Merge pull request #395 from trezor/better-unit-tests

Tests for utils - remove snapshots
Maroš 5 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 61dd3dbc3c
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`device utils get status 1`] = `"disconnected"`;
exports[`device utils get status 2`] = `"unavailable"`;
exports[`device utils get status 3`] = `"unavailable"`;
exports[`device utils get status 4`] = `"connected"`;
exports[`device utils get status 5`] = `"unacquired"`;
exports[`device utils get status 6`] = `"used-in-other-window"`;
exports[`device utils get status color 1`] = `"#494949"`;
exports[`device utils get status color 2`] = `"#494949"`;
exports[`device utils get status color 3`] = `"#494949"`;
exports[`device utils get status color 4`] = `"#EB8A00"`;
exports[`device utils get status color 5`] = `"#01B757"`;
exports[`device utils get status color 6`] = `"#EB8A00"`;
exports[`device utils get status color 7`] = `"#ED1212"`;
exports[`device utils get status color 8`] = `"#ED1212"`;
exports[`device utils get status name 1`] = `"Status unknown"`;
exports[`device utils get status name 2`] = `"Status unknown"`;
exports[`device utils get status name 3`] = `"Status unknown"`;
exports[`device utils get status name 4`] = `"Used in other window"`;
exports[`device utils get status name 5`] = `"Connected"`;
exports[`device utils get status name 6`] = `"Used in other window"`;
exports[`device utils get status name 7`] = `"Disconnected"`;
exports[`device utils get status name 8`] = `"Unavailable"`;
exports[`device utils get version 1`] = `"One"`;
exports[`device utils get version 2`] = `"One"`;
exports[`device utils get version 3`] = `"One"`;
exports[`device utils get version 4`] = `"One"`;
exports[`device utils get version 5`] = `"One"`;
exports[`device utils get version 6`] = `"T"`;
exports[`device utils isDisabled 1`] = `false`;
exports[`device utils isDisabled 2`] = `true`;
exports[`device utils isWebUSB 1`] = `true`;
exports[`device utils isWebUSB 2`] = `false`;
exports[`device utils isWebUSB 3`] = `true`;

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`eth utils calcGasPrice 1`] = `"89090990901"`;
exports[`eth utils decimalToHex 1`] = `"0"`;
exports[`eth utils decimalToHex 2`] = `"1"`;
exports[`eth utils decimalToHex 3`] = `"2"`;
exports[`eth utils decimalToHex 4`] = `"64"`;
exports[`eth utils decimalToHex 5`] = `"2540be3ff"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 1`] = `"9999999999"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 2`] = `"100"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 3`] = `"2"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 4`] = `"1"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 5`] = `"0"`;
exports[`eth utils hexToDecimal 6`] = `"null"`;
exports[`eth utils padLeftEven 1`] = `"02540be3ff"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 1`] = `"0x02540be3ff"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 2`] = `"0x01"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 3`] = `"0x02"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 4`] = `"0x0100"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 5`] = `"0x0999"`;
exports[`eth utils sanitizeHex 6`] = `""`;
exports[`eth utils strip 1`] = `""`;
exports[`eth utils strip 2`] = `"02540be3ff"`;
exports[`eth utils strip 3`] = `"02540be3ff"`;

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`format utils btckb2satoshib 1`] = `0`;
exports[`format utils btckb2satoshib 2`] = `100000`;
exports[`format utils btckb2satoshib 3`] = `200000`;
exports[`format utils btckb2satoshib 4`] = `10000000`;
exports[`format utils btckb2satoshib 5`] = `99900000`;
exports[`format utils formatAmount 1`] = `"0 btc"`;
exports[`format utils formatAmount 2`] = `"10 mBTC"`;
exports[`format utils formatAmount 3`] = `"0.000005 mBTC"`;
exports[`format utils formatAmount 4`] = `"1e-8 eth"`;
exports[`format utils formatAmount 5`] = `"0.00099999 tau"`;
exports[`format utils formatTime 1`] = `"No time estimate"`;
exports[`format utils formatTime 2`] = `"1 minutes"`;
exports[`format utils formatTime 3`] = `"2 minutes"`;
exports[`format utils formatTime 4`] = `"1 hour 40 minutes"`;
exports[`format utils formatTime 5`] = `"16 hours 39 minutes"`;
exports[`format utils formatTime 6`] = `"45 minutes"`;
exports[`format utils hexToString 1`] = `"test"`;
exports[`format utils hexToString 2`] = `"0001"`;
exports[`format utils hexToString 3`] = `"test99999"`;
exports[`format utils stringToHex 1`] = `"0074006500730074"`;
exports[`format utils stringToHex 2`] = `"0030003000300031"`;
exports[`format utils stringToHex 3`] = `"007400650073007400390039003900390039"`;

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`device utils get icon 1`] = `
Array [
"M693.024 330.944c-99.968-99.936-262.080-99.936-362.048 0s-99.968 262.112 0 362.080c99.968 100 262.144 99.936 362.048 0 99.968-99.904 99.968-262.176 0-362.080zM507.904 300.192c27.008 0 48.992 21.984 48.992 49.088 0 27.296-21.984 49.472-48.992 49.472-27.264 0-49.536-22.176-49.536-49.472 0-27.552 21.728-49.088 49.536-49.088zM586.656 660.8c0 10.304-4.96 15.328-15.264 15.328h-126.464c-10.304 0-15.328-5.024-15.328-15.328v-32.256c0-10.304 5.024-15.264 15.328-15.264h23.36v-136.064h-23.872c-10.304 0-15.264-5.024-15.264-15.328v-32.224c0-10.304 4.96-15.264 15.264-15.264h88.288c10.304 0 15.264 4.96 15.264 15.264v183.648h23.424c10.304 0 15.264 4.96 15.264 15.264v32.224z",
exports[`device utils get icon 2`] = `
Array [
"M693.12 330.88c-46.317-46.267-110.276-74.88-180.919-74.88-141.385 0-256 114.615-256 256s114.615 256 256 256c70.642 0 134.602-28.613 180.921-74.882l-0.002 0.002c46.387-46.337 75.081-110.377 75.081-181.12s-28.694-134.783-75.079-181.118l-0.002-0.002zM494.080 344.32h53.12c16 0 18.24 9.28 18.24 14.72v10.24l-10.88 194.56c0 14.4-8 17.28-18.88 17.28h-28.16c-10.56 0-17.28-2.88-18.88-17.92l-10.88-193.92v-10.56c-1.28-4.8 2.24-14.080 16.32-14.080zM521.28 717.76c-0.095 0.001-0.207 0.001-0.319 0.001-27.747 0-50.24-22.493-50.24-50.24s22.493-50.24 50.24-50.24c27.747 0 50.24 22.493 50.24 50.24 0 0.112 0 0.224-0.001 0.336v-0.017c0 0 0 0.001 0 0.001 0 27.634-22.311 50.057-49.903 50.239h-0.017z",
exports[`device utils get icon 3`] = `
Array [
"M795.616 735.008l-264.896-465.44c-10.272-18.080-27.168-18.080-37.504 0l-264.864 465.44c-10.272 18.176-1.696 32.992 19.040 32.992h529.184c20.8 0 29.376-14.816 19.040-32.992zM549.76 673.12c0 10.464-8.48 18.976-18.912 18.976h-37.792c-10.336 0-18.912-8.512-18.912-18.976v-37.952c0-10.464 8.576-18.976 18.912-18.976h37.792c10.4 0 18.912 8.544 18.912 18.976v37.952zM549.76 559.264c0 10.464-8.48 18.976-18.912 18.976h-37.792c-10.336 0-18.912-8.512-18.912-18.976v-113.856c0-10.464 8.576-18.976 18.912-18.976h37.792c10.4 0 18.912 8.544 18.912 18.976v113.856z",
exports[`device utils get icon 4`] = `
Array [
"M692.8 313.92l-1.92-1.92c-6.246-7.057-15.326-11.484-25.44-11.484s-19.194 4.427-25.409 11.448l-0.031 0.036-196.48 224-3.84 1.6-3.84-1.92-48.64-57.28c-7.010-7.905-17.193-12.862-28.533-12.862-21.031 0-38.080 17.049-38.080 38.080 0 7.495 2.165 14.485 5.905 20.377l-0.092-0.155 100.8 148.16c5.391 8.036 14.386 13.292 24.618 13.44h8.662c17.251-0.146 32.385-9.075 41.163-22.529l0.117-0.191 195.2-296.32c4.473-6.632 7.141-14.803 7.141-23.597 0-11.162-4.297-21.32-11.326-28.911l0.025 0.028z",
exports[`device utils get icon 5`] = `undefined`;
exports[`device utils get icon 6`] = `undefined`;
exports[`device utils get status 1`] = `"#1E7FF0"`;
exports[`device utils get status 2`] = `"#ED1212"`;
exports[`device utils get status 3`] = `"#EB8A00"`;
exports[`device utils get status 4`] = `"#01B757"`;
exports[`device utils get status 5`] = `null`;
exports[`device utils get status 6`] = `null`;

@ -1,112 +1,87 @@
import * as dUtils from 'utils/device'; import * as utils from 'utils/device';
describe('device utils', () => { describe('device utils', () => {
it('get status', () => { it('get status', () => {
const deviceMock = [ expect(utils.getStatus({ connected: false }))
{ .toBe('disconnected');
connected: false,
}, expect(utils.getStatus({ connected: true, available: false }))
{ .toBe('unavailable');
connected: true,
available: false, expect(utils.getStatus({
}, connected: true,
{ available: false,
connected: true, type: null,
available: false, })).toBe('unavailable');
type: null,
connected: true,
available: true,
type: 'acquired',
connected: true,
available: true,
type: 'unacquired',
connected: true,
available: true,
type: 'acquired',
status: 'occupied',
deviceMock.forEach((device) => { expect(utils.getStatus({
expect(dUtils.getStatus(device)).toMatchSnapshot(); connected: true,
}); available: true,
type: 'acquired',
connected: true,
available: true,
type: 'unacquired',
connected: true,
available: true,
type: 'acquired',
status: 'occupied',
}); });
it('isWebUSB', () => { it('isWebUSB', () => {
const data = [ expect(utils.isWebUSB({ type: 'webusb', version: '1.6.0' })).toBe(true);
{ transport: { type: 'webusb', version: '1.6.0' } }, expect(utils.isWebUSB({ type: 'aaaa', version: 'aaaaaa' })).toBe(false);
{ transport: { type: null, version: 'aaaaaa' } }, expect(utils.isWebUSB({ type: 'webusb' })).toBe(true);
{ transport: { type: 'webusb' } },
data.forEach((item) => {
}); });
it('isDisabled', () => { it('isDisabled', () => {
const data = [ expect(utils.isDisabled(
{ selectedDevice: { features: null }, devices: [1, 2, 3], transport: { version: 'webusb' } }, { selectedDevice: { features: null } },
{ selectedDevice: { features: null }, devices: [], transport: { version: 'test' } }, [1, 2, 3],
]; {
version: 'webusb',
data.forEach((item) => { expect(utils.isDisabled(
expect(dUtils.isDisabled(item.selectedDevice, item.devices, item.transport)).toMatchSnapshot(); { features: null }, [], { version: 'test' },
}); )).toBe(true);
}); });
it('get version', () => { it('get version', () => {
const deviceMock = [ expect(utils.getVersion({})).toBe('One');
{ }, expect(utils.getVersion({ features: {} })).toBe('One');
{ features: {} }, expect(utils.getVersion({ features: { major_version: null } })).toBe('One');
{ features: { major_version: null } }, expect(utils.getVersion({ features: { major_version: 0 } })).toBe('One');
{ features: { major_version: 0 } }, expect(utils.getVersion({ features: { major_version: 1 } })).toBe('One');
{ features: { major_version: 1 } }, expect(utils.getVersion({ features: { major_version: 2 } })).toBe('T');
{ features: { major_version: 2 } },
deviceMock.forEach((device) => {
}); });
it('get status color', () => { it('get status color', () => {
const entry = [ expect(utils.getStatusColor(0)).toBe('#494949');
0, expect(utils.getStatusColor(null)).toBe('#494949');
null, expect(utils.getStatusColor('sdsdsdsd')).toBe('#494949');
'sdsdsdsd', expect(utils.getStatusColor('used-in-other-window')).toBe('#EB8A00');
'used-in-other-window', expect(utils.getStatusColor('connected')).toBe('#01B757');
'connected', expect(utils.getStatusColor('unacquired')).toBe('#EB8A00');
'unacquired', expect(utils.getStatusColor('disconnected')).toBe('#ED1212');
'disconnected', expect(utils.getStatusColor('unavailable')).toBe('#ED1212');
entry.forEach((status) => {
}); });
it('get status name', () => { it('get status name', () => {
const entry = [ expect(utils.getStatusName(0)).toBe('Status unknown');
0, expect(utils.getStatusName(null)).toBe('Status unknown');
null, expect(utils.getStatusName('sdsdsdsd')).toBe('Status unknown');
'sdsdsdsd', expect(utils.getStatusName('used-in-other-window')).toBe('Used in other window');
'used-in-other-window', expect(utils.getStatusName('connected')).toBe('Connected');
'connected', expect(utils.getStatusName('unacquired')).toBe('Used in other window');
'unacquired', expect(utils.getStatusName('disconnected')).toBe('Disconnected');
'disconnected', expect(utils.getStatusName('unavailable')).toBe('Unavailable');
entry.forEach((status) => {
}); });
}); });

@ -1,53 +1,44 @@
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import * as ethUtils from '../ethUtils'; import * as utils from '../ethUtils';
describe('eth utils', () => { describe('eth utils', () => {
it('decimalToHex', () => { it('decimalToHex', () => {
const input = [0, 1, 2, 100, 9999999999]; expect(utils.decimalToHex(0)).toBe('0');
input.forEach((entry) => { expect(utils.decimalToHex(2)).toBe('2');
expect(ethUtils.decimalToHex(entry)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(utils.decimalToHex(100)).toBe('64');
}); expect(utils.decimalToHex(9999999999)).toBe('2540be3ff');
}); });
// TODO: decimal as string ?????
it('hexToDecimal', () => { it('hexToDecimal', () => {
const input = ['2540be3ff', '64', '2', '1', '0', '']; expect(utils.hexToDecimal('2540be3ff')).toBe('9999999999');
input.forEach((entry) => { expect(utils.hexToDecimal(2)).toBe('2');
expect(ethUtils.hexToDecimal(entry)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(utils.hexToDecimal(1)).toBe('1');
}); expect(utils.hexToDecimal(0)).toBe('0');
}); });
it('padLeftEven', () => { it('padLeftEven', () => {
const input = ['2540be3ff']; expect(utils.padLeftEven('2540be3ff')).toBe('02540be3ff');
input.forEach((entry) => {
}); });
it('sanitizeHex', () => { it('sanitizeHex', () => {
const input = ['0x2540be3ff', '1', '2', '100', '999', '']; expect(utils.sanitizeHex('0x2540be3ff')).toBe('0x02540be3ff');
input.forEach((entry) => { expect(utils.sanitizeHex('2')).toBe('0x02');
expect(ethUtils.sanitizeHex(entry)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(utils.sanitizeHex('100')).toBe('0x0100');
}); expect(utils.sanitizeHex('999')).toBe('0x0999');
}); });
it('strip', () => { it('strip', () => {
const input = ['0x', '0x2540be3ff', '2540be3ff']; expect(utils.strip('0x')).toBe('');
input.forEach((entry) => { expect(utils.strip('2540be3ff')).toBe('02540be3ff');
}); });
it('calcGasPrice', () => { it('calculate gas price', () => {
const input = [{ price: new BigNumber(9898998989), limit: '9' }]; expect(utils.calcGasPrice(new BigNumber(9898998989), 9)).toBe('89090990901');
input.forEach((entry) => {
expect(ethUtils.calcGasPrice(entry.price, entry.limit)).toMatchSnapshot();
}); });
}); });

@ -1,49 +1,41 @@
import * as formatUtils from '../formatUtils'; import * as utils from '../formatUtils';
describe('format utils', () => { describe('format utils', () => {
// TODO: check this weird function
it('formatAmount', () => { it('formatAmount', () => {
const input = [ expect(utils.formatAmount(0, { isBitcoin: false, shortcut: 'mbtc' }, 'mbtc')).toBe('0 mbtc');
{ amount: 0, coinInfo: { isBitcoin: true, currencyUnits: 'mbtc', shortcut: 'btc' } }, expect(utils.formatAmount(1000000, { isBitcoin: true }, 'mbtc')).toBe('10 mBTC');
{ amount: 1000000, coinInfo: { isBitcoin: true, currencyUnits: 'mbtc', shortcut: 'btc' } }, expect(utils.formatAmount(0.5, { isBitcoin: true }, 'mbtc')).toBe('0.000005 mBTC');
{ amount: 0.5, coinInfo: { isBitcoin: true, currencyUnits: 'mbtc', shortcut: 'btc' } }, expect(utils.formatAmount(1, { isBitcoin: false, shortcut: 'eth' }, null)).toBe('1e-8 eth');
{ amount: 1, coinInfo: { isBitcoin: false, shortcut: 'eth' } }, expect(utils.formatAmount(99999, { isBitcoin: false, shortcut: 'tau' }, null)).toBe('0.00099999 tau');
{ amount: 99999, coinInfo: { isBitcoin: false, shortcut: 'tau' } },
input.forEach((entry) => {
expect(formatUtils.formatAmount(entry.amount, entry.coinInfo, entry.coinInfo.currencyUnits)).toMatchSnapshot();
}); });
it('formatTime', () => { it('format time', () => {
const input = [0, 1, 2, 100, 999, 45]; expect(utils.formatTime(0)).toBe('No time estimate');
expect(utils.formatTime(1)).toBe('1 minutes'); // TODO: should be minute
input.forEach((entry) => { expect(utils.formatTime(2)).toBe('2 minutes');
expect(formatUtils.formatTime(entry)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(utils.formatTime(45)).toBe('45 minutes');
}); expect(utils.formatTime(100)).toBe('1 hour 40 minutes');
expect(utils.formatTime(999)).toBe('16 hours 39 minutes');
}); });
it('btckb2satoshib', () => { it('btckb2satoshib', () => {
const input = [0, 1, 2, 100, 999]; expect(utils.btckb2satoshib(0)).toBe(0);
input.forEach((entry) => { expect(utils.btckb2satoshib(2)).toBe(200000);
expect(formatUtils.btckb2satoshib(entry)).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(utils.btckb2satoshib(100)).toBe(10000000);
}); expect(utils.btckb2satoshib(999)).toBe(99900000);
}); });
it('stringToHex', () => { it('string to hex', () => {
const input = ['test', '0001', 'test99999']; expect(utils.stringToHex('test')).toBe('0074006500730074');
input.forEach((entry) => { expect(utils.stringToHex('test99999')).toBe('007400650073007400390039003900390039');
}); });
it('hexToString', () => { it('hex to string', () => {
const input = ['0074006500730074', '0030003000300031', '007400650073007400390039003900390039']; expect(utils.hexToString('0074006500730074')).toBe('test');
input.forEach((entry) => { expect(utils.hexToString('007400650073007400390039003900390039')).toBe('test99999');
}); });
}); });

@ -1,32 +1,12 @@
import * as nUtils from 'utils/notification'; import * as utils from 'utils/notification';
describe('device utils', () => { describe('notification utils', () => {
it('get status', () => { it('get colors from status', () => {
const types = [ expect(utils.getPrimaryColor('info')).toBe('#1E7FF0');
'info', expect(utils.getPrimaryColor('warning')).toBe('#EB8A00');
'error', expect(utils.getPrimaryColor('error')).toBe('#ED1212');
'warning', expect(utils.getPrimaryColor('success')).toBe('#01B757');
'success', expect(utils.getPrimaryColor('kdsjflds')).toBe(null);
'kdsjflds', expect(utils.getPrimaryColor('')).toBe(null);
types.forEach((type) => {
it('get icon', () => {
const types = [
types.forEach((type) => {
}); });
}); });
