TREZOR Wallet is an easy-to-use interface for your TREZOR.
+TREZOR Wallet allows you to easily control your funds, manage your balance and initiate transfers.
- -TREZOR Wallet is an easy-to-use interface for your TREZOR.
-TREZOR Wallet allows you to easily control your funds, manage your balance and initiate transfers.
New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your TREZOR and your internet browser.
- {target.signature && (
- Check PGP signature
+ New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your TREZOR and your internet browser.
- No, i dont want to upgrade Bridge now
+ {target.signature && (
+ Check PGP signature
+ )}
+ { => (
- Take me
+ No, i dont want to upgrade Bridge now
+ Take me