/* @flow */ import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import type { Messages } from 'flowtype'; const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({ TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET: { id: 'TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET', defaultMessage: 'Amount is not set', }, TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER: { id: 'TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER', defaultMessage: 'Amount is not a number', }, TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED: { id: 'TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:', defaultMessage: 'Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed', }, TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION: { id: 'TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION', defaultMessage: 'Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee', }, TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS: { id: 'TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS', defaultMessage: 'Not enough funds', }, TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW: { id: 'TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW', defaultMessage: 'Amount is too low', }, TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET: { id: 'TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET', defaultMessage: 'Address is not set', }, TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID: { id: 'TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID', defaultMessage: 'Address is not valid', }, TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID: { id: 'TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID', defaultMessage: 'Address checksum is not valid', }, TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET: { id: 'TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET', defaultMessage: 'Gas limit is not set', }, TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER: { id: 'TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER', defaultMessage: 'Gas limit is not a number', }, TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW: { id: 'TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW', defaultMessage: 'Gas limit is too low', }, TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED: { id: 'TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED', defaultMessage: 'Gas limit is below recommended', }, TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER: { id: 'TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER', defaultMessage: 'Gas price is not a number', }, TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET: { id: 'TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET', defaultMessage: 'Gas price is not set', }, TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW: { id: 'TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW', defaultMessage: 'Gas price is too low', }, TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH: { id: 'TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH', defaultMessage: 'Gas price is too high', }, TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER: { id: 'TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER', defaultMessage: 'Nonce is not a valid number', }, TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET: { id: 'TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET', defaultMessage: 'Nonce is not set', }, TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED: { id: 'TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED', defaultMessage: 'Nonce is greater than recommended', }, TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED: { id: 'TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED', defaultMessage: 'Nonce is lower than recommended', }, TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX: { id: 'TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX', defaultMessage: 'Data is not valid hexadecimal', }, TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF: { id: 'TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF', defaultMessage: 'Cannot send to myself', }, TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT: { id: 'TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT', defaultMessage: 'Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}', }, TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING: { id: 'TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING', defaultMessage: 'Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}', }, TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET: { id: 'TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET', defaultMessage: 'Fee is not set', }, TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER: { id: 'TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER', defaultMessage: 'Fee must be an absolute number', }, TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED: { id: 'TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED', defaultMessage: 'Fee is below recommended', }, TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED: { id: 'TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED', defaultMessage: 'Fee is above recommended', }, TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE: { id: 'TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE', defaultMessage: 'Destination tag must be an absolute number', }, TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID: { id: 'TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID', defaultMessage: 'Destination tag is not valid', }, }); export default definedMessages;