/* @flow */ import { LOCATION_CHANGE } from 'react-router-redux'; import * as WALLET from 'actions/constants/wallet'; import * as CONNECT from 'actions/constants/TrezorConnect'; import * as stateUtils from 'reducers/utils'; import type { Device } from 'trezor-connect'; import type { Account, Coin, Discovery, Token, Web3Instance, TrezorDevice, RouterLocationState, ThunkAction, AsyncAction, Action, Dispatch, GetState, State, } from 'flowtype'; export type WalletAction = { type: typeof WALLET.SET_INITIAL_URL, state?: RouterLocationState, pathname?: string } | { type: typeof WALLET.TOGGLE_DEVICE_DROPDOWN, opened: boolean } | { type: typeof WALLET.ON_BEFORE_UNLOAD } | { type: typeof WALLET.ONLINE_STATUS, online: boolean } | { type: typeof WALLET.SET_SELECTED_DEVICE, device: ?TrezorDevice } | { type: typeof WALLET.UPDATE_SELECTED_DEVICE, device: TrezorDevice } | { type: typeof WALLET.CLEAR_UNAVAILABLE_DEVICE_DATA, devices: Array } export const init = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => { const updateOnlineStatus = (event) => { dispatch({ type: WALLET.ONLINE_STATUS, online: navigator.onLine, }); }; window.addEventListener('online', updateOnlineStatus); window.addEventListener('offline', updateOnlineStatus); }; export const onBeforeUnload = (): WalletAction => ({ type: WALLET.ON_BEFORE_UNLOAD, }); export const toggleDeviceDropdown = (opened: boolean): WalletAction => ({ type: WALLET.TOGGLE_DEVICE_DROPDOWN, opened, }); // This method will be called after each DEVICE.CONNECT action // if connected device has different "passphrase_protection" settings than saved instances // all saved instances will be removed immediately inside DevicesReducer // This method will clear leftovers associated with removed instances from reducers. // (DiscoveryReducer, AccountReducer, TokensReducer) export const clearUnavailableDevicesData = (prevState: State, device: Device): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => { if (!device.features) return; const affectedDevices = prevState.devices.filter(d => d.features && device.features && d.features.device_id === device.features.device_id && d.features.passphrase_protection !== device.features.passphrase_protection); if (affectedDevices.length > 0) { dispatch({ type: WALLET.CLEAR_UNAVAILABLE_DEVICE_DATA, devices: affectedDevices, }); } }; export const updateSelectedValues = (prevState: State, action: Action): AsyncAction => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): Promise => { const locationChange: boolean = action.type === LOCATION_CHANGE; const state: State = getState(); // handle devices state change (from trezor-connect events or location change) if (locationChange || prevState.devices !== state.devices) { const device = stateUtils.getSelectedDevice(state); if (state.wallet.selectedDevice !== device) { if (device && stateUtils.isSelectedDevice(state.wallet.selectedDevice, device)) { dispatch({ type: WALLET.UPDATE_SELECTED_DEVICE, device, }); } else { dispatch({ type: WALLET.SET_SELECTED_DEVICE, device, }); } } } };