"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS":"Попередження: Цей журнал може містити Ваш XPUB. Ви даєте йому до третьої сторони, ви дозволяєте його, щоб побачити всю цю операцію історії. Надаючи його третій стороні, Ви тим самим дозволяєте побачити історію Ваших транзакцій.",
"TR_FORGETTING_ONLY_REMOVES_THE_DEVICE_FROM":"Забування тільки видаляє пристрій зі списку зліва. Ваші біткоіни як і раніше знаходяться в безпеці і Ви можете знову отримати доступ до них через підключення до Trezorу.",
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO":"Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_REMEMBER_DEVICE":"Remember device",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR":"Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET":"Continue to access your standard wallet.",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_OPTIONAL_FEATURE":"Passphrase is an optional feature of the Trezor device that is recommended for advanced users only. It is a word or a sentence of your choice. Its main purpose is to access a hidden wallet.",
"TR_ASKED_ENTER_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_TO_UNLOCK":"You will be asked to enter your passphrase to unlock your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CARDANO_WALLET":"Cardano wallet",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED_TO_EXTERNAL":"You will be redirected to external wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_EXTERNAL_WALLET":"Go to external wallet",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA":"Якщо Ви забудете свою кодову фразу, Ваш гаманець втрачається назавжди. Не існує ніякого способу для його відновлення.",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE":"Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_THE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_IS_HIDDEN":"The account balance is hidden.",
"TR_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_EVER_LOST":"If your device is ever lost or damaged, your funds will be lost. Backup your device first, to protect your coins against such events.",
"TR_CREATE_BACKUP_IN_3_MINUTES":"Create a backup in 3 minutes",
"TR_YOUR_TREZOR_IS_NOT_BACKED_UP":"Your Trezor is not backed up",
"TR_SHOW_ADDRESS_I_WILL_TAKE_THE_RISK":"Show address, I will take the risk",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS":"{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR":"In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
"TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR":"Please note that the {TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} might be collecting anonymized usage data, especially error logs, for development purposes. The {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} does not log any data.",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET_IS_AN_EASY_DASH":"Trezor Wallet is an easy-to-use interface for your Trezor. Trezor Wallet allows you to easily control your funds, manage your balance and initiate transfers.",
"TR_THE_PRIVATE_BANK_IN_YOUR_HANDS":"The private bank in your hands.",
"TR_CONNECT_TREZOR_TO_CONTINUE":"Connect Trezor to continue",
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING":"Device not recognized? Try installing the {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET":"Don't have a Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_CONNECT_YOUR_TREZOR_TO_CHECK":"Connect your Trezor to verify this address",
"TR_RECEIVE_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS":"Receive Ethereum or tokens",
"TR_RECEIVE_RIPPLE":"Receive Ripple",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT":"Gas limit",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO":"Gas limit refers to the maximum amount of gas user is willing to spendon a particular transaction. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas limit will not get the transaction confirmed sooner. Default value for sending {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} is {gasLimitTooltipValue}.",
"TR_GAS_QUOTATION":"Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_SET_DEFAULT":"Set default",
"TR_GAS_PRICE":"Gas price",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO":"Gas price refers to the amount of ether you are willing to pay for every unit of gas, and is usually measured in “Gwei”. {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas price will get the transaction confirmed sooner but makes it more expensive. The recommended gas price is {recommendedGasPrice} GWEI.",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION":"Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED":"Data is usually used when you send transactions to contracts.",
"TR_SEND_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS":"Send Ethereum or tokens",
"TR_XRP_TRANSFER_COST":"Transfer cost in XRP drops",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG":"Destination tag",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED":"Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",