/* @flow */ import * as React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import QrReader from 'react-qr-reader'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import colors from 'config/colors'; import icons from 'config/icons'; import { H2 } from 'components/Heading'; import P from 'components/Paragraph'; import Icon from 'components/Icon'; import Link from 'components/Link'; import { parseUri } from 'utils/cryptoUriParser'; import type { parsedURI } from 'utils/cryptoUriParser'; import type { Props as BaseProps } from '../Container'; const Wrapper = styled.div` width: 90vw; max-width: 450px; padding: 30px 0px; `; const Padding = styled.div` padding: 0px 48px; `; const CloseLink = styled(Link)` position: absolute; right: 15px; top: 15px; `; const CameraPlaceholder = styled(P)` text-align: center; padding: 10px 0; `; const Error = styled.div` padding: 10px 0; `; const ErrorTitle = styled(P)` text-align: center; color: ${colors.ERROR_PRIMARY}; `; const ErrorMessage = styled.span` text-align: center; color: ${colors.TEXT_PRIMARY}; `; const StyledQrReader = styled(QrReader)` padding: 10px 0; `; // TODO fix types type Props = { onScan: (data: parsedURI) => any, onError?: (error: any) => any, onCancel?: $ElementType<$ElementType, 'onCancel'>; } type State = { readerLoaded: boolean, error: any, }; class QrModal extends React.Component { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { readerLoaded: false, error: null, }; } onLoad = () => { this.setState({ readerLoaded: true, }); } handleScan = (data: string) => { if (data) { try { const parsedUri = parseUri(data); if (parsedUri) { this.props.onScan(parsedUri); // reset error this.setState({ error: null, }); // close window this.handleCancel(); } } catch (error) { this.handleError(error); } } } handleError = (err: any) => { // log thrown error console.error(err); if (this.props.onError) { this.props.onError(err); } if (err.name === 'NotAllowedError' || err.name === 'PermissionDeniedError' || err.name === 'NotReadableError' || err.name === 'TrackStartError') { this.setState({ error: 'Permission to access the camera was denied.', }); } else if (err.name === 'NotFoundError' || err.name === 'DevicesNotFoundError') { this.setState({ error: 'The camera was not recognized.', }); } else { this.setState({ error: 'Unknown error. See console logs for details.', }); } } handleCancel = () => { if (this.props.onCancel) { this.props.onCancel(); } } render() { return (

Scan QR code

{!this.state.readerLoaded && !this.state.error && Waiting for camera...} {this.state.error && ( Oops! Something went wrong! {this.state.error.toString()} )}
{!this.state.error && ( )}
); } } QrModal.propTypes = { onScan: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onError: PropTypes.func, onCancel: PropTypes.func, }; export default QrModal;