNECT.SELECT_DEVICE) { store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.getSelectedDeviceState() ); } else if (action.type === CONNECT.COIN_CHANGED) { store.dispatch( TrezorConnectActions.coinChanged( action.payload.coin ) ); } } export default TrezorConnectService;