/* eslint-disable import/no-named-as-default-member */ /* @flow */ import TrezorConnect, { UI } from 'trezor-connect'; import type { Device } from 'trezor-connect'; import * as MODAL from 'actions/constants/modal'; import * as CONNECT from 'actions/constants/TrezorConnect'; import type { ThunkAction, AsyncAction, Action, GetState, Dispatch, TrezorDevice, } from 'flowtype'; import type { State } from 'reducers/ModalReducer'; import type { parsedURI } from 'utils/cryptoUriParser'; import sendEthereumFormActions from './ethereum/SendFormActions'; import sendRippleFormActions from './ripple/SendFormActions'; export type ModalAction = { type: typeof MODAL.CLOSE } | { type: typeof MODAL.OPEN_EXTERNAL_WALLET, id: string, url: string, } | { type: typeof MODAL.OPEN_SCAN_QR, }; export const onPinSubmit = (value: string): Action => { TrezorConnect.uiResponse({ type: UI.RECEIVE_PIN, payload: value }); return { type: MODAL.CLOSE, }; }; export const onPassphraseSubmit = (passphrase: string): AsyncAction => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): Promise => { const { modal } = getState(); if (modal.context !== MODAL.CONTEXT_DEVICE) return; if (passphrase === '') { // set standard wallet type if passphrase is blank dispatch({ type: CONNECT.UPDATE_WALLET_TYPE, device: modal.device, hidden: false, }); } await TrezorConnect.uiResponse({ type: UI.RECEIVE_PASSPHRASE, payload: { value: passphrase, save: true, }, }); dispatch({ type: MODAL.CLOSE, }); }; export const onReceiveConfirmation = (confirmation: any): AsyncAction => async (dispatch: Dispatch): Promise => { await TrezorConnect.uiResponse({ type: UI.RECEIVE_CONFIRMATION, payload: confirmation, }); dispatch({ type: MODAL.CLOSE, }); }; export const onRememberDevice = (device: TrezorDevice): Action => ({ type: CONNECT.REMEMBER, device, }); export const onForgetDevice = (device: TrezorDevice): Action => ({ type: CONNECT.FORGET, device, }); export const onForgetSingleDevice = (device: TrezorDevice): Action => ({ type: CONNECT.FORGET_SINGLE, device, }); export const onCancel = (): Action => ({ type: MODAL.CLOSE, }); export const onDuplicateDevice = (device: TrezorDevice): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch): void => { dispatch(onCancel()); dispatch({ type: CONNECT.DUPLICATE, device, }); }; export const onRememberRequest = (prevState: State): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => { const state: State = getState().modal; // handle case where forget modal is already opened // TODO: 2 modals at once (two devices disconnected in the same time) if (prevState.context === MODAL.CONTEXT_DEVICE && prevState.windowType === CONNECT.REMEMBER_REQUEST) { // forget current (new) if (state.context === MODAL.CONTEXT_DEVICE) { dispatch({ type: CONNECT.FORGET, device: state.device, }); } // forget previous (old) dispatch({ type: CONNECT.FORGET, device: prevState.device, }); } }; export const onDeviceConnect = (device: Device): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => { // interrupt process of remembering device (force forget) // TODO: the same for disconnect more than 1 device at once const { modal } = getState(); if (modal.context === MODAL.CONTEXT_DEVICE && modal.windowType === CONNECT.REMEMBER_REQUEST) { if (device.features && modal.device && modal.device.features && modal.device.features.device_id === device.features.device_id) { dispatch({ type: MODAL.CLOSE, }); } else { dispatch({ type: CONNECT.FORGET, device: modal.device, }); } } }; export const onWalletTypeRequest = (hidden: boolean): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => { const { modal } = getState(); if (modal.context !== MODAL.CONTEXT_DEVICE) return; dispatch({ type: MODAL.CLOSE, }); dispatch({ type: CONNECT.RECEIVE_WALLET_TYPE, device: modal.device, hidden, }); }; export const gotoExternalWallet = (id: string, url: string): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch): void => { dispatch({ type: MODAL.OPEN_EXTERNAL_WALLET, id, url, }); }; export const openQrModal = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch): void => { dispatch({ type: MODAL.OPEN_SCAN_QR, }); }; export const onQrScan = (parsedUri: parsedURI, networkType: string): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch): void => { const { address = '', amount } = parsedUri; switch (networkType) { case 'ethereum': dispatch(sendEthereumFormActions.onAddressChange(address)); if (amount) dispatch(sendEthereumFormActions.onAmountChange(amount)); break; case 'ripple': dispatch(sendRippleFormActions.onAddressChange(address)); if (amount) dispatch(sendRippleFormActions.onAmountChange(amount)); break; default: break; } }; export default { onPinSubmit, onPassphraseSubmit, onReceiveConfirmation, onRememberDevice, onForgetDevice, onForgetSingleDevice, onCancel, onDuplicateDevice, onWalletTypeRequest, gotoExternalWallet, openQrModal, onQrScan, };