/* @flow */ import TrezorConnect from 'trezor-connect'; import * as BLOCKCHAIN from 'actions/constants/blockchain'; import * as PENDING from 'actions/constants/pendingTx'; import * as AccountsActions from 'actions/AccountsActions'; import { toDecimalAmount } from 'utils/formatUtils'; import { observeChanges } from 'reducers/utils'; import type { BlockchainNotification } from 'trezor-connect'; import type { Dispatch, GetState, PromiseAction, PayloadAction, Network, BlockchainFeeLevel, } from 'flowtype'; export const subscribe = (network: string): PromiseAction => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): Promise => { const accounts: Array = getState().accounts.filter(a => a.network === network).map(a => a.descriptor); await TrezorConnect.blockchainSubscribe({ accounts, coin: network, }); }; // Get current known fee // Use default values from appConfig.json if it wasn't downloaded from blockchain yet // update them later, after onBlockMined event export const getFeeLevels = (network: Network): PayloadAction> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): Array => { const blockchain = getState().blockchain.find(b => b.shortcut === network.shortcut); if (!blockchain || blockchain.feeLevels.length < 1) { return network.fee.levels.map(level => ({ name: level.name, value: level.value, })); } return blockchain.feeLevels; }; export const onBlockMined = (network: string): PromiseAction => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): Promise => { const blockchain = getState().blockchain.find(b => b.shortcut === network); if (!blockchain) return; // flowtype fallback // if last update was more than 5 minutes ago const now = new Date().getTime(); if (blockchain.feeTimestamp < now - 300000) { const feeRequest = await TrezorConnect.blockchainEstimateFee({ coin: network, }); if (feeRequest.success && observeChanges(blockchain.feeLevels, feeRequest.payload)) { // check if downloaded fee levels are different dispatch({ type: BLOCKCHAIN.UPDATE_FEE, shortcut: network, feeLevels: feeRequest.payload, }); } } // TODO: check for blockchain rollbacks here! const accounts: Array = getState().accounts.filter(a => a.network === network); // console.warn('ACCOUNTS', accounts); if (accounts.length > 0) { // const response = await TrezorConnect.rippleGetAccountInfo({ // bundle: accounts, // level: 'transactions', // coin: network, // }); // if (!response.success) return; // response.payload.forEach((a, i) => { // if (a.transactions.length > 0) { // console.warn('APDEJTED!', a, i); // dispatch(AccountsActions.update({ // ...accounts[i], // balance: toDecimalAmount(a.balance, DECIMALS), // availableBalance: toDecimalAmount(a.availableBalance, DECIMALS), // block: a.block, // sequence: a.sequence, // })); // } // }); } }; export const onNotification = (payload: $ElementType): PromiseAction => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): Promise => { const { notification } = payload; const account = getState().accounts.find(a => a.descriptor === notification.descriptor); if (!account) return; const { network } = getState().selectedAccount; if (!network) return; // flowtype fallback if (!notification.blockHeight) { dispatch({ type: PENDING.ADD, payload: { ...notification, deviceState: account.deviceState, network: account.network, amount: toDecimalAmount(notification.amount, network.decimals), total: notification.type === 'send' ? toDecimalAmount(notification.total, network.decimals) : toDecimalAmount(notification.amount, network.decimals), fee: toDecimalAmount(notification.fee, network.decimals), }, }); // todo: replace "send success" notification with link to explorer } else { dispatch({ type: PENDING.TX_RESOLVED, hash: notification.hash, }); } const updatedAccount = await TrezorConnect.rippleGetAccountInfo({ account: { descriptor: account.descriptor, from: account.block, history: false, }, coin: account.network, }); if (!updatedAccount.success) return; dispatch(AccountsActions.update({ networkType: 'ripple', ...account, balance: toDecimalAmount(updatedAccount.payload.balance, network.decimals), availableBalance: toDecimalAmount(updatedAccount.payload.availableBalance, network.decimals), block: updatedAccount.payload.block, sequence: updatedAccount.payload.sequence, reserve: '0', })); };