Vladimir Volek 5 years ago
parent cb9c1b8e8a
commit 6be6f6c1d8

@ -13,7 +13,18 @@ cache:
- node_modules - node_modules
install and build:
stage: install
- yarn install
expire_in: 2 hours
when: always
- node_modules
stages: stages:
- install
- test - test
- build - build
- deploy - deploy
@ -22,25 +33,21 @@ stages:
lint: lint:
stage: test stage: test
script: script:
- yarn install
- yarn run lint - yarn run lint
flow: flow:
stage: test stage: test
script: script:
- yarn install
- yarn run flow - yarn run flow
unit: unit:
stage: test stage: test
script: script:
- yarn install
- yarn run test - yarn run test
build development: build development:
stage: build stage: build
script: script:
- yarn install
- yarn run build:dev - yarn run build:dev
artifacts: artifacts:
expire_in: 1 week expire_in: 1 week
@ -50,7 +57,6 @@ build development:
build beta: build beta:
stage: build stage: build
script: script:
- yarn install
- yarn run build:beta - yarn run build:beta
only: only:
- beta - beta
@ -63,7 +69,6 @@ build beta:
build stable: build stable:
stage: build stage: build
script: script:
- yarn install
- yarn run build:stable - yarn run build:stable
only: only:
- stable - stable
@ -73,22 +78,6 @@ build stable:
- build/stable - build/stable
- scripts/s3sync.sh - scripts/s3sync.sh
# build emulator and bridge image:
# variables:
# CONTAINER_NAME: "$CI_REGISTRY/emulator-bridge-tests"
# image: docker:latest
# services:
# - docker:dind
# before_script:
# stage: build
# when: manual
# script:
# - docker pull $CONTAINER_NAME:latest || true
# - docker build --cache-from $CONTAINER_NAME:latest --tag $CONTAINER_NAME:$CI_COMMIT_SHA --tag $CONTAINER_NAME:latest .
# - docker push $CONTAINER_NAME:latest
deploy review: deploy review:
stage: deploy stage: deploy
variables: variables:
@ -166,25 +155,4 @@ delete review:
only: only:
- branches - branches
tags: tags:
- deploy - deploy
# integration tests:
# image: docker:latest
# services:
# - docker:dind
# stage: integration tests
# script:
# - 'export SHARED_PATH="$(dirname ${CI_PROJECT_DIR})/shared"'
# - rm -r ${SHARED_PATH} || true
# - docker build -f Dockerfile.test -t wallet-emulator-bridge-tests .
# - mkdir -p ${SHARED_PATH}/trezor-wallet/screenshots
# - mkdir -p ${SHARED_PATH}/trezor-wallet/videos
# - docker run --volume ${SHARED_PATH}/trezor-wallet/screenshots:/trezor-wallet/test/screenshots --volume ${SHARED_PATH}/trezor-wallet/videos:/trezor-wallet/test/videos --rm wallet-emulator-bridge-tests
# - find ${SHARED_PATH}
# - mkdir trezor-wallet
# - cp -r ${SHARED_PATH}/ trezor-wallet/
# artifacts:
# when: always
# expire_in: 1 week
# paths:
# - trezor-wallet/