You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

306 lines
11 KiB

/* @flow */
import { push, LOCATION_CHANGE } from 'react-router-redux';
import { routes } from 'support/routes';
import type {
} from 'flowtype';
import type { RouterAction } from 'react-router-redux';
* Parse url string to RouterLocationState object (key/value)
export const pathToParams = (path: string): PayloadAction<RouterLocationState> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): RouterLocationState => {
// split url into parts
const parts: Array<string> = path.split('/').slice(1);
const params: RouterLocationState = {};
// return empty params
if (parts.length < 1 || path === '/') return params;
// map parts to params by key/value
// assuming that url is in format: "/key/value"
for (let i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; i += 2) {
params[parts[i]] = parts[i + 1] || parts[i];
// check for special case: /device/device-id:instance-id
if (params.hasOwnProperty('device')) {
const isClonedDevice: Array<string> = params.device.split(':');
if (isClonedDevice.length > 1) {
params.device = isClonedDevice[0];
params.deviceInstance = isClonedDevice[1];
return params;
* RouterLocationState validation
* Check if requested device or network exists in reducers
export const paramsValidation = (params: RouterLocationState): PayloadAction<boolean> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): boolean => {
// validate requested device
if (params.hasOwnProperty('device')) {
const { devices } = getState();
let device: ?TrezorDevice;
if (params.hasOwnProperty('deviceInstance')) {
device = devices.find(d => d.features && d.features.device_id === params.device && d.instance === parseInt(params.deviceInstance, 10));
} else {
device = devices.find(d => d.path === params.device || (d.features && d.features.device_id === params.device));
if (!device) return false;
// validate requested network
if (params.hasOwnProperty('network')) {
const { config } = getState().localStorage;
const coin = config.coins.find(c => ===;
if (!coin) return false;
if (!params.account) return false;
// validate requested account
// TODO: only if discovery on this network is completed
// if (params.hasOwnProperty('account')) {
// }
return true;
* Composing url string from given RouterLocationState object
* Filters unrecognized fields and sorting in correct order
export const paramsToPath = (params: RouterLocationState): PayloadAction<?string> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): ?string => {
// get patterns (fields) from routes and sort them by complexity
const patterns: Array<Array<string>> = => r.fields).sort((a, b) => {
return a.length > b.length ? -1 : 1;
// find pattern
const keys: Array<string> = Object.keys(params);
let patternToUse: ?Array<string>;
for (let pattern of patterns) {
const match: Array<string> = keys.filter(key => pattern.indexOf(key) >= 0);
if (match.length === pattern.length) {
patternToUse = pattern;
// pattern not found, redirect back
if (!patternToUse) return null;
// compose url string from pattern
let url: string = '';
patternToUse.forEach(field => {
if (field === params[field]) {
// standalone (odd) fields
url += `/${ field }`;
} else {
url += `/${ field }/${ params[field] }`;
if (field === 'device') {
if (params.hasOwnProperty('deviceInstance')) {
url += `:${ params.deviceInstance }`;
return url;
export const getValidUrl = (action: RouterAction): PayloadAction<string> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): string => {
const { location } = getState().router;
// redirect to landing page (loading screen)
// and wait until application is ready
if (!location) return '/';
const requestedUrl = action.payload.pathname;
// Corner case: LOCATION_CHANGE was called but pathname didn't changed (redirect action from RouterService)
if (requestedUrl === location.pathname) return requestedUrl;
// Modal is opened
// redirect to previous url
if (getState().modal.opened) {
// Corner case: modal is opened and currentParams are still valid
// example 1 (valid blocking): url changed while passphrase modal opened but device is still connected (we want user to finish this action)
// example 2 (invalid blocking): url changes while passphrase modal opened because device disconnect
const currentParams = dispatch( pathToParams(location.pathname) );
const currentParamsAreValid = dispatch( paramsValidation(currentParams) );
if (currentParamsAreValid)
return location.pathname;
// there are no connected devices or application isn't ready or initialization error occurred
// redirect to landing page
const shouldBeLandingPage = getState().devices.length < 1 || !getState().wallet.ready || getState().connect.error !== null;
const landingPageUrl = dispatch( isLandingPageUrl(requestedUrl) );
if (shouldBeLandingPage) {
return !landingPageUrl ? '/' : requestedUrl;
// Disallow displaying landing page
// redirect to previous url
if (!shouldBeLandingPage && landingPageUrl) {
return location.pathname;
// Regular url change during application live cycle
const requestedParams = dispatch( pathToParams(requestedUrl) );
const requestedParamsAreValid: boolean = dispatch( paramsValidation(requestedParams) );
// Requested params are not valid
// Neither device or network doesn't exists
if (!requestedParamsAreValid) {
return location.pathname;
// Compose valid url from requested params
const composedUrl = dispatch( paramsToPath(requestedParams) );
return composedUrl || location.pathname;
* Utility used in "selectDevice" and "selectFirstAvailableDevice"
* sorting device array by "ts" (timestamp) field
const sortDevices = (devices: Array<TrezorDevice>): Array<TrezorDevice> => devices.sort((a, b) => {
if (!a.ts || !b.ts) {
return -1;
return a.ts > b.ts ? -1 : 1;
* Compose url from given device object and redirect
export const selectDevice = (device: TrezorDevice | Device): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => {
let url: ?string;
if (!device.features) {
url = `/device/${device.path}/${device.type === 'unreadable' ? 'unreadable' : 'acquire'}`;
} else if (device.features.bootloader_mode) {
url = `/device/${device.path}/bootloader`;
} else if (!device.features.initialized) {
url = `/device/${device.features.device_id}/initialize`;
} else if (typeof device.instance === 'number') {
url = `/device/${device.features.device_id}:${device.instance}`;
} else {
url = `/device/${device.features.device_id}`;
// make sure that device is not TrezorDevice type
if (!device.hasOwnProperty('ts')) {
// it is device from trezor-connect triggered by DEVICE.CONNECT event
// need to lookup if there are unavailable instances
const available: Array<TrezorDevice> = getState().devices.filter(d => d.path === device.path);
const latest: Array<TrezorDevice> = sortDevices(available);
if (latest.length > 0 && latest[0].instance) {
url += `:${latest[0].instance}`;
const currentParams: RouterLocationState = getState().router.location.state;
const requestedParams = dispatch( pathToParams(url) );
if (currentParams.device !== requestedParams.device || currentParams.deviceInstance !== requestedParams.deviceInstance) {
dispatch( goto(url) );
* Try to find first available device using order:
* 1. First unacquired
* 2. First connected
* 3. Saved with latest timestamp
* OR redirect to landing page
export const selectFirstAvailableDevice = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => {
const { devices } = getState();
if (devices.length > 0) {
const unacquired = devices.find(d => !d.features);
if (unacquired) {
dispatch( selectDevice(unacquired) );
} else {
const latest: Array<TrezorDevice> = sortDevices(devices);
const firstConnected: ?TrezorDevice = latest.find(d => d.connected);
dispatch( selectDevice(firstConnected || latest[0]) );
} else {
dispatch( gotoLandingPage() );
* Internal method. redirect to given url
const goto = (url: string): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => {
if (getState().router.location.pathname !== url) {
dispatch( push(url) );
* Check if requested OR current url is landing page
export const isLandingPageUrl = (url?: string): PayloadAction<boolean> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): boolean => {
if (typeof url !== 'string') {
url = getState().router.location.pathname;
// TODO: add more landing page cases/urls to config.json (like /tools etc)
return (url === '/' || url === '/bridge');
* Try to redirect to landing page
export const gotoLandingPage = (): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): void => {
const isLandingPage = dispatch( isLandingPageUrl() );
if (!isLandingPage) {
dispatch( goto('/') );
* Go to given device settings page
export const gotoDeviceSettings = (device: TrezorDevice): ThunkAction => (dispatch: Dispatch): void => {
if (device.features) {
const devUrl: string = `${device.features.device_id}${device.instance ? `:${device.instance}` : ''}`;
dispatch( goto(`/device/${devUrl}/settings`) );
* Try to redirect to initial url
export const setInitialUrl = (): PayloadAction<boolean> => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState): boolean => {
const { initialPathname } = getState().wallet;
if (typeof initialPathname === 'string' && !dispatch(isLandingPageUrl(initialPathname))) {
const valid = dispatch( getValidUrl({
payload: {
pathname: initialPathname,
hash: "",
search: "",
state: {}
}) );
if (valid === initialPathname) {
dispatch( goto(valid) );
return true;
return false;