/* @flow */ import * as CONNECT from 'actions/constants/TrezorConnect'; import * as ACCOUNT from 'actions/constants/account'; import * as TOKEN from 'actions/constants/token'; import * as DISCOVERY from 'actions/constants/discovery'; import * as STORAGE from 'actions/constants/localStorage'; import * as PENDING from 'actions/constants/pendingTx'; import * as WALLET from 'actions/constants/wallet'; import { httpRequest } from 'utils/networkUtils'; import * as buildUtils from 'utils/build'; import * as storageUtils from 'utils/storage'; import { findAccountTokens } from 'reducers/TokensReducer'; import type { Account } from 'reducers/AccountsReducer'; import type { Token } from 'reducers/TokensReducer'; import type { PendingTx } from 'reducers/PendingTxReducer'; import type { Discovery } from 'reducers/DiscoveryReducer'; import type { TrezorDevice, ThunkAction, AsyncAction, GetState, Dispatch, } from 'flowtype'; import type { Config, Network, TokensCollection } from 'reducers/LocalStorageReducer'; import Erc20AbiJSON from 'public/data/ERC20Abi.json'; import AppConfigJSON from 'public/data/appConfig.json'; export type StorageAction = { type: typeof STORAGE.READY, config: Config, tokens: TokensCollection, ERC20Abi: Array } | { type: typeof STORAGE.SAVE, network: string, } | { type: typeof STORAGE.ERROR, error: string, }; const TYPE: 'local' = 'local'; const { STORAGE_PATH } = storageUtils; const KEY_VERSION: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}version`; const KEY_DEVICES: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}devices`; const KEY_ACCOUNTS: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}accounts`; const KEY_DISCOVERY: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}discovery`; const KEY_TOKENS: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}tokens`; const KEY_PENDING: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}pending`; const KEY_BETA_MODAL: string = '/betaModalPrivacy'; // this key needs to be compatible with "parent" (old) wallet // https://github.com/STRML/react-localstorage/blob/master/react-localstorage.js // or // https://www.npmjs.com/package/redux-react-session const findAccounts = (devices: Array, accounts: Array): Array => devices.reduce((arr, dev) => arr.concat(accounts.filter(a => a.deviceState === dev.state)), []); const findTokens = (accounts: Array, tokens: Array): Array => accounts.reduce((arr, account) => arr.concat(findAccountTokens(tokens, account)), []); const findDiscovery = (devices: Array, discovery: Array): Array => devices.reduce((arr, dev) => arr.concat(discovery.filter(a => a.deviceState === dev.state && a.publicKey.length > 0)), []); const findPendingTxs = (accounts: Array, pending: Array): Array => accounts.reduce((result, account) => result.concat(pending.filter(p => p.address === account.address && p.network === account.network)), []); export const save = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => { const devices: Array = getState().devices.filter(d => d.features && d.remember === true); const accounts: Array = findAccounts(devices, getState().accounts); const tokens: Array = findTokens(accounts, getState().tokens); const pending: Array = findPendingTxs(accounts, getState().pending); const discovery: Array = findDiscovery(devices, getState().discovery); // save devices storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_DEVICES, JSON.stringify(devices)); // save already preloaded accounts storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_ACCOUNTS, JSON.stringify(accounts)); // save discovery state storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_DISCOVERY, JSON.stringify(discovery)); // tokens storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_TOKENS, JSON.stringify(tokens)); // pending transactions storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_PENDING, JSON.stringify(pending)); }; export const update = (event: StorageEvent): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch): void => { if (!event.newValue) return; if (event.key === KEY_DEVICES) { // check if device was added/ removed // const newDevices: Array = JSON.parse(event.newValue); // const myDevices: Array = getState().connect.devices.filter(d => d.features); // if (newDevices.length !== myDevices.length) { // const diff = myDevices.filter(d => newDevices.indexOf(d) < 0) // console.warn("DEV LIST CHANGED!", newDevices.length, myDevices.length, diff) // // check if difference is caused by local device which is not saved // // or device which was saved in other tab // } // const diff = oldDevices.filter(d => newDevices.indexOf()) } if (event.key === KEY_ACCOUNTS) { dispatch({ type: ACCOUNT.FROM_STORAGE, payload: JSON.parse(event.newValue), }); } if (event.key === KEY_TOKENS) { dispatch({ type: TOKEN.FROM_STORAGE, payload: JSON.parse(event.newValue), }); } if (event.key === KEY_PENDING) { dispatch({ type: PENDING.FROM_STORAGE, payload: JSON.parse(event.newValue), }); } if (event.key === KEY_DISCOVERY) { dispatch({ type: DISCOVERY.FROM_STORAGE, payload: JSON.parse(event.newValue), }); } }; const loadJSON = (): AsyncAction => async (dispatch: Dispatch): Promise => { if (typeof window.localStorage === 'undefined') return; try { const config: Config = await httpRequest(AppConfigJSON, 'json'); // remove ropsten testnet from config networks if (!buildUtils.isDev()) { const index = config.networks.findIndex(c => c.shortcut === 'trop'); delete config.networks[index]; } const ERC20Abi = await httpRequest(Erc20AbiJSON, 'json'); window.addEventListener('storage', (event) => { dispatch(update(event)); }); // load tokens const tokens = await config.networks.reduce(async (promise: Promise, network: Network): Promise => { const collection: TokensCollection = await promise; const json = await httpRequest(network.tokens, 'json'); collection[network.shortcut] = json; return collection; }, Promise.resolve({})); dispatch({ type: STORAGE.READY, config, tokens, ERC20Abi, }); } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: STORAGE.ERROR, error, }); } }; const VERSION: string = '1'; const loadStorageData = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch): void => { // validate version const version: ?string = storageUtils.get(TYPE, KEY_VERSION); if (version && version !== VERSION) { storageUtils.clearAll(); } storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_VERSION, VERSION); const devices: ?string = storageUtils.get(TYPE, KEY_DEVICES); if (devices) { dispatch({ type: CONNECT.DEVICE_FROM_STORAGE, payload: JSON.parse(devices), }); } const accounts: ?string = storageUtils.get(TYPE, KEY_ACCOUNTS); if (accounts) { dispatch({ type: ACCOUNT.FROM_STORAGE, payload: JSON.parse(accounts), }); } const userTokens: ?string = storageUtils.get(TYPE, KEY_TOKENS); if (userTokens) { dispatch({ type: TOKEN.FROM_STORAGE, payload: JSON.parse(userTokens), }); } const pending: ?string = storageUtils.get(TYPE, KEY_PENDING); if (pending) { dispatch({ type: PENDING.FROM_STORAGE, payload: JSON.parse(pending), }); } const discovery: ?string = storageUtils.get(TYPE, KEY_DISCOVERY); if (discovery) { dispatch({ type: DISCOVERY.FROM_STORAGE, payload: JSON.parse(discovery), }); } if (buildUtils.isDev() || buildUtils.isBeta()) { const betaModal = Object.keys(window.localStorage).find(key => key.indexOf(KEY_BETA_MODAL) >= 0); if (!betaModal) { dispatch({ type: WALLET.SHOW_BETA_DISCLAIMER, show: true, }); } } }; export const loadData = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => { dispatch(loadStorageData()); // stop loading resources and wait for user action if (!getState().wallet.showBetaDisclaimer) { dispatch(loadJSON()); } }; export const hideBetaDisclaimer = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch): void => { storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_BETA_MODAL, true); dispatch(loadJSON()); };