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import ustruct # pyright:ignore[reportMissingModuleSource]
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING # pyright:ignore[reportShadowedImports]
from storage import cache_thp as storage_thp_cache
from storage.cache_thp import ChannelCache, SessionThpCache
from trezor.wire.protocol_common import WireError
from enum import IntEnum
from trezorio import WireInterface # pyright:ignore[reportMissingImports]
IntEnum = object
class ThpError(WireError):
class SessionState(IntEnum):
INITIALIZED = 1 # do not change, is denoted as constant in storage.cache _THP_SESSION_STATE_INITIALIZED = 1
def create_autenticated_session(unauthenticated_session: SessionThpCache):
# storage_thp_cache.start_session() - TODO something like this but for THP
raise NotImplementedError("Secure channel is not implemented, yet.")
def create_new_unauthenticated_session(iface: WireInterface, cid: int):
session_id = _get_id(iface, cid)
new_session = storage_thp_cache.create_new_unauthenticated_session(session_id)
set_session_state(new_session, SessionState.INITIALIZED)
def get_active_session() -> SessionThpCache | None:
return storage_thp_cache.get_active_session()
def get_session(iface: WireInterface, cid: int) -> SessionThpCache | None:
session_id = _get_id(iface, cid)
return get_session_from_id(session_id)
def get_session_from_id(session_id) -> SessionThpCache | None:
session = _get_authenticated_session_or_none(session_id)
if session is None:
session = _get_unauthenticated_session_or_none(session_id)
return session
def get_state(session: SessionThpCache | None) -> int:
if session is None:
return SessionState.UNALLOCATED
return _decode_session_state(session.state)
def get_cid(session: SessionThpCache) -> int:
return storage_thp_cache._get_cid(session)
def sync_can_send_message(cache: SessionThpCache | ChannelCache) -> bool:
return cache.sync & 0x80 == 0x80
def sync_get_receive_expected_bit(cache: SessionThpCache | ChannelCache) -> int:
return (cache.sync & 0x40) >> 6
def sync_get_send_bit(cache: SessionThpCache | ChannelCache) -> int:
return (cache.sync & 0x20) >> 5
def sync_set_can_send_message(
cache: SessionThpCache | ChannelCache, can_send: bool
) -> None:
cache.sync &= 0x7F
if can_send:
cache.sync |= 0x80
def sync_set_receive_expected_bit(
cache: SessionThpCache | ChannelCache, bit: int
) -> None:
if bit not in (0, 1):
raise ThpError("Unexpected receive sync bit")
# set second bit to "bit" value
cache.sync &= 0xBF
if bit:
cache.sync |= 0x40
def sync_set_send_bit_to_opposite(cache: SessionThpCache | ChannelCache) -> None:
_sync_set_send_bit(cache=cache, bit=1 - sync_get_send_bit(cache))
def is_active_session(session: SessionThpCache):
if session is None:
return False
return session.session_id == storage_thp_cache.get_active_session_id()
def set_session_state(session: SessionThpCache, new_state: SessionState):
session.state = bytearray(new_state.to_bytes(1, "big"))
def _get_id(iface: WireInterface, cid: int) -> bytes:
return ustruct.pack(">HH", iface.iface_num(), cid)
def _get_authenticated_session_or_none(session_id) -> SessionThpCache | None:
for authenticated_session in storage_thp_cache._SESSIONS:
if authenticated_session.session_id == session_id:
return authenticated_session
return None
def _get_unauthenticated_session_or_none(session_id) -> SessionThpCache | None:
for unauthenticated_session in storage_thp_cache._UNAUTHENTICATED_SESSIONS:
if unauthenticated_session.session_id == session_id:
return unauthenticated_session
return None
def _sync_set_send_bit(cache: SessionThpCache | ChannelCache, bit: int) -> None:
if bit not in (0, 1):
raise ThpError("Unexpected send sync bit")
# set third bit to "bit" value
cache.sync &= 0xDF
cache.sync |= 0x20
def _decode_session_state(state: bytearray) -> int:
return ustruct.unpack("B", state)[0]
def _encode_session_state(state: SessionState) -> bytes:
return SessionState.to_bytes(state, 1, "big")