/* @flow */ import { DEVICE } from 'trezor-connect'; import { LOCATION_CHANGE } from 'react-router-redux'; import * as WALLET from 'actions/constants/wallet'; import * as CONNECT from 'actions/constants/TrezorConnect'; import * as WalletActions from 'actions/WalletActions'; import * as RouterActions from 'actions/RouterActions'; import * as NotificationActions from 'actions/NotificationActions'; import * as LocalStorageActions from 'actions/LocalStorageActions'; import * as TrezorConnectActions from 'actions/TrezorConnectActions'; import * as SelectedAccountActions from 'actions/SelectedAccountActions'; import * as SendFormActionActions from 'actions/SendFormActions'; import type { Middleware, MiddlewareAPI, MiddlewareDispatch, Action, } from 'flowtype'; /** * Middleware */ const WalletService: Middleware = (api: MiddlewareAPI) => (next: MiddlewareDispatch) => (action: Action): Action => { const prevState = api.getState(); // Application live cycle starts HERE! // when first LOCATION_CHANGE is called router does not have "location" set yet if (action.type === LOCATION_CHANGE && !prevState.router.location) { // initialize wallet api.dispatch(WalletActions.init()); // set initial url // TODO: validate if initial url is potentially correct api.dispatch({ type: WALLET.SET_INITIAL_URL, pathname: action.payload.pathname, state: {}, }); // pass action and break process return next(action); } // pass action next(action); switch (action.type) { case WALLET.SET_INITIAL_URL: api.dispatch(LocalStorageActions.loadData()); break; case WALLET.SET_SELECTED_DEVICE: if (action.device) { // try to authorize device api.dispatch(TrezorConnectActions.getSelectedDeviceState()); } else { // try select different device api.dispatch(RouterActions.selectFirstAvailableDevice()); } break; case DEVICE.CONNECT: api.dispatch(WalletActions.clearUnavailableDevicesData(prevState, action.device)); break; default: { break; } } // update common values ONLY if application is ready if (!api.getState().wallet.ready) return action; // double verification needed // Corner case: LOCATION_CHANGE was called but pathname didn't changed (redirection from RouterService) const prevLocation = prevState.router.location; const currentLocation = api.getState().router.location; if (action.type === LOCATION_CHANGE && prevLocation.pathname !== currentLocation.pathname) { // watch for coin change if (prevLocation.state.network !== currentLocation.state.network) { api.dispatch({ type: CONNECT.COIN_CHANGED, payload: { network: currentLocation.state.network, }, }); } // watch for account change if (prevLocation.state.network !== currentLocation.state.network || prevLocation.state.account !== currentLocation.state.account) { api.dispatch(SelectedAccountActions.dispose()); } // clear notifications api.dispatch(NotificationActions.clear(prevLocation.state, currentLocation.state)); } // observe send form props changes api.dispatch(SendFormActionActions.observe(prevState, action)); // update common values in WallerReducer api.dispatch(WalletActions.updateSelectedValues(prevState, action)); // update common values in SelectedAccountReducer api.dispatch(SelectedAccountActions.updateSelectedValues(prevState, action)); return action; }; export default WalletService;