"TR_ATTENTION_COLON_THE_LOG_CONTAINS":"Warnung: Dieser Log enthält Ihre XPUBs. Dritte können über Ihre XPUBs Ihren gesamten Transaktionsverlauf einsehen.",
"TR_FORGETTING_ONLY_REMOVES_THE_DEVICE_FROM":"Vergessen entfernt das Gerät nur aus der Liste auf der linken Seite – Ihre Bitcoins bleiben sicher und Sie können auf diese zugreifen, wenn Sie Ihren Trezor wieder anschließen.",
"TR_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TREZOR_WALLET_TO":"Would you like Trezor Wallet to forget your {deviceCount, plural, one {device} other {devices}} or to remember {deviceCount, plural, one {it} other {them}}, so that it is still visible even while disconnected?",
"TR_SELECT_WALLET_TYPE_FOR":"Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_CHANGE_WALLET_TYPE_FOR":"Select wallet type for {deviceLabel}",
"TR_STANDARD_WALLET":"Standard wallet",
"TR_HIDDEN_WALLET":"Hidden wallet",
"TR_CONTINUE_TO_ACCESS_STANDARD_WALLET":"Continue to access your standard wallet.",
"TR_PASSPHRASE_IS_OPTIONAL_FEATURE":"Passphrase is an optional feature of the Trezor device that is recommended for advanced users only. It is a word or a sentence of your choice. Its main purpose is to access a hidden wallet.",
"TR_ASKED_ENTER_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_TO_UNLOCK":"You will be asked to enter your passphrase to unlock your hidden wallet.",
"TR_CARDANO_WALLET":"Cardano wallet",
"TR_YOU_WILL_BE_REDIRECTED_TO_EXTERNAL":"You will be redirected to external wallet",
"TR_GO_TO_EXTERNAL_WALLET":"Go to external wallet",
"TR_WE_HAVE_PARTNERED_UP_WITH_THE_NEM":"Wir haben uns mit der NEM Foundation zusammengetan, um Ihnen ein vollwertiges NEM-Wallet zur Verfügung zu stellen.",
"TR_MAKE_SURE_YOU_DOWNLOAD_THE_UNIVERSAL":"Laden Sie sich für Trezor-Unterstützung den Universal Client herunter.",
"TR_NOTE_COLON_PASSPHRASE":" Hinweis: Groß-/Kleinschreibung wird beachtet.",
"TR_IF_YOU_FORGET_YOUR_PASSPHRASE_COMMA":"Wenn Sie Ihre Passphrase vergessen, haben Sie keinen Zugriff mehr auf Ihr Wallet. Es gibt keinen Weg, Ihre Geldmittel wiederherzustellen.",
"TR_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE":"Passphrase bestätigen",
"TR_PASSPHRASES_DO_NOT_MATCH":"Die Passphrasen stimmen nicht überein!",
"TR_RIPPLE_ADDRESSES_REQUIRE_MINIMUM_BALANCE":"Ripple addresses require a minimum balance of {minBalance} XRP to activate and maintain the account. {TR_LEARN_MORE}",
"TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET_IS":"{TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} is a public feature-testing version of the {TR_TREZOR_WALLET}, offering the newest features before they are available to the general public.",
"TR_IN_CONTRAST_COMMA_TREZOR":"In contrast, {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} is feature-conservative, making sure that its functionality is maximally reliable and dependable for the general public.",
"TR_PLEASE_NOTE_THAT_THE_TREZOR":"Please note that the {TR_TREZOR_BETA_WALLET} might be collecting anonymized usage data, especially error logs, for development purposes. The {TR_TREZOR_WALLET} does not log any data.",
"TR_YOUR_BROWSER_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED":"Ihr Browser wird nicht unterstützt",
"TR_PLEASE_CHOOSE_ONE_OF_THE_SUPPORTED":"Bitte wählen Sie einen der unterstützten Browser",
"TR_GET_CHROME":"Chrome herunterladen",
"TR_GET_FIREFOX":"Firefox herunterladen",
"TR_TREZOR_WALLET_IS_AN_EASY_DASH":"Trezor Wallet bietet ein einfaches Interface für Ihren Trezor. Mit diesem Wallet können Sie Ihre Geldmittel kontrollieren, das Saldo verwalten und Zahlungen vornehmen.",
"TR_THE_PRIVATE_BANK_IN_YOUR_HANDS":"Eine private Bank in Ihren Händen.",
"TR_CONNECT_TREZOR_TO_CONTINUE":"Schließen Sie Ihren Trezor an, um fortzufahren",
"TR_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED_TRY_INSTALLING":"Gerät nicht erkannt? Installieren Sie {link}.",
"TR_DONT_HAVE_A_TREZOR_GET":"Sie haben noch keinen Trezor? {getOne}",
"TR_GET_ONE":"Holen Sie sich einen",
"TR_NEW_COMMUNICATION_TOOL":"Ein neues Kommunikations-Tool zur Vereinfachung der Verbindung zwischen Ihrem Trezor und Ihrem Internet-Browser.",
"TR_CONNECT_YOUR_TREZOR_TO_CHECK":"Connect your Trezor to verify this address",
"TR_RECEIVE_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS":"Receive Ethereum or tokens",
"TR_RECEIVE_RIPPLE":"Receive Ripple",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT":"Gas limit",
"TR_GAS_LIMIT_REFERS_TO":"Gas limit refers to the maximum amount of gas user is willing to spendon a particular transaction. {TR_GAS_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas limit will not get the transaction confirmed sooner. Default value for sending {gasLimitTooltipCurrency} is {gasLimitTooltipValue}.",
"TR_GAS_QUOTATION":"Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_SET_DEFAULT":"Set default",
"TR_GAS_PRICE":"Gas price",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_REFERS_TO":"Gas price refers to the amount of ether you are willing to pay for every unit of gas, and is usually measured in “Gwei”. {TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION}. Increasing the gas price will get the transaction confirmed sooner but makes it more expensive. The recommended gas price is {recommendedGasPrice} GWEI.",
"TR_GAS_PRICE_QUOTATION":"Transaction fee = gas limit * gas price",
"TR_DATA_IS_USUALLY_USED":"Data is usually used when you send transactions to contracts.",
"TR_SEND_ETHEREUM_OR_TOKENS":"Send Ethereum or tokens",
"TR_XRP_TRANSFER_COST":"Transfer cost in XRP drops",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG":"Destination tag",
"TR_XRP_DESTINATION_TAG_EXPLAINED":"Destination tag is an arbitrary number which serves as a unique identifier of your transaction. Some services may require this to process your transaction.",