You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
3.4 KiB

import React from 'react';
import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import {
} from 'utils/device';
import TrezorImage from 'components/images/TrezorImage';
import colors from 'config/colors';
import { FONT_SIZE, FONT_WEIGHT } from 'config/variables';
const Wrapper = styled.div`
position: relative;
height: 70px;
width: 320px;
z-index: 10;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: 0px 25px;
background: ${props => (props.disabled ? colors.GRAY_LIGHT : 'transparent')};
background: ${props => (props.isSelected ? colors.WHITE : 'transparent')};
cursor: pointer;
6 years ago
border-radius: 4px 0 0 0;
box-shadow: ${props => (props.disabled ? 'none' : '0 3px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)')};
${props => (props.isOpen || !props.isSelected) && css`
box-shadow: none;
${props => props.disabled && css`
cursor: default;
${props => props.isHoverable && !props.disabled && css`
&:hover {
background: ${colors.GRAY_LIGHT};
const LabelWrapper = styled.div`
flex: 1 1 auto;
padding-left: 18px;
overflow: hidden;
const Name = styled.div`
display: block;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
font-weight: ${FONT_WEIGHT.MEDIUM};
color: ${colors.TEXT_PRIMARY};
const Status = styled.div`
display: block;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
font-size: ${FONT_SIZE.SMALL};
color: ${colors.TEXT_SECONDARY};
const IconWrapper = styled.div`
display: flex;
flex: 1 0 0;
justify-content: flex-end;
const ImageWrapper = styled.div`
position: relative;
const Dot = styled.div`
border: 2px solid ${colors.WHITE};
border-radius: 50%;
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
background: ${props => props.color};
top: -4px;
right: -3px;
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
const DeviceHeader = ({
isHoverable = true,
isAccessible = true,
disabled = false,
isSelected = false,
Integration tests (#311) * Add base test env * Add eslint rules for cypress * Add configs and scripts in package json * Added docker file for bridge and emualator * Bridge install progress * Bridge install next step * Add task for integration tests * Fixed deps * Added baseUrl * Added baseUrl fix * Added npx * Added caching for cypress bin * Added path to binary * Install cypress * Finalized dockerfile * Fixed bridge lib path * Fixed path for binary * Adjust script again * Run all the things properly * Try to run the tests * First POC test * First POC test in gitlab * Fixed flow * Fixed gitlab test url, try docker service * export artifacts * Test only integration tests in CI * Test only integration tests in CI 2 * Test only integration tests in CI 3 * Added tests for initialize device * Try to add docker in only one step * Turn on other integration steps * Correct node version * Ignore cache in flow * Run bridge and emulator in debug link mode * Fix param * Try to run new config in CI * init device in docker * Remove docker image after run * Remove amp * Fix path * Artifacts on fail * Artifacts on fail with volume * Artifacts on fail with volume 2 * Install mkdir * Install mkdir again * test * test 2 * test 3 * test 4 * test 5 * test 6 * test 7 * test 8 * test 9 * test 10 * test 11 * test 12 * test 13 * test 14 * test 15 * test 16 * test 17 * Revert "test 17" This reverts commit f3f6c0d6906cdc470aa11ae728b4b61a6b71a732. * test 18 * test 19 * test 20 * test 21 try chrome * test 22 * test 23 * test 24 * test 25 * test 25 try to install chrome again * test 25 try to install chrome again * Added missing deps * Added debug * Install chromium * Install chromium 2 * turn on chromium * turn off debug * turn on debug * fix folder * turn off debug * Fix init device * Add header dashboard test * Bring things back * clean * clean fix * Build image in CI * Added stage step * Added docker image * Added service * Added tests to docker image * Refactor a bit * Correct registry image * Build wallet again * Add test for dashbaord content * new node version, more tests * Remove unused code * typo * Correct snapshots, moved deps to dev, beta disclaimer prop
5 years ago
}) => {
const status = getStatus(device);
return (
Integration tests (#311) * Add base test env * Add eslint rules for cypress * Add configs and scripts in package json * Added docker file for bridge and emualator * Bridge install progress * Bridge install next step * Add task for integration tests * Fixed deps * Added baseUrl * Added baseUrl fix * Added npx * Added caching for cypress bin * Added path to binary * Install cypress * Finalized dockerfile * Fixed bridge lib path * Fixed path for binary * Adjust script again * Run all the things properly * Try to run the tests * First POC test * First POC test in gitlab * Fixed flow * Fixed gitlab test url, try docker service * export artifacts * Test only integration tests in CI * Test only integration tests in CI 2 * Test only integration tests in CI 3 * Added tests for initialize device * Try to add docker in only one step * Turn on other integration steps * Correct node version * Ignore cache in flow * Run bridge and emulator in debug link mode * Fix param * Try to run new config in CI * init device in docker * Remove docker image after run * Remove amp * Fix path * Artifacts on fail * Artifacts on fail with volume * Artifacts on fail with volume 2 * Install mkdir * Install mkdir again * test * test 2 * test 3 * test 4 * test 5 * test 6 * test 7 * test 8 * test 9 * test 10 * test 11 * test 12 * test 13 * test 14 * test 15 * test 16 * test 17 * Revert "test 17" This reverts commit f3f6c0d6906cdc470aa11ae728b4b61a6b71a732. * test 18 * test 19 * test 20 * test 21 try chrome * test 22 * test 23 * test 24 * test 25 * test 25 try to install chrome again * test 25 try to install chrome again * Added missing deps * Added debug * Install chromium * Install chromium 2 * turn on chromium * turn off debug * turn on debug * fix folder * turn off debug * Fix init device * Add header dashboard test * Bring things back * clean * clean fix * Build image in CI * Added stage step * Added docker image * Added service * Added tests to docker image * Refactor a bit * Correct registry image * Build wallet again * Add test for dashbaord content * new node version, more tests * Remove unused code * typo * Correct snapshots, moved deps to dev, beta disclaimer prop
5 years ago
<Dot color={getStatusColor(status)} />
<TrezorImage model={getVersion(device)} />
<Status title={getStatusName(status)}>{getStatusName(status)}</Status>
{icon && !disabled && isAccessible && icon}
DeviceHeader.propTypes = {
isAccessible: PropTypes.bool,
device: PropTypes.object,
icon: PropTypes.element,
isHoverable: PropTypes.bool,
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
isOpen: PropTypes.bool,
isSelected: PropTypes.bool,
onClickWrapper: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
className: PropTypes.string,
Integration tests (#311) * Add base test env * Add eslint rules for cypress * Add configs and scripts in package json * Added docker file for bridge and emualator * Bridge install progress * Bridge install next step * Add task for integration tests * Fixed deps * Added baseUrl * Added baseUrl fix * Added npx * Added caching for cypress bin * Added path to binary * Install cypress * Finalized dockerfile * Fixed bridge lib path * Fixed path for binary * Adjust script again * Run all the things properly * Try to run the tests * First POC test * First POC test in gitlab * Fixed flow * Fixed gitlab test url, try docker service * export artifacts * Test only integration tests in CI * Test only integration tests in CI 2 * Test only integration tests in CI 3 * Added tests for initialize device * Try to add docker in only one step * Turn on other integration steps * Correct node version * Ignore cache in flow * Run bridge and emulator in debug link mode * Fix param * Try to run new config in CI * init device in docker * Remove docker image after run * Remove amp * Fix path * Artifacts on fail * Artifacts on fail with volume * Artifacts on fail with volume 2 * Install mkdir * Install mkdir again * test * test 2 * test 3 * test 4 * test 5 * test 6 * test 7 * test 8 * test 9 * test 10 * test 11 * test 12 * test 13 * test 14 * test 15 * test 16 * test 17 * Revert "test 17" This reverts commit f3f6c0d6906cdc470aa11ae728b4b61a6b71a732. * test 18 * test 19 * test 20 * test 21 try chrome * test 22 * test 23 * test 24 * test 25 * test 25 try to install chrome again * test 25 try to install chrome again * Added missing deps * Added debug * Install chromium * Install chromium 2 * turn on chromium * turn off debug * turn on debug * fix folder * turn off debug * Fix init device * Add header dashboard test * Bring things back * clean * clean fix * Build image in CI * Added stage step * Added docker image * Added service * Added tests to docker image * Refactor a bit * Correct registry image * Build wallet again * Add test for dashbaord content * new node version, more tests * Remove unused code * typo * Correct snapshots, moved deps to dev, beta disclaimer prop
5 years ago
testId: PropTypes.string,
export default DeviceHeader;