"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET":"You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS":"{trezorBetaWallet} is a public feature-testing version of the {trezorWallet}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR":"In contrast, {trezorWallet} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
"TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR":"Please note that the {trezorBetaWallet} might be collecting anonymized usage data, especially error logs, for development purposes. The {trezorWallet} does not log any data.",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET_IS_AN_EASY_DASH":"Trezor Wallet je komfortní rozhraní pro Vaše zařízení Trezor. Z rozhraní Wallet můžete snadno spravovat své účty, přijímat a odesílat platby.",
"TR_THE_PRIVATE_BANK_IN_YOUR_HANDS":"Soukromá banka ve Vašich rukou.",
"TR_CONNECT_TREZOR_TO_CONTINUE":"Pro pokračování připojte Trezor",