/* * This file is part of the Trezor project, https://trezor.io/ * * Copyright (C) 2018 Pavol Rusnak * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . */ static bool fsm_ethereumCheckPath(uint32_t address_n_count, const uint32_t *address_n, bool pubkey_export, const EthereumNetworkInfo *network) { if (ethereum_path_check(address_n_count, address_n, pubkey_export, network)) { return true; } if (config_getSafetyCheckLevel() == SafetyCheckLevel_Strict) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_DataError, _("Forbidden key path")); return false; } return fsm_layoutPathWarning(); } static const EthereumDefinitionsDecoded *get_definitions( bool has_definitions, const EthereumDefinitions *definitions, uint64_t chain_id, const char *to) { const EncodedNetwork *encoded_network = NULL; const EncodedToken *encoded_token = NULL; if (has_definitions && definitions) { if (definitions->has_encoded_network) { encoded_network = &definitions->encoded_network; } if (definitions->has_encoded_token) { encoded_token = &definitions->encoded_token; } } return ethereum_get_definitions(encoded_network, encoded_token, chain_id, SLIP44_UNKNOWN, to); } static const EthereumNetworkInfo *get_network_definition_only( bool has_encoded_network, const EncodedNetwork *encoded_network, const uint32_t slip44) { const EncodedNetwork *en = NULL; if (has_encoded_network) { en = encoded_network; } const EthereumDefinitionsDecoded *defs = ethereum_get_definitions(en, NULL, CHAIN_ID_UNKNOWN, slip44, NULL); return defs ? defs->network : NULL; } void fsm_msgEthereumGetPublicKey(const EthereumGetPublicKey *msg) { RESP_INIT(EthereumPublicKey); CHECK_INITIALIZED CHECK_PIN // we use Bitcoin-like format for ETH const CoinInfo *coin = fsm_getCoin(true, "Bitcoin"); if (!coin) return; // Only allow m/44' and m/45' subtrees. This allows usage with _any_ SLIP-44 // (Ethereum or otherwise), plus the Casa multisig subtree. Anything else must // go through (a) GetPublicKey or (b) a dedicated coin-specific message. if (!msg->address_n_count || (msg->address_n[0] != (44 | PATH_HARDENED) && msg->address_n[0] != (45 | PATH_HARDENED))) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_DataError, _("Invalid path for EthereumGetPublicKey")); layoutHome(); return; } const char *curve = coin->curve_name; uint32_t fingerprint; HDNode *node = fsm_getDerivedNode(curve, msg->address_n, msg->address_n_count, &fingerprint); if (!node) return; if (hdnode_fill_public_key(node) != 0) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ProcessError, _("Failed to derive public key")); layoutHome(); return; } if (msg->has_show_display && msg->show_display) { layoutPublicKey(node->public_key); if (!protectButton(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_PublicKey, true)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled, NULL); layoutHome(); return; } } resp->node.depth = node->depth; resp->node.fingerprint = fingerprint; resp->node.child_num = node->child_num; resp->node.chain_code.size = 32; memcpy(resp->node.chain_code.bytes, node->chain_code, 32); resp->node.has_private_key = false; resp->node.public_key.size = 33; memcpy(resp->node.public_key.bytes, node->public_key, 33); hdnode_serialize_public(node, fingerprint, coin->xpub_magic, resp->xpub, sizeof(resp->xpub)); msg_write(MessageType_MessageType_EthereumPublicKey, resp); layoutHome(); } void fsm_msgEthereumSignTx(const EthereumSignTx *msg) { CHECK_INITIALIZED CHECK_PIN const EthereumDefinitionsDecoded *defs = get_definitions(msg->has_definitions, &msg->definitions, msg->chain_id, msg->has_to ? msg->to : NULL); if (!defs || !fsm_ethereumCheckPath(msg->address_n_count, msg->address_n, false, defs->network)) { layoutHome(); return; } const HDNode *node = fsm_getDerivedNode(SECP256K1_NAME, msg->address_n, msg->address_n_count, NULL); if (!node) return; ethereum_signing_init(msg, node, defs); } void fsm_msgEthereumSignTxEIP1559(const EthereumSignTxEIP1559 *msg) { CHECK_INITIALIZED CHECK_PIN const EthereumDefinitionsDecoded *defs = get_definitions(msg->has_definitions, &msg->definitions, msg->chain_id, msg->has_to ? msg->to : NULL); if (!defs || !fsm_ethereumCheckPath(msg->address_n_count, msg->address_n, false, defs->network)) { layoutHome(); return; } const HDNode *node = fsm_getDerivedNode(SECP256K1_NAME, msg->address_n, msg->address_n_count, NULL); if (!node) return; ethereum_signing_init_eip1559(msg, node, defs); } void fsm_msgEthereumTxAck(const EthereumTxAck *msg) { CHECK_UNLOCKED ethereum_signing_txack(msg); } void fsm_msgEthereumGetAddress(const EthereumGetAddress *msg) { RESP_INIT(EthereumAddress); CHECK_INITIALIZED CHECK_PIN uint32_t slip44 = (msg->address_n_count > 1) ? (msg->address_n[1] & PATH_UNHARDEN_MASK) : SLIP44_UNKNOWN; const EthereumNetworkInfo *network = get_network_definition_only( msg->has_encoded_network, (const EncodedNetwork *)&msg->encoded_network, slip44); if (!network || !fsm_ethereumCheckPath(msg->address_n_count, msg->address_n, false, network)) { layoutHome(); return; } const HDNode *node = fsm_getDerivedNode(SECP256K1_NAME, msg->address_n, msg->address_n_count, NULL); if (!node) return; uint8_t pubkeyhash[20]; if (!hdnode_get_ethereum_pubkeyhash(node, pubkeyhash)) { layoutHome(); return; } bool rskip60 = false; uint64_t chain_id = 0; // constants from trezor-common/defs/ethereum/networks.json switch (slip44) { case 137: rskip60 = true; chain_id = 30; break; case 37310: rskip60 = true; chain_id = 31; break; } resp->has_address = true; ethereum_address_checksum(pubkeyhash, resp->address, rskip60, chain_id); // ethereum_address_checksum adds trailing zero if (msg->has_show_display && msg->show_display) { char desc[16]; strlcpy(desc, "Address:", sizeof(desc)); if (!fsm_layoutAddress(resp->address, desc, false, 0, msg->address_n, msg->address_n_count, true, NULL, 0, 0, NULL)) { return; } } msg_write(MessageType_MessageType_EthereumAddress, resp); layoutHome(); } void fsm_msgEthereumSignMessage(const EthereumSignMessage *msg) { RESP_INIT(EthereumMessageSignature); CHECK_INITIALIZED CHECK_PIN uint32_t slip44 = (msg->address_n_count > 1) ? (msg->address_n[1] & PATH_UNHARDEN_MASK) : SLIP44_UNKNOWN; const EthereumNetworkInfo *network = get_network_definition_only( msg->has_encoded_network, (const EncodedNetwork *)&msg->encoded_network, slip44); if (!network || !fsm_ethereumCheckPath(msg->address_n_count, msg->address_n, false, network)) { layoutHome(); return; } const HDNode *node = fsm_getDerivedNode(SECP256K1_NAME, msg->address_n, msg->address_n_count, NULL); if (!node) return; uint8_t pubkeyhash[20] = {0}; if (!hdnode_get_ethereum_pubkeyhash(node, pubkeyhash)) { layoutHome(); return; } ethereum_address_checksum(pubkeyhash, resp->address, false, 0); // ethereum_address_checksum adds trailing zero layoutVerifyAddress(NULL, resp->address); if (!protectButton(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_Other, false)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled, NULL); layoutHome(); return; } if (!fsm_layoutSignMessage(msg->message.bytes, msg->message.size)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled, NULL); layoutHome(); return; } ethereum_message_sign(msg, node, resp); layoutHome(); } void fsm_msgEthereumVerifyMessage(const EthereumVerifyMessage *msg) { if (ethereum_message_verify(msg) != 0) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_DataError, _("Invalid signature")); return; } uint8_t pubkeyhash[20]; if (!ethereum_parse(msg->address, pubkeyhash)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_DataError, _("Invalid address")); return; } layoutVerifyAddress(NULL, msg->address); if (!protectButton(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_Other, false)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled, NULL); layoutHome(); return; } if (!fsm_layoutVerifyMessage(msg->message.bytes, msg->message.size)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled, NULL); layoutHome(); return; } layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_ok, NULL, _("Continue"), NULL, NULL, _("The signature is valid."), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!protectButton(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_Other, true)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled, NULL); layoutHome(); return; } fsm_sendSuccess(_("Message verified")); layoutHome(); } void fsm_msgEthereumSignTypedHash(const EthereumSignTypedHash *msg) { RESP_INIT(EthereumTypedDataSignature); CHECK_INITIALIZED CHECK_PIN if (msg->domain_separator_hash.size != 32 || (msg->has_message_hash && msg->message_hash.size != 32)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_DataError, _("Invalid hash length")); return; } uint32_t slip44 = (msg->address_n_count > 1) ? (msg->address_n[1] & PATH_UNHARDEN_MASK) : SLIP44_UNKNOWN; const EthereumNetworkInfo *network = get_network_definition_only( msg->has_encoded_network, (const EncodedNetwork *)&msg->encoded_network, slip44); if (!network || !fsm_ethereumCheckPath(msg->address_n_count, msg->address_n, false, network)) { layoutHome(); return; } layoutDialogSwipe(&bmp_icon_warning, _("Abort"), _("Continue"), NULL, _("Unable to show"), _("EIP-712 data."), NULL, _("Sign at your own risk."), NULL, NULL); if (!protectButton(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_ProtectCall, false)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled, NULL); layoutHome(); return; } const HDNode *node = fsm_getDerivedNode(SECP256K1_NAME, msg->address_n, msg->address_n_count, NULL); if (!node) return; uint8_t pubkeyhash[20] = {0}; if (!hdnode_get_ethereum_pubkeyhash(node, pubkeyhash)) { layoutHome(); return; } ethereum_address_checksum(pubkeyhash, resp->address, false, 0); // ethereum_address_checksum adds trailing zero layoutVerifyAddress(NULL, resp->address); if (!protectButton(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_Other, false)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled, NULL); layoutHome(); return; } layoutConfirmHash(&bmp_icon_warning, _("EIP-712 domain hash"), msg->domain_separator_hash.bytes, 32); if (!protectButton(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_Other, false)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled, NULL); layoutHome(); return; } // No message hash when setting primaryType="EIP712Domain" // https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-712-standards-clarification-primarytype-as-domaintype/3286 if (msg->has_message_hash) { layoutConfirmHash(&bmp_icon_warning, _("EIP-712 message hash"), msg->message_hash.bytes, 32); if (!protectButton(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_Other, false)) { fsm_sendFailure(FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled, NULL); layoutHome(); return; } } ethereum_typed_hash_sign(msg, node, resp); layoutHome(); }