# Trezor Wallet You can try this wallet live [HERE](https://beta-wallet.trezor.io/next/) To install dependencies run `npm install` or `yarn` To start locally run `npm run dev` or `yarn run dev` To build the project run `npm run build` or `yarn run build` ## Docker - Build `./scripts/docker-build.sh` - Run `./scripts/docker-run.sh` ## Project structure The project is divided into two parts - data that are used when compiling the project and data that aren't. All data that are used during compilation are stored inside the `src/` folder. ### `src/` folder At the root of the `src/` folder are all files or folders that are shared. - `src/index.js` - root of the application - `src/views/` - contains all React `components` and `views` - `src/store/` - todo - `src/actions/` - todo - `src/reducers/` - todo - todo other folders/files? ## Component Component is what you'd intuitively think it is. It's a regular React component (doesn't matter whether statefull or stateless). ### **Global components** All global components are stored in `src/views/components/` folder. Global components are such components that are shared across multiple different components or views. - For example there's a `Button` component that is used in both `ConnectDevice` and `AccountSend`. `ConnectDevice` and `AccountSend` are both placed accross different views so the `Button` component they're both using must be stored in the global `components` folder. ### **Naming & structure convention** Each component has it's own folder. Name of the folder is same as is the name of the component (camel case and first letter is capitalized, e.g.: *MyComponent*). If you want to create multiple components of the same type you should put them into a common folder with a lowercase name like this `views/components/type/MyComponent`. - For example there are different types of modals like `confirm` or `device`. Because the `confirm` and `device` modals are subtypes of modal the folder structure looks like this ``` modals/confirm/Address modals/confirm/SignTx modals/device/Duplicate ``` Where `Address`, `SignTx` and `Duplicate` are the actual modal components. Inside each component's folder is `index.js` file containing the actual component's code with following export at the end of the file `export default ComponentName;` There's only one render function per component's index file. If you need more renders you should probably create new component. Each component may contain other components in its own `components/` folder. Component's components may contain another components etc. ## View The difference between `view` and `component` is rather semantical then technical. From the React's standpoint a view is just another component. So when is component a regular component and when is it a view? View components basically copy router structure and are composed either from view's own components or global components. ### **Naming & structure convention** Both naming and structure conventions are similar to components conventions. Each view has its own folder in `views/` folder. Name of this folder is same as is the view's name (camel case and first letter is capitalized, e.g.: *MyView*). Inside the view's folder is always an `index.js` file containing view's code itself. View may contain own components inside view's folder - in the `components/` folder. One of the differences between a component and a view is that view can have another views. Of course those views may have their own components and views, etc. ``` views/ MyView/ components/ views/ index.js MyAnotherView/ components/ index.js ``` - For example there's a `Landing` component that is displayed if no device is detected. This view contains its own components in a `Landing/components/` folder. These components are then used exclusively in `Landing/index.js` and together compose different versions of the `Landing` view. <!-- If you aren't sure whether you should create component or view follow this discussion - If the route has following structure `/nameA/nameB/...` then `nameA` is probably a view and `nameB` is its subview - If the route has following structure `/nameA/:parameter/nameB/...` then `nameA` is a view - If the are some elements --> ## trezor-connect If you are implementing a new feature from 'trezor-connect' which is not deployed on npm yet follow these steps: 1. Build trezor-connect npm module locally: - go to trezor-connect project - call `yarn build:npm` - `cd npm` 2. Call `yarn link` to register this module 3. go to trezor-wallet project 4. Call `yarn link trezor-connect` to link registered module with trezor-wallet Additionally you can publish trezor-connect to dev server (sisyfos.trezor.io/connect): 1. go to trezor-connect project 2. call `make build-test`