You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

204 lines
14 KiB

5 years ago
"TR_TERMS": "Terms",
"TR_EXCHANGE_RATES_BY": "Exchange rates by {service}",
"TR_MENU": "Menu",
"TR_MENU_CLOSE": "Закрити",
5 years ago
"TR_TREZOR": "Trezor",
"TR_WIKI": "Wiki",
"TR_BLOG": "Blog",
"TR_SUPPORT": "Підтримка",
"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS": "Попередження: Цей журнал може містити Ваш XPUB. Ви даєте йому до третьої сторони, ви дозволяєте його, щоб побачити всю цю операцію історії. Надаючи його третій стороні, Ви тим самим дозволяєте побачити історію Ваших транзакцій.",
"TR_LOG": "Журнал",
5 years ago
"TR_CONFIRM_ACTION_ON_YOUR": "Confirm action on your Trezor",
"TR_CONFIRM_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Confirm address on Trezor",
"TR_PLEASE_COMPARE_YOUR_ADDRESS": "Please compare your address on device with address shown bellow",
"TR_CONFIRM_TRANSACTION_ON": "Confirm transaction on {deviceLabel} device",
"TR_DETAILS_ARE_SHOWN_ON": "Details are shown on display",
"TR_TO_LABEL": "Кому",
"TR_SEND_LABEL": "Надіслати",
5 years ago
"TR_FEE_LABEL": "Fee",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device {deviceLabel} is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_LABEL_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device {deviceLabel} is unavailable",
5 years ago
"TR_PLEASE_CONNECT_YOUR_DEVICE": "Please connect your device to continue with the verification process",
"TR_PLEASE_ENABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please enable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
"TR_PLEASE_DISABLE_PASSPHRASE": "Please disable passphrase settings to continue with the verification process.",
5 years ago
"TR_SHOW_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS": "Show unverified address",
"TR_TRY_AGAIN": "Спробуйте ще раз",
5 years ago
"TR_TO_PREVENT_PHISHING_ATTACKS_COMMA": "To prevent phishing attacks, you should verify the address on your Trezor first. {claim}",
"TR_FORGET_LABEL": "Forget {deviceLabel}?",
"TR_DONT_FORGET": "Не забувати",
"TR_FORGETTING_ONLY_REMOVES_THE_DEVICE_FROM": "Забування тільки видаляє пристрій зі списку зліва. Ваші біткоіни як і раніше знаходяться в безпеці і Ви можете знову отримати доступ до них через підключення до Trezorу.",
5 years ago
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO": "Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE": "Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR": "Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET": "Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET": "Continue to access your standard wallet.",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_OPTIONAL_FEATURE": "Passphrase is an optional feature of the Trezor device that is recommended for advanced users only. It is a word or a sentence of your choice. Its main purpose is to access a hidden wallet.",
"TR_ASKED_ENTER_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_TO_UNLOCK": "You will be asked to enter your passphrase to unlock your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CARDANO_WALLET": "Cardano wallet",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED_TO_EXTERNAL": "You will be redirected to external wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_EXTERNAL_WALLET": "Go to external wallet",
"TR_NEM_WALLET": "NEM Wallet",
5 years ago
"TR_WE_HAVE_PARTNERED_UP_WITH_THE_NEM": "We have partnered up with the NEM Foundation to provide you with a full-fledged NEM Wallet.",
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL": "Make sure you download the Universal Client for Trezor support.",
"TR_GO_TO_NEM_DOT_IO": "Go to",
"TR_STELLAR_WALLET": "Stellar wallet",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PASSPHRASE": "Enter {deviceLabel} passphrase",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE": "Note: Passphrase is case-sensitive.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA": "Якщо Ви забудете свою кодову фразу, Ваш гаманець втрачається назавжди. Не існує ніякого способу для його відновлення.",
5 years ago
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE": "Confirm Passphrase",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH": "Кодові фрази не співпадають!",
"TR_SHOW_PASSPHRASE": "Показати кодову фразу",
"TR_ENTER": "Ввести",
"TR_PASSPHRASE": "Кодова фраза",
5 years ago
"TR_ENTERED_PIN_NOT_CORRECT": "Entered PIN for {deviceLabel} is not correct",
"TR_RETRYING_DOT_DOT": "Retrying...",
"TR_THE_PIN_LAYOUT_IS_DISPLAYED_ON": "The PIN layout is displayed on your Trezor.",
"TR_ENTER_DEVICE_PIN": "Enter {deviceLabel} PIN",
"TR_ENTER_PIN": "Enter PIN",
"TR_NOT_SURE_HOW_PIN_WORKS": "Not sure how PIN works? {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_SCAN_QR_CODE": "Сканувати QR-код",
"TR_WAITING_FOR_CAMERA": "Очікування камери …",
5 years ago
"TR_OOPS_SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG": "Oops! Something went wrong!",
"TR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED": "Permission to access the camera was denied.",
"TR_CAMERA_NOT_RECOGNIZED": "The camera was not recognized.",
"TR_UNKOWN_ERROR_SEE_CONSOLE": "Unknown error. See console logs for details.",
"TR_YOU_WERE_DISCONNECTED_DOT": "You were disconnected.",
"TR_PLEASE_RELOAD_THE_PAGE_DOT": "Please check your Internet connection and reload the page.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_BRIDGE_IS_AVAILABLE": "New Trezor Bridge is available.",
"TR_NEW_TREZOR_FIRMWARE_IS_AVAILABLE_DOT": "Доступна нова прошивка Trezor.",
5 years ago
"TR_MINIMUM_ACCOUNT_RESERVE_REQUIRED": "Minimum account reserve required",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE": "Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_DEVICE_SETTINGS": "Device settings",
"TR_ACCOUNT_HASH": "Account #{number}",
"TR_CLEAR": "Очистити",
"TR_CHECK_FOR_DEVICES": "Check for devices",
"TR_ADDRESS": "Адреса",
"TR_LOADING_DOT_DOT_DOT": "Завантаження...",
5 years ago
"TR_TAKE_ME_TO_BITCOIN_WALLET": "Take me to the Bitcoin wallet",
"TR_I_WILL_DO_THAT_LATER": "Ill do that later.",
"TR_SHOW_DETAILS": "Показати деталі",
5 years ago
"TR_UPGRADE_FOR_THE_NEWEST_FEATURES_DOT": "Upgrade for the newest features.",
"TR_LEARN_MORE": "Дізнатися більше",
5 years ago
"TR_GO_TO_STANDARD_WALLET": "Go to your standard wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_HIDDEN_WALLET": "Go to your hidden wallet",
"TR_FORGET_DEVICE": "Забути пристрій?",
"TR_YOU_ARE_OPENING_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "You are opening Trezor Beta Wallet",
5 years ago
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS": "{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR": "In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
"TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR": "Please note that the {TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} might be collecting anonymized usage data, especially error logs, for development purposes. The {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} does not log any data.",
"TR_OK_COMMA_I_UNDERSTAND": "Гаразд, зрозуміло",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET": "Trezor Wallet",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET": "Trezor Beta Wallet",
5 years ago
"TR_YOUR_BROWSER_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED": "Your browser is not supported",
"TR_PLEASE_CHOOSE_ONE_OF_THE_SUPPORTED": "Please choose one of the supported browsers",
"TR_GET_CHROME": "Get Chrome",
"TR_GET_FIREFOX": "Get Firefox",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET_IS_AN_EASY_DASH": "Trezor Wallet is an easy-to-use interface for your Trezor. Trezor Wallet allows you to easily control your funds, manage your balance and initiate transfers.",
"TR_THE_PRIVATE_BANK_IN_YOUR_HANDS": "The private bank in your hands.",
"TR_CONNECT_TREZOR_TO_CONTINUE": "Connect Trezor to continue",
"TR_AND": "and",
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING": "Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET": "Don't have a Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE": "Get one",
5 years ago
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL": "New communication tool to facilitate the connection between your Trezor and your internet browser.",
"TR_DOWNLOAD_LATEST_BRIDGE": "Download latest Bridge {version}",
"TR_LEARN_MORE_ABOUT_LATEST_VERSION": "Learn more about latest version in {TR_CHANGELOG}.",
"TR_CHANGELOG": "Changelog",
"TR_CHECK_PGP_SIGNATURE": "Check PGP signature",
"TR_DONT_UPGRADE_BRIDGE": "No, I don't want to upgrade Bridge now",
"TR_TAKE_ME_BACK_TO_WALLET": "Take me back to the wallet",
"TR_FIND_OUT_MORE_INFO": "Find out more info",
"TR_MODEL_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_COIN": "The coin {coin} is not supported by your Trezor model.",
"TR_INITIALIZING_ACCOUNTS": "Initializing accounts",
"TR_TO_ADD_A_NEW_ACCOUNT_LAST": "To add a new account, last account must have some transactions.",
"TR_TO_ADD_ACCOUNTS": "Щоб додати рахунки, переконайтеся, що пристрій підключено і останній рахунок не є порожнім.",
"TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Додати рахунок",
5 years ago
"TR_OTHER_COINS": "Other coins",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED": "(You will be redirected)",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE": "Change wallet type",
"TR_RENEW_SESSION": "Renew session",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_STANDARD_WALLET": "You are in your standard wallet.",
"TR_YOU_ARE_IN_YOUR_WALLET": "You are in your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_HIDDEN": "Click here to access your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_ACCESS_YOUR_STANDARD": "Click here to access your standard or another hidden wallet.",
"TR_TO_ACCESS_OTHER_WALLETS": "To access other wallets please connect your device.",
"TR_NEED_HELP": "Need help?",
"TR_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES": "Number of devices",
"TR_NAV_SUMMARY": "Summary",
"TR_NAV_RECEIVE": "Отримати",
"TR_NAV_SEND": "Надіслати",
5 years ago
"TR_NAV_SIGN_AND_VERIFY": "Sign & Verify",
"TR_AMOUNT": "Сума",
5 years ago
"TR_SET_MAX": "Set max",
"TR_FEE": "Fee",
"TR_RECOMMENDED_FEES_UPDATED": "Recommended fees updated.",
"TR_CLICK_HERE_TO_USE_THEM": "Click here to use them",
"TR_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Advanced settings",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_CONNECTED": "Device is not connected",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_UNAVAILABLE": "Device is unavailable",
"TR_LOADING_ACCOUNTS": "Завантаження рахунків",
5 years ago
"TR_SEND": "Send {amount}",
"TR_CHECK_ADDRESS_ON_TREZOR": "Check address on Trezor",
"TR_SHOW_FULL_ADDRESS": "Show full address",
"TR_QR_CODE": "QR Code",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_CONNECT": "Unverified address, connect your Trezor to verify it",
"TR_UNVERIFIED_ADDRESS_COMMA_SHOW": "Unverified address, show on Trezor.",
"TR_SHOW_ON_TREZOR": "Показати на Trezor",
5 years ago
"TR_CONNECT_YOUR_TREZOR_TO_CHECK": "Connect your Trezor to verify this address",
"TR_RECEIVE_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Receive Ethereum or tokens",
"TR_RECEIVE_RIPPLE": "Receive Ripple",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT": "Gas limit",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO": "Gas limit refers to the maximum amount of gas user is willing to spendon a particular transaction. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas limit will not get the transaction confirmed sooner. Default value for sending {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} is {gasLimitTooltipValue}.",
"TR_GAS_QUOTATION": "Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_SET_DEFAULT": "Set default",
"TR_CALCULATING_DOT_DOT": "Calculating...",
"TR_GAS_PRICE": "Gas price",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO": "Gas price refers to the amount of ether you are willing to pay for every unit of gas, and is usually measured in “Gwei”. {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas price will get the transaction confirmed sooner but makes it more expensive. The recommended gas price is {recommendedGasPrice} GWEI.",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION": "Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_DATA": "Data",
"TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED": "Data is usually used when you send transactions to contracts.",
"TR_SEND_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS": "Send Ethereum or tokens",
"YOU_HAVE_TOKEN_BALANCE": "You have: {tokenBalance}",
"TR_XRP_TRANSFER_COST": "Transfer cost in XRP drops",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG": "Destination tag",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED": "Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",
"TR_XRP_RESERVE": "Reserve: {value}",
"TR_SEND_RIPPLE": "Send Ripple",
"TR_MESSAGE": "Повідомлення",
"TR_SIGNATURE": "Підпис",
"TR_SIGN": "Підписати",
"TR_VERIFY": "Перевірка",
"TR_VERIFY_MESSAGE": "Перевірка повідомлення",
"TR_SIGN_MESSAGE": "Підписати повідомлення",
5 years ago
"TR_SEE_FULL_TRANSACTION_HISTORY": "See full transaction history",
"TR_TOKENS": "Tokens",
"TR_INSERT_TOKEN_NAME": "Insert token name, symbol or address to be able to send it.",
"TR_TYPE_IN_A_TOKEN_NAME": "Type in a token name or a token address.",
"TR_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND": "Token not found",
"TR_ALREADY_USED": "Already used",
"TR_HISTORY": "History",
"TR_ADD_YOUR_TOKENS": "Add your tokens",
"TR_SEARCH_FOR_THE_TOKEN": "Search for the token or add them manually by pasting token address into search input.",
"TR_BALANCE": "Balance",
"TR_RATE": "Rate",
"TR_DEVICE_USED_IN_OTHER": "Device is used in other window",
"TR_USE_YOUR_DEVICE_IN_THIS_WINDOW": "Do you want to use your device in this window?",
"TR_ACQUIRE_DEVICE": "Acquire device",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_IN_FIRMWARE": "Your device is in firmware update mode",
"TR_PLEASE_RECONNECT_IT": "Please re-connect it",
"TR_PLEASE_SELECT_YOUR": "Please select your coin",
"TR_YOU_WILL_GAIN_ACCESS": "You will gain access to receiving & sending selected coin",
"TR_ITS_TIME_TO_UPDATE_FIRMWARE": "Its time to update your firmware",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_OLD_WALLET": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to update your firmware.",
"TR_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_NOT_INITIALIZED": "Your device is not initialized",
"TR_PLEASE_USE_TO_START_INITIALIZATION": "Please use Bitcoin wallet interface to start initialization process",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_INITIALIZED_IN_SEEDLESS_MODE": "Device is initialized in seedless mode and therefore not allowed to access wallet",
"TR_DEVICE_IS_IN_SEEDLESS": "Device is in seedless mode",
"TR_UNREADABLE_DEVICE": "Unreadable device",
"TR_PLEASE_INSTALL_TREZOR_BRIDGE": "Please install Trezor Bridge"