/* @flow */ import * as storageUtils from 'utils/storage'; import { findToken } from 'reducers/utils'; import type { State as EthereumSendFormState } from 'reducers/SendFormEthereumReducer'; import type { State as RippleSendFormState } from 'reducers/SendFormRippleReducer'; import type { ThunkAction, PayloadAction, GetState, Dispatch, } from 'flowtype'; const TYPE: 'session' = 'session'; const { STORAGE_PATH } = storageUtils; const KEY_TX_DRAFT: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}txdraft`; const getTxDraftKey = (getState: GetState): string => { const { pathname } = getState().router.location; return `${KEY_TX_DRAFT}${pathname}`; }; export const saveDraftTransaction = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => { const state = getState().sendFormEthereum; if (state.untouched) return; const key = getTxDraftKey(getState); storageUtils.set(TYPE, key, JSON.stringify(state)); }; export const loadEthereumDraftTransaction = (): PayloadAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): ?EthereumSendFormState => { const key = getTxDraftKey(getState); const value: ?string = storageUtils.get(TYPE, key); if (!value) return null; const state: ?EthereumSendFormState = JSON.parse(value); if (!state) return null; // decide if draft is valid and should be returned // ignore this draft if has any error if (Object.keys(state.errors).length > 0) { storageUtils.remove(TYPE, key); return null; } // check if selected currency is token and make sure that this token is added into account if (state.currency !== state.networkSymbol) { const { account, tokens } = getState().selectedAccount; if (!account) return null; const token = findToken(tokens, account.descriptor, state.currency, account.deviceState); if (!token) { storageUtils.remove(TYPE, key); return null; } } return state; }; export const loadRippleDraftTransaction = (): PayloadAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): ?RippleSendFormState => { const key = getTxDraftKey(getState); const value: ?string = storageUtils.get(TYPE, key); if (!value) return null; const state: ?RippleSendFormState = JSON.parse(value); if (!state) return null; // decide if draft is valid and should be returned // ignore this draft if has any error if (Object.keys(state.errors).length > 0) { storageUtils.remove(TYPE, key); return null; } return state; }; export const clear = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => { const key = getTxDraftKey(getState); storageUtils.remove(TYPE, key); };