Merge branch 'master' into beta

Vladimir Volek 5 years ago
commit da086cf005

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ image: node:10.15.1
- "apt-get update"
- "apt-get install -y build-essential"
@ -69,21 +73,21 @@ build stable:
- build/stable
- scripts/
build emulator and bridge image:
CONTAINER_NAME: "$CI_REGISTRY/emulator-bridge-tests"
image: docker:latest
- docker:dind
stage: build
when: manual
- docker pull $CONTAINER_NAME:latest || true
- docker build --cache-from $CONTAINER_NAME:latest --tag $CONTAINER_NAME:$CI_COMMIT_SHA --tag $CONTAINER_NAME:latest .
- docker push $CONTAINER_NAME:latest
# build emulator and bridge image:
# variables:
# CONTAINER_NAME: "$CI_REGISTRY/emulator-bridge-tests"
# image: docker:latest
# services:
# - docker:dind
# before_script:
# stage: build
# when: manual
# script:
# - docker pull $CONTAINER_NAME:latest || true
# - docker build --cache-from $CONTAINER_NAME:latest --tag $CONTAINER_NAME:$CI_COMMIT_SHA --tag $CONTAINER_NAME:latest .
# - docker push $CONTAINER_NAME:latest
deploy review:
stage: deploy
@ -95,6 +99,7 @@ deploy review:
on_stop: delete review
before_script: []
- echo "Deploy a review app"
- '[ -z "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}" ] && echo "Deploy base dir cannot be empty" && exit 255'
@ -118,6 +123,7 @@ deploy stage beta:
when: manual
- build beta
before_script: []
- scripts/ stage beta
@ -134,6 +140,7 @@ deploy stage stable:
when: manual
- build stable
before_script: []
- scripts/ stage stable
@ -150,6 +157,7 @@ delete review:
action: stop
before_script: []
- '[ -z "${DEPLOY_BASE_DIR}" ] && echo "Deploy dir can not be empty" && exit 1'
- '[ -z "${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}" ] && echo "Build name can not be empty" && exit 1'

@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
## next release
- Coin visibility settings
- Almost complete russian, ukrainian and spanish localization
- Auto reconnect to a backend after losing connection
- static (without animation) active tab indicator
- input validation - mandatory leading 0 for float numbers
- regexps refactored to functions, added unit tests
- limit passphrase length to 50 bytes
- react hot loader
- minor l10n fixes
## 1.2.0-beta
- Localization
@ -16,6 +33,8 @@ __changed__
- Coins sorted by market cap
- Link to "Bitcoin wallet" opens in the same tab
- Most components are now from trezor-ui-components
- Limit max number of accounts to 10
- Debounced validation in send forms
- Text "you will be redirected" from coins menu
@ -27,6 +46,10 @@ __fixed__
- Token select shows all tokens options
- "Check for devices" button in device menu
- Close xlm, xem modals when opening external wallet
- Peding tx overflow
- Update account empty flag after receiving tx
- Width of inputs in xrp send form advanced settings
- Ripple destination tag validation
## 1.1.1-beta

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"outputDir": "translations/",
"project": {
"identifier": "trezor-wallet-test",
"filename": "master",
"apiKeyEnv": "CROWDIN_API_KEY"
"languages": [

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "trezor-wallet",
"version": "1.2.0-beta",
"version": "1.3.0-beta",
"author": "TREZOR <>",
"description": "",
"bin": {
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
"build:stable": "rimraf build/stable && npx webpack --config webpack/production.babel.js --output-path build/stable --progress --bail",
"build:beta": "rimraf build/beta && cross-env BUILD=beta npx webpack --config webpack/production.babel.js --output-path build/beta --progress --bail",
"build:dev": "rimraf && cross-env BUILD=development npx webpack --config webpack/production.babel.js --output-path build/dev --progress --bail",
"translations:extract": "rimraf translations/extractedMessages && cross-env NODE_ENV=translations babel src",
"translations:upload": "yarn translations:extract && yarn ttm merge-msgs && yarn ttm build-csv && yarn ttm upload",
"translations:extract": "rimraf translations/extractedMessages && cross-env NODE_ENV=translations babel src && yarn ttm merge-msgs && yarn ttm build-csv",
"translations:upload": "yarn translations:extract && yarn ttm upload",
"translations:download": "yarn ttm build-translations && sleep 1 && yarn ttm export-translations",
"flow": "flow check src",
"lint": "run-s lint:*",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"@babel/polyfill": "^7.2.5",
"@hot-loader/react-dom": "16.8.6",
"bignumber.js": "8.0.2",
"color-hash": "^1.0.3",
"commander": "^2.19.0",
@ -56,9 +57,9 @@
"raf": "^3.4.1",
"raven-js": "^3.27.0",
"rc-tooltip": "^3.7.3",
"react": "^16.8.6",
"react-dom": "^16.8.6",
"react-hot-loader": "^4.6.5",
"react": "16.8.6",
"react-dom": "16.8.6",
"react-hot-loader": "^4.8.4",
"react-intl": "^2.8.0",
"react-json-view": "^1.19.1",
"react-qr-reader": "^2.1.2",
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@
"styled-normalize": "^8.0.6",
"trezor-bridge-communicator": "1.0.2",
"trezor-connect": "7.0.2",
"trezor-ui-components": "^1.0.0-beta.13",
"trezor-ui-components": "^1.0.0-beta.19",
"wallet-address-validator": "^0.2.4",
"web3": "1.0.0-beta.35",
"webpack": "^4.29.3",
@ -134,7 +135,7 @@
"stylelint-custom-processor-loader": "^0.6.0",
"stylelint-processor-styled-components": "^1.5.2",
"stylelint-webpack-plugin": "^0.10.5",
"trezor-translations-manager": "^1.0.4",
"trezor-translations-manager": "^1.0.5",
"webpack-cli": "^3.2.3",
"webpack-dev-server": "^3.1.14"

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
"url": ""
"transactions": false,
"supportedBrowsers": {
"chrome": {
"version": 59,

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Terms",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Support",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Attention: The log contains your XPUBs. Anyone with your XPUBs can see your account history.",
"TR_LOG": "Log",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Send",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Fee",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Don't forget",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "If you forget your passphrase, your wallet is lost for good. There is no way to recover your funds.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Passphrases do not match!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Show passphrase",
"TR_ENTER": "Enter",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "New Trezor firmware is available.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Clear",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Address",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Forget device",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Don't have a Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Get one",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "To add accounts, make sure your device is connected.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Add account",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Message",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Signature",
"TR_SIGN": "Sign",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Balance",
"TR_RATE": "Rate",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Terms",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Support",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Attention: The log contains your XPUBs. Anyone with your XPUBs can see your account history.",
"TR_LOG": "Log",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Send",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Fee",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Don't forget",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "If you forget your passphrase, your wallet is lost for good. There is no way to recover your funds.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Passphrases do not match!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Show passphrase",
"TR_ENTER": "Enter",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "New Trezor firmware is available.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Clear",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Address",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Forget device",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Don't have a Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Get one",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "To add accounts, make sure your device is connected.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Add account",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Message",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Signature",
"TR_SIGN": "Sign",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Balance",
"TR_RATE": "Rate",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "শর্তাবলী",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "বন্ধ করুন",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "সহায়তা",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ: লগটি আপনার XPUBs ধারণ করে। XPUBs ধারি যে কেউ আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের ইতিহাস দেখতে পারবে।",
"TR_LOG": "লগ",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "পাঠান",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "ফি",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "আবার চেষ্টা করুন",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "বিস্মৃত হবেননা",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "আপনি আপনার গুপ্ত-বাক্যাংশ ভুলে গিয়ে থাকেন, আপনার ওয়ালেট চিরদিনের জন্য হারিয়ে ফেলেছেন। আপনার অর্থ পুনরুদ্ধার করার কোন উপায় নেই।",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "গুপ্ত-বাক্যাংশ মিলছে না!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "গুপ্ত-বাক্যাংশ প্রদর্শন করুন",
"TR_ENTER": "প্রবেশ করুন",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "গুপ্ত-বাক্যাংশ",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "নতুন Trezor ফার্মওয়্যার সহজলভ্য।",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "পরিষ্কার",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "ঠিকানা",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "ডিভাইসটি বিস্মৃত হন",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "আবার চেষ্টা করুন",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Trezor Beta Wallet খোলা হচ্ছে",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Trezor নাই? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Get one",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "অ্যাকাউন্ট যোগ করার জন্য, নিশ্চিত করুন যে আপনার ডিভাইস সংযুক্ত আছে।",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "একাউন্ট যোগ করুন",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "বার্তা",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "স্বাক্ষর",
"TR_SIGN": "সাইন",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "ব্যালেন্স",
"TR_RATE": "হার",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Podmínky",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Zavřít",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Zákaznická Podpora",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Varování: Tento log může obsahovat Váš XPUB. Pokud jej předáte třetí straně, umožňujete jí vidět celou Vaši transakční historii.",
"TR_LOG": "Log",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Potvrďte akci na Vašem Trezoru",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Odeslat",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Poplatek",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Zobrazit neověřenou adresu",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Zkusit znovu",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Zapamatovat",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Zapamatovat zařízení",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Ujistěte se, že stahujete univerzálního klienta pro podporu Trezoru.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Pokračujte na",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Poznámka: Přístupová fráze rozlišuje velká/malá písmena.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Pokud zapomenete přístupovou frázi, Vaše peněženka je navždy ztracena. Neexistuje žádný způsob, jak obnovit Vaše finanční prostředky.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Potvrdit přístupovou frázi",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Přístupové fráze se neshodují!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Zobrazit přístupovou frázi",
"TR_ENTER": "Potvrdit",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Přístupová fráze",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Zkontrolujte prosím svoje přípojení k internetu a obnovte stránku.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "K dispozici je nový Trezor firmware.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Vymazat",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Adresa",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Zapomenout zařízení",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Zkusit znovu",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Otevíráte beta verzi Trezor Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Zařízení nebylo rozpoznáno? Zkuste nainstalovat {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Ještě nemáte Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Jeden si pořiďte",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "Nový nástroj pro usnadnění komunikace mezi vaším Trezorem a internetovým prohlížečem.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Pro přidání účtů se ujistěte, že je Trezor připojen.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Přidat účet",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Zpráva",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Podpis",
"TR_SIGN": "Podepsat",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Zůstatek",
"TR_RATE": "Kurz",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Bedingungen",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Schließen",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Support",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Warnung: Dieser Log enthält Ihre XPUBs. Dritte können über Ihre XPUBs Ihren gesamten Transaktionsverlauf einsehen.",
"TR_LOG": "Log",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Aktion auf dem Trezor bestätigen",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Senden",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Gebühr",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Nicht verifizierte Adresse anzeigen",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Erneut versuchen",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Nicht vergessen",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Gerät merken",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Laden Sie sich für Trezor-Unterstützung den Universal Client herunter.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Zu wechseln",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Hinweis: Groß-/Kleinschreibung wird beachtet.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Wenn Sie Ihre Passphrase vergessen, haben Sie keinen Zugriff mehr auf Ihr Wallet. Es gibt keinen Weg, Ihre Geldmittel wiederherzustellen.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase bestätigen",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Die Passphrasen stimmen nicht überein!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase anzeigen",
"TR_ENTER": "Eingeben",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung und laden Sie die Seite erneut.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Neue Trezor Firmware verfügbar.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Zurücksetzen",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Adresse",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Gerät vergessen",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Erneut versuchen",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Sie öffnen jetzt das Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Gerät nicht erkannt? Installieren Sie {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Sie haben noch keinen Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Holen Sie sich einen",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "Ein neues Kommunikations-Tool zur Vereinfachung der Verbindung zwischen Ihrem Trezor und Ihrem Internet-Browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Um Konten hinzuzufügen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Gerät angeschlossen ist.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Konto hinzufügen",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Nachricht",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Signatur",
"TR_SIGN": "Signieren",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Saldo",
"TR_RATE": "Kurs",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Όροι",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Κλείσιμο",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Υποστήριξη",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Προειδοποίηση: Αυτό το αρχείο καταγραφής μπορεί να περιέχει τα XPUB σας. Όταν το δίνετε σε τρίτους, του επιτρέπετε να δει όλο το ιστορικό συναλλαγής.",
"TR_LOG": "Αρχείο καταγραφής",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Αποστολή",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Προμήθεια",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Δοκιμάστε ξανά",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Μην ξεχάσετε",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Εάν ξεχάσετε τη φράση πρόσβασής σας, το πορτοφόλι σας θα χαθεί για πάντα. Δεν υπάρχει τρόπος να ανακτήσετε τα κεφάλαιά σας.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Οι φράσεις πρόσβασης δεν ταιριάζουν!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Εμφάνιση συνθηματικής φράσης",
"TR_ENTER": "Εισάγετε",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Φράση πρόσβασης",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Νέο Trezor firmware είναι διαθέσιμο.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Καθαρισμός",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Διεύθυνση",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Ξεχάστε τη συσκευή",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Δοκιμάστε ξανά",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Τώρα ανοίγετε το δοκιμαστικό/Beta Πορτοφόλι του Trezor",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Δεν έχετε Trezor; {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Πάρ'τε ένα",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Για να προσθέσετε λογαριασμούς, βεβαιωθείτε ότι η συσκευή είναι συνδεδεμένη.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Προσθήκη λογαριασμού",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Μήνυμα",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Υπογραφή",
"TR_SIGN": "Υπογράψτε",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Υπόλοιπο",
"TR_RATE": "Βαθμολογήστε",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Terms",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Support",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Attention: The log contains your XPUBs. Anyone with your XPUBs can see your account history.",
"TR_LOG": "Log",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Send",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Fee",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Don't forget",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "If you forget your passphrase, your wallet is lost for good. There is no way to recover your funds.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Passphrases do not match!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Show passphrase",
"TR_ENTER": "Enter",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "New Trezor firmware is available.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Clear",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Address",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Forget device",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Don't have a Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Get one",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "To add accounts, make sure your device is connected.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Add account",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Message",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Signature",
"TR_SIGN": "Sign",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Balance",
"TR_RATE": "Rate",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,7 +1,20 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Términos",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Tipos de cambio para {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "Gracias a nuestros traductores para la {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribución",
"TR_MENU": "Menú",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Cerrar",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
"TR_WIKI": "Wiki",
@ -9,91 +22,122 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Soporte",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Advertencia: Este registro puede contener sus XPUB. Cualquiera con sus XPUB podrá ver su historial de transacciones.",
"TR_LOG": "Registro",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copiar en el portapapeles",
"TR_COPIED": "¡Copiado!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirme la acción en su Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
"TR_CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ON": "Confirm transaction on {deviceLabel} device",
"TR_DETAILS_ARE_SHOWN_ON": "Details are shown on display",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Compruebe la dirección en la pantalla del Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Compare por favor su dirección en el dispositivo con la dirección que aparece abajo",
"TR_CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ON": "Confirme transacción en el dispositivo {deviceLabel}",
"TR_DETAILS_ARE_SHOWN_ON": "Los detalles se muestran en la pantalla",
"TR_TO_LABEL": "Para",
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Enviar",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Comisión",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "El dispositivo {deviceLabel} no está conectado",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "El dispositivo {deviceLabel} no tiene el backup hecho",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "El dispositivo {deviceLabel} no está disponible",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Por favor, conecte el dispositivo para poder continuar con el proceso de verificación",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Por favor habilite la configuración de passphrase para poder continuar con el proceso de verificación.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Por favor desactive la configuración de passphrase para poder continuar con el proceso de verificación.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Mostrar dirección no verificada",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Inténtelo de nuevo",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "Para evitar ataques de phishing, verifique por favor la dirección primero en el Trezor. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "¿Olvidar el {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "No se olvide",
"TR_FORGETTING_ONLY_REMOVES_THE_DEVICE_FROM": "Olvidar sólo quita el dispositivo de la lista de la izquierda, sus bitcoins seguirán estando seguros y podrá acceder a ellos conectando su Trezor nuevamente.",
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Quiere usted que el Trezor Wallet olvide su {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}}, o que le requerda para que siga visible desconectado?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Recordar el dispositivo",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_OPTIONAL_FEATURE": "Passphrase is an optional feature of the Trezor device that is recommended for advanced users only. It is a word or a sentence of your choice. Its main purpose is to access a hidden wallet.",
"TR_ASKED_ENTER_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_TO_UNLOCK": "You will be asked to enter your passphrase to unlock your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CARDANO_WALLET": "Cardano wallet",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED_TO_EXTERNAL": "You will be redirected to external wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_EXTERNAL_WALLET": "Go to external wallet",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Seleccione el tipo del monedero para {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Cambie el tipo del monedero para {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Monedero estándar",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Monedero oculto",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continúe al monedero estándar.",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_OPTIONAL_FEATURE": "Passphrase es una función opcional del Trezor recomendada para usuarios avanzados solamente. Es una palabra o una frase de su preferencia. Su principal objetivo es acceder a un monedero oculto.",
"TR_ASKED_ENTER_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_TO_UNLOCK": "Se le pedirá introducir su passphrase para desbloquear el monedero oculto.",
"TR_CARDANO_WALLET": "Monedero Cardano",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED_TO_EXTERNAL": "Usted será redirigido al monedero externo",
"TR_GO_TO_EXTERNAL_WALLET": "Ir al monedero externo",
"TR_NEM_WALLET": "Monedero NEM",
"TR_WE_HAVE_PARTNERED_UP_WITH_THE_NEM": "Nos hemos asociado con la Fundación NEM para proporcionarle un monedero NEM completo.",
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Asegúrese de descargar el Cliente Universal para compatibilidad con Trezor.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Ir a",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Monedero Stellar",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Monedero Tezos",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Introduzca passphrase {deviceLabel}",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Atención: la frase de contraseña es sensible al uso de mayúsculas y minúsculas.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Si olvida su frase de contraseña, su monedero se perderá para siempre. No hay forma de recuperar sus fondos.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirmar frase de contraseña",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "¡Las frases de contraseña no coinciden!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Mostrar frase de contraseña",
"TR_ENTER": "Introducir",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Frase de contraseña",
"TR_ENTERED_PIN_NOT_CORRECT": "Entered PIN for {deviceLabel} is not correct",
"TR_RETRYING_DOT_DOT": "Retrying...",
"TR_CHANGED_YOUR_MIND": "¿Cambió usted su opinión? {TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET}",
"TR_ENTERED_PIN_NOT_CORRECT": "La contraseña introducida para {deviceLabel} no está correcta",
"TR_RETRYING_DOT_DOT": "Reintentando...",
"TR_THE_PIN_LAYOUT_IS_DISPLAYED_ON": "La disposición del PIN se muestra en su Trezor.",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PIN": "Enter {deviceLabel} PIN",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PIN": "Introduzca la contraseña de {deviceLabel}",
"TR_ENTER_PIN": "Introducir PIN",
"TR_NOT_SURE_HOW_PIN_WORKS": "¿No está seguro de cómo funciona el PIN? {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_SCAN_QR_CODE": "Escanear código QR",
"TR_WAITING_FOR_CAMERA": "Esperando la cámara...",
"TR_OOPS_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Oops! Something went wrong!",
"TR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED": "Permission to access the camera was denied.",
"TR_CAMERA_NOT_RECOGNIZED": "The camera was not recognized.",
"TR_UNKOWN_ERROR_SEE_CONSOLE": "Unknown error. See console logs for details.",
"TR_OOPS_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "¡Uy! ¡Algo salió mal!",
"TR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED": "Se le negó el permiso para acceder a la cámara.",
"TR_CAMERA_NOT_RECOGNIZED": "La cámara no fue reconocida.",
"TR_UNKOWN_ERROR_SEE_CONSOLE": "Error desconocido. Ver los logs de la consola para obtener más información.",
"TR_YOU_WERE_DISCONNECTED_DOT": "Se ha desconectado.",
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Por favor compruebe su conexión a internet y vuelva a cargar la página.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "Está disponible un nuevo Trezor Bridge.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Nuevo firmware de Trezor disponible.",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Clear",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Está exigida una reserva mínima de la cuenta",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Direcciones de Ripple requieren un saldo mínimo de {minBalance} XRP para activar y mantener la cuenta. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Configuración del dispositivo",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Ajustes de la aplicación",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Cuenta #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Cuenta importada #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Borrar",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Buscar dispositivos",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Dirección",
"TR_LOADING_DOT_DOT_DOT": "Cargando...",
"TR_TAKE_ME_TO_BITCOIN_WALLET": "Take me to the Bitcoin wallet",
"TR_I_WILL_DO_THAT_LATER": "Ill do that later.",
"TR_TAKE_ME_TO_BITCOIN_WALLET": "Llévame a la billetera Bitcoin",
"TR_I_WILL_DO_THAT_LATER": "Lo haré luego.",
"TR_SHOW_DETAILS": "Mostrar detalles",
"TR_UPGRADE_FOR_THE_NEWEST_FEATURES_DOT": "Upgrade for the newest features.",
"TR_UPGRADE_FOR_THE_NEWEST_FEATURES_DOT": "Actualice para las características más recientes.",
"TR_LEARN_MORE": "Aprender más",
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Ir al monedero estándar",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Ir al monedero oculto",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Olvidar el dispositivo",
"TR_CLOSE": "Cerrar",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Ocultar el saldo de la cuenta",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "El saldo de la cuenta está oculto.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "Si su dispositivo se pierde o se daña, sus fondos se perderán. Cree primero una copia de seguridad de su dispositivo para proteger sus monedas contra este tipo de eventos.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Cree una copia de seguridad en 3 minutos",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "No está hecha una copia de seguridad del Trezor",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Muéstrame la dirección, entiendo el riesgo",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Inténtelo de nuevo",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Estás abriendo el monedero Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
"TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR": "Please note that the {TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} might be collecting anonymized usage data, especially error logs, for development purposes. The {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} does not log any data.",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} es una versión pública de prueba de funcionalidades del {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, cual ofrece las funcionalidades más recientes antes de que se pongan a disposición del público general.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "En cambio, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} es un monedero con las características conservadoras, asegurándose de que su funcionalidad sea de máxima confiabilidad para el público general.",
"TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR": "Por favor tenga en cuenta que el {TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} podría recoger datos de uso anonimizados, especialmente registros de errores, para fines de desarrollo. El {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} no efectúa registro de datos de ningún tipo.",
"TR_OK_COMMA_I_UNDERSTAND": "Vale, lo entiendo",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET": "Trezor Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET": "Monedero Trezor",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Monedero Trezor Beta",
"TR_YOUR_BROWSER_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED": "Su navegador no es compatible",
"TR_PLEASE_CHOOSE_ONE_OF_THE_SUPPORTED": "Por favor elija uno de los navegadores soportados",
"TR_GET_CHROME": "Obtener Chrome",
@ -105,100 +149,143 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "¿Dispositivo no reconocido? Pruebe instalar el {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "¿No tiene Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Consiga uno",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Desconecte el dispositivo de \"{deviceLabel}\"",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "Nueva herramienta de comunicación para facilitar la conexión entre su Trezor y su navegador de internet.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
"TR_CHANGELOG": "Changelog",
"TR_CHECK_PGP_SIGNATURE": "Check PGP signature",
"TR_DONT_UPGRADE_BRIDGE": "No, I don't want to upgrade Bridge now",
"TR_TAKE_ME_BACK_TO_WALLET": "Take me back to the wallet",
"TR_FIND_OUT_MORE_INFO": "Find out more info",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Descargar el Bridge más reciente {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Más información sobre la última versión en {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
"TR_CHANGELOG": "Historial de cambios",
"TR_CHECK_PGP_SIGNATURE": "Verificar firma PGP",
"TR_DONT_UPGRADE_BRIDGE": "No, no quiero actualizar el Bridge ahora",
"TR_TAKE_ME_BACK_TO_WALLET": "Llévame de vuelta al monedero",
"TR_FIND_OUT_MORE_INFO": "Ver más información",
"TR_MODEL_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_COIN": "La moneda {coin} no es compatible con su modelo de Trezor.",
"TR_INITIALIZING_ACCOUNTS": "Initializing accounts",
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_INITIALIZING_ACCOUNTS": "Inicialización de las cuentas",
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "Para poder agregar una cuanta nueva, la cuenta anterior debe tener algunas transacciones.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Para agregar cuentas, asegúrese de que el dispositivo está conectado y que la última cuenta no esté vacía.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Añadir cuenta",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_WALLET": "You are in your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_HIDDEN": "Click here to access your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_STANDARD": "Click here to access your standard or another hidden wallet.",
"TR_TO_ACCESS_OTHER_WALLETS": "To access other wallets please connect your device.",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "No se pueden añadir más de 10 cuentas",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Otras monedas",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Cambiar el tipo del monedero",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renovar sesión",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Usted está en su monedero estándar.",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_WALLET": "Usted está en su monedero oculto.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_HIDDEN": "Haga clic aquí para acceder a su monedero oculto.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_STANDARD": "Haga clic aquí para acceder a su monedero estándar o un otro monedero oculto.",
"TR_TO_ACCESS_OTHER_WALLETS": "Para acceder a los otros monederos por favor conecte su dispositivo.",
"TR_NEED_HELP": "¿Necesita ayuda?",
"TR_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES": "Number of devices",
"TR_NAV_SUMMARY": "Summary",
"TR_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES": "Número de los dispositivos",
"TR_NAV_SUMMARY": "Resumen",
"TR_NAV_RECEIVE": "Recibir",
"TR_NAV_SEND": "Enviar",
"TR_NAV_SIGN_AND_VERIFY": "Firmar y verificar",
"TR_AMOUNT": "Cantidad",
"TR_SET_MAX": "Set max",
"TR_SET_MAX": "Establecer como máximo",
"TR_FEE": "Comisión",
"TR_RECOMMENDED_FEES_UPDATED": "Recommended fees updated.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_USE_THEM": "Click here to use them",
"TR_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Advanced settings",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device is unavailable",
"TR_RECOMMENDED_FEES_UPDATED": "Comisiones recomendadas se han actualizado.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_USE_THEM": "Haga clic aquí para utilizarlos",
"TR_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Configuración avanzada",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "El dispositivo no está conectado",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "El dispositivo no está disponible",
"TR_LOADING_ACCOUNTS": "Cargando cuentas",
"TR_SEND": "Send {amount}",
"TR_SEND": "Enviar {amount}",
"TR_CHECK_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Compruebe la dirección en la pantalla del Trezor",
"TR_SHOW_FULL_ADDRESS": "Mostrar la dirección completa",
"TR_QR_CODE": "QR Code",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_CONNECT": "Unverified address, connect your Trezor to verify it",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_SHOW": "Unverified address, show on Trezor.",
"TR_QR_CODE": "Código QR",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_CONNECT": "Dirección no verificada, conecte su Trezor para verificarla",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_SHOW": "Dirección no verificada, enséñala en Trezor.",
"TR_SHOW_ON_TREZOR": "Mostrar en Trezor",
"TR_CONNECT_YOUR_TREZOR_TO_CHECK": "Connect your Trezor to verify this address",
"TR_RECEIVE_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Receive Ethereum or tokens",
"TR_RECEIVE_RIPPLE": "Receive Ripple",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT": "Gas limit",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO": "Gas limit refers to the maximum amount of gas user is willing to spendon a particular transaction. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas limit will not get the transaction confirmed sooner. Default value for sending {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} is {gasLimitTooltipValue}.",
"TR_GAS_QUOTATION": "Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_SET_DEFAULT": "Set default",
"TR_CALCULATING_DOT_DOT": "Calculating...",
"TR_GAS_PRICE": "Gas price",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO": "Gas price refers to the amount of ether you are willing to pay for every unit of gas, and is usually measured in “Gwei”. {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas price will get the transaction confirmed sooner but makes it more expensive. The recommended gas price is {recommendedGasPrice} GWEI.",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION": "Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_DATA": "Data",
"TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED": "Data is usually used when you send transactions to contracts.",
"TR_SEND_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Send Ethereum or tokens",
"YOU_HAVE_TOKEN_BALANCE": "You have: {tokenBalance}",
"TR_XRP_TRANSFER_COST": "Transfer cost in XRP drops",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG": "Destination tag",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_CONNECT_YOUR_TREZOR_TO_CHECK": "Conecte su Trezor para verificar esta dirección",
"TR_RECEIVE_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Recibir Etereum o tokens",
"TR_RECEIVE_RIPPLE": "Recibir Ripple",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT": "Límite de gas",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO": "Límite de gas se refiere a la cantidad máxima de gas cual el usuario está dispuesto a gastar en una transacción particular. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Aumentando el límite de gas no conseguirá la transacción confirmada antes. Valor predeterminado para el envío de {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} es {gasLimitTooltipValue}.",
"TR_GAS_QUOTATION": "Comisión de transacción = límite de gas * precio del gas",
"TR_SET_DEFAULT": "Establecer como predeterminado",
"TR_CALCULATING_DOT_DOT": "Calculando...",
"TR_GAS_PRICE": "Precio del gas",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO": "Precio del gas se refiere a la cantidad de éter que usted está dispuestos a pagar por cada unidad de gas y se mide en \"Gwei\". {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Aumentar el precio del gas ayuda con tener la transacción confirmada más rápido, pero esta opción está más cara. El precio del gas recomendado es {recommendedGasPrice} GWEI.",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION": "Comisión de transacción = límite de gas * precio del gas",
"TR_DATA": "Datos",
"TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED": "Los datos se utilizan generalmente cuando se envian las transacciones a los contratos.",
"TR_SEND_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Enviar Etereum o tokens",
"YOU_HAVE_TOKEN_BALANCE": "Usted tiene: {tokenBalance}",
"TR_XRP_TRANSFER_COST": "Costo de transferencia en gotas XRP (XRP drops)",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG": "Etiqueta de destino",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Etiqueta de destino es un número arbitrario que sirve como identificador único de la transacción. Algunos servicios la pueden requerir para procesar su transacción.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserva: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Enviar Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Mensaje",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Firma",
"TR_SIGN": "Firmar",
"TR_VERIFY": "Verificar",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE": "Verificar mensaje",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE": "Firmar mensaje",
"TR_SEE_FULL_TRANSACTION_HISTORY": "See full transaction history",
"TR_SEE_FULL_TRANSACTION_HISTORY": "Ver historial de transacciones completo",
"TR_TOKENS": "Tokens",
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Inserte el nombre, el símbolo o la dirección del token para poder envíarlo.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Escriba el nombre o la dirección del token.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token no se ha encontrado",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "Historial",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Añadir sus tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Busque el token o agreguelo manualmente al pegar la dirección del token en la entrada de búsqueda.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Saldo",
"TR_RATE": "Tipo de cambio",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_IN_FIRMWARE": "Your device is in firmware update mode",
"TR_PLEASE_RECONNECT_IT": "Please re-connect it",
"TR_PLEASE_SELECT_YOUR": "Please select your coin",
"TR_YOU_WILL_GAIN_ACCESS": "You will gain access to receiving & sending selected coin",
"TR_ITS_TIME_TO_UPDATE_FIRMWARE": "Its time to update your firmware",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserva",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Las tarifas fiat no están disponibles actualmente.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "El dispositivo está abierto en una otra ventana",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "¿Desea usted utilizar el dispositivo en esta ventana?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Adquiera el dispositivo",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_IN_FIRMWARE": "El dispositivo está en el modo de actualización de firmware",
"TR_PLEASE_RECONNECT_IT": "Por favor, vuelva a conectar",
"TR_PLEASE_SELECT_YOUR": "Por favor seleccione su moneda preferida",
"TR_YOU_WILL_GAIN_ACCESS": "Usted tendrá el acceso a la recepción y envío de la moneda seleccionada",
"TR_ITS_TIME_TO_UPDATE_FIRMWARE": "Ahora es el momento de actualizar el firmware",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Por favor, utilice el interfaz del monedero Bitcoin para actualizar su firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "El dispositivo no está inicializado",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Por favor, utilice el interfaz del monedero Bitcoin para empezar con el proceso de la inicialización",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Por favor, utilice el interfaz del monedero Bitcoin para hacer el backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Dispositivo está inicializado en el modo sin semilla de recuperación, por lo tanto no se permite el acceso al monedero",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "El dispositivo está en el modo sin semilla de recuperación",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Dispositivo ilegible",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Por favor, instale Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Moneda local",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Esconde su saldo para que no tenga que preocuparse de alguien mirando sobre su hombro.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "Los cambios se guardan automáticamente como se hacen",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Terms",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Sulge",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Support",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Tähelepanu: Logi sisaldab teie XPUBi. Igaüks kellel on ligipääs teie XPUBile saab näha teie konto ajalugu.",
"TR_LOG": "Logi",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Saada",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Tasu",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Ärge unustage",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "If you forget your passphrase, your wallet is lost for good. There is no way to recover your funds.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Paroolifraasid ei kattu!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Show passphrase",
"TR_ENTER": "Enter",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Paroolifraas",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Uus Trezori püsivara on saadaval.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Tühjenda",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Address",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Unusta seade",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Ei ole Trezorit? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Võta üks",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "To add accounts, make sure your device is connected.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Lisa konto",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Sõnum",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Signature",
"TR_SIGN": "Sign",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Saldo",
"TR_RATE": "Hinna suhe",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Terms",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Support",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Attention: The log contains your XPUBs. Anyone with your XPUBs can see your account history.",
"TR_LOG": "Log",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Send",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Fee",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Don't forget",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "If you forget your passphrase, your wallet is lost for good. There is no way to recover your funds.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Passphrases do not match!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Show passphrase",
"TR_ENTER": "Enter",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "New Trezor firmware is available.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Clear",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Address",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Forget device",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Don't have a Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Get one",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "To add accounts, make sure your device is connected.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Add account",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Message",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Signature",
"TR_SIGN": "Sign",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Balance",
"TR_RATE": "Rate",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Conditions",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Fermer",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Assistance",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Attention : ce journal contient vos XPUB. Quiconque ayant accès à vos XPUB peut consulter l'historique de votre compte.",
"TR_LOG": "Journal",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirmez l'action sur votre Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Envoyer",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Frais",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Afficher l'adresse non vérifiée",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Réessayez",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Ne pas oublier",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Se souvenir de l'appareil",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Assurez-vous de télécharger le client universel pour la prise en charge du Trezor.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Aller sur",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Remarque : la phrase de passe est sensible à la casse.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Si vous oubliez votre phrase de passe, votre portefeuille est définitivement perdu. Il est impossible de récupérer vos fonds.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirmer la phrase de passe",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Les phrases de passe ne correspondent pas !",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Afficher la phrase de passe",
"TR_ENTER": "Saisissez",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Phrase de passe",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Veuillez vérifier votre connexion à internet et actualiser la page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Un nouveau micrologiciel Trezor est disponible.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Effacer",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Adresse",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Oublier l'appareil",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Réessayez",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Vous ouvrez un Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "L'appareil n'est pas reconnu ? Essayez d'installer {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Vous n'avez pas de Trezor ? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Obtenez-en un",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "Un nouvel outil de communication pour faciliter la connexion entre votre Trezor et votre navigateur internet.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Pour ajouter des comptes, assurez vous que l'appareil est connecté.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Ajouter un compte",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Message",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Signature",
"TR_SIGN": "Signer",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Solde",
"TR_RATE": "Taux",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "תנאי שימוש",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "סגירה",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "תמיכה",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "אזהרה: יומן הרישום מכיל את המפתחות הציבוריים של החשבון (XPUB). אדם עם גישה ל XPUB יכול לראות את היסטוריית החשבון שלכם.",
"TR_LOG": "יומן רישום",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "שליחה",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "עמלה",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "נסו שוב",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "אל תשכח",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "אם תשכחו את ה passphrase, הארנק שלכם ילך לטמיון. אין דרך להשיב את נכסיכם.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "אין התאמה ב passphrase שהוכנסו!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "הצגת passphrase",
"TR_ENTER": "כניסה",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "קיים עדכון קושחה ל Trezor.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "ניקוי",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "כתובת",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "שכח התקן",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "נסו שוב",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "פתיחת ארנק Trezor בטה",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "אין לכם Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "השיגו אחד",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "על מנת להוסיף חשבונות, וודאו שההתקן מחובר.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "הוספת חשבון",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "הודעה",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "חתימה",
"TR_SIGN": "חתימה",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "יתרה",
"TR_RATE": "שער",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Terms",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Support",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Attention: The log contains your XPUBs. Anyone with your XPUBs can see your account history.",
"TR_LOG": "Log",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Send",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Fee",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Don't forget",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "If you forget your passphrase, your wallet is lost for good. There is no way to recover your funds.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Passphrases do not match!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Show passphrase",
"TR_ENTER": "Enter",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "New Trezor firmware is available.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Clear",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Address",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Forget device",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Don't have a Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Get one",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "To add accounts, make sure your device is connected.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Add account",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Message",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Signature",
"TR_SIGN": "Sign",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Balance",
"TR_RATE": "Rate",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Feltételek",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Bezár",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Támogatás",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Figyelem: A naplófájl XPUBs kódot tartalmaz. Ezt felhasználva bárki láthatja az ön fióktörténetét.",
"TR_LOG": "Napló",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Küldés",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "TR. díj",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Próbálja újra",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Ne felejtse el",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Ha elfelejti a jelszómondatát örökre elveszti a hozzáférést a fiókjához. Nincs más mód a visszaállításhoz!",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Ez nem egyforma!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Látható a jelszó",
"TR_ENTER": "Tovább",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Kulcsszó",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Új Trezor firmware áll rendelkezésre.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Mégsem",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Cím",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Eszköz elfelejtése",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Próbálja újra",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Ön most a Trezor Beta Wallet-et nyitja meg",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Nincs még Trezor-ja? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Itt hozzájuthat",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Fiókok hozzáadásához az eszköznek csatlakozva kell lenni.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Számla hozzáadása",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Üzenet",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Aláírás",
"TR_SIGN": "Aláír",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Egyenleg",
"TR_RATE": "Érték",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Persyaratan Layanan",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Tutup",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Bantuan",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Attention: The log contains your XPUBs. Anyone with your XPUBs can see your account history.",
"TR_LOG": "Log",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Kirim",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Fee",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Coba lagi",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Jangan Lupa",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Jika anda kehilangan passphrase anda, maka dompet anda akan hilang. Tidak ada cara lain untuk dapat memulihkan dana anda.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Passphrase tidak cocok!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Lihat passphrase",
"TR_ENTER": "Enter",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Trezor firmware baru telah tersedia.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Hapus",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Alamat",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Hapus perangkat ini",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Coba lagi",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Anda membuka Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Don't have a Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Get one",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Untuk menambah akun, pastikan perangkat anda terhubung dan akun terakhir tidak kosong.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Tambahkan akun",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Pesan",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Tanda tangan",
"TR_SIGN": "Tandatangani",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Saldo",
"TR_RATE": "Kurs",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Termini",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Chiudi",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Supporto",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Attenzione: il file di log contiene le tue XPUB. Con le tue XPUB, chiunque può vedere la storia del tuo account.",
"TR_LOG": "Log",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Invia",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Commissioni",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Prova ancora",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Non dimenticare",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Se dimentichi la tua passphrase, perderai il tuo portafoglio per sempre. Non esiste altro modo per recuperare i tuoi fondi.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Passphrases non corrispondenti!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Mostra la passphrase",
"TR_ENTER": "Inserisci",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "È disponibile un nuovo firmware per Trezor.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Clear",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Indirizzo",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Dimentica questo dispositivo",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Prova ancora",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Stai aprendo il Portafoglio Trezor Beta",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Non hai Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Acquistane uno",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Per aggiungere altri accounts, assicurati che il dispositivo sia connesso e che l'ultimo account non sia vuoto.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Aggiungi account",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Messaggio",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Firma",
"TR_SIGN": "Firma",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Saldo",
"TR_RATE": "Rate",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "利用規約",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "閉じる",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "サポート",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "警告: ログにはあなたのXPUBが含まれています。第三者にXPUBが渡ってしまうと、すべての取引履歴を閲覧されてしまいます。",
"TR_LOG": "ログ",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Trezorで操作を確認してください",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "送信",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "手数料",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "やり直す",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "関連付けを解除しない",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "デバイスを記憶する",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "TrezorがサポートするUniversal Clientをダウンロードしてください。",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "nem.ioへ移動",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " 注意: パスフレーズはは大文字と小文字を区別します。",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "パスフレーズを忘れてしまった場合、お持ちのウォレットのデータは永遠に失われます。資金を復元する方法はありません。",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "パスフレーズが一致しません!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "パスフレーズを表示",
"TR_ENTER": "決定",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "パスフレーズ",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "インターネット接続を確認し、ページを再読み込みしてください。",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "新しいTrezorのファームウェアが利用可能です。",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "クリア",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "アドレス",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "端末の関連付けを解除する",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "やり直す",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "デバイスが認識されませんか?{link}をインストールしてください。",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Trezorをお持ちではありませんか{getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "入手してください",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "Trezorとインターネットブラウザ間の接続を支援する新しい通信ツールです。",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "口座を追加する際には、デバイスが接続されていることを確認してください。",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "口座を追加",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "メッセージ",
"TR_SIGN": "署名",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "残高",
"TR_RATE": "レート",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "약관",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "닫기",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "지원",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "주의: 로그에 회원님의 XPUB가 포함되어 있습니다. 회원님의 XPUB를 사용하여 누군가가 회원님의 계정 내역을 볼 수 있습니다.",
"TR_LOG": "로그",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Trezor에서 작업 확인",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "보내기",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "수수료",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "인증되지 않은 주소 표시",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "다시 시도",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "연결 해제 안 함",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Trezor 지원을 위해 Universal Client를 다운로드해야 합니다.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "nem.io로 이동",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " 참고: 패스프레이즈는 대/소문자를 구분합니다.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "패스프레이즈를 잊어버린 경우, 지갑은 영원히 손실됩니다. 자금을 복구할 수 있는 방법이 없습니다.",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "패스프레이즈가 일치하지 않습니다!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "패스프레이즈 표시",
"TR_ENTER": "입력",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "패스프레이즈",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "인터넷 연결을 확인하고 페이지를 다시 로드하세요.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "새로운 Trezor 펌웨어가 사용 가능합니다.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "occurrences: app/views/device/update/update-reconnect-bootloader.html app/views/device/update/update-reconnect-normal.html app/views/landing.html app/views/nav/settings-buttons.html",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "주소",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "장치 연결 해제",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "다시 시도",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Trezor Beta Wallet을 열고 있습니다.",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "장치가 인식되지 않습니까? {link}를 설치해 보세요.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Trezor가 없으신가요? {getOne}.",
"TR_GET_ONE": "다운로드하세요",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "Trezor와 인터넷 브라우저 간 연결을 용이하기 하는 새로운 통신 도구입니다.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "계정을 추가하려면 장치가 연결되어 있는지 확인하세요.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "계정 추가",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "메시지",
"TR_SIGN": "서명",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "잔액",
"TR_RATE": "요율",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Termen",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Sluiten",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Ondersteuning",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Waarschuwing: Dit logboek kan uw XPUB bevatten. Wanneer je aan anderen geeft, kunnen die uw hele transactiegeschiedenis bekijken.",
"TR_LOG": "Logboek",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Verzenden",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Transactiekosten",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Probeer opnieuw",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Niet vergeten",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Als u uw wachtwoordzin vergeet, is uw portemonnee voorgoed verloren. Er is geen manier om uw rekeningen te herstellen.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Wachtwoordzinnen komen niet overeen!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Toon wachtwoordzin",
"TR_ENTER": "Voer",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Wachtwoordzin",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Er is nieuwe Trezor firmware beschikbaar.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Leegmaken",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Adres",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Apparaat vergeten?",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Probeer opnieuw",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "U opent uw Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Heb je geen Trezor {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Haal hier één",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Controleer of uw apparaat is aangesloten en het laatste account niet leeg is om accounts toe te voegen.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Account toevoegen",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Bericht",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Handtekening",
"TR_SIGN": "Ondertekenen",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Balans",
"TR_RATE": "Tarief",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Terms",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Lukk",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Support",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Attention: The log contains your XPUBs. Anyone with your XPUBs can see your account history.",
"TR_LOG": "Logg",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Send",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Fee",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Ikke glem",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "If you forget your passphrase, your wallet is lost for good. There is no way to recover your funds.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Passphrases do not match!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Show passphrase",
"TR_ENTER": "Enter",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Passphrase",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "New Trezor firmware is available.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Check for devices",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Adresse",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Glem enhet",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Try again",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Har du ikke en Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Skaff deg en",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "To add accounts, make sure your device is connected.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Legg til konto",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Melding",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Signature",
"TR_SIGN": "Sign",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Balance",
"TR_RATE": "Rate",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Warunki",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Zamknij",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Wsparcie",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Ostrzeżenie: Ten dziennik może zawierać Twój klucz XPUB. Gdy dasz go osobom trzecim, może on pozwolić im zobaczyć historię wszystkich transakcji.",
"TR_LOG": "Dziennik",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Wyślij",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Opłata",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Spróbuj ponownie",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Nie zapominaj",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Jeżeli zapomnisz swoje hasło Twój portfel będzie stracony na dobre. Nie ma możliwości odzyskania środków.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Hasła nie pasują do siebie!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Pokaż hasło",
"TR_ENTER": "Wprowadź",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Dostępny jest nowy firmware.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Wyczyść",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Adres",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Zapomnieć o urządzeniu?",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Spróbuj ponownie",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Przechodzisz do Portfela Trezor Beta",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Nie masz Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Zdobądź go",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Aby dodać konta, upewnij się, że Twoje urządzenie jest podłączone i ostatnie konto nie jest puste.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Dodaj konto",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Wiadomość",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Podpis",
"TR_SIGN": "Podpisz",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Stan",
"TR_RATE": "Kurs",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Termos",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Fechar",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Suporte",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Aviso: Este log pode conter sua XPUB. Se você fornecê-lo para terceiros, permitirá que vejam todo o seu histórico de transações.",
"TR_LOG": "Log",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Enviar",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Taxa",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Tentar de novo",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Não esquecer",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Se você esquecer sua senha de segurança, perderá sua carteira para sempre. Não há nenhuma maneira de recuperar seus fundos.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "As senhas de segurança não são iguais!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Exibir senha de segurança",
"TR_ENTER": "Insira",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Senha de segurança",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Novo firmware Trezor disponível.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Limpar",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Endereço",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Esquecer dispositivo?",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Tentar de novo",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Você está abrindo a Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Não tem um Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Compre um",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Para adicionar contas, certifique-se que o dispositivo esteja conectado e que a última conta não está vazia.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Adicionar conta",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Mensagem",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Assinatura",
"TR_SIGN": "Assinar",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Saldo",
"TR_RATE": "Cotação",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,96 +1,140 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Условия",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Курсы валют на {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "Мы благодарим наших переводчиков за их {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_MENU": "Меню",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Закрыть",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
"TR_WIKI": "Wiki",
"TR_BLOG": "Blog",
"TR_WIKI": "Вики",
"TR_BLOG": "Блог",
"TR_SUPPORT": "Поддержка",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Внимание: этот журнал содержит ваши XPUB, по которым посторонние люди смогут увидеть историю операций вашего счета.",
"TR_LOG": "Журнал",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Копировать в буфер",
"TR_COPIED": "Скопировано!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Подтвердите действие на Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
"TR_CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ON": "Confirm transaction on {deviceLabel} device",
"TR_DETAILS_ARE_SHOWN_ON": "Details are shown on display",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Подтвердите адрес на Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Пожалуйста, сравните ваш адрес на устройстве с адресом, показанным ниже",
"TR_CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ON": "Подтвердите транзакцию на устройстве {deviceLabel}",
"TR_DETAILS_ARE_SHOWN_ON": "Подробности показаны на дисплее",
"TR_TO_LABEL": "Кому",
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Отправить",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Комиссия",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Устройство {deviceLabel} не подключено",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Устройство {deviceLabel} не имеет резервной копии",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Устройство {deviceLabel} недоступно",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Пожалуйста, подключите устройство для продолжения процесса проверки",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Пожалуйста, активируйте настройки кодовой фразы для продолжения процесса проверки.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Пожалуйста, выключите использование кодовой фразы для продолжения процесса проверки.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Показать непроверенный адрес",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Попробовать снова",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Не удалять",
"TR_FORGETTING_ONLY_REMOVES_THE_DEVICE_FROM": "При удалении записи устройство исчезнет из списка слева, но сами биткоины никуда не денутся и будут доступны при последующих подключениях Trezor.",
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "Чтобы избежать фишинг-атак, следует сначала проверить адрес на вашем Trezor. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Забыть {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Не забывать",
"TR_FORGETTING_ONLY_REMOVES_THE_DEVICE_FROM": "При удалении устройство исчезнет из списка слева, но сами биткоины никуда не денутся и будут доступны при последующих подключениях Trezor.",
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Желаете ли вы, чтобы Trezor Wallet забыл {deviceCount, plural, one {ваше устройство} other {ваши устройства}}, или запомнил {deviceCount, plural, one {его} other {их}}, так что {deviceCount, plural, one {оно будет видно} other {они будут видны}} даже после отключения?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Запомнить устройство",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_OPTIONAL_FEATURE": "Passphrase is an optional feature of the Trezor device that is recommended for advanced users only. It is a word or a sentence of your choice. Its main purpose is to access a hidden wallet.",
"TR_ASKED_ENTER_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_TO_UNLOCK": "You will be asked to enter your passphrase to unlock your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CARDANO_WALLET": "Cardano wallet",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED_TO_EXTERNAL": "You will be redirected to external wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_EXTERNAL_WALLET": "Go to external wallet",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Выберите тип кошелька для {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Измените тип кошелька для {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Стандартный кошелёк",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Скрытый кошелёк",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Продолжать использовать ваш стандартный кошелёк.",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_OPTIONAL_FEATURE": "Кодовая фраза является дополнительной функцией Trezor устройства, которое рекомендуется только для продвинутых пользователей. Это слово или предложение по вашему выбору. Его основной целью является доступ к скрытым кошелькам.",
"TR_ASKED_ENTER_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_TO_UNLOCK": "Вам будет предложено ввести вашу кодовую фразу для того, чтобы разблокировать скрытый кошелёк.",
"TR_CARDANO_WALLET": "Кошелёк Cardano",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED_TO_EXTERNAL": "Вы будете перенаправлены на внешний кошелёк",
"TR_GO_TO_EXTERNAL_WALLET": "Перейти на внешний кошелёк",
"TR_NEM_WALLET": "Кошелек NEM",
"TR_WE_HAVE_PARTNERED_UP_WITH_THE_NEM": "Мы совместно с NEM Foundation предлагаем полнофункциональный кошелек NEM.",
"TR_WE_HAVE_PARTNERED_UP_WITH_THE_NEM": "Мы, совместно с NEM Foundation, предлагаем полнофункциональный кошелек NEM.",
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Обязательно скачайте универсальный клиент для поддержки Trezor.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Перейти на",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Кошелёк Stellar",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Кошелёк Tezos",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Введите кодовую фразу для {deviceLabel}",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Примечание: кодовая фраза чувствительна к регистру.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Если вы забудете кодовую фразу, то средства потеряются навсегда. Другого способа их восстановить нет.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Подтвердите кодовую фразу",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Кодовые фразы не совпадают!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Показать кодовую фразу",
"TR_ENTER": "Ввод",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Кодовая фраза",
"TR_ENTERED_PIN_NOT_CORRECT": "Entered PIN for {deviceLabel} is not correct",
"TR_RETRYING_DOT_DOT": "Retrying...",
"TR_THE_PIN_LAYOUT_IS_DISPLAYED_ON": "Раскладка PIN отображается на устройстве Trezor.",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PIN": "Enter {deviceLabel} PIN",
"TR_ENTERED_PIN_NOT_CORRECT": "Введенный неправильный PIN-код для {deviceLabel}",
"TR_RETRYING_DOT_DOT": "Повторная попытка...",
"TR_THE_PIN_LAYOUT_IS_DISPLAYED_ON": "Раскладка PIN показана на устройстве Trezor.",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PIN": "Введите PIN-код для {deviceLabel}",
"TR_ENTER_PIN": "Введите PIN",
"TR_NOT_SURE_HOW_PIN_WORKS": "Не знаете, как работает PIN? {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_SCAN_QR_CODE": "Сканировать QR-код",
"TR_WAITING_FOR_CAMERA": "Ожидание камеры...",
"TR_OOPS_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Oops! Something went wrong!",
"TR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED": "Permission to access the camera was denied.",
"TR_CAMERA_NOT_RECOGNIZED": "The camera was not recognized.",
"TR_UNKOWN_ERROR_SEE_CONSOLE": "Unknown error. See console logs for details.",
"TR_OOPS_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Ой! Что-то пошло не так!",
"TR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED": "В доступе к камере было отказано.",
"TR_CAMERA_NOT_RECOGNIZED": "Камеру не удалось распознать.",
"TR_UNKOWN_ERROR_SEE_CONSOLE": "Неизвестная ошибка. Проверьте логи консоли для деталей.",
"TR_YOU_WERE_DISCONNECTED_DOT": "Соединение разорвано.",
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Проверьте подключение к Интернету и обновите страницу.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Доступен новый микрокод Trezor.",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "Доступен новый Trezor Bridge.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Доступна новая прошивка Trezor.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_CONNECT_TO_BACKEND": "Подключиться",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Недостаточный баланс на счету",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Адреса Ripple требуют минимальный баланс в размере {minBalance} XRP для того, чтобы активировать и использовать счёт. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Настройки устройства",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Настройки приложения",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Счёт #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Импортированный аккаунт #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Очистить",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Ручной поиск устройств",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Адрес",
"TR_LOADING_DOT_DOT_DOT": "Загрузка...",
"TR_TAKE_ME_TO_BITCOIN_WALLET": "Take me to the Bitcoin wallet",
"TR_I_WILL_DO_THAT_LATER": "Ill do that later.",
"TR_TAKE_ME_TO_BITCOIN_WALLET": "Перейти к Bitcoin кошельку",
"TR_I_WILL_DO_THAT_LATER": "Я сделаю это позже.",
"TR_SHOW_DETAILS": "Показать детали",
"TR_UPGRADE_FOR_THE_NEWEST_FEATURES_DOT": "Upgrade for the newest features.",
"TR_UPGRADE_FOR_THE_NEWEST_FEATURES_DOT": "Обновите устройство для доступа к новейшим функциям.",
"TR_LEARN_MORE": "Подробнее",
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Перейдите на ваш стандартный кошелёк",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Перейдите на ваш скрытый кошелёк",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Забыть устройство",
"TR_CLOSE": "Закрыть",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Скрыть баланс",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "Баланс счетов скрыт.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "В случае утраты или поломки устройства средства будут потеряны. Чтобы этого не произошло, создайте резервную копию устройства.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Создайте резервную копию за 3 минуты",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "У вас нет резервной копии Trezor",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Показать адрес, я понимаю все риски",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Попробовать снова",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Вы открываете Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
"TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR": "Please note that the {TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} might be collecting anonymized usage data, especially error logs, for development purposes. The {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} does not log any data.",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} это публичная версия для тестирования новейших функций {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, которая позволяет оценить эти их до того, как они станут общедоступными.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "В отличие от него, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} предлагает стандартную функциональность, но при этом максимальную надежность и доступность для обычных пользователей.",
"TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR": "Обратите внимание, что {TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} может собирать анонимные данные об использовании для разработчиков, в частности журналы ошибок. {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} не ведет учет никаких данных.",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET": "Trezor Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Trezor Beta Wallet",
@ -98,107 +142,150 @@
"TR_PLEASE_CHOOSE_ONE_OF_THE_SUPPORTED": "Выберите один из поддерживаемых браузеров",
"TR_GET_CHROME": "Скачать Chrome",
"TR_GET_FIREFOX": "Скачать Firefox",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET_IS_AN_EASY_DASH": "Trezor Wallet это простой и удобный интерфейс для Trezor, позволяющий контролировать средства, управлять остатками и отправлять средства.",
"TR_THE_PRIVATE_BANK_IN_YOUR_HANDS": "Частный банк у вас в руках.",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET_IS_AN_EASY_DASH": "Trezor Wallet это простой и удобный интерфейс для Trezor, позволяющий c лёгкостью контролировать средства, управлять балансами и совершать переводы.",
"TR_THE_PRIVATE_BANK_IN_YOUR_HANDS": "Частный банк в Ваших руках.",
"TR_CONNECT_TREZOR_TO_CONTINUE": "Для продолжения подключите Trezor",
"TR_AND": "и",
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Устройство не опознано? Установите {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Нет Trezor?{getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Купите его",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "У вас ещё нет Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Купите его!",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Отключите ваше устройство \"{deviceLabel}\"",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "Новый инструмент коммуникации, который облегчает взаимодействие между Trezor и веб-браузером.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
"TR_CHANGELOG": "Changelog",
"TR_CHECK_PGP_SIGNATURE": "Check PGP signature",
"TR_DONT_UPGRADE_BRIDGE": "No, I don't want to upgrade Bridge now",
"TR_TAKE_ME_BACK_TO_WALLET": "Take me back to the wallet",
"TR_FIND_OUT_MORE_INFO": "Find out more info",
"TR_MODEL_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_COIN": "Валюта {coin} не поддерживается на этой модели Trezor.",
"TR_INITIALIZING_ACCOUNTS": "Initializing accounts",
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Скачать новейший Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Проверьте {TR_CHANGELOG} для того, чтобы узнать подробности о новой версии.",
"TR_CHANGELOG": "Журнал изменений",
"TR_CHECK_PGP_SIGNATURE": "Проверить PGP-подпись",
"TR_DONT_UPGRADE_BRIDGE": "Нет, я не хочу обновлять Bridge сейчас",
"TR_TAKE_ME_BACK_TO_WALLET": "Назад к кошельку",
"TR_FIND_OUT_MORE_INFO": "Узнать больше",
"TR_MODEL_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_COIN": "Монета {coin} не поддерживается вашей Trezor модели.",
"TR_INITIALIZING_ACCOUNTS": "Инициализация счетов",
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "Чтобы добавить новый счет, в старом счете должны быть транзакции.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Чтобы добавить счета, убедитесь, что устройство подключено.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Добавить счет",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_WALLET": "You are in your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_HIDDEN": "Click here to access your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_STANDARD": "Click here to access your standard or another hidden wallet.",
"TR_TO_ACCESS_OTHER_WALLETS": "To access other wallets please connect your device.",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "Можно добавить не более 10 счетов",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Другие монеты",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Изменить тип кошелька",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Возобновить сессию",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Вы находитесь в вашем стандартном кошельке.",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_WALLET": "Вы находитесь в скрытом кошельке.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_HIDDEN": "Нажмите здесь, чтобы доступ к вашему скрытому кошельку.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_STANDARD": "Нажмите здесь, чтобы получить доступ к вашему стандартному или скрытому бумажнику.",
"TR_TO_ACCESS_OTHER_WALLETS": "Для доступа к другим кошелькам, подключите, пожалуйста, ваше устройство.",
"TR_NEED_HELP": "Нужна помощь?",
"TR_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES": "Number of devices",
"TR_NAV_SUMMARY": "Summary",
"TR_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES": "Количество устройств",
"TR_NAV_SUMMARY": "Обзор",
"TR_NAV_RECEIVE": "Получить",
"TR_NAV_SEND": "Отправить",
"TR_NAV_SIGN_AND_VERIFY": "Подписать и заверить",
"TR_AMOUNT": "Сумма",
"TR_SET_MAX": "Set max",
"TR_SET_MAX": "Весь баланс",
"TR_FEE": "Комиссия",
"TR_RECOMMENDED_FEES_UPDATED": "Recommended fees updated.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_USE_THEM": "Click here to use them",
"TR_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Advanced settings",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device is unavailable",
"TR_RECOMMENDED_FEES_UPDATED": "Рекомендованная комиссия обновлена.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_USE_THEM": "Нажмите здесь, чтобы использовать её",
"TR_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Продвинутые настройки",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Устройство не подключено",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Устройство недоступно",
"TR_LOADING_ACCOUNTS": "Загрузка счетов",
"TR_SEND": "Send {amount}",
"TR_SEND": "Отправить {amount}",
"TR_CHECK_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Проверьте адрес в Trezor",
"TR_SHOW_FULL_ADDRESS": "Показать полный адрес",
"TR_QR_CODE": "QR Code",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_CONNECT": "Unverified address, connect your Trezor to verify it",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_SHOW": "Unverified address, show on Trezor.",
"TR_QR_CODE": "QR-код",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_CONNECT": "Неподтверждённый адрес, подключите Trezor для проверки",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_SHOW": "Неподтверждённый адрес, показать на Trezor.",
"TR_SHOW_ON_TREZOR": "Показать на Trezor",
"TR_CONNECT_YOUR_TREZOR_TO_CHECK": "Connect your Trezor to verify this address",
"TR_RECEIVE_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Receive Ethereum or tokens",
"TR_RECEIVE_RIPPLE": "Receive Ripple",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT": "Gas limit",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO": "Gas limit refers to the maximum amount of gas user is willing to spendon a particular transaction. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas limit will not get the transaction confirmed sooner. Default value for sending {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} is {gasLimitTooltipValue}.",
"TR_GAS_QUOTATION": "Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_SET_DEFAULT": "Set default",
"TR_CALCULATING_DOT_DOT": "Calculating...",
"TR_GAS_PRICE": "Gas price",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO": "Gas price refers to the amount of ether you are willing to pay for every unit of gas, and is usually measured in “Gwei”. {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas price will get the transaction confirmed sooner but makes it more expensive. The recommended gas price is {recommendedGasPrice} GWEI.",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION": "Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_DATA": "Data",
"TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED": "Data is usually used when you send transactions to contracts.",
"TR_SEND_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Send Ethereum or tokens",
"YOU_HAVE_TOKEN_BALANCE": "You have: {tokenBalance}",
"TR_XRP_TRANSFER_COST": "Transfer cost in XRP drops",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG": "Destination tag",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_CONNECT_YOUR_TREZOR_TO_CHECK": "Подключите ваш Trezor для проверки этого адреса",
"TR_RECEIVE_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Получить Ethereum или токены",
"TR_RECEIVE_RIPPLE": "Получить Ripple",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT": "Gas-лимит",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO": "{TR_GAS_LIMIT} означает максимальное количеству газа, которое пользователь готов потратить в конкретной транзакции. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Увеличение лимита газа ускорит подтверждение транзакции. Значение по умолчанию для отправки {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} - {gasLimitTooltipValue}.",
"TR_GAS_QUOTATION": "Плата за транзакцию = лимит газа * цена на газ",
"TR_SET_DEFAULT": "Установить по умолчанию",
"TR_CALCULATING_DOT_DOT": "Вычисление...",
"TR_GAS_PRICE": "Цена газа",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO": "Цена на газ - это количество эфира, которое вы готовы платить за каждую единицу газа и обычно измеряется в «Gwei». {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Повышение цены на газ ускорит время подтверждения транзакции, но сделает её дороже. Рекомендуемая цена газа составляет {recommendedGasPrice} Gwei.",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION": "Плата за сделку = лимит газа * цена на газ",
"TR_DATA": "Данные",
"TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED": "Данные обычно используется при отправке транзакций контрактам.",
"TR_SEND_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Отправить Ethereum или токены",
"YOU_HAVE_TOKEN_BALANCE": "У вас есть: {tokenBalance}",
"TR_XRP_TRANSFER_COST": "Стоимость перевода в XRP drops",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG": "Тег назначения",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Конечный тег это произвольное число, которое служит уникальным идентификатором транзакции. Некоторые службы могут потребовать его для обработки вашего перевода.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Резерв: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Отправить Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Сообщение",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Подпись",
"TR_SIGN": "Подписать",
"TR_VERIFY": "Проверить",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE": "Проверка сообщения",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE": "Подписать сообщение",
"TR_SEE_FULL_TRANSACTION_HISTORY": "See full transaction history",
"TR_TOKENS": "Tokens",
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_SEE_FULL_TRANSACTION_HISTORY": "Просмотреть полную историю транзакций",
"TR_TOKENS": "Токены",
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Впишите название токена, его символ или адрес для того, чтобы иметь возможность отправлять их.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Впишите имя или адрес токена.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Токен не найден",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "История",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Добавьте ваши токены",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Найдите токен и добавьте его вручную, скопировав адрес токена в поисковое поле.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Баланс",
"TR_RATE": "Курс",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_IN_FIRMWARE": "Your device is in firmware update mode",
"TR_PLEASE_RECONNECT_IT": "Please re-connect it",
"TR_PLEASE_SELECT_YOUR": "Please select your coin",
"TR_YOU_WILL_GAIN_ACCESS": "You will gain access to receiving & sending selected coin",
"TR_ITS_TIME_TO_UPDATE_FIRMWARE": "Its time to update your firmware",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_RESERVE": "Резерв",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Курсы фиатных валют в настоящее время недоступны.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Устройство используется в другом окне",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Вы хотите использовать ваше устройство в этом окне?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Использовать устройство",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_IN_FIRMWARE": "Устройство находится в режиме обновления прошивки",
"TR_PLEASE_RECONNECT_IT": "Пожалуйста, подключите его снова",
"TR_PLEASE_SELECT_YOUR": "Пожалуйста, выберите вашу монету",
"TR_YOU_WILL_GAIN_ACCESS": "Вы получите доступ к приёму и отправке выбранных монет",
"TR_ITS_TIME_TO_UPDATE_FIRMWARE": "Пришло время обновить прошивку",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Пожалуйста, используйте интерфейс Bitcoin-кошелька для обновления прошивки.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Ваше устройство не инициализировано",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Пожалуйста, используйте интерфейс Bitcoin-кошелька для начала процесса инициализации",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Пожалуйста, используйте интерфейс Bitcoin-кошелька для создания резервной копии.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Устройство инициализировано в seedless-режиме и поэтому доступ к кошельку не разрешён",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Устройство находится в seedless-режиме",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Несчитываемое устройство",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Пожалуйста, установите Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Местная валюта",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Скрывает ваш баланс, так что вам не придётся беспокоиться о тех, кто подглядывает через плечо.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "Изменения сохраняются автоматически, как только они сделаны",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Villkor",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Stäng",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Support",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Uppmärksamma: Loggen innehåller dina XPUBs. Den som har dem kan se ditt kontos historik.",
"TR_LOG": "Logg",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Skicka",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Avgift",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Försök igen",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Glöm inte",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Om du glömmer din lösenfras, är din plånbok förlorad för gott. Det finns inget sätt att återfå dina medel.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Lösenfrasersna matchar inte!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Visa lösenfras",
"TR_ENTER": "Enter",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Lösenfras",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Ny Trezor mjukvara är tillgänglig.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Check for devices",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Adress",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Glöm enhet",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Försök igen",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Du öppnar Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Har du ingen Trezor?{getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Skaffa en",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "För att lägga till konton, se till att din enhet är ansluten.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Lägg till konto",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Meddelande",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Signatur",
"TR_SIGN": "Signera",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Balans",
"TR_RATE": "Kurs",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Şartlar",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Kapat",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Destek",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Dikkat: Sıralı kayıtlar XPUB'larınızı içerir. XPUB'ları elde eden kişiler, geçmiş hesap hareketlerinizi görebilir.",
"TR_LOG": "Sıralı kayıt",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Gönder",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Masraf",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Tekrar deneyiniz",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Unutma",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Parolanızı unutmanız durumunda, cüzdanınız sizin için kaybolur. Birikimlerinizi kurtarmanın hiçbir yolu yoktur.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Parola eşleşmedi!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Parolayı göster",
"TR_ENTER": "Giriş",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Parola",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Yeni Trezor yazılımı mevcut.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Check for devices",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Adres",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Cihazı unut",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Tekrar deneyiniz",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Trezor Beta Cüzdanınııyorsunuz",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Trezor sahibi değil misiniz? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Satın al",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Hesap eklemek için cihazınızın bağlı olduğuna emin olunuz.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Hesap ekle",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Mesaj",
"TR_SIGN": "İmzala",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Bakiye",
"TR_RATE": "Kur",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,204 +1,291 @@
"TR_TERMS": "Terms",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Умови",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Курси валют на {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "Ми дякуємо нашим перекладачам за їх {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "внесок",
"TR_MENU": "Меню",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Закрити",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
"TR_WIKI": "Wiki",
"TR_BLOG": "Blog",
"TR_WIKI": "Вікі",
"TR_BLOG": "Блог",
"TR_SUPPORT": "Підтримка",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Попередження: Цей журнал може містити Ваш XPUB. Ви даєте йому до третьої сторони, ви дозволяєте його, щоб побачити всю цю операцію історії. Надаючи його третій стороні, Ви тим самим дозволяєте побачити історію Ваших транзакцій.",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Попередження: Цей журнал може містити Ваш XPUB. Надаючи його третій стороні, Ви тим самим дозволяєте побачити історію Ваших транзакцій.",
"TR_LOG": "Журнал",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
"TR_CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ON": "Confirm transaction on {deviceLabel} device",
"TR_DETAILS_ARE_SHOWN_ON": "Details are shown on display",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Скопіювати до буфера обміну",
"TR_COPIED": "Скопійовано!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Підтвердіть дію на Вашому Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": ідтвердiть адресу на Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Будь ласка, порівняйие вашу адресу на пристрої з адресою, вказаною нижче",
"TR_CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ON": ідтвердiть транзакцiю на пристрою {deviceLabel}",
"TR_DETAILS_ARE_SHOWN_ON": еталi показанi на дисплеї",
"TR_TO_LABEL": "Кому",
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Надіслати",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Fee",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Спробуйте ще раз",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Комісія",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Пристрій {deviceLabel} не під'єднан",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Пристрій {deviceLabel} немає резервної копiї",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Пристрій {deviceLabel} є недоступний",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Будь ласка, підключіть пристрій щоб продовжити процес перевірки",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Будь ласка, увімкніть настройки парольної фрази, щоб продовжити процес перевірки.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Будь ласка, вимкніть настройки парольної фрази, щоб продовжити процес перевірки.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Показати неперевірені адреси",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "Щоб уникнути фішингових атак, завжди перевіряйте адреса на вашому Trezor. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Забути {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Не забувати",
"TR_FORGETTING_ONLY_REMOVES_THE_DEVICE_FROM": "Забування тільки видаляє пристрій зі списку зліва. Ваші біткоіни як і раніше знаходяться в безпеці і Ви можете знову отримати доступ до них через підключення до Trezorу.",
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_OPTIONAL_FEATURE": "Passphrase is an optional feature of the Trezor device that is recommended for advanced users only. It is a word or a sentence of your choice. Its main purpose is to access a hidden wallet.",
"TR_ASKED_ENTER_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_TO_UNLOCK": "You will be asked to enter your passphrase to unlock your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CARDANO_WALLET": "Cardano wallet",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED_TO_EXTERNAL": "You will be redirected to external wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_EXTERNAL_WALLET": "Go to external wallet",
"TR_FORGETTING_ONLY_REMOVES_THE_DEVICE_FROM": "Забування тільки видаляє пристрій зі списку зліва. Ваші біткоіни як і раніше знаходяться в безпеці і Ви можете знову отримати доступ до них через підключення до Trezor.",
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Хочете, щоб Trezor Wallet забув {deviceCount, plural, one {ваш пристрій} other {вашi пристрої}}, або запам'ятав {deviceCount, plural, one {його так, що його} other {їх так, що їх}} буде видно навіть після відключення?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Запам'ятати пристрой",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Виберіть тип гаманця для {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Змінити тип гаманця для {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Стандартний гаманець",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Схований гаманець",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Перейти до стандартного гаманцю.",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_OPTIONAL_FEATURE": "Парольна фраза — це необов'язковиа функцiя пристрію Trezor, яка рекомендується виключно для досвідчених користувачів. Це слово або речення за вашим вибором. Його основна мета полягає в тому, щоб отримати доступ до прихованних гаманецiв.",
"TR_ASKED_ENTER_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_TO_UNLOCK": "Вам буде запропоновано ввести ваш парольну фразу для розблокування вашого прихованного гаманця.",
"TR_CARDANO_WALLET": "Гаманець Cardano",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED_TO_EXTERNAL": "Ви будете перенаправлені на зовнішній гаманець",
"TR_GO_TO_EXTERNAL_WALLET": "Перейти на зовнішній гаманець",
"TR_NEM_WALLET": "NEM Wallet",
"TR_WE_HAVE_PARTNERED_UP_WITH_THE_NEM": "We have partnered up with the NEM Foundation to provide you with a full-fledged NEM Wallet.",
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_WE_HAVE_PARTNERED_UP_WITH_THE_NEM": "Ми спiвпрацюємо з NEM Foundation, щоб надавати Вам повноцінний NEM гаманець.",
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Переконайтеся, що ви завантажити універсальний клієнт для підтримки Trezor.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Перейти на",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Гаманець Stellar",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Гаманець Tezos",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Введiть парольну фразу для {deviceLabel}",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Увага: кодову фразу потрібно вводити з урахуванням регістра.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Якщо Ви забудете свою кодову фразу, Ваш гаманець втрачається назавжди. Не існує ніякого способу для його відновлення.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Кодові фрази не співпадають!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Показати кодову фразу",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Пiдтвердiть парольну фразу",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Парольні фрази не співпадають!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Показати парольну фразу",
"TR_ENTER": "Ввести",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Кодова фраза",
"TR_ENTERED_PIN_NOT_CORRECT": "Entered PIN for {deviceLabel} is not correct",
"TR_RETRYING_DOT_DOT": "Retrying...",
"TR_THE_PIN_LAYOUT_IS_DISPLAYED_ON": "The PIN layout is displayed on your Trezor.",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PIN": "Enter {deviceLabel} PIN",
"TR_ENTER_PIN": "Enter PIN",
"TR_NOT_SURE_HOW_PIN_WORKS": "Not sure how PIN works? {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Парольна фраза",
"TR_ENTERED_PIN_NOT_CORRECT": "Введений PIN-код для {deviceLabel} неправильний",
"TR_RETRYING_DOT_DOT": "Повторна спроба...",
"TR_THE_PIN_LAYOUT_IS_DISPLAYED_ON": "Розташування PIN-коду відображається на вашому Trezor.",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PIN": "Введiть PIN для {deviceLabel}",
"TR_ENTER_PIN": "Введiть PIN",
"TR_NOT_SURE_HOW_PIN_WORKS": "Не знаєте, як працює PIN-код? {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_SCAN_QR_CODE": "Сканувати QR-код",
"TR_WAITING_FOR_CAMERA": "Очікування камери &hellip;",
"TR_OOPS_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Oops! Something went wrong!",
"TR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED": "Permission to access the camera was denied.",
"TR_CAMERA_NOT_RECOGNIZED": "The camera was not recognized.",
"TR_UNKOWN_ERROR_SEE_CONSOLE": "Unknown error. See console logs for details.",
"TR_YOU_WERE_DISCONNECTED_DOT": "You were disconnected.",
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_WAITING_FOR_CAMERA": "Очікування камери...",
"TR_OOPS_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Упс! Щось пішло не так!",
"TR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED": "Дозвіл на доступ до камери було відхилено.",
"TR_CAMERA_NOT_RECOGNIZED": "Камера не була розпізнана.",
"TR_UNKOWN_ERROR_SEE_CONSOLE": "Невідома помилка. Деталі дивись у журналах консолі.",
"TR_YOU_WERE_DISCONNECTED_DOT": "Ви були відключені.",
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Будь ласка, перевірте підключення до Інтернету та перезавантажте сторінку.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "Доступний новий Trezor Bridge.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Доступна нова прошивка Trezor.",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_CONNECT_TO_BACKEND": "Пiдключитися",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Необхідний мінімальний резервний рахунок",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Адреси Ripple вимагають мінімального залишку {minBalance} XRP для активації та підтримки рахунку. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Налаштування пристрою",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Налаштування аплiкацiї",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Рахунок #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Iмпортований рахунок #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Очистити",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Перевірте наявність пристроїв",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Адреса",
"TR_LOADING_DOT_DOT_DOT": "Завантаження...",
"TR_TAKE_ME_TO_BITCOIN_WALLET": "Take me to the Bitcoin wallet",
"TR_I_WILL_DO_THAT_LATER": "Ill do that later.",
"TR_TAKE_ME_TO_BITCOIN_WALLET": "Перейти до Bitcoin гаманцю",
"TR_I_WILL_DO_THAT_LATER": "Я зроблю це пізніше.",
"TR_SHOW_DETAILS": "Показати деталі",
"TR_UPGRADE_FOR_THE_NEWEST_FEATURES_DOT": "Upgrade for the newest features.",
"TR_UPGRADE_FOR_THE_NEWEST_FEATURES_DOT": "Оновiть прошивку, аби мати доступ до найновіших функцій.",
"TR_LEARN_MORE": "Дізнатися більше",
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Перейти до стандартного гаманцю",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Перейти до скритого гаманцю",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Забути пристрій?",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
"TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR": "Please note that the {TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} might be collecting anonymized usage data, especially error logs, for development purposes. The {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} does not log any data.",
"TR_CLOSE": "Закрити",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Сховати баланс",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "Баланс рахунку сховано.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "Якщо ваш пристрій буде втрачен або пошкоджен, ваші кошти будуть втрачені. Спершу створіть резервну копію вашого пристрою, щоб захистити монети від подібних подій.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Створіть резервну копію за 3 хвилини",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Ваш Trezor не має резервної копії",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Показати адресу, я розумію ризика",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Спробуйте ще раз",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Ви відкриваєте Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} - це загальнодоступна версія {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, що пропонує нові функції, перш ніж вони стануть доступними для широкої публіки.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "На відміну від цього, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} має перевiренi стабiльнi функції, що гарантує, що функціональність гаманця є максимально надійною та доступною для широкої громадськості.",
"TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR": "Бедь ласка, зверніть увагу, що {TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} може збирати анонімні дані про використання, особливо журнали помилок, для цілей розробки. {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} не реєструє жодних даних.",
"TR_OK_COMMA_I_UNDERSTAND": "Гаразд, зрозуміло",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET": "Trezor Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_YOUR_BROWSER_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED": "Your browser is not supported",
"TR_PLEASE_CHOOSE_ONE_OF_THE_SUPPORTED": "Please choose one of the supported browsers",
"TR_GET_CHROME": "Get Chrome",
"TR_GET_FIREFOX": "Get Firefox",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET_IS_AN_EASY_DASH": "Trezor Wallet is an easy-to-use interface for your Trezor. Trezor Wallet allows you to easily control your funds, manage your balance and initiate transfers.",
"TR_THE_PRIVATE_BANK_IN_YOUR_HANDS": "The private bank in your hands.",
"TR_CONNECT_TREZOR_TO_CONTINUE": "Connect Trezor to continue",
"TR_AND": "and",
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Don't have a Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Get one",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
"TR_CHANGELOG": "Changelog",
"TR_CHECK_PGP_SIGNATURE": "Check PGP signature",
"TR_DONT_UPGRADE_BRIDGE": "No, I don't want to upgrade Bridge now",
"TR_TAKE_ME_BACK_TO_WALLET": "Take me back to the wallet",
"TR_FIND_OUT_MORE_INFO": "Find out more info",
"TR_MODEL_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_COIN": "The coin {coin} is not supported by your Trezor model.",
"TR_INITIALIZING_ACCOUNTS": "Initializing accounts",
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_YOUR_BROWSER_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED": "Ваш веб-переглядач не підтримується",
"TR_PLEASE_CHOOSE_ONE_OF_THE_SUPPORTED": "Будь ласка, виберіть один із підтримуваних веб-переглядачів",
"TR_GET_CHROME": "Завантажити Chrome",
"TR_GET_FIREFOX": "Завантажити Firefox",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET_IS_AN_EASY_DASH": "Trezor Wallet - це простий у використанні інтерфейс для вашого Trezor. Trezor Wallet дозволяє легко контролювати свої кошти, управляти своїм балансом та ініціювати перекази.",
"TR_THE_PRIVATE_BANK_IN_YOUR_HANDS": "Приватний банк у Ваших руках.",
"TR_CONNECT_TREZOR_TO_CONTINUE": "Підключіть Trezor, щоб продовжити",
"TR_AND": "i",
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Пристрій не розпізнано? Спробуйте встановити {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Не маєте Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Отримайте його!",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Відключіть пристрій \"{deviceLabel}\"",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "Новий інструмент комунікації для полегшення зв'язку між вашим Trezor та вашим інтернет-браузером.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Завантажити последнiй Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Дiзнайтеся бiльше про останню версію у файлі {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
"TR_CHANGELOG": "Журнал змін",
"TR_CHECK_PGP_SIGNATURE": еревiрити PGP пiдпис",
"TR_DONT_UPGRADE_BRIDGE": "Ні, зараз я не хочу обновляти Bridge",
"TR_TAKE_ME_BACK_TO_WALLET": "Назад к гаманцю",
"TR_FIND_OUT_MORE_INFO": "Дiзнатися бiльше",
"TR_MODEL_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_COIN": "Монета {coin} не підтримується вашою моделлю Trezor.",
"TR_INITIALIZING_ACCOUNTS": "Ініціалізація рахункiв",
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "Щоб додати новий рахунок, на старому рахунку мають бути деякі операції.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Щоб додати рахунки, переконайтеся, що пристрій підключено і останній рахунок не є порожнім.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Додати рахунок",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_WALLET": "You are in your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_HIDDEN": "Click here to access your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_STANDARD": "Click here to access your standard or another hidden wallet.",
"TR_TO_ACCESS_OTHER_WALLETS": "To access other wallets please connect your device.",
"TR_NEED_HELP": "Need help?",
"TR_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES": "Number of devices",
"TR_NAV_SUMMARY": "Summary",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "Ви не можете додати більше 10 рахункiв",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Інші монети",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Змінити тип гаманцю",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Відновити сеанс",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Ви знаходитесь у стандартному гаманці.",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_WALLET": "Ви знаходитесь у схованому гаманці.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_HIDDEN": "Натисніть тут, щоб отримати доступ до схованого гаманцю.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_STANDARD": "Натисніть тут для доступу до стандартного або прихованного гаманецю.",
"TR_TO_ACCESS_OTHER_WALLETS": "Для доступу до інших гаманцiв, будь ласка, підключіть Ваш пристрій.",
"TR_NEED_HELP": "Потрібна допомога?",
"TR_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES": "Кількість пристроїв",
"TR_NAV_SUMMARY": ерелiк",
"TR_NAV_RECEIVE": "Отримати",
"TR_NAV_SEND": "Надіслати",
"TR_NAV_SIGN_AND_VERIFY": "Sign & Verify",
"TR_NAV_SIGN_AND_VERIFY": "Підписати & перевірити",
"TR_AMOUNT": "Сума",
"TR_SET_MAX": "Set max",
"TR_FEE": "Fee",
"TR_RECOMMENDED_FEES_UPDATED": "Recommended fees updated.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_USE_THEM": "Click here to use them",
"TR_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Advanced settings",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device is unavailable",
"TR_SET_MAX": "Вiдicлати усе",
"TR_FEE": "Комісія",
"TR_RECOMMENDED_FEES_UPDATED": "Рекомендовану комiсiю оновлено.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_USE_THEM": "Натисніть тут, щоб використувати їх",
"TR_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Додаткові налаштування",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Пристрій не під'єднано",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Недоступний пристрій",
"TR_LOADING_ACCOUNTS": "Завантаження рахунків",
"TR_SEND": "Send {amount}",
"TR_CHECK_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Check address on Trezor",
"TR_SHOW_FULL_ADDRESS": "Show full address",
"TR_QR_CODE": "QR Code",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_CONNECT": "Unverified address, connect your Trezor to verify it",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_SHOW": "Unverified address, show on Trezor.",
"TR_SEND": "Надіслати {amount}",
"TR_CHECK_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Перевірте адресу на Trezor",
"TR_SHOW_FULL_ADDRESS": "Показати повну адресу",
"TR_QR_CODE": "QR-код",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_CONNECT": "Неперевірена адреса, підключить Trezor для перевірки",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_SHOW": "Неперевірена адреса, показати на Trezor.",
"TR_SHOW_ON_TREZOR": "Показати на Trezor",
"TR_CONNECT_YOUR_TREZOR_TO_CHECK": "Connect your Trezor to verify this address",
"TR_RECEIVE_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Receive Ethereum or tokens",
"TR_RECEIVE_RIPPLE": "Receive Ripple",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT": "Gas limit",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO": "Gas limit refers to the maximum amount of gas user is willing to spendon a particular transaction. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas limit will not get the transaction confirmed sooner. Default value for sending {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} is {gasLimitTooltipValue}.",
"TR_GAS_QUOTATION": "Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_SET_DEFAULT": "Set default",
"TR_CALCULATING_DOT_DOT": "Calculating...",
"TR_GAS_PRICE": "Gas price",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO": "Gas price refers to the amount of ether you are willing to pay for every unit of gas, and is usually measured in “Gwei”. {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas price will get the transaction confirmed sooner but makes it more expensive. The recommended gas price is {recommendedGasPrice} GWEI.",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION": "Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_DATA": "Data",
"TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED": "Data is usually used when you send transactions to contracts.",
"TR_SEND_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Send Ethereum or tokens",
"YOU_HAVE_TOKEN_BALANCE": "You have: {tokenBalance}",
"TR_XRP_TRANSFER_COST": "Transfer cost in XRP drops",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG": "Destination tag",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_CONNECT_YOUR_TREZOR_TO_CHECK": "Підключіть Ваш Trezor, щоб перевірити цю адресу",
"TR_RECEIVE_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Отримати Ethereum чи токени",
"TR_RECEIVE_RIPPLE": "Отримати Ripple",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT": "Лiмiт газу",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO": "Лiмiт газу - це максимальна кiлькiсть газу, який користувач бажає витратити на конкретну операцію. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Збільшення ліміту газу не приведе до підтвердження транзакції раніше. Значення за замовчуванням для відправки {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} є {gasLimitTooltipValue}.",
"TR_GAS_QUOTATION": "Комiсiя за транзакцiю = лiмiт газу * цiна газу",
"TR_SET_DEFAULT": "Встановити за замовчуванням",
"TR_CALCULATING_DOT_DOT": "Вирахування...",
"TR_GAS_PRICE": "Ціна газу",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO": "Ціна на газ - це кількість ефіру, яку ви готові платити за кожну одиницю газу, і зазвичай вимірюється в “Gwei”. {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Підвищення ціни на газ дозволить підтвердити операцію раніше, але зробить її більш дорогою. Рекомендована ціна газу є {recommendedGasPrice} GWEI.",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION": "Комiciя за транзакцiю = ліміт газу * цiна газу",
"TR_DATA": "Дані",
"TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED": "Дані зазвичай використовуються під час надсилання транзакцiй до контрактів.",
"TR_SEND_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Відправити Ethereum або токени",
"YOU_HAVE_TOKEN_BALANCE": "Ви маєте: {tokenBalance}",
"TR_XRP_TRANSFER_COST": "Вартість переказу у XRP краплях",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG": "Тег призначення",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Тег призначення є довільне число, яке слугує унікальним ідентифікатором вашого транзакції. Деякі послуги можуть його вимагати, щоб зпрацювати вашу транзакцiю.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Резерв: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Надiслати Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Повідомлення",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Підпис",
"TR_SIGN": "Підписати",
"TR_VERIFY": "Перевірка",
"TR_VERIFY": "Перевірити",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE": "Перевірка повідомлення",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE": "Підписати повідомлення",
"TR_SEE_FULL_TRANSACTION_HISTORY": "See full transaction history",
"TR_TOKENS": "Tokens",
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Balance",
"TR_RATE": "Rate",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_IN_FIRMWARE": "Your device is in firmware update mode",
"TR_PLEASE_RECONNECT_IT": "Please re-connect it",
"TR_PLEASE_SELECT_YOUR": "Please select your coin",
"TR_YOU_WILL_GAIN_ACCESS": "You will gain access to receiving & sending selected coin",
"TR_ITS_TIME_TO_UPDATE_FIRMWARE": "Its time to update your firmware",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_SEE_FULL_TRANSACTION_HISTORY": "Побачити повну історію транзакцiй",
"TR_TOKENS": "Токени",
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Вставити ім'я токену, його символ або адресу для того, щоб надіслати його.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Введіть назву або адресу токену.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Токен не знайдено",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "Історія",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Додати токени",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Знайдiть токен або додайте його вручну, вставивши адресу токену у пошукове поле.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Баланс",
"TR_RATE": "Курс",
"TR_RESERVE": "Резерв",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Фiатнi курзи у даний момент не пiдтримуються.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Пристрій вирокистовується у іншому вікні",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Ви хочете використовувати пристрій у цьому вікні?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Використувати пристрій",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_IN_FIRMWARE": "Ваш пристрій є у режимi обновлення прошивки",
"TR_PLEASE_RECONNECT_IT": "Будь ласка, повторно підключити його",
"TR_PLEASE_SELECT_YOUR": "Будь ласка, виберіть вашу монету",
"TR_YOU_WILL_GAIN_ACCESS": "Ви отримаєте доступ до отримання & відправка вибраних монет",
"TR_ITS_TIME_TO_UPDATE_FIRMWARE": "Прийшов час для оновлення вашої прошивки",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Будь ласка, використовуйте інтерфейс Bitcoin гаманцю для оновлення вашої прошивки.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Ваш пристрій не ініціалізовано",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Будь ласка, використовуйте інтерфейс Bitcoin гаманцю, щоб почати процес ініціалізації",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Будь ласка, використовуйте інтерфейс Bitcoin гаманцю для створення резервної копії.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Пристрій ініціалізовано в режимі seedless, тому є заборонений доступ до гаманецю",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Пристрій знаходиться у seedless режимі",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Неможливо прочитати пристрiй",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Будь ласка, встановіть Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Місцева валюта",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Приховує баланс вашого рахунку, так що вам не доведеться турбуватися, що хтось дивиться вам через плече.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "Зміни буде автоматично збережено по мiрi виготовлення",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "Điều khoản",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Đóng",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "Hỗ trợ",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Chú ý: Các bản ghi có chứa XPUBs của bạn. Bất cứ ai có XPUBs của bạn có thể xem lịch sử tài khoản của bạn.",
"TR_LOG": "Bản ghi",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Phí",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Thử lại",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Đừng quên",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Nếu bạn quên cụm mật khẩu của bạn, ví của bạn sẽ không sử dụng được. Không còn cách để phục hồi các khoản tiền của bạn.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Cụm mật khẩu không khớp!",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Hiển thị cụm mật khẩu",
"TR_ENTER": "Nhập",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Cụm từ mật khẩu",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Phần mềm mới cho Trezor đã có sẵn.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Recherchez des appareils",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Địa chỉ",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Quên thiết bị",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Thử lại",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Bạn đang tạo Ví Trezor Beta",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Không có Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Hãy mua một cái",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Để thêm tài khoản, hãy chắc chắn rằng thiết bị đã được kết nối.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Thêm tài khoản",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Tin nhắn",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Chữ ký",
"TR_SIGN": "Ký",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Số dư",
"TR_RATE": "Tỷ giá",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "條款",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "關閉",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "技術支持",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Attention: The log contains your XPUBs. Anyone with your XPUBs can see your account history.",
"TR_LOG": "日誌",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "發送",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Fee",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "請再試一次",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "不要忘記",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "如果你忘記你的短語密碼,你的錢包將永久地遺失,並且絕對不可能恢復你的資金。",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_ENTER": "確定",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "短語密碼",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "清除",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "地址",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "是否記住設備?",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "請再試一次",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Don't have a Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "立即获取",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "如果要新增帳戶,請先確認你的裝置已連接上電腦,且最後一個帳戶裡不是空白的(有過交易紀錄)。",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "新增帳戶",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "訊息",
"TR_SIGN": "簽名",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "收支總和",
"TR_RATE": "匯率",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
"TR_CONNECTED": "Connected",
"TR_CONNECTED_BOOTLOADER": "Connected (bootloader mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Connected (not initialized)",
"TR_CONNECTED_SEEDLESS": "Connected (seedless mode)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_REQUIRED": "Connected (update required)",
"TR_CONNECTED_UPDATE_RECOMMENDED": "Connected (update recommended)",
"TR_USED_IN_ANOTHER_WINDOW": "Used in other window",
"TR_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable",
"TR_UNREADABLE": "Unreadable",
"TR_DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"TR_STATUS_UNKNOWN": "Status unknown",
"TR_TERMS": "条款",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_WE_THANK_OUR_TRANSLATORS": "We thank our translators for their {TR_CONTRIBUTION}",
"TR_CONTRIBUTION": "contribution",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "关闭",
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
@ -9,6 +22,8 @@
"TR_SUPPORT": "支持",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "注意:日志中包含您的 XPUB。任何持有您的 XPUB 的人都可以看到您的账户历史记录。",
"TR_LOG": "日志",
"TR_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"TR_COPIED": "Copied!",
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "在您的 Trezor 上确认操作",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
@ -18,12 +33,12 @@
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "发送",
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "手续费",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Device {deviceLabel} is not backed up",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "重试",
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "不忘记",
@ -31,7 +46,7 @@
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
@ -45,11 +60,13 @@
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "转到",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_TEZOS_WALLET": "Tezos wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": " 注:密码区分大小写。",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "如果您忘记密码,您的钱包将永久地丢失,您的资金将无法恢复。",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Passphrase is too long!",
"TR_ENTER": "确定",
@ -70,11 +87,26 @@
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "请检查您的网络连接,然后重新加载页面。",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR": "Acquire device error",
"TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Authentication error",
"TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR": "Account discovery error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR": "Transaction error",
"TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS": "Transaction has been sent successfully",
"TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS": "See transaction details",
"TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR": "Verifying address error",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to sign message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR": "Failed to verify message",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Message has been successfully verified",
"TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID": "Signature is valid",
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_APPLICATION_SETTINGS": "Application settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_ACCOUNT_HASH": "{deviceLabel} Account #{number}",
"TR_LOOKS_LIKE_IT_IS_DEVICE_LABEL": "Looks like it is {deviceLabel} Account #{number} address of {network} network",
"TR_IMPORTED_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Imported account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "清除",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "地址",
@ -87,6 +119,18 @@
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_CLOSE": "Close",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE": "Hide balance",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN": "The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST": "If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES": "Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP": "Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK": "Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_HIGH_FEE": "High",
"TR_NORMAL_FEE": "Normal",
"TR_LOW_FEE": "Low",
"TR_CUSTOM_FEE": "Custom",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "重试",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "您即将打开 Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
@ -105,6 +149,7 @@
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "没有 Trezor{getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "একটি নিন",
"TR_UNPLUG_DEVICE_LABEL": "Unplug \"{deviceLabel}\" device",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "全新的通信工具,帮助在您的 Trezor 与网络浏览器之间建立连接。",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
@ -118,8 +163,10 @@
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "要添加账户,请确保您的设备已连接。",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "添加账户",
"TR_YOU_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THAN_10_ACCOUNTS": "You cannot add more than 10 accounts",
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_SELECT_COINS_LINK": "application settings",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
@ -169,6 +216,37 @@
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET": "Amount is not set",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Amount is not a number",
"TR_MAXIMUM_DECIMALS_ALLOWED:": "Maximum {decimals} decimals allowed",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_TO_COVER_TRANSACTION": "Not enough {networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS": "Not enough funds",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Amount is too low",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET": "Address is not set",
"TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address is not valid",
"TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID": "Address checksum is not valid",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas limit is not set",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas limit is not a number",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas limit is too low",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Gas limit is below recommended",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Gas price is not a number",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET": "Gas price is not set",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW": "Gas price is too low",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH": "Gas price is too high",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER": "Nonce is not a valid number",
"TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET": "Nonce is not set",
"TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is greater than recommended",
"TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED": "Nonce is lower than recommended",
"TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX": "Data is not valid hexadecimal",
"TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF": "Cannot send to myself",
"TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS_RESERVED_AMOUNT": "Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is {reservedAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW_MINIMUM_AMOUNT_FOR_CREATING": "Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is {minimalAmount} {networkSymbol}",
"TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET": "Fee is not set",
"TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER": "Fee must be an absolute number",
"TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is below recommended",
"TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED": "Fee is above recommended",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE": "Destination tag must be an absolute number",
"TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID": "Destination tag is not valid",
"TR_MESSAGE": "消息",
"TR_SIGN": "签署",
@ -180,12 +258,14 @@
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_ALREADY_ADDED": "Already added",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "余额",
"TR_RATE": "汇率",
"TR_RESERVE": "Reserve",
"TR_FIAT_RATES_ARE_NOT_CURRENTLY": "Fiat rates are not currently available.",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
@ -197,8 +277,15 @@
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to create a backup.",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge",
"TR_LOCAL_CURRENCY": "Local currency",
"TR_HIDE_BALANCE_EXPLAINED": "Hides your account balance so you don't have to worry about anyone looking over your shoulder.",
"TR_THE_CHANGES_ARE_SAVED": "The changes are saved automatically as they are made",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS": "Visible coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXTERNAL": "Visible external coins",
"TR_VISIBLE_COINS_EXPLAINED": "Select the coins you wish to see in the wallet interface. You will be able to change your preferences later."

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/* @flow */
import * as BLOCKCHAIN from 'actions/constants/blockchain';
import * as DiscoveryActions from 'actions/DiscoveryActions';
import * as EthereumBlockchainActions from 'actions/ethereum/BlockchainActions';
import * as RippleBlockchainActions from 'actions/ripple/BlockchainActions';
@ -19,6 +20,10 @@ export type BlockchainAction =
| {
shortcut: string,
| {
shortcut: string,
// Conditionally subscribe to blockchain backend
@ -79,6 +84,7 @@ export const onBlockMined = (
payload: $ElementType<BlockchainBlock, 'payload'>
): PromiseAction<void> => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): Promise<void> => {
const shortcut = payload.coin.shortcut.toLowerCase();
const { block } = payload;
if (getState() !== shortcut) return;
const { config } = getState().localStorage;
@ -90,7 +96,7 @@ export const onBlockMined = (
await dispatch(EthereumBlockchainActions.onBlockMined(shortcut));
case 'ripple':
await dispatch(RippleBlockchainActions.onBlockMined(shortcut));
await dispatch(RippleBlockchainActions.onBlockMined(shortcut, block));
@ -128,6 +134,8 @@ export const onError = (
const network = config.networks.find(c => c.shortcut === shortcut);
if (!network) return;
switch (network.type) {
case 'ethereum':
await dispatch(EthereumBlockchainActions.onError(shortcut));
@ -140,3 +148,28 @@ export const onError = (
const autoReconnect = (shortcut: string): PromiseAction<void> => async (
dispatch: Dispatch,
getState: GetState
): Promise<void> => {
const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 4;
let blockchain = getState().blockchain.find(b => b.shortcut === shortcut);
// try to automatically reconnect and wait after each attemp (5s * #attempt) untill max number of attemps is reached
for (let i = 0; i < MAX_ATTEMPTS; i++) {
const waitTime = 5000 * (i + 1); /// 5s * #attempt
if (!blockchain || blockchain.connected) {
blockchain = getState().blockchain.find(b => b.shortcut === shortcut);
// reconnect with 7s timeout
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await dispatch(DiscoveryActions.reconnect(shortcut, 7000));
// wait before next try
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTime));

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
/* @flow */
import React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import TrezorConnect, { UI } from 'trezor-connect';
import * as BLOCKCHAIN_ACTION from 'actions/constants/blockchain';
import * as DISCOVERY from 'actions/constants/discovery';
import * as ACCOUNT from 'actions/constants/account';
import * as NOTIFICATION from 'actions/constants/notification';
@ -16,6 +18,8 @@ import type {
} from 'flowtype';
import type { Discovery, State } from 'reducers/DiscoveryReducer';
import l10nMessages from 'components/notifications/Context/actions.messages';
import l10nCommonMessages from 'views/common.messages';
import * as BlockchainActions from './BlockchainActions';
import * as EthereumDiscoveryActions from './ethereum/DiscoveryActions';
import * as RippleDiscoveryActions from './ripple/DiscoveryActions';
@ -171,16 +175,17 @@ const begin = (device: TrezorDevice, networkName: string): AsyncAction => async
throw new Error(`DiscoveryActions.begin: Unknown network type: ${network.type}`);
} catch (error) {
payload: {
type: 'error',
title: 'Discovery error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR} />,
message: error.message,
cancelable: true,
actions: [
label: 'Try again',
label: <FormattedMessage {...l10nCommonMessages.TR_TRY_AGAIN} />,
callback: () => {
dispatch(start(device, networkName));
@ -254,6 +259,7 @@ const discoverAccount = (device: TrezorDevice, discoveryProcess: Discovery): Asy
@ -262,13 +268,13 @@ const discoverAccount = (device: TrezorDevice, discoveryProcess: Discovery): Asy
payload: {
type: 'error',
title: 'Account discovery error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_ACCOUNT_DISCOVERY_ERROR} />,
message: error.message,
cancelable: true,
actions: [
label: 'Try again',
label: <FormattedMessage {...l10nCommonMessages.TR_TRY_AGAIN} />,
callback: () => {
@ -325,11 +331,27 @@ const finish = (device: TrezorDevice, discoveryProcess: Discovery): AsyncAction
export const reconnect = (network: string): PromiseAction<void> => async (
export const reconnect = (network: string, timeout: number = 30): PromiseAction<void> => async (
dispatch: Dispatch
): Promise<void> => {
await dispatch(BlockchainActions.subscribe(network));
// Runs two promises.
// First promise is a subscribe action which will never resolve in case of completely lost connection to the backend
// That's why there is a second promise that rejects after the specified timeout.
return Promise.race([
new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('timeout')), timeout)),
.catch(() => {
// catch error from first promises that rejects (most likely timeout)
shortcut: network,
.then(() => {
// dispatch restore when subscribe promise resolves
// Called after DEVICE.CONNECT ('trezor-connect') or CONNECT.AUTH_DEVICE actions in WalletService

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ export const importAddress = (
payload: {
type: 'success',
variant: 'success',
title: 'The account has been successfully imported',
cancelable: true,
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ export const importAddress = (
payload: {
type: 'success',
variant: 'success',
title: 'The account has been successfully imported',
cancelable: true,
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ export const importAddress = (
payload: {
type: 'error',
variant: 'error',
title: 'Import account error',
message: error.message,
cancelable: true,

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import * as buildUtils from 'utils/build';
import * as storageUtils from 'utils/storage';
import * as WalletActions from 'actions/WalletActions';
import * as l10nUtils from 'utils/l10n';
import { getAccountTokens } from 'reducers/utils';
import type { Account } from 'reducers/AccountsReducer';
import type { Token } from 'reducers/TokensReducer';
@ -60,6 +59,8 @@ const KEY_BETA_MODAL: string = '/betaModalPrivacy'; // this key needs to be comp
const KEY_LANGUAGE: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}language`;
const KEY_LOCAL_CURRENCY: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}localCurrency`;
const KEY_HIDE_BALANCE: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}hideBalance`;
const KEY_HIDDEN_COINS: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}hiddenCoins`;
const KEY_HIDDEN_COINS_EXTERNAL: string = `${STORAGE_PATH}hiddenCoinsExternal`;
// or
@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ const loadJSON = (): AsyncAction => async (dispatch: Dispatch): Promise<void> =>
} catch (error) {
@ -247,6 +249,19 @@ const loadStorageData = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch): void => {
const hiddenCoins = getHiddenCoins(false);
const isExternal = true;
const hiddenCoinsExternal = getHiddenCoins(isExternal);
const userTokens: ?string = storageUtils.get(TYPE, KEY_TOKENS);
if (userTokens) {
@ -350,6 +365,89 @@ export const getImportedAccounts = (): ?Array<Account> => {
return null;
export const handleCoinVisibility = (
coinShortcut: string,
shouldBeVisible: boolean,
isExternal: boolean
): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch): void => {
const configuration: Array<string> = getHiddenCoins(isExternal);
let newConfig: Array<string> = configuration;
const isAlreadyHidden = configuration.find(coin => coin === coinShortcut);
if (shouldBeVisible) {
newConfig = configuration.filter(coin => coin !== coinShortcut);
} else if (!isAlreadyHidden) {
newConfig = [...configuration, coinShortcut];
if (isExternal) {
storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_HIDDEN_COINS_EXTERNAL, JSON.stringify(newConfig));
hiddenCoinsExternal: newConfig,
} else {
storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_HIDDEN_COINS, JSON.stringify(newConfig));
hiddenCoins: newConfig,
export const toggleGroupCoinsVisibility = (
allCoins: Array<string>,
checked: boolean,
isExternal: boolean
): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch) => {
// supported coins
if (checked && !isExternal) {
hiddenCoins: [],
storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_HIDDEN_COINS, JSON.stringify([]));
if (!checked && !isExternal) {
hiddenCoins: allCoins,
storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_HIDDEN_COINS, JSON.stringify(allCoins));
// external coins
if (checked && isExternal) {
hiddenCoinsExternal: [],
storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_HIDDEN_COINS_EXTERNAL, JSON.stringify([]));
if (!checked && isExternal) {
hiddenCoinsExternal: allCoins,
storageUtils.set(TYPE, KEY_HIDDEN_COINS_EXTERNAL, JSON.stringify(allCoins));
export const getHiddenCoins = (isExternal: boolean): Array<string> => {
let coinsConfig: ?string = '';
if (isExternal) {
coinsConfig = storageUtils.get(TYPE, KEY_HIDDEN_COINS_EXTERNAL);
} else {
coinsConfig = storageUtils.get(TYPE, KEY_HIDDEN_COINS);
if (coinsConfig) {
return JSON.parse(coinsConfig);
return [];
export const removeImportedAccounts = (device: TrezorDevice): ThunkAction => (
dispatch: Dispatch
): void => {

@ -2,15 +2,22 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import * as NOTIFICATION from 'actions/constants/notification';
import type { Action, AsyncAction, GetState, Dispatch, RouterLocationState } from 'flowtype';
import type {
} from 'flowtype';
import type { CallbackAction } from 'reducers/NotificationReducer';
export type NotificationAction =
| {
type: typeof NOTIFICATION.ADD,
payload: {
+type: string,
+title: React.Node | string,
+variant: string,
+title: React.Node | MessageDescriptor | string,
+message?: ?(React.Node | string),
+cancelable: boolean,
actions?: Array<CallbackAction>,

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import TrezorConnect from 'trezor-connect';
import * as RECEIVE from 'actions/constants/receive';
import * as NOTIFICATION from 'actions/constants/notification';
@ -8,6 +9,8 @@ import { initialState } from 'reducers/ReceiveReducer';
import type { State } from 'reducers/ReceiveReducer';
import type { TrezorDevice, ThunkAction, AsyncAction, Action, GetState, Dispatch } from 'flowtype';
import l10nMessages from 'components/notifications/Context/actions.messages';
import l10nCommonMessages from 'views/common.messages';
export type ReceiveAction =
| {
@ -111,13 +114,13 @@ export const showAddress = (path: Array<number>): AsyncAction => async (
payload: {
type: 'error',
title: 'Verifying address error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_VERIFYING_ADDRESS_ERROR} />,
message: response.payload.error,
cancelable: true,
actions: [
label: 'Try again',
label: <FormattedMessage {...l10nCommonMessages.TR_TRY_AGAIN} />,
callback: () => {

@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ const getAccountNotification = (
if (blockchain && !blockchain.connected) {
return {
type: 'backend',
variant: 'error',
title: `${} backend is not connected`,
shouldRender: false,
@ -148,6 +149,7 @@ const getAccountNotification = (
if (account && discovery && !discovery.completed && !discovery.waitingForDevice) {
return {
type: 'info',
variant: 'info',
title: 'Loading other accounts...',
shouldRender: true,
@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ const getAccountNotification = (
if (!device.connected) {
return {
type: 'info',
variant: 'info',
title: `Device ${device.instanceLabel} is disconnected`,
shouldRender: true,
@ -167,6 +170,7 @@ const getAccountNotification = (
if (!device.available) {
return {
type: 'info',
variant: 'info',
title: `Device ${device.instanceLabel} is unavailable`,
message: 'Change passphrase settings to use this device',
shouldRender: true,

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
/* @flow */
import React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import TrezorConnect from 'trezor-connect';
import type { GetState, Dispatch, ThunkAction, AsyncAction } from 'flowtype';
import { validateAddress } from 'utils/ethUtils';
import * as NOTIFICATION from 'actions/constants/notification';
import l10nMessages from 'components/notifications/Context/actions.messages';
import * as SIGN_VERIFY from './constants/signVerify';
export type SignVerifyAction =
@ -64,8 +67,8 @@ const sign = (path: Array<number>, message: string, hex: boolean = false): Async
payload: {
type: 'error',
title: 'Sign error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_SIGN_MESSAGE_ERROR} />,
message: response.payload.error,
cancelable: true,
@ -109,9 +112,9 @@ const verify = (
payload: {
type: 'success',
title: 'Verify success',
message: 'signature is valid',
variant: 'success',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_SUCCESS} />,
message: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_SIGNATURE_IS_VALID} />,
cancelable: true,
@ -119,8 +122,8 @@ const verify = (
payload: {
type: 'error',
title: 'Verify error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE_ERROR} />,
message: response.payload.error,
cancelable: true,

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import TrezorConnect, {
} from 'trezor-connect';
import React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { CONTEXT_NONE } from 'actions/constants/modal';
import urlConstants from 'constants/urls';
import * as CONNECT from 'actions/constants/TrezorConnect';
@ -35,6 +37,9 @@ import type {
} from 'flowtype';
import l10nCommonMessages from 'views/common.messages';
import l10nMessages from 'components/notifications/Context/actions.messages';
export type TrezorConnectAction =
| {
@ -173,6 +178,7 @@ export const init = (): AsyncAction => async (
} catch (error) {
@ -263,13 +269,13 @@ export const authorizeDevice = (): AsyncAction => async (
payload: {
devicePath: selected.path,
type: 'error',
title: 'Authentication error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR} />,
message: response.payload.error,
cancelable: false,
actions: [
label: 'Try again',
label: <FormattedMessage {...l10nCommonMessages.TR_TRY_AGAIN} />,
callback: () => {
@ -350,7 +356,8 @@ export function acquire(): AsyncAction {
payload: {
type: 'error',
title: 'Acquire device error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE_ERROR} />,
message: response.payload.error,
cancelable: true,
// actions: [

@ -25,6 +25,14 @@ export type WalletAction =
state?: RouterLocationState,
pathname?: string,
| {
hiddenCoins: Array<string>,
| {
hiddenCoinsExternal: Array<string>,
| {
opened: boolean,

@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ export const initWeb3 = (
const otherWeb3 = await dispatch(initWeb3(network, urlIndex + 1));
} catch (error) {

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
export const START_SUBSCRIBE: 'blockchain__start_subscribe' = 'blockchain__start_subscribe';
export const FAIL_SUBSCRIBE: 'blockchain__fail_subscribe' = 'blockchain__fail_subscribe';
export const READY: 'blockchain__ready' = 'blockchain__ready';
export const UPDATE_FEE: 'blockchain__update_fee' = 'blockchain__update_fee';

@ -19,3 +19,6 @@ export const TOGGLE_SIDEBAR: 'wallet__toggle_sidebar' = 'wallet__toggle_sidebar'
export const SET_LANGUAGE: 'wallet__set_language' = 'wallet__set_language';
export const SET_LOCAL_CURRENCY: 'wallet__set_local_currency' = 'wallet__set_local_currency';
export const SET_HIDE_BALANCE: 'wallet__set_hide_balance' = 'wallet__set_hide_balance';
export const SET_HIDDEN_COINS: 'wallet__set_hidden_coins' = 'wallet__set_hidden_coins';
export const SET_HIDDEN_COINS_EXTERNAL: 'wallet__set_hidden_coins_external' =

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ export const getGasPrice = (
const gasPrice = await dispatch(Web3Actions.getCurrentGasPrice(network));
return gasPrice === '0' ? new BigNumber(defaultGasPrice) : new BigNumber(gasPrice);
} catch (error) {
return new BigNumber(defaultGasPrice);
@ -141,6 +142,9 @@ export const onBlockMined = (network: string): PromiseAction<void> => async (
dispatch(Web3Actions.updateAccount(accounts[i], a, network));
} else {
// there are no new txs, just update block
// TODO: There still could be internal transactions as a result of contract
// If that's the case, account balance won't be updated
// Currently waiting for deprecating web3 and utilising new blockbook
dispatch(AccountsActions.update({ ...accounts[i], block: a.block }));
// HACK: since blockbook can't work with smart contracts for now

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { Link } from 'trezor-ui-components';
import TrezorConnect from 'trezor-connect';
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
@ -23,10 +24,10 @@ import type {
} from 'flowtype';
import type { State, FeeLevel } from 'reducers/SendFormEthereumReducer';
import l10nMessages from 'components/notifications/Context/actions.messages';
import * as SessionStorageActions from '../SessionStorageActions';
import { prepareEthereumTx, serializeEthereumTx } from '../TxActions';
import * as BlockchainActions from './BlockchainActions';
import * as ValidationActions from './SendFormValidationActions';
// list of all actions which has influence on "sendFormEthereum" reducer
@ -716,8 +717,8 @@ export const onSend = (): AsyncAction => async (
payload: {
type: 'error',
title: 'Transaction error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR} />,
message: signedTransaction.payload.error,
cancelable: true,
actions: [],
@ -806,11 +807,11 @@ export const onSend = (): AsyncAction => async (
payload: {
type: 'success',
title: 'Transaction success',
variant: 'success',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS} />,
message: (
<Link href={`${network.explorer.tx}${txid}`} isGreen>
See transaction detail
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_SEE_TRANSACTION_DETAILS} />
cancelable: true,
@ -818,11 +819,12 @@ export const onSend = (): AsyncAction => async (
} catch (error) {
payload: {
type: 'error',
title: 'Transaction error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR} />,
message: error.message || error,
cancelable: true,
actions: [],

@ -7,25 +7,12 @@ import { findDevice, getPendingAmount, findToken } from 'reducers/utils';
import { toFiatCurrency } from 'utils/fiatConverter';
import * as SEND from 'actions/constants/send';
import * as ethUtils from 'utils/ethUtils';
import * as validators from 'utils/validators';
import type { Dispatch, GetState, PayloadAction } from 'flowtype';
import type { State, FeeLevel } from 'reducers/SendFormEthereumReducer';
// general regular expressions
const NUMBER_RE: RegExp = new RegExp('^(0|0\\.([0-9]+)?|[1-9][0-9]*\\.?([0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9]+)$');
const UPPERCASE_RE = new RegExp('^(.*[A-Z].*)$');
const ABS_RE = new RegExp('^[0-9]+$');
const ETH_18_RE = new RegExp(
const dynamicRegexp = (decimals: number): RegExp => {
if (decimals > 0) {
return new RegExp(
return ABS_RE;
import l10nMessages from 'views/Wallet/views/Account/Send/validation.messages';
import l10nCommonMessages from 'views/common.messages';
* Called from SendFormActions.observe
@ -165,11 +152,14 @@ export const addressValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (): St
const { address } = state;
if (address.length < 1) {
state.errors.address = 'Address is not set';
state.errors.address = l10nMessages.TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET;
} else if (!EthereumjsUtil.isValidAddress(address)) {
state.errors.address = 'Address is not valid';
} else if (address.match(UPPERCASE_RE) && !EthereumjsUtil.isValidChecksumAddress(address)) {
state.errors.address = 'Address is not a valid checksum';
state.errors.address = l10nMessages.TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID;
} else if (
validators.hasUppercase(address) &&
) {
state.errors.address = l10nMessages.TR_ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_IS_NOT_VALID;
return state;
@ -201,9 +191,13 @@ export const addressLabel = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
if (device) {
state.infos.address = `${
} Account #${currentNetworkAccount.index + 1}`;
state.infos.address = {
values: {
deviceLabel: device.instanceLabel,
number: currentNetworkAccount.index + 1,
} else {
// corner-case: the same derivation path is used on different networks
@ -216,11 +210,14 @@ export const addressLabel = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
const { networks } = getState().localStorage.config;
const otherNetwork = networks.find(c => c.shortcut ===;
if (device && otherNetwork) {
state.warnings.address = `Looks like it's ${
} Account #${otherNetworkAccount.index + 1} address of ${
} network`;
state.warnings.address = {
values: {
deviceLabel: device.instanceLabel,
number: otherNetworkAccount.index + 1,
@ -243,9 +240,9 @@ export const amountValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
const { amount } = state;
if (amount.length < 1) {
state.errors.amount = 'Amount is not set';
} else if (amount.length > 0 && !amount.match(NUMBER_RE)) {
state.errors.amount = 'Amount is not a number';
state.errors.amount = l10nMessages.TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET;
} else if (amount.length > 0 && !validators.isNumber(amount)) {
state.errors.amount = l10nMessages.TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER;
} else {
const isToken: boolean = state.currency !== state.networkSymbol;
const pendingAmount: BigNumber = getPendingAmount(pending, state.currency, isToken);
@ -258,29 +255,42 @@ export const amountValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
if (!token) return state;
const decimalRegExp = dynamicRegexp(parseInt(token.decimals, 0));
if (!state.amount.match(decimalRegExp)) {
state.errors.amount = `Maximum ${token.decimals} decimals allowed`;
if (!validators.hasDecimals(state.amount, parseInt(token.decimals, 0))) {
state.errors.amount = {
values: { decimals: token.decimals },
} else if (new BigNumber( {
state.errors.amount = `Not enough ${state.networkSymbol} to cover transaction fee`;
state.errors.amount = {
values: {
networkSymbol: state.networkSymbol,
} else if (
new BigNumber(state.amount).isGreaterThan(
new BigNumber(token.balance).minus(pendingAmount)
) {
state.errors.amount = 'Not enough funds';
state.errors.amount = l10nMessages.TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS;
} else if (new BigNumber(state.amount).isLessThanOrEqualTo('0')) {
state.errors.amount = 'Amount is too low';
// TODO: this is never gonna happen! It will fail in second if condiftion (isNumber validation)
state.errors.amount = l10nMessages.TR_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_LOW;
} else if (!state.amount.match(ETH_18_RE)) {
state.errors.amount = 'Maximum 18 decimals allowed';
} else if (!validators.hasDecimals(state.amount, 18)) {
state.errors.amount = {
values: {
decimals: 18,
} else if (
new BigNumber(
new BigNumber(account.balance).minus(pendingAmount)
) {
state.errors.amount = 'Not enough funds';
state.errors.amount = l10nMessages.TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS;
return state;
@ -301,13 +311,13 @@ export const gasLimitValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
const { gasLimit } = state;
if (gasLimit.length < 1) {
state.errors.gasLimit = 'Gas limit is not set';
} else if (gasLimit.length > 0 && !gasLimit.match(NUMBER_RE)) {
state.errors.gasLimit = 'Gas limit is not a number';
state.errors.gasLimit = l10nMessages.TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SET;
} else if (gasLimit.length > 0 && !validators.isNumber(gasLimit)) {
state.errors.gasLimit = l10nMessages.TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER;
} else {
const gl: BigNumber = new BigNumber(gasLimit);
if (gl.isLessThan(1)) {
state.errors.gasLimit = 'Gas limit is too low';
state.errors.gasLimit = l10nMessages.TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_TOO_LOW;
} else if (
state.currency !== state.networkSymbol
@ -315,7 +325,7 @@ export const gasLimitValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
: network.defaultGasLimit
) {
state.warnings.gasLimit = 'Gas limit is below recommended';
state.warnings.gasLimit = l10nMessages.TR_GAS_LIMIT_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED;
return state;
@ -330,15 +340,15 @@ export const gasPriceValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (): S
const { gasPrice } = state;
if (gasPrice.length < 1) {
state.errors.gasPrice = 'Gas price is not set';
} else if (gasPrice.length > 0 && !gasPrice.match(NUMBER_RE)) {
state.errors.gasPrice = 'Gas price is not a number';
state.errors.gasPrice = l10nMessages.TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_SET;
} else if (gasPrice.length > 0 && !validators.isNumber(gasPrice)) {
state.errors.gasPrice = l10nMessages.TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER;
} else {
const gp: BigNumber = new BigNumber(gasPrice);
if (gp.isGreaterThan(1000)) {
state.warnings.gasPrice = 'Gas price is too high';
state.warnings.gasPrice = l10nMessages.TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_HIGH;
} else if (gp.isLessThanOrEqualTo('0')) {
state.errors.gasPrice = 'Gas price is too low';
state.errors.gasPrice = l10nMessages.TR_GAS_PRICE_IS_TOO_LOW;
return state;
@ -359,28 +369,29 @@ export const nonceValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
const { nonce } = state;
if (nonce.length < 1) {
state.errors.nonce = 'Nonce is not set';
} else if (!nonce.match(ABS_RE)) {
state.errors.nonce = 'Nonce is not a valid number';
state.errors.nonce = l10nMessages.TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_SET;
} else if (!validators.isAbs(nonce)) {
state.errors.nonce = l10nMessages.TR_NONCE_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER;
} else {
const n: BigNumber = new BigNumber(nonce);
if (n.isLessThan(account.nonce)) {
state.warnings.nonce = 'Nonce is lower than recommended';
state.warnings.nonce = l10nMessages.TR_NONCE_IS_LOWER_THAN_RECOMMENDED;
} else if (n.isGreaterThan(account.nonce)) {
state.warnings.nonce = 'Nonce is greater than recommended';
state.warnings.nonce = l10nMessages.TR_NONCE_IS_GREATER_THAN_RECOMMENDED;
return state;
* Gas price value validation
* Data validation
export const dataValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (): State => {
const state = { ...$state };
if (! || === 0) return state;
if (!ethUtils.isHex( { = 'Data is not valid hexadecimal'; = l10nMessages.TR_DATA_IS_NOT_VALID_HEX;
return state;
@ -397,6 +408,7 @@ export const calculateFee = (gasPrice: string, gasLimit: string): string => {
} catch (error) {
return '0';
@ -410,6 +422,7 @@ export const calculateTotal = (amount: string, gasPrice: string, gasLimit: strin
return, gasLimit)).toFixed();
} catch (error) {
return '0';
@ -426,6 +439,7 @@ export const calculateMaxAmount = (
if (max.isLessThan(0)) return '0';
return max.toFixed();
} catch (error) {
return '0';
@ -445,12 +459,13 @@ export const getFeeLevels = (
selected && selected.value === 'Custom'
? {
value: 'Custom',
localizedValue: l10nCommonMessages.TR_CUSTOM_FEE,
gasPrice: selected.gasPrice,
// label: `${ calculateFee(gasPrice, gasLimit) } ${ symbol }`
label: `${calculateFee(selected.gasPrice, gasLimit)} ${symbol}`,
: {
value: 'Custom',
localizedValue: l10nCommonMessages.TR_CUSTOM_FEE,
gasPrice: low,
label: '',
@ -458,16 +473,19 @@ export const getFeeLevels = (
return [
value: 'High',
localizedValue: l10nCommonMessages.TR_HIGH_FEE,
gasPrice: high,
label: `${calculateFee(high, gasLimit)} ${symbol}`,
value: 'Normal',
localizedValue: l10nCommonMessages.TR_NORMAL_FEE,
gasPrice: gasPrice.toString(),
label: `${calculateFee(price.toFixed(), gasLimit)} ${symbol}`,
value: 'Low',
localizedValue: l10nCommonMessages.TR_LOW_FEE,
gasPrice: low,
label: `${calculateFee(low, gasLimit)} ${symbol}`,

@ -47,24 +47,24 @@ export const getFeeLevels = (network: Network): PayloadAction<Array<BlockchainFe
return blockchain.feeLevels;
export const onBlockMined = (network: string): PromiseAction<void> => async (
export const onBlockMined = (networkShortcut: string, block: number): PromiseAction<void> => async (
dispatch: Dispatch,
getState: GetState
): Promise<void> => {
const blockchain = getState().blockchain.find(b => b.shortcut === network);
const blockchain = getState().blockchain.find(b => b.shortcut === networkShortcut);
if (!blockchain) return; // flowtype fallback
// if last update was more than 5 minutes ago
const now = new Date().getTime();
if (blockchain.feeTimestamp < now - 300000) {
const feeRequest = await TrezorConnect.blockchainEstimateFee({
coin: network,
coin: networkShortcut,
if (feeRequest.success && observeChanges(blockchain.feeLevels, feeRequest.payload)) {
// check if downloaded fee levels are different
shortcut: network,
shortcut: networkShortcut,
feeLevels: feeRequest.payload,
@ -72,28 +72,59 @@ export const onBlockMined = (network: string): PromiseAction<void> => async (
// TODO: check for blockchain rollbacks here!
const accounts: Array<any> = getState().accounts.filter(a => === network);
// console.warn('ACCOUNTS', accounts);
if (accounts.length > 0) {
// const response = await TrezorConnect.rippleGetAccountInfo({
// bundle: accounts,
// level: 'transactions',
// coin: network,
// });
// if (!response.success) return;
// response.payload.forEach((a, i) => {
// if (a.transactions.length > 0) {
// console.warn('APDEJTED!', a, i);
// dispatch(AccountsActions.update({
// ...accounts[i],
// balance: toDecimalAmount(a.balance, DECIMALS),
// availableBalance: toDecimalAmount(a.availableBalance, DECIMALS),
// block: a.block,
// sequence: a.sequence,
// }));
// }
// });
const accounts: Array<any> = getState().accounts.filter(a => === networkShortcut);
if (accounts.length === 0) return;
const { networks } = getState().localStorage.config;
const network = networks.find(c => c.shortcut === networkShortcut);
if (!network) return;
// HACK: Since Connect always returns account.transactions as 0
// we don't have info about new transactions for the account since last update.
// Untill there is a better solution compare accounts block.
// If we missed some blocks (wallet was offline) we'll update the account
// If we are update to date with the last block that means wallet was online
// and we would get Blockchain notification about new transaction if needed
accounts.forEach(async account => {
const missingBlocks = account.block !== block - 1;
if (!missingBlocks) {
// account was last updated on account.block, current block is +1, we didn't miss single block
// if there was new tx, blockchain notification would let us know
// so just update the block for the account
} else {
// we missed some blocks (wallet was offline). get updated account info from connect
const response = await TrezorConnect.rippleGetAccountInfo({
account: {
descriptor: account.descriptor,
level: 'transactions',
coin: networkShortcut,
if (!response.success) return;
const updatedAccount = response.payload;
// new txs
balance: toDecimalAmount(updatedAccount.balance, network.decimals),
availableBalance: toDecimalAmount(
block: updatedAccount.block,
sequence: updatedAccount.sequence,
export const onNotification = (

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import TrezorConnect from 'trezor-connect';
import * as NOTIFICATION from 'actions/constants/notification';
import * as SEND from 'actions/constants/send';
@ -19,6 +21,7 @@ import type {
} from 'flowtype';
import type { State, FeeLevel } from 'reducers/SendFormRippleReducer';
import l10nMessages from 'components/notifications/Context/actions.messages';
import * as SessionStorageActions from '../SessionStorageActions';
import * as BlockchainActions from './BlockchainActions';
@ -454,8 +457,8 @@ export const onSend = (): AsyncAction => async (
payload: {
type: 'error',
title: 'Transaction error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR} />,
message: signedTransaction.payload.error,
cancelable: true,
actions: [],
@ -473,8 +476,8 @@ export const onSend = (): AsyncAction => async (
payload: {
type: 'error',
title: 'Transaction error',
variant: 'error',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_TRANSACTION_ERROR} />,
message: push.payload.error,
cancelable: true,
actions: [],
@ -496,8 +499,8 @@ export const onSend = (): AsyncAction => async (
payload: {
type: 'success',
title: 'Transaction success',
variant: 'success',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS} />,
message: txid,
cancelable: true,
actions: [],

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ import * as SEND from 'actions/constants/send';
import { findDevice, getPendingAmount } from 'reducers/utils';
import { toDecimalAmount } from 'utils/formatUtils';
import { toFiatCurrency } from 'utils/fiatConverter';
import * as validators from 'utils/validators';
import l10nMessages from 'views/Wallet/views/Account/Send/validation.messages';
import l10nCommonMessages from 'views/common.messages';
import type {
@ -16,10 +19,8 @@ import type {
import type { State, FeeLevel } from 'reducers/SendFormRippleReducer';
import AddressValidator from 'wallet-address-validator';
// general regular expressions
const ABS_RE = new RegExp('^[0-9]+$');
const NUMBER_RE: RegExp = new RegExp('^(0|0\\.([0-9]+)?|[1-9][0-9]*\\.?([0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9]+)$');
const XRP_6_RE = new RegExp('^(0|0\\.([0-9]{0,6})?|[1-9][0-9]*\\.?([0-9]{0,6})?|\\.[0-9]{0,6})$');
const U_INT_32 = 0xffffffff;
@ -151,11 +152,11 @@ const addressValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
const { address } = state;
if (address.length < 1) {
state.errors.address = 'Address is not set';
state.errors.address = l10nMessages.TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_SET;
} else if (!AddressValidator.validate(address, 'XRP')) {
state.errors.address = 'Address is not valid';
state.errors.address = l10nMessages.TR_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_VALID;
} else if (address.toLowerCase() === account.descriptor.toLowerCase()) {
state.errors.address = 'Cannot send to myself';
state.errors.address = l10nMessages.TR_CANNOT_SEND_TO_MYSELF;
return state;
@ -227,9 +228,13 @@ const addressLabel = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
if (device) {
state.infos.address = `${
} Account #${currentNetworkAccount.index + 1}`;
state.infos.address = {
values: {
deviceLabel: device.instanceLabel,
number: currentNetworkAccount.index + 1,
} else {
// corner-case: the same derivation path is used on different networks
@ -242,11 +247,14 @@ const addressLabel = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
const { networks } = getState().localStorage.config;
const otherNetwork = networks.find(c => c.shortcut ===;
if (device && otherNetwork) {
state.warnings.address = `Looks like it's ${
} Account #${otherNetworkAccount.index + 1} address of ${
} network`;
state.warnings.address = {
values: {
deviceLabel: device.instanceLabel,
number: otherNetworkAccount.index + 1,
@ -269,19 +277,22 @@ const amountValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
const { amount } = state;
if (amount.length < 1) {
state.errors.amount = 'Amount is not set';
} else if (amount.length > 0 && !amount.match(NUMBER_RE)) {
state.errors.amount = 'Amount is not a number';
state.errors.amount = l10nMessages.TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_SET;
} else if (amount.length > 0 && !validators.isNumber(amount)) {
state.errors.amount = l10nMessages.TR_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER;
} else {
const pendingAmount: BigNumber = getPendingAmount(pending, state.networkSymbol);
if (!state.amount.match(XRP_6_RE)) {
state.errors.amount = 'Maximum 6 decimals allowed';
if (!validators.hasDecimals(state.amount, 6)) {
state.errors.amount = {
values: { decimals: 6 },
} else if (
new BigNumber(
new BigNumber(account.balance).minus(pendingAmount)
) {
state.errors.amount = 'Not enough funds';
state.errors.amount = l10nMessages.TR_NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS;
@ -289,15 +300,23 @@ const amountValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
!state.errors.amount &&
new BigNumber(account.balance).minus(
) {
state.errors.amount = `Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is ${
} ${state.networkSymbol}`;
state.errors.amount = {
values: {
reservedAmount: account.reserve,
networkSymbol: state.networkSymbol,
if (!state.errors.amount && new BigNumber(state.amount).lt(state.minAmount)) {
state.errors.amount = `Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is ${
} ${state.networkSymbol}`;
state.errors.amount = {
values: {
minimalAmount: state.minAmount,
networkSymbol: state.networkSymbol,
return state;
@ -318,15 +337,15 @@ export const feeValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (
const { fee } = state;
if (fee.length < 1) {
state.errors.fee = 'Fee is not set';
} else if (fee.length > 0 && !fee.match(ABS_RE)) {
state.errors.fee = 'Fee must be an absolute number';
state.errors.fee = l10nMessages.TR_FEE_IS_NOT_SET;
} else if (fee.length > 0 && !validators.isAbs(fee)) {
state.errors.fee = l10nMessages.TR_FEE_MUST_ME_AN_ABSOLUT_NUMBER;
} else {
const gl: BigNumber = new BigNumber(fee);
if (gl.isLessThan(network.fee.minFee)) {
state.errors.fee = 'Fee is below recommended';
state.errors.fee = l10nMessages.TR_FEE_IS_BELOW_RECOMMENDED;
} else if (gl.isGreaterThan(network.fee.maxFee)) {
state.errors.fee = 'Fee is above recommended';
state.errors.fee = l10nMessages.TR_FEE_IS_ABOVE_RECOMMENDED;
return state;
@ -340,12 +359,12 @@ export const destinationTagValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> =>
const { destinationTag } = state;
if (destinationTag.length > 0 && !destinationTag.match(ABS_RE)) {
state.errors.destinationTag = 'Destination tag must be an absolute number';
if (destinationTag.length > 0 && !validators.isAbs(destinationTag)) {
state.errors.destinationTag = l10nMessages.TR_DESTINATION_TAG_MUST_BE_AN_ABSOLUTE;
if (parseInt(destinationTag, 10) > U_INT_32) {
state.errors.destinationTag = 'Number is too big';
state.errors.destinationTag = l10nMessages.TR_DESTINATION_TAG_IS_NOT_VALID;
return state;
@ -364,6 +383,7 @@ const calculateTotal = (amount: string, fee: string): string => {
} catch (error) {
return '0';
@ -375,6 +395,7 @@ const calculateMaxAmount = (balance: BigNumber, fee: string): string => {
if (max.isLessThan(0)) return '0';
return max.toFixed();
} catch (error) {
return '0';
@ -387,9 +408,16 @@ export const getFeeLevels = (
const { network } = getState().selectedAccount;
if (!network) return []; // flowtype fallback
const l10nFeeMap = {
Low: l10nCommonMessages.TR_LOW_FEE,
Normal: l10nCommonMessages.TR_NORMAL_FEE,
High: l10nCommonMessages.TR_HIGH_FEE,
// map BlockchainFeeLevel to SendFormReducer FeeLevel
const levels = => ({
localizedValue: l10nFeeMap[level.value],
fee: level.value,
label: `${toDecimalAmount(level.value, network.decimals)} ${network.symbol}`,
@ -399,11 +427,13 @@ export const getFeeLevels = (
selected && selected.value === 'Custom'
? {
value: 'Custom',
localizedValue: l10nCommonMessages.TR_CUSTOM_FEE,
fee: selected.fee,
label: `${toDecimalAmount(selected.fee, network.decimals)} ${network.symbol}`,
: {
value: 'Custom',
localizedValue: l10nCommonMessages.TR_CUSTOM_FEE,
fee: '0',
label: '',

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
// TODO: l10n for device status
import React from 'react';
import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { getStatusColor, getStatusName, getStatus } from 'utils/device';
import { TrezorImage, colors } from 'trezor-ui-components';
import { injectIntl } from 'react-intl';
import { FONT_SIZE, FONT_WEIGHT } from 'config/variables';
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ const DeviceHeader = ({
isSelected = false,
}) => {
const status = getStatus(device);
return (
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ const DeviceHeader = ({
<Status title={getStatusName(status)}>{getStatusName(status)}</Status>
<Status title={getStatusName(status, intl)}>{getStatusName(status, intl)}</Status>
<IconWrapper>{icon && !disabled && isAccessible && icon}</IconWrapper>
@ -141,6 +142,7 @@ DeviceHeader.propTypes = {
onClickWrapper: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
className: PropTypes.string,
testId: PropTypes.string,
intl: PropTypes.any,
export default DeviceHeader;
export default injectIntl(DeviceHeader);

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({
defaultMessage: 'Connected',
description: 'Device status',
defaultMessage: 'Connected (bootloader mode)',
description: 'Device status',
defaultMessage: 'Connected (not initialized)',
description: 'Device status',
defaultMessage: 'Connected (seedless mode)',
description: 'Device status',
defaultMessage: 'Connected (update required)',
description: 'Device status',
defaultMessage: 'Connected (update recommended)',
description: 'Device status',
defaultMessage: 'Used in other window',
description: 'Device status',
defaultMessage: 'Unavailable',
description: 'Device status',
defaultMessage: 'Unreadable',
description: 'Device status',
defaultMessage: 'Disconnected',
description: 'Device status',
defaultMessage: 'Status unknown',
description: 'Device status',
export default definedMessages;

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,237 +1,49 @@
/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/accessible-emoji */
/* @flow */
import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { SCREEN_SIZE } from 'config/variables';
import { Icon, icons, colors } from 'trezor-ui-components';
import * as React from 'react';
import { Header } from 'trezor-ui-components';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import type { toggleSidebar as toggleSidebarType } from 'actions/WalletActions';
import l10nMessages from './index.messages';
import LanguagePicker from './components/LanguagePicker/Container';
const Wrapper = styled.header`
width: 100%;
height: 52px;
background: ${colors.HEADER};
z-index: 200;
const LayoutWrapper = styled.div`
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
max-width: 1170px;
margin: 0 auto;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
@media screen and (max-width: 1170px) {
padding: 0 25px;
const Left = styled.div`
display: none;
flex: 0 0 33%;
@media screen and (max-width: ${SCREEN_SIZE.SM}) {
display: initial;
const MenuToggler = styled.div`
display: none;
white-space: nowrap;
color: ${colors.WHITE};
align-self: center;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
user-select: none;
padding: 10px 0px;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in;
@media screen and (max-width: ${SCREEN_SIZE.SM}) {
display: flex;
const TogglerText = styled.div`
margin-left: 6px;
const TREZOR = styled.div``;
const T = styled.div``;
const Logo = styled.div`
flex: 1;
justify-content: flex-start;
display: flex;
${T} {
display: none;
width: 20px;
width: 100px;
svg {
fill: ${colors.WHITE};
height: 28px;
@media screen and (max-width: ${SCREEN_SIZE.SM}) {
flex: 1 0 33%;
justify-content: center;
@media screen and (max-width: ${SCREEN_SIZE.XS}) {
/* hides full width trezor logo, shows only trezor icon */
display: none;
${T} {
display: inherit;
const MenuLinks = styled.div`
display: flex;
align-content: center;
justify-content: flex-end;
flex: 0;
height: 100%;
@media screen and (max-width: ${SCREEN_SIZE.SM}) {
flex: 0 1 33%;
const Projects = styled.div`
display: flex;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
border-right: 1px solid ${colors.HEADER_DIVIDER};
padding-right: 24px;
margin-right: 24px;
@media screen and (max-width: ${SCREEN_SIZE.SM}) {
display: none;
const A = styled.a`
color: ${colors.WHITE};
margin-left: 24px;
transition: all 0.1s ease-in;
white-space: nowrap;
&:visited {
color: ${colors.WHITE};
margin-left: 24px;
&:first-child {
margin: 0px;
&:active {
color: ${colors.TEXT_SECONDARY};
type Props = {
type MyProps = {
sidebarEnabled?: boolean,
sidebarOpened?: ?boolean,
toggleSidebar?: toggleSidebarType,
const Header = ({ sidebarEnabled, sidebarOpened, toggleSidebar }: Props) => (
<Wrapper data-test="Main__page__navigation">
{sidebarEnabled && (
<MenuToggler onClick={toggleSidebar}>
{sidebarOpened ? (
<Icon size={12} color={colors.WHITE} icon={icons.CLOSE} />
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_MENU_CLOSE} />
) : (
<Icon color={colors.WHITE} size={14} icon={icons.MENU} />
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_MENU} />
<NavLink to="/">
viewBox="0 0 163.7 41.9"
preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"
<polygon points="101.1,12.8 118.2,12.8 118.2,17.3 108.9,29.9 118.2,29.9 118.2,35.2 101.1,35.2 101.1,30.7 110.4,18.1 101.1,18.1" />
<path d="M158.8,26.9c2.1-0.8,4.3-2.9,4.3-6.6c0-4.5-3.1-7.4-7.7-7.4h-10.5v22.3h5.8v-7.5h2.2l4.1,7.5h6.7L158.8,26.9z M154.7,22.5 h-4V18h4c1.5,0,2.5,0.9,2.5,2.2C157.2,21.6,156.2,22.5,154.7,22.5z" />
<path d="M130.8,12.5c-6.8,0-11.6,4.9-11.6,11.5s4.9,11.5,11.6,11.5s11.7-4.9,11.7-11.5S137.6,12.5,130.8,12.5z M130.8,30.3 c-3.4,0-5.7-2.6-5.7-6.3c0-3.8,2.3-6.3,5.7-6.3c3.4,0,5.8,2.6,5.8,6.3C136.6,27.7,134.2,30.3,130.8,30.3z" />
<polygon points="82.1,12.8 98.3,12.8 98.3,18 87.9,18 87.9,21.3 98,21.3 98,26.4 87.9,26.4 87.9,30 98.3,30 98.3,35.2 82.1,35.2 " />
<path d="M24.6,9.7C24.6,4.4,20,0,14.4,0S4.2,4.4,4.2,9.7v3.1H0v22.3h0l14.4,6.7l14.4-6.7h0V12.9h-4.2V9.7z M9.4,9.7 c0-2.5,2.2-4.5,5-4.5s5,2,5,4.5v3.1H9.4V9.7z M23,31.5l-8.6,4l-8.6-4V18.1H23V31.5z" />
<path d="M79.4,20.3c0-4.5-3.1-7.4-7.7-7.4H61.2v22.3H67v-7.5h2.2l4.1,7.5H80l-4.9-8.3C77.2,26.1,79.4,24,79.4,20.3z M71,22.5h-4V18 h4c1.5,0,2.5,0.9,2.5,2.2C73.5,21.6,72.5,22.5,71,22.5z" />
<polygon points="40.5,12.8 58.6,12.8 58.6,18.1 52.4,18.1 52.4,35.2 46.6,35.2 46.6,18.1 40.5,18.1 " />
viewBox="0 0 20 41.9"
preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"
<path d="M24.6,9.7C24.6,4.4,20,0,14.4,0S4.2,4.4,4.2,9.7v3.1H0v22.3h0l14.4,6.7l14.4-6.7h0V12.9h-4.2V9.7z M9.4,9.7 c0-2.5,2.2-4.5,5-4.5s5,2,5,4.5v3.1H9.4V9.7z M23,31.5l-8.6,4l-8.6-4V18.1H23V31.5z" />
<A href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_TREZOR} />
<A href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_WIKI} />
<A href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_BLOG} />
<A href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_SUPPORT} />
<LanguagePicker />
const MyHeader = ({ sidebarEnabled, sidebarOpened, toggleSidebar }: MyProps) => (
togglerOpenText={<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_MENU} />}
togglerCloseText={<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_MENU_CLOSE} />}
href: '',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_TREZOR} />,
href: '',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_WIKI} />,
href: '',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_BLOG} />,
href: '',
title: <FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_SUPPORT} />,
logoLinkComponent={<Link to="/" />}
rightAddon={<LanguagePicker />}
export default Header;
export default MyHeader;

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ type Props = {| ...OwnProps, ...StateProps, ...DispatchProps |};
const Wrapper = styled.div`
position: relative;
color: ${colors.INFO_PRIMARY};
background: ${colors.INFO_SECONDARY};
background: ${colors.INFO_LIGHT};
padding: 24px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -36,20 +36,6 @@ const BackupButton = styled(Button)`
margin-bottom: 10px;
const ProceedButton = styled(Button)`
background: transparent;
border-color: ${colors.WARNING_PRIMARY};
color: ${colors.WARNING_PRIMARY};
&:active {
color: ${colors.WHITE};
background: ${colors.WARNING_PRIMARY};
box-shadow: none;
const StyledP = styled(P)`
/* boost-specificity hack to override P base styling */
&& {
@ -80,9 +66,9 @@ const Confirmation = (props: Props) => (
<FormattedMessage {...l10nCommonMessages.TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES} />
<ProceedButton isWhite onClick={() => props.onReceiveConfirmation(true)}>
<Button isInverse variant="warning" onClick={() => props.onReceiveConfirmation(true)}>
<FormattedMessage {...l10nCommonMessages.TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK} />

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -64,20 +64,6 @@ const BackupButton = styled(Button)`
width: 100%;
const WarnButton = styled(Button)`
background: transparent;
border-color: ${colors.WARNING_PRIMARY};
color: ${colors.WARNING_PRIMARY};
&:active {
color: ${colors.WHITE};
background: ${colors.WARNING_PRIMARY};
box-shadow: none;
class ConfirmUnverifiedAddress extends PureComponent<Props> {
componentDidMount(): void {
this.keyboardHandler = this.keyboardHandler.bind(this);
@ -159,11 +145,15 @@ class ConfirmUnverifiedAddress extends PureComponent<Props> {
<Button onClick={() => (!account ? this.verifyAddress() : 'false')}>
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_TRY_AGAIN} />
<FormattedMessage {...l10nCommonMessages.TR_TRY_AGAIN} />
<WarnButton isWhite onClick={() => this.showUnverifiedAddress()}>
onClick={() => this.showUnverifiedAddress()}
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS} />
{needsBackup && <Divider />}

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({
@ -33,11 +33,6 @@ const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({
defaultMessage: 'Show unverified address',
defaultMessage: 'Try again',
description: 'Try to verify the address again',

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({
defaultMessage: 'Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}',
defaultMessage: 'Change wallet type for {deviceLabel}',

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { byteLength } from 'utils/formatUtils';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { Button, Input, Checkbox, P, H5, colors } from 'trezor-ui-components';
import { FONT_SIZE } from 'config/variables';
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ type State = {
passphraseCheckInputValue: string,
doPassphraseInputsMatch: boolean,
isPassphraseHidden: boolean,
byteLength: number,
const Wrapper = styled.div`
@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ class Passphrase extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
passphraseCheckInputValue: '',
doPassphraseInputsMatch: true,
isPassphraseHidden: true,
byteLength: 0,
@ -117,6 +120,9 @@ class Passphrase extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
let doPassphraseInputsMatch = false;
if (inputName === 'passphraseInputValue') {
byteLength: byteLength(inputValue),
// If passphrase is not hidden the second input should get filled automatically
// and should be disabled
if (this.state.isPassphraseHidden) {
@ -181,13 +187,28 @@ class Passphrase extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
handleKeyPress(event: KeyboardEvent) {
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
if (this.state.doPassphraseInputsMatch) {
if (this.state.doPassphraseInputsMatch && this.state.byteLength <= 50) {
render() {
let error = null;
if (this.state.byteLength > 50) {
error = (
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_TOO_LONG} />
} else if (!this.state.doPassphraseInputsMatch) {
error = (
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH} />
return (
@ -236,11 +257,7 @@ class Passphrase extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
{!this.state.doPassphraseInputsMatch && (
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH} />
@ -250,10 +267,7 @@ class Passphrase extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
onClick={() => this.submitPassphrase()}
<Button isDisabled={!!error} onClick={() => this.submitPassphrase()}>
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_ENTER} />

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({
@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({
defaultMessage: 'Passphrases do not match!',
defaultMessage: 'Passphrase is too long!',
defaultMessage: 'Show passphrase',

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ type State = {
const Wrapper = styled.div`
padding: 30px 48px;
max-width: 350px;
const InputWrapper = styled.div`
margin-top: 24px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
max-width: 260px;
const PinRow = styled.div`
display: flex;

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export default (props: Props) => {
return (
title={<FormattedMessage {...l10nCommonMessages.TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP} />}
message={<FormattedMessage {...l10nCommonMessages.TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST} />}

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export default (props: Props) => {
return (

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export default (props: Props) => {
return (

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const UpdateFirmware = (props: {| ...Props, ...ContextRouter |}) => {
return (

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({
defaultMessage: 'Acquire device error',
defaultMessage: 'Authentication error',
defaultMessage: 'Account discovery error',
description: 'Error during account discovery',
defaultMessage: 'Transaction error',
description: 'Error during signing a transaction',
defaultMessage: 'Transaction has been sent successfully',
defaultMessage: 'See transaction details',
defaultMessage: 'Verifying address error',
defaultMessage: 'Failed to sign message',
defaultMessage: 'Failed to verify message',
defaultMessage: 'Message has been successfully verified',
defaultMessage: 'Signature is valid',
export default definedMessages;

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export default (props: Props) => {
// TODO: this is a different component with "auto resolve" button
return (
isActionInProgress={blockchain && blockchain.connecting}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export default (props: Props) => {
return (

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -65,17 +65,17 @@ class Group extends PureComponent {
render() {
const { type, groupNotifications, close } = this.props;
const color = getPrimaryColor(type);
const { variant, groupNotifications, close } = this.props;
const color = getPrimaryColor(variant);
return (
{groupNotifications.length > 1 && (
<Header onClick={this.toggle}>
<StyledIcon color={color} size={16} icon={getIcon(type)} />
<StyledIcon color={color} size={16} icon={getIcon(variant)} />
<Title color={color}>
{groupNotifications.length}{' '}
{groupNotifications.length > 1 ? `${type}s` : type}
{groupNotifications.length > 1 ? `${variant}s` : variant}
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class Group extends PureComponent {
{groupNotifications.slice(0, this.state.visibleCount).map(notification => (
@ -108,13 +108,22 @@ class Group extends PureComponent {
Group.propTypes = {
type: PropTypes.string,
variant: PropTypes.string,
close: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
groupNotifications: PropTypes.arrayOf(
key: PropTypes.object,
type: PropTypes.string,
title: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.node]),
title: PropTypes.oneOfType([
id: PropTypes.string,
defaultMessage: PropTypes.string,
description: PropTypes.string,
values: PropTypes.object,
message: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.node]),

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const Wrapper = styled.div`
class NotificationsGroup extends PureComponent {
groupNotifications = notifications =>
notifications.reduce((acc, obj) => {
const key = obj.type;
const key = obj.variant;
if (!acc[key]) {
acc[key] = [];
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class NotificationsGroup extends PureComponent {
}, {});
sortByPriority(notifications) {
return notifications;
@ -29,48 +30,49 @@ class NotificationsGroup extends PureComponent {
// {
// key: 1,
// title: 'this is a title of error notification',
// type: 'error',
// variant: 'error',
// message: 'this is a message of error notification',
// },
// {
// key: 2,
// title: 'this is a title of warning notification',
// type: 'warning',
// variant: 'warning',
// message: 'this is a message of warning notification',
// },
// {
// key: 3,
// title: 'this is a title of warning notification',
// type: 'warning',
// variant: 'warning',
// message: 'this is a message of warning notification',
// },
// {
// key: 4,
// title: 'this is a title of warning notification sds d',
// type: 'warning',
// variant: 'warning',
// message: 'this is a message of warning notification',
// },
// {
// key: 5,
// title: 'this is a title of warning notification as',
// type: 'success',
// variant: 'success',
// },
// {
// key: 6,
// title: 'this is a title of warning notification as',
// type: 'info',
// variant: 'info',
// message: 'this is a message of warning notification',
// },
// {
// key: 7,
// title: 'this is a title of info notification s ',
// type: 'info',
// variant: 'info',
// message: 'this is a message of info notification',
// actions:
// [{
// actions: [
// {
// label: 'Update',
// callback: 'props.routerActions.gotoBridgeUpdate',
// }],
// },
// ],
// },
// ];
const notificationGroups = this.groupNotifications(notifications);
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ class NotificationsGroup extends PureComponent {

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export default withRouter<Props>((props: {| ...Props, ...ContextRouter |}) => {
<FormattedMessage {...l10nMessages.TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED} />
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export default withRouter<Props>((props: {| ...Props, ...ContextRouter |}) => {
title="Use at your own risk"
message="This is an advanced interface intended for developer use only. Never use this process unless you really know what you are doing."
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export default withRouter<Props>((props: {| ...Props, ...ContextRouter |}) => {
title="The account is watch-only"
message="A watch-only account is a public address youve imported into your wallet, allowing the wallet to watch for outputs but not spend them."

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype/npm/react-intl';
import type { Messages } from 'flowtype';
const definedMessages: Messages = defineMessages({

@ -163,6 +163,9 @@ export type { Token } from 'reducers/TokensReducer';
export type { Web3Instance } from 'reducers/Web3Reducer';
export type { BlockchainFeeLevel } from 'reducers/BlockchainReducer';
export type { MessageDescriptor } from 'support/ConnectedIntlProvider'; // this service has no action file, all is written inside one file
export type { Messages } from 'support/ConnectedIntlProvider'; // this service has no action file, all is written inside one file
export type Accounts = $ElementType<State, 'accounts'>;
export type LocalStorage = $ElementType<State, 'localStorage'>;
export type Config = $PropertyType<$ElementType<State, 'localStorage'>, 'config'>;

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
export type MessageDescriptor = {
// A unique, stable identifier for the message
id: string,
// The default message (probably in English)
defaultMessage: string,
// Context for the translator about how it's used in the UI
description?: string | object,
export type Messages = {
[key: string]: MessageDescriptor

@ -48,6 +48,30 @@ const onStartSubscribe = (state: State, shortcut: string): State => {
const onFailSubscribe = (state: State, shortcut: string): State => {
const network = state.find(b => b.shortcut === shortcut);
if (network) {
const others = state.filter(b => b !== network);
return others.concat([
connecting: false,
return state.concat([
connected: false,
connecting: false,
block: 0,
feeTimestamp: 0,
feeLevels: [],
const onConnect = (state: State, action: BlockchainConnect): State => {
const shortcut = action.payload.coin.shortcut.toLowerCase();
const network = state.find(b => b.shortcut === shortcut);
@ -136,6 +160,8 @@ export default (state: State = initialState, action: Action): State => {
switch (action.type) {
return onStartSubscribe(state, action.shortcut);
return onFailSubscribe(state, action.shortcut);
return onConnect(state, action);

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { DEVICE } from 'trezor-connect';
import type { Action } from 'flowtype';
export type CallbackAction = {
label: string,
label: React.Node,
callback: Function,
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export type NotificationEntry = {
+key: string, // React.Key
+id: ?string,
+devicePath: ?string,
+type: string,
+variant: string,
+title: React.Node | string,
+message: ?(React.Node | string),
+cancelable: boolean,
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const addNotification = (state: State, payload: any): State => {
key: new Date().getTime().toString(),
devicePath: payload.devicePath,
type: payload.type,
variant: payload.variant,
title: payload.title,
message: payload.message,
cancelable: payload.cancelable,

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export type Loader = {
export type Notification = {
type: string,
variant: string,
title: string,
message?: string,

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
