/* @flow */ 'use strict'; import React from 'react'; import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import * as LogActions from '../../actions/LogActions'; import type { State, Dispatch } from '../../flowtype'; type Props = { log: $ElementType, toggle: typeof LogActions.toggle } const Log = (props: Props): ?React$Element => { if (!props.log.opened) return null; // const entries = props.log.entries.map(entry => { // return ( // ) // }) return (


Attention: The log contains your XPUBs. Anyone with your XPUBs can see your account history.

) } export default connect( (state: State) => { return { log: state.log }; }, (dispatch: Dispatch) => { return { toggle: bindActionCreators(LogActions.toggle, dispatch), }; } )(Log);