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import type {
Location as RouterLocation
} from 'react-router';
declare module "react-router-redux" {
// custom state for location
declare export type LocationState = {[key: string] : string};
declare export type Location = {
pathname: string,
search: string,
hash: string,
key?: string,
state: LocationState
declare export var LOCATION_CHANGE: "@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE";
declare export type RouterAction = {
type: typeof LOCATION_CHANGE,
payload: Location;
declare export type State = {
location: Location; // should be ?Location
6 years ago
declare export function push(a: string): RouterAction;
declare export function replace(a: string): RouterAction;
declare export function go(a: string): RouterAction;
declare export function goBack(): RouterAction;
declare export function goForward(): RouterAction;
//declare export function routerReducer<S, A>(state?: S, action: A): S;
declare export function routerReducer(state?: State, action: any): State;
declare export function routerMiddleware(history: any): any;
declare export class ConnectedRouter extends React$Component<{
history: any
}> {}