/* @flow */ import * as ACCOUNT from 'actions/constants/account'; import * as SEND from 'actions/constants/send'; import * as WEB3 from 'actions/constants/web3'; import * as BLOCKCHAIN from 'actions/constants/blockchain'; import type { Dispatch, GetState, State as ReducersState, Action, ThunkAction, } from 'flowtype'; import type { State as EthereumState } from 'reducers/SendFormEthereumReducer'; import type { State as RippleState } from 'reducers/SendFormRippleReducer'; import * as EthereumSendFormActions from './ethereum/SendFormActions'; import * as RippleSendFormActions from './ripple/SendFormActions'; export type SendFormAction = { type: typeof SEND.INIT | typeof SEND.VALIDATION | typeof SEND.CHANGE | typeof SEND.CLEAR, networkType: 'ethereum', state: EthereumState, } | { type: typeof SEND.INIT | typeof SEND.VALIDATION | typeof SEND.CHANGE | typeof SEND.CLEAR, networkType: 'ripple', state: RippleState, } | { type: typeof SEND.TOGGLE_ADVANCED | typeof SEND.TX_SENDING | typeof SEND.TX_ERROR, } | { type: typeof SEND.TX_COMPLETE, }; // list of all actions which has influence on "sendForm" reducer // other actions will be ignored const actions = [ ACCOUNT.UPDATE_SELECTED_ACCOUNT, WEB3.GAS_PRICE_UPDATED, BLOCKCHAIN.UPDATE_FEE, ...Object.values(SEND).filter(v => typeof v === 'string'), ]; /* * Called from WalletService */ export const observe = (prevState: ReducersState, action: Action): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => { // ignore not listed actions if (actions.indexOf(action.type) < 0) return; const currentState = getState(); // do not proceed if it's not "send" url if (!currentState.router.location.state.send) return; const { network } = currentState.selectedAccount; if (!network) return; switch (network.type) { case 'ethereum': dispatch(EthereumSendFormActions.observe(prevState, action)); break; case 'ripple': dispatch(RippleSendFormActions.observe(prevState, action)); break; default: break; } };