/* @flow */ import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl'; const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({ TR_SCAN_QR_CODE: { id: 'TR_SCAN_QR_CODE', defaultMessage: 'Scan QR code', description: 'Title for the Scan QR modal dialog', }, TR_WAITING_FOR_CAMERA: { id: 'TR_WAITING_FOR_CAMERA', defaultMessage: 'Waiting for camera...', }, TR_OOPS_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG: { id: 'TR_OOPS_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG', defaultMessage: 'Oops! Something went wrong!', }, TR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED: { id: 'TR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED', defaultMessage: 'Permission to access the camera was denied.', }, TR_CAMERA_NOT_RECOGNIZED: { id: 'TR_CAMERA_NOT_RECOGNIZED', defaultMessage: 'The camera was not recognized.', }, TR_UNKOWN_ERROR_SEE_CONSOLE: { id: 'TR_UNKOWN_ERROR_SEE_CONSOLE', defaultMessage: 'Unknown error. See console logs for details.', }, }); export default definedMessages;