# Run docker build # usage: # make build-beta # make build-stable build-%: ./scripts/docker-build.sh $* # s3sync with stage.mytrezor.com # Upload requested build for testing purposes # usage: # make stage-beta # make stage-stable sync-stage-%: ./scripts/s3sync.sh stage $* # s3sync with beta.mytrezor.com # Upload build/beta only # usage: # make beta sync-beta: ./scripts/s3sync.sh beta beta # s3sync with wallet.mytrezor.com # Upload build/stable only # usage: # make stable sync-stable: ./scripts/s3sync.sh stable stable .DEFAULT_GOAL:= default default: @echo "Build:" @echo "git checkout to desired branch (beta|stable)" @echo " make build-beta" @echo " make build-stable" @echo "Sync:" @echo "s3 sync desired build to server (beta.mytrezor.com|wallet.mytrezor.com)" @echo " make sync-beta" @echo " make sync-stable" @echo "Staging:" @echo "s3 sync desired build to stage server (stage.mytrezor.com)" @echo " make sync-stage-beta" @echo " make sync-stage-stable"