You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

356 lines
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/* @flow */
import TrezorConnect from 'trezor-connect';
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import * as SEND from 'actions/constants/send';
import { findDevice, getPendingAmount } from 'reducers/utils';
import { toDecimalAmount } from 'utils/formatUtils';
import type {
} from 'flowtype';
import type { State, FeeLevel } from 'reducers/SendFormRippleReducer';
import AddressValidator from 'wallet-address-validator';
// general regular expressions
const ABS_RE = new RegExp('^[0-9]+$');
const NUMBER_RE: RegExp = new RegExp('^(0|0\\.([0-9]+)?|[1-9][0-9]*\\.?([0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9]+)$');
const XRP_6_RE = new RegExp('^(0|0\\.([0-9]{0,6})?|[1-9][0-9]*\\.?([0-9]{0,6})?|\\.[0-9]{0,6})$');
* Called from SendFormActions.observe
* Reaction for BLOCKCHAIN.FEE_UPDATED action
export const onFeeUpdated = (network: string, feeLevels: Array<BlockchainFeeLevel>): PayloadAction<void> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => {
const state = getState().sendFormRipple;
if (network === state.networkSymbol) return;
if (!state.untouched) {
// if there is a transaction draft let the user know
// and let him update manually
networkType: 'ripple',
state: {
feeNeedsUpdate: true,
// automatically update feeLevels
const newFeeLevels = dispatch(getFeeLevels(feeLevels));
const selectedFeeLevel = getSelectedFeeLevel(newFeeLevels, state.selectedFeeLevel);
networkType: 'ripple',
state: {
feeNeedsUpdate: false,
feeLevels: newFeeLevels,
* Recalculate amount, total and fees
export const validation = (prevState: State): PayloadAction<State> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): State => {
// clone deep nested object
// to avoid overrides across state history
let state: State = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(getState().sendFormRipple));
// reset errors
state.errors = {};
state.warnings = {};
state.infos = {};
state = dispatch(updateCustomFeeLabel(state));
state = dispatch(recalculateTotalAmount(state));
state = dispatch(addressValidation(state));
state = dispatch(addressLabel(state));
state = dispatch(amountValidation(state));
state = dispatch(feeValidation(state));
state = dispatch(destinationTagValidation(state));
if (state.touched.address && prevState.address !== state.address) {
return state;
const recalculateTotalAmount = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): State => {
const {
} = getState().selectedAccount;
if (!account || account.networkType !== 'ripple' || !network) return $state;
const state = { ...$state };
const fee = toDecimalAmount(state.selectedFeeLevel.fee, network.decimals);
if (state.setMax) {
const pendingAmount = getPendingAmount(pending, state.networkSymbol, false);
const availableBalance = new BigNumber(account.balance).minus(account.reserve).minus(pendingAmount);
state.amount = calculateMaxAmount(availableBalance, fee);
} = calculateTotal(state.amount, fee);
return state;
const updateCustomFeeLabel = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): State => {
const { network } = getState().selectedAccount;
if (!network) return $state; // flowtype fallback
const state = { ...$state };
if ($state.selectedFeeLevel.value === 'Custom') {
state.selectedFeeLevel = {
fee: state.fee,
label: `${toDecimalAmount(state.fee, network.decimals)} ${state.networkSymbol}`,
return state;
* Address value validation
const addressValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): State => {
const state = { ...$state };
if (!state.touched.address) return state;
const { account, network } = getState().selectedAccount;
if (!account || !network) return state;
const { address } = state;
if (address.length < 1) {
state.errors.address = 'Address is not set';
} else if (!AddressValidator.validate(address, 'XRP')) {
state.errors.address = 'Address is not valid';
} else if (address.toLowerCase() === account.descriptor.toLowerCase()) {
state.errors.address = 'Cannot send to myself';
return state;
* Address balance validation
* Fetch data from trezor-connect and set minimum required amount in reducer
const addressBalanceValidation = ($state: State): PromiseAction<void> => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): Promise<void> => {
const { network } = getState().selectedAccount;
if (!network) return;
let minAmount: string = '0';
const response = await TrezorConnect.rippleGetAccountInfo({
account: {
descriptor: $state.address,
coin: network.shortcut,
if (response.success) {
const empty = response.payload.sequence <= 0 && response.payload.balance === '0';
if (empty) {
minAmount = toDecimalAmount(response.payload.reserve, network.decimals);
// TODO: consider checking local (known) accounts reserve instead of async fetching
// a2 (not empty): rJX2KwzaLJDyFhhtXKi3htaLfaUH2tptEX
// a4 (empty): r9skfe7kZkvqss7oMB3tuj4a59PXD5wRa2
networkType: 'ripple',
state: {
* Address label assignation
const addressLabel = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): State => {
const state = { ...$state };
if (!state.touched.address || state.errors.address) return state;
const {
} = getState().selectedAccount;
if (!account || !network) return state;
const { address } = state;
const savedAccounts = getState().accounts.filter(a => a.descriptor.toLowerCase() === address.toLowerCase());
if (savedAccounts.length > 0) {
// check if found account belongs to this network
const currentNetworkAccount = savedAccounts.find(a => === network.shortcut);
if (currentNetworkAccount) {
const device = findDevice(getState().devices, currentNetworkAccount.deviceID, currentNetworkAccount.deviceState);
if (device) {
state.infos.address = `${device.instanceLabel} Account #${(currentNetworkAccount.index + 1)}`;
} else {
// corner-case: the same derivation path is used on different networks
const otherNetworkAccount = savedAccounts[0];
const device = findDevice(getState().devices, otherNetworkAccount.deviceID, otherNetworkAccount.deviceState);
const { networks } = getState().localStorage.config;
const otherNetwork = networks.find(c => c.shortcut ===;
if (device && otherNetwork) {
state.warnings.address = `Looks like it's ${device.instanceLabel} Account #${(otherNetworkAccount.index + 1)} address of ${} network`;
return state;
* Amount value validation
const amountValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): State => {
const state = { ...$state };
if (!state.touched.amount) return state;
const {
} = getState().selectedAccount;
6 years ago
if (!account || account.networkType !== 'ripple') return state;
const { amount } = state;
if (amount.length < 1) {
state.errors.amount = 'Amount is not set';
} else if (amount.length > 0 && !amount.match(NUMBER_RE)) {
state.errors.amount = 'Amount is not a number';
} else {
const pendingAmount: BigNumber = getPendingAmount(pending, state.networkSymbol);
if (!state.amount.match(XRP_6_RE)) {
state.errors.amount = 'Maximum 6 decimals allowed';
} else if (new BigNumber( BigNumber(account.balance).minus(pendingAmount))) {
state.errors.amount = 'Not enough funds';
if (!state.errors.amount && new BigNumber(account.balance).minus( {
state.errors.amount = `Not enough funds. Reserved amount for this account is ${account.reserve} ${state.networkSymbol}`;
if (!state.errors.amount && new BigNumber(state.amount).lt(state.minAmount)) {
state.errors.amount = `Amount is too low. Minimum amount for creating a new account is ${state.minAmount} ${state.networkSymbol}`;
return state;
* Fee value validation
export const feeValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): State => {
const state = { ...$state };
if (!state.touched.fee) return state;
const {
} = getState().selectedAccount;
if (!network) return state;
const { fee } = state;
if (fee.length < 1) {
state.errors.fee = 'Fee is not set';
} else if (fee.length > 0 && !fee.match(ABS_RE)) {
state.errors.fee = 'Fee must be an absolute number';
} else {
const gl: BigNumber = new BigNumber(fee);
if (gl.isLessThan(network.fee.minFee)) {
state.errors.fee = 'Fee is below recommended';
} else if (gl.isGreaterThan(network.fee.maxFee)) {
state.errors.fee = 'Fee is above recommended';
return state;
* Destination Tag value validation
export const destinationTagValidation = ($state: State): PayloadAction<State> => (): State => {
const state = { ...$state };
if (!state.touched.destinationTag) return state;
const { destinationTag } = state;
if (destinationTag.length > 0 && !destinationTag.match(ABS_RE)) {
state.errors.destinationTag = 'Destination tag must be an absolute number';
return state;
const calculateTotal = (amount: string, fee: string): string => {
try {
return new BigNumber(amount).plus(fee).toFixed();
} catch (error) {
return '0';
const calculateMaxAmount = (balance: BigNumber, fee: string): string => {
try {
// TODO - minus pendings
const max = balance.minus(fee);
if (max.isLessThan(0)) return '0';
return max.toFixed();
} catch (error) {
return '0';
// Generate FeeLevel dataset for "fee" select
export const getFeeLevels = (feeLevels: Array<BlockchainFeeLevel>, selected?: FeeLevel): PayloadAction<Array<FeeLevel>> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): Array<FeeLevel> => {
const { network } = getState().selectedAccount;
if (!network) return []; // flowtype fallback
// map BlockchainFeeLevel to SendFormReducer FeeLevel
const levels = => ({
fee: level.value,
label: `${toDecimalAmount(level.value, network.decimals)} ${network.symbol}`,
// add "Custom" level
const customLevel = selected && selected.value === 'Custom' ? {
value: 'Custom',
fee: selected.fee,
label: `${toDecimalAmount(selected.fee, network.decimals)} ${network.symbol}`,
} : {
value: 'Custom',
fee: '0',
label: '',
return levels.concat([customLevel]);
export const getSelectedFeeLevel = (feeLevels: Array<FeeLevel>, selected: FeeLevel): FeeLevel => {
const { value } = selected;
let selectedFeeLevel: ?FeeLevel;
selectedFeeLevel = feeLevels.find(f => f.value === value);
if (!selectedFeeLevel) {
// fallback to default
selectedFeeLevel = feeLevels.find(f => f.value === 'Normal');
return selectedFeeLevel || selected;