declare module 'ethereum-types' { // start data types declare export type EthereumUnitT = | 'kwei' | 'ada' | 'mwei' | 'babbage' | 'gwei' | 'shannon' | 'szabo' | 'finney' | 'ether' | 'kether' | 'grand' | 'einstein' | 'mether' | 'gether' | 'tether' declare export type EthereumAddressT = string declare export type EthereumBlockNumberT = number declare export type EthereumBlockHashT = string declare export type EthereumTransactionHashT = string // end data types // start contract types declare export type EthereumWatchErrorT = ?Object declare export type EthereumEventT = { address: EthereumAddressT, args: A, blockHash: EthereumBlockHashT, blockNumber: number, event: string, logIndex: number, transactionHash: EthereumTransactionHashT, transactionIndex: number, transactionLogIndex: string, type: 'mined' // TODO: what other types are there? } // this represents the setup object returned from truffle-contract // we use it to get a known contact `at(address)` (ie. for POATokenContract addresses) declare export type EthereumContractSetupT = { at: EthereumAddressT => Promise } declare export type EthereumSendTransactionOptionsT = { from: EthereumAddressT, gas: number, value?: number } declare export type EthereumSendTransactionT = EthereumSendTransactionOptionsT => Promise< EthereumTransactionHashT > // TODO(mattgstevens): it would be nice to have an Generic type for a Contract instance // similar to the EthererumWatchEventT // // declare export type SendTransactionContractT = interface .sendTransaction(EthereumAddressT) // declare export type WatchableContractT = (error: Object, response: A) // declare export type EthereumContractWatcherT = (options: { // fromBlock?: EthereumBlockNumberT, // toBlock?: EthereumBlockNumberT, // address?: EthereumAddressT // }) => * // end contract data }