{ "TR_TREZOR_WALLET_IS_AN_EASY_DASH": "Il Portafoglio Trezor รจ una interfaccia semplice da utilizzare per il tuo dispositivo Trezor. Da questo Portafoglio potrai facilmente controllare le tue monete, gestire il tuo conto ed avviare trasferimenti.", "TR_THE_PRIVATE_BANK_IN_YOUR_HANDS": "The private bank in your hands.", "TR_CONNECT_TREZOR_TO_CONTINUE": "Connetti Trezor per continuare", "TR_AND": "and", "TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices", "TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.", "TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Non hai Trezor? Acquistane uno", "TR_GET_ONE": "Get one", "dashboard.selectyourcoin.title": "Please select your coin", "dashboard.selectyourcoin.body": "You will gain access to receiving & sending selected coin" }