![Alt text](trezor-rocks.png?raw=true "Trezor Wallet rocks") # Trezor Wallet You can try this wallet live [HERE](https://beta-wallet.trezor.io/next/) To install dependencies run `npm install` or `yarn` To start locally run `npm run dev` or `yarn run dev` To build the project run `npm run build` or `yarn run build` ## trezor-connect If you are implementing a new feature from 'trezor-connect' which is not deployed on npm yet follow these steps: 1. Build trezor-connect npm module locally: - go to trezor-connect project - call `yarn build:npm` - `cd npm` 2. Call `yarn link` to register this module 3. go to trezor-wallet project 4. Call `yarn link trezor-connect` to link registered module with trezor-wallet Additionally you can publish trezor-connect to dev server (sisyfos.trezor.io/connect): 1. go to trezor-connect project 2. call `make build-test`